मंगलवार, 29 दिसंबर 2015

Separate J&K comes into force via our own laws

Congratulations dear Endians! Our honourable J&K HC has ordered the state to fly its own separate flag and deemed unconstitutional the usage of governor and chief minister posts which should be Sadr'I'Riyasat and Prime Minister respectively and that Sadr should be elected by people. All of these were suspended in 1965 by the then Congress govt. Now under BJP govt we will have two regimes, two constitutions with respective flag, insignias and posts in one country.. A great achievement in 5 decades!



Whither India? Whither Hindu Rashtra?

RKM: Jesus & Mary subversion in Hindu orgs.

Height (or ebb!) of Chinduism..!! :-
Christmas Eve 2015~ The corpse and the virgin mom being worshiped with full Hindu rituals at
Belur Math, Ramakrishna Mission, Kolkata, Media Gallery
~ Christmas is in the official festivals list too of the RKM. 






Also see this link too:- https://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/story.php?story_fbid=10153772697892769&id=656857768&ref=m_notif&notif_t=like

Sw Vivekananda's views were the function of those times as were the views of Sw Dayananda Saraswati. RKM has insipiently become subversive. Why else the excessive emphasis over the years on the dangling zombie..

ISKCON is flagrantly subversive though it's not explicit. It has monotheisticised & abrahamicised entire dvaita darshana. Gradually the foundations of dharma are being eroded via the apparently dhArmika orgs themselves and the lay followers would never even know. RKM is now the new ISKCON. What a downfall from being a monastic order established by Sw Vivekananda himself!

But it was bound to happen. I was in Kolkata for eight years and have observed them closely. Their main drawback is personality cult worship instead of the shruti, smritis & devas, and conforming to the mlechCha ideals. When an organization recruits westernised HINOs saturated or frustrated or discontented with their lives but "highly qualified" in "modern education" & "highly successful in professional careers" this's what you get. There's no replacement for the traditional shrauta-smArta and the paraMparA of sUtra & sampradAya of the sanAtana dharma.

Disgusting to say the least. And even more revolting that they cannot stand genuine questions. Not surprising that the mullahs & commies regularly thrash them up. Hindus should not look up to them as examples or saviours. All these are prim & propah HINOs who know all about neo-vedantism,& thus are self proclaimed experts on Hinduism.

मंगलवार, 22 दिसंबर 2015

Rape Jihad at JNU

The sordid saga of the seculib JNU faculty raping & brutalising Bangladeshi Hindu student and hushing up the ugly sequence.

Note that the rapist jihadi did his MA, MPhil & PhD all in Islamic studies from JNU's social "science" deptt and got recruited as Assistant Professor in JNU's Social pseudoscience deptt itself, that too in this era of heavy unemployment where much better and qualified scholars are suffering joblessness.

If it were not for the doctors of JNU who referred the traumatized raped student to higher authorities while standing their ground this grave matter would never even have seen the light of day.

Plz go through all the screenshots.

Couple of thoughts on Gandhianism

This paradox of independent thinkers professing gandhism and being called gandhian. And yes, on the ground its pinnacle is an RSS man becoming the country's PM. But I did not understand where some say this wouldn't have been possible without Gandhism. Or probably they imply that non-confrontational and escapist policies of Sangh suited Indian Democratic polity well and eventually one day the perseverance paid off as the mlechCha party declined on itself letting Hindu-Gandhian party win some day. In the long run but we lost our thinking and fighting capacities thanks to Gandhianism and let our country be ripe for balkanisation, & worse than 1947 in less than 70 years.

But why there's was no retaliation against the Nehruvian govt committing wanton atrocities upon the nationalist Hindus post Gandhi-assassination..? It can be argued that the Congress administration was only the British one but in name and thus was ruthlessly employed against Hindu nationalists in the aftermath of 1948 or that the people were not against the Indian government,even blindly followed it, while it went all out against Hindutva forces in the name of upholding the law(mlechCha one) which lay Hindus neither cared about nor protested much.

Useless, ineffective & toothless amendments to Juvenile laws

No use of the fresh amendments to the existing juvenile justice law.
(1)- Only significant thing is that a person in the age-group 16-18 is to be tried under juvenile justice board which can refer such person to be tried under regular courts, but its the prerogative of the JJ Board so as to whom it'll deem so fit.
(2)- JJ Board comprises of three people two of whom are non-magistrates and are not any kind of judicial officers but are "social workers"(eulogy for seculib NGO gang) with only a graduation degree who're appointed politically for all practical purposes. The existing JJ members are ConG/Commie/Seculib anti-Hindu appointees who're next to impossible to dislodge given the state of affairs of the current dispensation and who'll recommend, recruit, appoint and perpetuate #IdeaOfEndia cabal only in such crucial system which they cannot afford to lose if they want to have vice like grip over this country to balkanise & destroy it.

रविवार, 20 दिसंबर 2015

Some thoughts shared recently..

[1]- Power sharing with the voters,constituency,supporters & party workers is a prerequisite for any party coming into the seat of power in a democracy or else the party and the cause it purportedly espouses both fail spectacularly.
Cf 2004. And yes, from the actions & results thereof do not reflect that our current gov't in the centre is effectively pro-Hindu, forget Hindu one.

[2]- The national conference of police DGs & IGs in Kachchh was a disgrace in itself as almost all the times the participants were in civil suits instead of khaki uniforms including the DGs & IGs of the paramilitary forces who too barring exceptions(only as IG,never ever DG) are always IPS babus. And these police babus who do not reflect basic discipline, decorum & dignity in an apex conference with the PM & HM of the country have the temerity to compare themselves to the military. And even more apalling is that neither PMO nor HMO insisted upon the police dress code..!

[3]- Though we like him for his views on Pakistan and Islamic terror his views on Islam per se and Mohammed are very respectful. He's a born Sunni but a Shi'a by belief and an old communist hand so we must use his views suiting our own narrative and not fall to kitman..We've to cultivate such abrahamics to suit our own needs not getting preyed on by trojans, saboteurs and subversionists, if any. An Abrahamic who does not denounce the unholy dogmata and the psychotic messiahs ought to be handled with caution.

[4]- It's only because of decentralisation via caste and pride in one's own caste (not the exclusivity & rigidity introduced by Abrahamic rulers & constitution) that sanAtana dharma survived a millennium of incessant multidimensional relentless genocidal Abrahamic attacks. If not for caste Hinduism would have vanished like Zoroastrianism, Tengriism, Manicheanism, Nestorianism and many strains and populations of pre-Christian pagans, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism & aboriginals.

Historian sepoys galore

The BJP has always had an intellectual deficit: Sanjay Subrahmanyam -


He's the son of the noted strategic analyst K Subramanyam and the brother of the current Foreign Secretary of India, S Jaishankar. Yet one can notice his vituperative, virulent and vitriolic anti-Hindu, anti-Modi stance. He at an early age received full professorship at UK, chaired various Indology seats in UK & now USA; is married to a French leftist historian. His trails reflect his anti-Hinduness, he's an adopted child of the mlechCha anglosphere deep state.

He's been interviewed by SagarikaGhose a notorious & rabid anti-Hindu crypto Xtian for the TOI_let paper, a subversive insipient anti-Hindu outlet, a gutter which today published an op-ed trash by Aakar Ahmed Patel(he hides Ahmed fastidiously) that the Peshwa Bajirao was a Maratha chieftain nothing to do with Hindus..! Coming back to this Sanjay fella: in his interview he has choicest of abuses thrown at Hindus and has the galls to call himself a thinker and intellectual. This is a classic meme repeated ad nauseum best exemplified by Amartya Sen et al who married into western elite and benefitting from them dare preach us.

Even Modi govt has hired Panagariya as econ advisor who's one such crypto Xtian married to a western elite and adopted by the mlechcHa anglosphere deep state. But yes this Sanjay is partially right about BJP/RSS not promoting true intellectuals, he means leftist corporatist seculibs and we mean real Hindutvawadis like SRG, RSG, KE et al(list is long but never utilised).

शुक्रवार, 18 दिसंबर 2015

The past of childhood

As kids we used to climb upon the trees and hand upside down from the branches; chase dragonflies & butterflies, jump on to sand from height;  wade through rivulets searching for stones with colours; play under the blazing sun forgetting food & water; wander amidst the woods, make bows and arrows out of wild bamboos; test our marksmanship, with salivating mouths, upon unripe fruits hanging high up the trees(mostly aam, imli and ber); race with friends on our legs as well as the legs pushing the bicycle pedals; follow the train whistling from its coal-engine and we wondering how it'll be fun to enjoy the train-ride on the last open decked cabin.... :)

Sadly our kids will probably never enjoy these pure moments of bliss as the world has changed..everything has changed.... :(

बुधवार, 16 दिसंबर 2015

War we lost after winning.

16December,1971,hard-earned, bravely fought,well-deserved,& glorious victory turned a humungous wasted opportunity. Post WW2 it was the biggest surrender of any military in world,a country was severed into two, we had nearly a lakh Paki PoWs and thousands of sqKMs in West Pak, entire East Pak was under our control but......... Rest is history which wronged the future. It's not said wrong that wars are won not on the battlefields but at the negotiations table.

Put an end to the Delhi charade

In Delhi BJP got 35% votes, AAP got 55%, majority of Delhiites love Comrade Arvindovich Naxalov Kejrisky. Slander is the first & quintessential weapon of the apparatchik revolutionaries against the bourgeoisie which Kejrisky been using.

Now time is nigh to put an end to this dangerous and lethal charade. In a democracy the public does not have any say now. Only the centre has, per constitution, if centre exercises its rights Delhi can be saved and thus the country.
Put an end to the Delhi charade, now! Or repent later.

Arabia, Vatican,UK & Americas for their moolnivasis & dalits.

All the AngloSaxons must be driven out of England and English be disbanded as a language in the UK. The Welsh and Gaelic people being moolniwasis be handed over the power and the foreigner invader Saxons & Normans must pay for their sins. Above all christianity and its clergy be thrown out of the holy britain who killed the native Bretons who no longer are found in Britannia after whom the isles are named; christianity does not belong to even Europe, forget the isolated far off British isles!
Britain for original inhabitants alone! Please support our move. We support the moolnivasi dalits, adivasis & dravidians against the evil Aryans Hindus.

Likewise the Arabs and Islam be driven out of Saudi Arabia as both are not native to that country. Islam is a judaic yahwehism alien to the Bedouins who were arabised with the advent of Islam. Clear all the original lands of the usurper invading foreigners. Americas deserve a clean state and Italy must be returned back to the natives of the peninsula and the Vatican deserves to be packed off to the West Asian desert where it belongs. These are historical facts which can not be ever denied and ought to be supported and translated into action , more so if anyone supports the moolnivasis of Endia against the brahmanical tyranny of the Aryan foreigners.

रविवार, 13 दिसंबर 2015

Two things about the Parliament attack anniversary

Today's the 14th anniversary of the jihadi attack on the Endian parliament. Two things about it:

(1)- That day hundreds of secular leaders were inside who were targets of the ghazi fidayeen terrorists. Still all the politicians cutting across ideology strive hard to preserve, defend and save the dogmatic superstitious fanatic savage  barbaric genocidal abrahamisms aka secularism in the name of what they eulogise as the Temple of Democracy ie the Parliament.

(2)- Even before NSG, Army and other security reinforcements could arrive the exceptionally valorous CRPF jawans with their WW2 vintage ordinary SLRs  dispatched the heavily armed terrorists to jahannum in less than 15 minutes and not a single terrorist could even enter the main building ( the Parliament Watch & Ward personnel & Delhi Police chipped in to bravely assist in the operation).
Amongst innumerable many it's singularly one of the greatest achievements of the CRPF along with the resolute & successful defence of the Sardar post in Kachchh,Guj, in 1965 war(one CRPF company against a full mechanised infantry brigade of Paki army) none of which ever come into public information domain or get retained in our memory.

Our gratitude and infinite respects to the hutAtmA soldiers and the soldiers who came out alive and victorious. No respects for the secular, subversive and treacherous leaders protecting whom the great soldiers sacrificed their lives.

Footnote:- Today hardly a dozen sitting MPs offered their respects at the "Temple of Democracy". And the country's Home Minister today went to Mumbai personally confer Padma Vibhushan upon an abrahamic celebrity. 

शनिवार, 12 दिसंबर 2015

Progress, from "development" to the civil war.

Bills to be passed in Parliament..for Hindu Rashtra or Endia? How'll we become a great nation by employing the suicidal gandism to embrace the sinner yet "hate" the sin? Sin is abstract yes, but manifests through humans only. Without exterminating the human hosts and vehicles Sin(ie corruption, anti-Hinduism, treachery..) can never be exterminated. Plague is not attacked by attacking the microbe Yersinia Pestis but by killing the vehicles(fleas) and the hosts (rats & mice). Small pox was not eradicated from the world by attacking the Variola virus but by not letting it have a human host.

RS could be easily obviated by calling a joint session of parliament but that needs either brains or guts and don't what our gov't lacks out of these two. Anyways all the "development/vikas" will be razed to dirt and vapourised when abrahamics become aggressive enough. Ask those who fled what's now Pak/Bdesh as well as our still very own Kashmir..! Such development/Vikas is only a hogwash. And we do not believe this gov't is following Shri Krishna as he did to Shishupal.

Democracy, secularism and liberalism are abrahamic Trojans. Look what they made of Europe. And Even the Americans are now the unwitting victims. We quoted Eur+US because they've a history as well as trait of being ruthless & aggressive themselves. With almost all of the countries in Eur being declared Christian states per respective constitutions and the US too. Dhimmi Secular Endia stands no chance against the abrahamics, especially Muslims. When Abrahamic Christians are unable to tackle Islam what the hell secular liberal Hindu/HINO dodos will do???!!! Democracy, liberalism, secularism, our constitution all are anti-Hindu adhArmika abrahamic western concepts employed per design in akhaNda bhAratavarSha to truncate it to India, circa partition, and then balkanise it into Endia.

Let us be frank. Mandate-2014 was not for some purported development or swachchhata abhiyan or jandhan yojana or foreign-liaisons or sabka sath sabka vikas.. though they're all secondarily important they suddenly popped up post elections! Whence the janAdesha of the watershed elections was for Hindu government ruling bhAratavarSha from the siMhAsana in Delhi and rescuing the Hindu civilisation. Hindu consolidation made BJP victorious not any secular vote bank or minorities. And to remind one and all Hindu system of government includes development, fairness and justice, not as it's portrayed to be the opposite. From recent history through the times till the dawn of human civilisation Hindu model of governance and rule has always proven to be the very best bringing overall prosperity and enduring progress with universal public satisfaction and happiness.

If Hindu civilisation was not brimming with wealth and prosperity what the phock for did the abrahamics mlechcHa yavana hordes, spending all their might & resources, invade and infiltrate us for? Please read this word by word. All Hindus know that Hindu model includes development. In last 18 months our gov't failed in decimating anti-Hindu forces which again exploited the faultlines as well as created newer ones and thus defeating whatever Hindu party we have in as diverse states as Delhi and Bihar.

We need some history reading. Read proper history of the princely states of Baroda, Travancore, Bikaner, Alwar, Coch Behar, Mysore..till 1947 and how they fared vis a vis the directly Brit ruled India. No need to go back aeons ago as we might be susceptible to react. Is it all irrelevant today!!!??? And we talk of Hindu Rashtra????????? Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it again as the history repeats itself, first as a tragedy and then again as a farce. We do not see much difference between a mlechCha yavana democracy, member of commonwealth, any different from the Brit rule. This is not independence. Google this: Scholarly studies & data- Since 1000 AD till 18th century India contributed 50% to 20% of world GDP.Everything is practical in politics & strategy. Just need a doer. It's not theory. It's more than practical. We need to unblock our minds. We're just afraid of the chaos which will precede the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra.

This's NOT any other Islamic assertion/aggression occurring simultaneously all over the country but outright demand for sharia laws (including blasphemy) in Endia. Anyways civil war is nigh but if this assertion of the momineen is not nipped in the bud very ruthlessly then the civil war will be expedited. While Hindus debate secularism liberalism Momineen are preparing for the ghazwa from within, the cataclysmic civil war Hindus want to avoid/escape but nonetheless would be forced to face and fight. And in the event of the next civil war which will be worse than 1947 and would happen nearly a century after it in our lifetimes we need the military veterans to chip in with their knowledge and experience from now itself to help save dharma and rAShTra.

बुधवार, 9 दिसंबर 2015

The anti-Hindu scheme of gold-monetisation

PM Modi's pet scheme - Gold monetization which targets to "use for people welfare all the thousands of tonnes of gold lying idle in Hindu temples".

This's the worst, and in frankness, the most anti-Hindu deed so far by our BJP gov't. Why?

First of all the temples are Hindus only in name. They're "owned" & managed by government which is secular and socialist driven by the foreign anti-dharma constitution. It's making fool of people that temples are doing it voluntarily, govt system asking govt system for voluntary monetisation..! The donations in gold ornaments are strictly for Hindu deities and Hindu purposes not any gov't or its scheme.

Modi ji is not gov't, even if he stays on that'll be for 10 years max(being hopelessly optimistic) by then it'll become a sarkari system. Once sarkari no further comments when non-BJP anti-Hindus will be in govt at the centre(they're already there in provinces). A sarkari scheme is never closed in Endia. Even this "Hindu Nationalist" party's gov't before coming into power was bitter critic of Aadhar, MNREGs, minority scholarships/schemes, hajj subsidy..and many more, but to the dismay of core Hindus the Modi government not only persisted with all these detrimental schemes but also multiplied their reach. Discerning Hindu will understand, cannot explain further. And remember the gold is for dharma and should be used only with the consent of donors by dhArmika authorities under Hindu Rashtra, till then we've ought not let it fall in seculib hands.

Summary of gold monetization scheme, factual: the jewellery will be taken by gov't, smelted, converted to biscuits/bricks, the new effective weight will be calculated and the price accordingly will be printed on a piece of paper which the donor will keep. ConG govt will come, or any seculib/socialist one, and the proud owner can wipe his/her nose with the piece of worthless paper.

Footnote: A simple google search will reveal that revenue from Hindu temples is not only pilfered, siphoned of by corrupt sarkari system but shamelessly used for funding "minorities schemes" including hajj. Also, the top officials of most temple boards are abrahamics.

Footnote again: And as our very own "all intelligent, workaholic and honest Hindu nationalist gov't" embarks upon monetising the "idle" gold read what happened to Libyan gold. We're not goon into distant past but into very much contemporary times. Here:




There's a good shepherd and he's herding the cattle to the "utopia" from where they'll never come back.
Or the Pied piper of Hamlin..? Who are the rats then, for whom? Who wants them drowned in the sea?

सोमवार, 23 नवंबर 2015

Weakening of dharma by weakening of Hindu women.

Not more than a couple of generations ago it were women, in urban areas too, who were the foundations and scaffoldings of dharma. Men forced to seek livelihood outside native place were more often than not found wanting in adhering to the basic tenets.

Now if we see closely all the traditional vocations are almost done away with thanks to exponential, though useless, urbanisation; villages are being killed gradually; but urban clusters themselves are scarce of jobs, education is prerequisite for many jobs though it may not guarantee livelihood; demands & pressures of urban life & lifestyle force the females to eke out livelihood, which can be "secured" only with a "good" education, so girls are given education which is secular & liberal ie Abrahamic, intolerant & abusive to our own culture+religion; men are already lost and women folk are now molded into feminism, seculibism, Abrahamic romanticism, anti-Hindu activism, shame in own culture despite the alien culture being obviously hazardous; at best the women develop Stockholm syndrome for the abrahamics and at worst they become willing partners in rape-jihad offering themselves for "love".

The crux is that first of all families are ruined, now even nuclear families have vanished, only clueless individuals remain who exist as spouses begetting a single kid and secondly these rudderless deracinated individuals are schematically subjected to seculib education and harvested as zombies fit to serve their Abrahamic Massas. This vicious cycle repeats incessantly.

Footnote 1: When we wrote this post last morning I was not aware that a well "respected" neo-muslima (a jihadi sooar's commie ex-HINO wife) will just reaffirm our observations.


Footnote 2: "Superstars" brazenly rising against Hindus is a grave reflection of the unassailable dynamics of ummah in India that the Hindu fanbase is now immaterial to the momin clowns.

P.S. -  Ramnath Goenka ji's AtmA must be grinding his teeth. What was this jihadi sooar doing at a journalism award function?? And note how a converted muslima behaves.

रविवार, 22 नवंबर 2015

HINOs & dalitists.

It'd be infinitesimally better if so called anti-caste HINOs or dalitists try to be like Harihara, Bukka,  Krishnadevaraya, Ramaraya, Shivaji, Shambhaji and lead us Hindus to life from death and be remembered, respected & revered forever as glorious Divine Maharajas, instead of brainlessly regurgitating abrahamic mlechCha cud as willing/unwitting coolies and thence frothing up bile plus squirting out poison against Sanatana Dharma and Brahmins (who won't bite back).

HINOs/dalitists have the ignominious destiny to be ultimately thrown away disgustingly as a used toilet paper by their massas.

Why is India,under a nationalist govt, hellbent upon playing cricket with the enemy?

People blaming some Anurag Thakur of some BCCI for this enthusiasm to make India-Pakistan cricket series materialise. Without any nudge or proactive support from above this BCCI talking with PCB charade cannot happen and that this Anurag fella cannot keep reaching out to Pakis despite being rebuffed twice by the Pakis themselves. The Jihadis said, via their minister, that they would not come to India to play despite the GoI having assured the ghazis the highest level of security. Despite this humiliating rebuff of "our" overtures by the terrorists we're shamelessly pursuing them like a desperate one sided lover who has never known what it means to be jilted. Of course BCCI cannot assure a visiting foreign team about security. So whom are we fooling?

Then Pakis told BCCI to play in UAE as it's a neutral venue. Now suddenly both countries working in tandem to ensure the series ensues in Sri Lanka. Even two ordinary insignificant countries when playing mutually routinely involves respective gov'ts and this's India Vs Pak, that too not in Carrom or Bridge or Handball but fawkin cricket! Howmuchsoever our gov't try to keep a safe distance from this Indo-Pak bonhomie cricket-series branding it as something between two "autonomous" sports-bodies (BCCI & PCB) the truth flies in face telling the obvious. Or if it's actually true that BCCI is so autonomous to manage everything at it's own volition, as the GoI is pretending, then it speaks volumes of this govt's gross indifference and incompetence. Either ways it's the loss of the Indians(mostly Hindu voters) who put this gov't into saddle to safeguard this country from all kinds of harm, including sabotage and deception by the enemy.

Footnote 1: No one will get UNSC seat or Nobel by such silly shenanigans. ConG who themselves were exalted & useful म्लेच्छ-भृत्य failed to get either in six decades of their power.

Footnote 2: This entire episode clearly reflects the deep state of anti-BhArata elements running the puppet show while we cheer for our dear leader.

The Sangh apologism & promotion of linguistic colonialism

Koenraad Elst: Propagating English to help India advance?


KoenraadElst is a better Hindu than most Indians. Here he raises the national/link/official language issue addressing vexing questions and rebuts point by point the insinuations made by servile apologists of English. Must read for all Hindus.

The new information I got here is that it was through a sole presidential decree in 1965,& not any act of parliament, that English was hurriedly & surreptitiously imposed as the official language of India when the consensus was already there in favour of Sanskrit,if not Hindi.The most painful thing is that BJP & RSS teeming with colonialist seculibs are now the biggest apologists,nay praetorian guards, of the language imposed upon BhArata. Must read. And yes, Guru Koenraad Elst ji has rightly described the Sangh sponsored "Ideas India conclave" as Ideas to destroy India conclave. This I fully concur on issues other than language too.

गुरुवार, 19 नवंबर 2015

Annihilate the ConG dynasty or they'll terminate you.

Instead of kicking the ConG dynasty into the incinerator the BJP is shockingly kowtowing to the evil clan & cutting some petty deal. No surprises Hindus been always failed by its suicidally smart leadership.

राम मन्दिर

हमारे लिये राम मंदिर आज भी मुद्दा है। हमें १९८०-९० के दिन भलीभाँति स्मरण हैं। असंख्य रामसेवकों,यथा हुतात्मा कोठारी बंधुओं, का बलिदान हमारे मानसपटल पर अमिट रूप से अंकित है। हमारी संतति और उनकी संतति इसे तब तक आगे बढ़ायेंगे जब तक रामलला तिरपाल से अपने भव्य मन्दिर में ना लौट आयें। सौगन्ध राम की खाते हैं मन्दिर वहीं बनायेंगे! जो समाज यह भूल जाता है कि वह क्यों अस्तित्व में है वह विनाशोन्मुख हो जाता है और हम उसे यह भूलने नहीं देंगे। जयतु हिन्दू राष्ट्रं!

Proud of our great leader of Ramjanmabhumi movement who lead from the forefront and helped bhArata be cleansed of the biggest black spot. Alas that he could not live enough to see the Ram-Mandir be built.

Why Chhath is celebrated in one particular region of bhArata?

Sun worship amongst Hindu masses has by and large disappeared from bhArata. It is not ritually extant except for the annual सूर्य षष्ठी ie छठ पूजा (the sixth day post Deepavaly) only in the regions of Bihar & Eastern Uttar Pradesh. It's extremely curious to a discerning person interested in History. I'd try to be extremely brief about it.

The Iranics who escaped the relentless & genocidal Islamic invasions in the shakadvIpa शकद्वीप comprising of Shakasthana(Sistan), Makaran(Baluchistan), Setumanta(Helmand,Afgh) came to settle eventually in regions around Ganga, Saryu & Kosi. They're called शाकद्वीपीय in this region of BhArata. They were steadfast Sun-worshippers and in the region they settled Sun-worship percolated deep down amongst masses which no further Abrahamic devilry could completely erase.Also, षष्ठी is the Goddess of war, the better half of कुमार(स्कंद/कार्तिकेय), that explains for छठी मैया legend. Many people ask:"if Chhath,Surya Shashthi,is the worship of Sun who's chhathi maiya?".Goddess Shashthi,God Kumar's consort is chhathi maiya.

We ought to give credit to the women folk of Poorvanchal & Bihar who taking all the insurmountable odds in their stride uphold dharma by joyfully adhering to and steadfastly completing the most arduous and difficult vrata in world. We bow to thee.

Oh my Poorvanchal how unfortunate that you are the most negative region now in my puNyabhUmi bhArata..! Why?

Misplaced and misinformed outrage over latest CPC.

Sorry. I disagree completely with all of you who criticise govt employees being given a raise in salaries via the latest CPC. My post is merely in response to the blind hatred towards gov't employees noticed over SM, especially in the latest context of the 7th CPC. Timely, just & commensurate increment in the pay & perks is natural, expected, salutary and the right of all workers.

Many people have commented idiotically that trillions of ₹, all taxpayers money, will be wasted in paying for the salaries of the useless govt employees. First of all it's only the govt employees who pay taxes and because of whom this country actually runs with money as the fuel. Its their taxes which fund almost all of the good or bad schemes of the govt. Yes it's true many employees/officers are sloth/corrupt but still majority are hardworking and honest. By the way, apart from govt employees how many Indians actually pay taxes? Again employees, in the organised private/corporate sector, and they're not contributing more than what the govt employees pay in taxes. Direct taxes are paid largely by govt employees only. Rest of the money generated by govt is through indirect taxes, levies, octrois and public-money invested in big finances. Why this hue & cry when CPC happens once a decade only. And never a pay-hike of more than 1/3 been seen till date. Remember once more, its only a decadal phenomenon, not annual. This year the increment is told to be a measly 24%(average) of the basic pay.

I find it particularly insulting that all govt employees are painted with the same brush dipped in tar, this is apalling! It's not the individual or even organizations responsible for non-performance as govt employees but the political leadership too. Why is that some provinces are better than others in this regard? I'll not take names, it might offend some who belong to such states. And who puts such political leadership in charge? People.  Why on an average central govt institutions/organizations perform better on nearly all parameters compared to any provincial one tasked with similar jobs? Coming back to the affront I felt personally, I must tell that my father was a govt employee and sacrificed 26 years of his service(cumulatively, out of 36 years he served) in  terrorism/secessionism infested regions thousands of KMs away from home with the family disjointed up and thrown away in various places so that we could just survive. I studied & got trained throughout in 100% shuddh sarkari schools, colleges & institutes and I must tell you all they still are amongst the best in their respective domains, in fact I'm proud of them. My better half had her both parents serving the country in govt jobs and they being fanatic workaholics never took even an unplanned CL till retirement!

And it's only the govt hospitals who take care of the shunned & destitutes apart from the poor, crores of them. What are ONGC, AIIMS, ISRO, SAIL...if not govt? What about Metro, Indian Railways? How do we forget CRPF, ITBP, Coast Guard, other paramilitary forces and the Armed Forces? Why do we forget the ever reliable SBI? I've mentioned only a few who've capture the public imagination while there're countless more who work on and on silently serving the people, society, country and the nation. The problem is not the individual govt worker per se but the govt machinery left behind by abrahamic invaders/usurpers "perfected" over centuries which was designed to harass & harm the natives and to strengthen and serve the alien elite and protect their native collaborators. After "independence" we did not replace the system with ours , still we've come quite a long way. Now let me play the blame game.Most of the Indians themselves are corrupt and lazybones, govt employees are a mere reflection of them.

And all such critics of govt employees must know that their punching bags do NOT even properly know yet what the 7th CPC has offered them. We'll get to know and understand that over a next few weeks, even months, most of which might not be that pleasant or exhilarating. Only the babudom knows better, perhaps because they were the backbone as well as the vanguard of the abrahamic system and their legacy has not got much diluted. Still,everybody in govt is not a babu; the rest want them to be like what the rest are: in attitude as well as action. And even all babus are not what the image their job has in public mind but there's at least one service which is yet to come out of the Laat Sahib mentality, I shall not name them though.

7th CPC might prove costly to BJP in 2019. It'll only reinforce BJP image as anti-employee org exploiting gov't machinery for laissez faire. Vajpayee era did not have CPC but disinvestment, contractual jobs & abolishing pensions cost it 2004.

What an idea Sir jee! Idea of Endia

Just take a look at the number of non-Hindu & non-Indian faces in their panel. And this Ideas India Conclave isn't it eerily similar to Idea of India Concept..!
Those who are about to ask questions let us tell them that this activity is a fruit borne of efforts of many in Sangh Parivar & affiliates including the progeny of the top security/strategy advisor to govt.

Taking ideas from non-Hindus & abrahamics will not go anywhere in helping save dharma or rAShTra..even your India will become Endia. This is the conclave from which Guru Koenraad Elst was ousted unceremoniously after he dared criticised the innards of Islam.

Go boys!!


भक्तजनों करतल ध्वनि से वातावरण को गुंजायमान कर दीजिये! महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानी माननीय सज्जाद लोन जी को चाणक्यनीति के अनुसार श्यामाप्रसाद मुखर्जी पुरस्कार दिलाया गया है सर्वमान्य दक्षिणपंथी हिन्दूवादी पत्रिका स्वराज्य द्वारा। और वहीं अपने महान लोकप्रिय जननेता माननीय मुफ़्ती मोहम्मद सयीद गोआ में चल रही राष्ट्रवाद की अंतरराष्ट्रीय गोष्ठी के सबसे लोकप्रिय वक्ता हैं।


One crypto-Christian, one momin and one Christian.. these people are awarded by Swarajya, the purportedly Hindu right periodical.

And in a twist of irony Dr SP Mukherjee award is given to Sajjad Lone...Wow!!

रविवार, 15 नवंबर 2015

Senile dementia of Tenzin Gyatso??

Shame on you Tenzin Gyatso Kundan! I still haven't relinquished the notion that Dalai Lama is an avatAra though I'm not a nAstika bauddha. Whenever I read about your early life tears swell up in my eyes and overwhelmed with veneration I nearly cried watching the very accurate documentary like cinema Kundun (by the great Scorcese). I do not hide this.

But day by day you're behaving and uttering more like Tenzin, not even Kundan, forget Dalai Lama. Your seculib observations on Bihar poll results is the latest. So after Parsees(Soli Sorabjee) its the turn of Buddhists(Dalai Lama) to teach Hindus secularism, liberalism, tolerance & communal harmony. Is there some design behind this pattern? Well, Hindus must be wary and why not! All those escapees from persecution whom we sheltered have time and again betrayed us. 

Footnote: DalaiLama's core team heavily infiltrated as well as influenced by whites, especially US,even before 1950s. Senile Tenzin Ji foaming up what he's discreetly fed by his inner circle.

शनिवार, 14 नवंबर 2015

Should the West suffer Islamic terror?

Many people will despise us after this. But we do not hesitate to say that we have no sympathies for the Leucosphere suffering terrorism, the latest being France. May they have a windfall of it.

These haughty arrogant colonialist democracy-mongers, human-rights-perpetrators  & liberalism-peddlers been mocking us Hindus and our BhArata for over many decades on the issue of global terror. And they bared their shameless pedantic worst when they derided and chided us even during the ordeal of 26/11 Mumbai (13/11 Paris is just its replica) that we do not take enough care of minorities and should not be persecuting them and that Mumbai attacks were only a logical & just repercussion arising out of the angst of Muslims against Hindu aggression and oppression.

Not impossible to sneak in heavy munitions in a coastal megalopolis like Mumbai but how it happened in Paris? Dhimmi Liberalism is the answer. West is suffering from Janus syndrome: boiling the cauldron of terrorism beyond own shores while simultaneously pandering to multi-culti & liberalism within respective borders. Amongst their "democracies" US & UK are relatively spared thanks to their geographic inaccessibility and not because they're actually some great preventers of Islam.

Being the vile shelterers, co-conspirators & instigators of Islam for a dozen decades, and exporters of democracy with human rights & liberties, the two biggest AnglaprEtas deserve terrorism more than the other culprits in West or anyone else. Having created, sired, nurtured, strengthened & hardened the many Frankensteins these marUnmatta prEtAchArI shavapUjaka mlechCha yavanas deserve many more of such acts of affection and love from  their marUnmatta pishAchI mahAmadI brethren. Shalom! Hallelujah! Insha'Allah!


Footnote 1.- Those who think West would act united/decisive against Islamic terror are naive. Nothing happened since WTC, London UG, Madrid, Bali..

Footnote 2.- Just of many myriads: France delivered arms to Syrian rebels, Hollande confirms.


रविवार, 8 नवंबर 2015

Bihar-2015 results, India, Hinduism and civilisational existence.

"Not sure if BJP is on the path of Hindutva but want it to win 145+ seats on its own in Bihar or else even if it wins it'll be a Pyrrhic victory for not BJP, Biharis or Bihar but for Hindus actually. And if BJP gets defeated then Civil War is imminent: within two decades, domino effect."
<= Written by us hours before results of Bihar-2015 assembly elections were to be declared.
- - - -         - - - -        - - - -        - - - -        - - - -
And after the EVMs threw up the verdict which everyone was waiting for with bated breaths. =>

"बिहार नाहीं सुधरी।" ~ (3-4 Decades old Bhojpuri adage popular amongst skeptical Biharis) It simply means Bihar is beyond redemption.

My wife was always skeptical about BJP's prospects in Bihar. I was somehow optimistic but deep within was scared that caste equations within the state were not in favour of BJP's win.

This's second straight spectacular defeat (after Delhi) for the overconfident, even arrogant, smug & aloof Modi-Shah duo who, frankly to speak, live in their own fantasy world secluded away even from the suggestions/advice of their own grassroots workers and non-party well-wishers on many issues which need not be elaborated again. We will not go into dissecting all the technical aspects but do emphasize that this does not portend well for the state(despite them voting for #‎Jungleraj2 as there're limitations to the thinking capacities of illiterate, poor, caste-trapped and mafia-chewn-up people), and for the country alongwith our Hindu civilization ultimately.

Next big elections are in Bengal where BJP is not even a peripheral player, then in UP it's the third political party only. It's now evident that under the dispensation of our "Hindu Nationalist" leadership the core (once) Hindu territory of the entire Gangetic region is set to officially go to Islamic way. Modi ji continues to mimic Zahru instead of acting upon for what he was sent and we've in our hands not a personal/organisational disaster but the very civilizational existential crisis.

If someone from BJP/RSS (active functionary) is listening please convey to the authorities who matter that hollow nationalism is a wooden utensil which can be put on stove only for once. In electoral politics you've to create a loyal constituency by rewarding the core workers as well as peripheral workers with share in power, gov't/system: the biggest is recruiting own people in gov't jobs. The last one not only provides job security but gains loyalty forever too of the beneficiaries who influence and benefit their society manifolds, and these loyal workers then turn the system in party's favour. It's a standard practice all over the world and in India all non-BJP parties have perfected it. In fact in many states gov't job is the biggest thing. That's why BJP never succeeds in the entire Gangetic belt, it always hits a ceiling as it has a pathetic track record in rewarding, forget even compensating, its workers & supporters at any level or scale. These loyal workers are at beck & call of the party and when in the systemic machinery would always be activated to work for dharma but alas it never happens! But arrogant, smug & aloof BJP/RSS leadership thinks free market economy is the panacea to all ills. Business, commerce, economy, development, vikas all hollow for the lay commoners (excluding Gujarat & parts of Rajasthan which've tradition of trade). Hollow nationalism! Forget ordinary workers, even the ideologues need be adequately or even amply rewarded and compensated for their dedication, hard work and loyalty to the ideology, cause, party, organization, society, country and dharma.

BJP improved vote share in Delhi then. But lost. Same in Bihar too where BJP increased it vote share but was not in a multi-cornered fight. Modi-Shah have to come down to the terra firma. In our country especially UP/Bihar people not only fear "might is right" but actually learn to live with or respect, admire and even adore the mighty. Sangh Parivar leadership have repeatedly failed to grasp this, Every state is not Gujarat! And Bihar is the most complicated cobweb. High time our leader and his syndicate come out of their ivory towers and place their feet, eyes and ears to the ground. It'd serve BJP well to not fall into the trap of MSM+Seculibs that it should've focussed only on dev+econ; remember RJD is the biggest party individually, pushing back even JDU when elections were fought in Nitish's name!

In a state which contributes as one of the top states sending soldiers to the Armed Forces, our dear govt failed to implement OROP where millions would've benefitted straight! But NaMo Ji & Sangh Parivar continue to play per rules set by the adversaries instead of setting own agenda with own rules and ruthlessly extinguishing the enemies. Some regions are there which have an affinity for machismo and bravado which BJP lacks generally and displayed pusillanimity instead ever since they ascended to the throne in Delhi. If Lalloo et al were punished his supporters would have been scampering away and cowering in their holes helplessly while the commoners and anti-Lalloo people would have been relieved of the tyranny and emboldened to come out in open. In the badlands of UP Bihar it's near suicidal to rub the powerful wrong way, antagonise them and hope to get away unscathed or intact, the retribution will follow like a guided missile. The same equation at the national level w.r.t. to Sonia et al.

मोदी जी , शाह जी! धरातल पर आइये, खोखले राष्ट्रवाद का झुनझुना नहीं थमाइये! सरकार में आने के बाद जनता को आपने कुछ दिखाना पड़ता है, देना भी पड़ता है; मात्र बतगोले दागने से बात नहीं बनती। विकास में १० वर्ष लगेंगे, है ना! तब तक जनता धूल फांकेगी? विकास के पहले दुष्टों को दण्डित कर व्यवस्था परिवर्तन कर अपना सिक्का भी जमाना होता है।  ललुआ मुलायम ममता पवार सोनिया सभी तो छुट्टे घूम रहे हैं मतवाले पशुओं समान! भ्रष्टाचार व जंगलराज पीड़ित जनता में क्या संदेश जा रहा है? मोदी जी, हवाई किले ना बनाएं और वास्तविकता का सामना करें।

On an individual basis BJP(26%) got far more votes polled than RJD(18%) or JDU(15%) or ConG, in fact BJP's vote share increased massively by nearly 9% while it decreased respectively for all the rival parties. But it was not a multi-cornered contest, a straight fight between two coalitions which means only one thing: do not leave your enemies unfettered or alive before they even pose a challenge next time around. Hard lessons for him who's desperate for an image Makeover. Whatever and howmuchsoever you try Sir, your image will only be further darkened with deeper shades of black by your foes and their friendly appearing cohorts, better you burn them to ashes and flush them down the drain. We need Modi Ji to be Putin and not Karzai who had immense goodwill around the globe,espcly West, but was euphemistically known as the Mayor of Kabul. We need a PM who works 6 hours only but has his writ run large all over the country than one who works 18 hours but is clueless effectively.

And do care to remember, nay be warned, dear BJP! That ditching Hindutva has affected you and the Hindus very disastrously everytime you attempted it but you seem oblivious to this fundamental fact. Howmuchsoever you attempt but would never get Muslim votes yet you never learn from their treachery and keep ditching the Hindus. It isn't the BJP which is on the road to perdition but it's voters unable to disentangle from it having no other option to exercise. Even after nine months of humiliation in Delhi our dear leader learnt nothing. And that's shocking in its impact but not surprising at all given the insular attitude of the dear leader. Most glaringly the BJP leadership failed utterly to crush the openly treacherous media which too contributed greatly in the victory of anti-Hindu forces in Bihar. The mlechCha masters must be pleased with the results with eyes set on the ultimate goal to balkanise bhArata and destroy sanAtana dharma forever. Finish off them or perish you must.

रविवार, 1 नवंबर 2015

How a govt hospital serves the poor and needy

There's this hospital which is one of the biggest ones under the gov't in India. It's always been under the shadows of a more illustrious one across the road. The hospital being talked about is one of the biggest refuge of the poorest of poors in our country and patients flock to it from all parts of the north India especially Bihar, UP & MP where public health system is near defunct to near non-existent. Many hundreds of doctors, nurses, technicians & auxiliary workers go on about their job with utmost dedication without any air or pretence, especially the doctors who keep ricocheting between their patients & academics.

The official mandate is not to refuse any patient away thus the indoor wards are seen teeming with patients to the extent that most of the times "doubling" is the norm ie a single bed hosts two patients yet the doctors & nurses are seen working unperturbed and even joyfully. This hospital has woefully inadequate hostels for its resident doctors who obviously live in rented apartments in the vicinity.

One has to visit, stay for a couple of nights there to understand under what constraints they achieve excellence in serving the people without caring for glory. Cannot help my eyes from getting moist at realising the underrated, undervalued & understated selfless service this hospital renders to the people of the country and the exceptionally talented & trained doctors working ceaselessly(for peanuts). Unseen, unacknowledged and unsung heroes.

For an insight:
On the duty(by rotation) in which the designated doctor is empowered to do a lot for the poor patients..amongst many things delivered by his/her authority this much of patients' fees are waived off every hour.
That implies two things:
{1}- interests of poor patients are always a priority and
{2}- just calculate how many scans are being done every single day (multiply this number by 24) apart from routine(OPD+IPD) scans..! 

That's an untold story which no media tells you and no gov't cares to acknowledge. We emphasize again: amongst myriads of duties in A&E only scans are represented here.

P.S.- This hospital has practically no waiting list in clinical services and probably the shortest waiting list in the diagnostic/laboratory services in the national capital.

बुधवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2015

The beef issue designed to wear you out. Kick them hard!

Compilation of my side of comments on a discussion over WhatsApp with my old college (MBBS) batchmates. A good number of them are worse than dhimmis. I'm not mentioning their names though I directly told them on their faces what they actually are. Our side of the conversation which happened over a couple days is on the significance of our ancient traditions and our responsibility to preserve it. It was triggered by the beef issue I posted a couple of days ago. This's verbatim except the names of the old batchmates being changed. ---

Seculibs are quoting the vEdas as if they've studied them. It's the fools & illiterates who think they've known the vEdas by quoting selectively from mischievous European colonial English translations of the shruti. Some history lessons are due for seculibs who think they have a copyright on history and knowledge. And cherrypicking from mlechcHa translations of smriti is not what is expected to justify beef eating. Do you people think we're idiots who cannot do cut copy paste job..?

BTW internet is replete with the real translations of the vEdas which clearly establish the sabotage done by AnglaprEtas & commies which is taught to us as "history". It's this "education" which has made Hindus nutcase so much that they do not even know who & what they are while this disease has not afflicted the abrahamics. Let me "dare" ask your bosom Muslim friend : would he justify pork eating by any Muslim? He will neither eat it nor justify it. Ask a Muslim is not eating pork his "choice"..? That's why Islam is on ascendancy and Hinduism on decline. Samajhne wale samajh Gaye Jo na samjhe unka YHWH Malik ek.

And the biggest damage to Hinduism been done by HINOs with the Brahmin surnames being the most virulent, lethal & efficacious amongst them who use their "genealogy" to beguile the masses towards mass suicide. Congress, communist parties, "regional/socialist" parties, and BJP too full of such HINOs who're corroding bhArata & sanAtana dharma from within..some actively, some passively and the remaining like Zombies.

And let us make it clear: apart from religious considerations cow slaughter is a grave concern because nowhere in India including the NE cows are reared and/or raised for slaughter. They all are stolen, snatched, smuggled & finally slaughtered eventually leading to the situation where we're now getting adulterated milk owing to its severe scarcity thanks to vanishing cows & increasing demand due to population. This "beef is protein for poor" myth is seculib propaganda. Raising a single cow itself is extremely cost prohibitive, resource guzzling & labour intensive. Whom are these mlechCha yavanas and their seculib slaves trying to fool??!! 100% of beef in India is on account of theft & smuggling of cows.

Vanishing bovine population is also detrimental to our animal husbandry agriculture based & small farms intensive farming type economy. This beef issue is a well orchestrated international plot to slowly kill Indian agriculture by strangulating it with decreasing logarithmically the bovine population. India has the biggest fertile landmass both in absolute area as well as the country's percentage in the entire world..even greater than US. And we've the biggest cattle population in world too.

I'd like to reproduce verbatim from my blog I wrote & published on Thursday, 20 March 2014.

*Agriculture should be the biggest priority for us.* 

""The future doesn't belong to technology but to food.Exploding population,increasing industries make food & farmers most precious and precarious. We should harness,encouraged,protect & promote agriculture which is our biggest yet most neglected strength. We will not eat technology & hardware in future, it would always be only food as we know it. We should not promote industry at the cost of agriculture.

Do we know that USA controls the world for many reasons and one of the biggest but unknown is that its one of the biggest three producers & exporters of raw/processed food. India has the world's largest fertile land(both in area as well as %age). We can control the world & make it dance to our tunes in future. Someone listening..i hope.

Have the EU or USA ever bothered to tell why are they overtly interested in Ukraine..? No they will not. But the fact is Ukraine has the largest fertile land in entire Europe,its fertile land itself alone is bigger than many countries put together..! Ukraine is traditionally called 'the food basket of Eastern Europe'.

And remember, dairy products come under the category of food production of which requires farms,pastures and cows(or other milch cattle including buffaloes which too should be saved as much as cows).""

This question is only for Mr C & Mr D:  What's your respective gOtra, pravara, kula & shAkha? (these four at least) Since you quoted freely from the vEdas and have Brahmin sounding surnames. It's not personal. Don't know if Mr D would be able to go beyond gOtra and Mr C would be able to recall at least even gOtra. And please google it or ask your kulapurOhita what's the meaning in these four terms and the significance thereof.

And friends please don Not try to hide behind trying to blame me for "casteism" which I know might be insinuated upon me as that's easier.

Being a brAhmaNa is not a privilege or taboo. It's an onerous responsibility, a great one. That's where the gOtra, pravara, shAkgA, kula system comes in the picture. This system evolved spontaneously as well as per design to preserve, save & perpetuate the shruti, smriti~s, sanAtana dharma and the AryAvartta. Being a brAhmaNa means sacrificing oneself for the aforementioned cause and that's the greatest cause.

A brAhmaNa's duty is to accumulate jnAna to serve the dharma,& dharma encompasses all living beings and the inanimate..the entire universe. I'm ashamed that I've not done anything worthwhile having a Brahmin surname. I'm practically a mlechCha. But now being partially awakened I'm trying my part.

You've mentioned about our batch mates making sacrifices going on with their respective jobs & families, some are even on a fast today. I'm on a fast too and richocheting between patients, job & family. These're base duties for jIvIkOpArjana. Not higher purpose.

Sure. Agree on the fact that everybody's not expected to be "enlightened" as they have their own limitations, trappings and the stages of lives they're in have to be taken into account. The point is we should desist from ridiculing & corroding the very civilization which makes us exist, moreso if we're unaware what we are or where,especially when we're being targeted & attacked relentlessly by our extant civilizational enemies since aeons till date which instead of abating has only increased in ferocity, intensity & frequency.

रविवार, 25 अक्टूबर 2015

Kids nursery for jihad

Pic 1: Shia kids flagellating themselves with knives on Ashura, Muharram.
Pic 2: Sunni kids slaughtering animals under adult supervision on Bakrid ie Iduzzuha ie Big Eid ie Eid Al Adha. The sewaiyan wali Eid is Eid Ul Fitr ie chhoti Eid.

Hindus, HINOs, Seculibs & whatevers, these kids when into their teens & beyond will not hesitate for a fraction of a moment to stab you or decapitate you to death.
This is the abrahamic disease version 2.0 preparing kids to wage jihad since adolescence itself, Sterling the nerves of kids against blood & gore and immunizing them against violence so that when a believer momin kills a non-believer kuffar (including xtians, communists, libtards & seculars) their hands don't tremble and mind does not flinch while remaining utterly heartless.

They learn from early childhood to wound themselves morbidly,even mortally. And they learn to halaal their most beloved animal, more beloved than a brother/son, every year on Eid al Adha; of course a new foal is bought home every year as the preceding year's was halaaled and chewed and eaten up and shat down the drain..!

You, kuffar, you, including atheists / seculars, beware of the believers!!

Why we comment on politics, religion & all.

Let us make it clear.  We do not express our views on politics & national affairs for the heck of it or to corner some personal benefits. Our one and only motive is to pave the path for Hindu Rashtra of Bharatavarsha. No person or government or system is sacrosanct if it's in contravention to and/or in contradiction with the reestablishment of our सनातन पुण्यभूमि आर्ष भारत of the आर्यावर्त्त and we neither believe in nor practice purposeless praise and sycophancy.

One thing about some debate on legislature versus judiciary: we're straddled by adhArmika compendium of anti-Hindu mlechCha rules & laws a legacy of centuries of abrahamic foreign rule. What we actually need is the rule of dharma as upheld by varuNa and as expounded by great riShis munis in dharma shAstras & sUtras with later age Astika jnAnins writing newer smritis rooted in rita to suit the modern times if the need arise.

Women soldiers in active combat/frontline duties. How right? Or wrong...

Utter stupidity of our govt to allow women as combat pilots. Women in combat is fraught will all kinds of needless dangers & compromises. And in haste our nationalist govt has decided to make combat pilots out of the current batch of women trainees for other aircrafts. This govt is needlessly trying to build some image for itself on all fronts. No women should be allowed in combat/frontlines at any cost. And please! No useless comparisons with Israel. At the least count we've a minimum of 5 crores of combat quality male youth.

Compromise in combat standards for soldiers and dangers of women being taken PoW/hostage are biggest suicidal drawbacks of this gender equality brouhaha about military. It's politically correct,even fashionable to promote male female equality at all conceivable places but military is where it should be desisted from. The two things I've highlighted are the biggest concerns out of many and these cannot be wished away. Even in Israel females do not cover frontlines and are kept away from active combat duty. The Peshmarga Kurd women fighters we see are good propaganda at best. females being battle prepared is another thing but having females in regular combat formations is different. In exceptional circumstances we cannot ever deny our females to finish off the enemy with or else it would be suicidal folly. Remember! None of the eventually victorious armies(invading, expeditionary or defensive) have been constituted of or led by females in last 150 years ie modern and contemporary times anywhere in world in any war of significance.

And yes, none could argue against our goddesses and female warriors but if discerning people would have noticed we never had any dedicated combatised female warriors' unit, we actually had exceptional individual females commanding the men under most exceptional situations. Females should be used regularly employed in all wings of military except frontline combat and mass recruitment/deployment must be avoided. the shortage of officers in military is an artificial crisis. Also there's a myth being successfully disseminated and entrenched that youth(male) of India are not keen to join military thus creating a severe crunch in officer cadres in all the three wings of military. This is an exact mirror image of the malicious myth that medical doctors do not want to join rural/govt services when the truth is diametrically opposite. In reality there's no dearth of applicants but the anglicised generations of existing seculib officers dismiss them in interviews for want of OLQ ie "officer like qualities" (translated to brown sahibs) and every year hundreds of seats are kept vacant. Plz Google it.

And one has to go through the links below: this debate about women in combat duties is not new and has nothing to do with anyone's personal faith/religion eg mine being Hindu. This is pure & simple biology, warfare & realism. No political correctness or pleasantries about gender equality will win us battles and wars. Even in the US this year 19 female soldiers failed their Rangers course and only two passed it after being granted three attempts with compromised standards still the two who were "successful" were awarded only citations plus badges but no active combat duty as US has not decided to review ban on women in combat. And this review will not be suddenly decided by the executive but after much debate in legislature unlike what has happened in our Endia to score brownie points.




सोमवार, 12 अक्टूबर 2015

Nepal, the Himalayan failure of Modi Sarkar

Nepal,the greatest failure of our ModiSarkar repercussions of which will be felt by Hindu civilization forever, though not irretrievable yet.

1- Nepal recently got a new constitution made. We could not make it pro-Hindu despite unanimous support for Hindu Rashtra cutting across hill natives & people from plains.

2- The new constitution guarantees freedom to missionaries for proselytization.

3- Reorganization of districts are done leading to disempowering of people from plains.

4- The hill natives[lead by Brahmins(Bahun) & Kshatriyas(Chhetri)] despite being Hindus have increasingly got predisposed to China & West.

5- Madhesis who live in the plains and are culturally Avadhi,Bhojpuri & Maithil have been marginalised almost completely. 

7. Nepali women marrying foreigners (read Indians) will not have their children eligible for Nepali citizenship but it is not applicable to Nepali males.

6- Indya responded with economic blockade to the volatile situation in Nepal.

Nepal is only politically a separate country but from civilizational PoV, culturally, historically and religious PoV its bhAratavarSha. 175 Years of British rule in India is the reason Nepal and we are separate. Thankfully the Gorkhali Hindus saved themselves then unlike the mainland Hindus from Abrahamics but now that Sovereign Nepal is much weaker we let them down when they need us the most. By throwing them to wolves. Abrahamics of all hues- missionaries, Islamists, Communists, Free Marketeers. And effectively Nepal will become a joint vassal of China and USA. While Indya was courting the Western damsels the Western dudes slipped away with our dEvI.

It'll have rippling effect on Bhutan too. Regional culture wise almost entire Uttarakhand and half of Himachal is like Nepali Hill geography & demography. Lower Nepal is like UP & Bihar. Nepal going to hyenas is disastrous for the already truncated bhArata. Nepal is not on a distant planet. Why's then China interested in Nepal? Why's Nepal always interested in Bhutan even though they don't even share borders? One should modify neighbors to suit our own country's interests. Basics of geopolitics. If you do not do so others will and to your detriment. Also this is chANakya's doctrine too. Anyways Nepal is bhAratavarSha.

रविवार, 11 अक्टूबर 2015

Cacophonic chorus of seculibs, real intent.

Suicidally naïve of our Govt to think that the cacophonic anti-Modi / anti-Sangh / anti-Hindu chorus by seculibs will ebb down, it's unmistakably the prelude to the balkanisation efforts to break down bhArata once again by putting up faux aggrieved parties & sham victims while demonising our elected leader to justify attacks on our bhArata by Abrahamics led by the evil axis of USA+KSA(with their vassals+minions) funded & powered by Bishops, Shaykhs, Corporates, Rabbis & Comrades. The engine of this war machine against kuffar/heathens/goyims is no longer centred in Vatican alone or Brittania,it's co-HQ is now Uncle Sam for decades.

Church,Jewery,Ummah,Free-Market and the Proletariat all have a common agenda: finish off the original bulwark, the ultimate citadel and the last true bastion of the pagans & heathens (India),long overdue. Danger clear & present, if Hindus wish to see. As far as Modi ji being feted+celebrated in the leucosphere/anglosphere is concerned, it's their exercise to re-enter bhArata via FDI like the East India Companies did in past. BTW, which FDI made USSR or USA world's superpowers?  Abrahamics are using a forked approach to sabotage & conquer our country: create violence+unrest and simultaneously try taking over us via economy & corporates.

The penal/legal/judicial system of Indya. For whom??

India derives the legal structures from British Common Law just the same way as USA: use the Adversarial System,the party with "best" lawyer wins.  Other European countries use the Inquisitorial System in which all parties try to ascertain the facts of the case in depth, & it's harder to weasel out of convictions by gaming the system in countries which strive for justice & not mere legality. In Indian penal/legal/judicial system, its an accepted axiom that the party which registers FIR/complaint first is considered the "aggrieved" one from the very outset while the real picture more often than not is entirely different as those who know how to exploit the law are largely the smart first "complainants".

The penal/legal/judicial system in India. For whom? Is justice dispensed? Make no mistake, penal procedures or legality or judicial system is not the translation of justice. While our "law is blind" hence justice-is-denied penal system spares the real lawbreakers punishing instead those who actually fear the law & abide by it, yet,  those ignorant and/or fearful of the dreaded procedures as well as fearing needless infamy/stigma plus legal/judicial quagmire avoid going to police/courts itself! Systemised instances of false motivated charges made by individuals & state organs to implicate, prosecute, harass, persecute & victimise "targets" is now a standard practice institutionalised by individual powerbrokers & the state itself too:unspoken cancerous corruption which nobody dares touch even with a bargepole!!

"Our" punitive "justice" system is mastered, monopolised, misgoverned, milked  and mined by a microscopic mighty "elite" with overlapping loci of vested interests. Unwittingly or consciously if any individual, or even some group, dares challenge the might of this incestuous elite then he/she invariably stands persecuted by being prosecuted by the powerful arms of the verily aforementioned vengeful protozoan elite. The elite, a vestige of invading colonizing aliens thriving on the natives, if seen as one: the seemingly immortal meta-creature having a nucleus to govern & monitor and a cytoplasm which gobbles up the adversaries/commoners to kill and digest or to recruit & co-opt them and turn them into its functional units and defences themselves.

British vintage semi-literate,clever by half constabulary,& compromised corrupt Inspector-raj make FIRs & chargesheets, supervised by British era officer cadre, which always without exception form the ground upon which cases,most of them flawed+fabricated, are fought for years in the purposely tardy British legacy called the honourable judiciary/courts: going on and on, stretching and drawing on without any conclusion for decades(average)!! Inflicting heavy mental,social,financial & physical trauma upon the real victims of crimes while actual criminals roam about with impunity,free & unafraid,perpetrating even more heinous crimes upon hapless citizens.

But who benefits from this convoluted tortuous never-ending maze of "justice"? Which almost no one actually gets..
How is it meant to serve when it actually rules & lords us over? Why's that all others in govt/system ought to take decisions affecting lives in mere moments to weeks but judiciary..years? Who judges the judges? Who'll prosecute the prosecutors? Who'll police the police? How to administrate over the administrators? Who'll regulate the regulators? How'll law be not made an ass by the lawmakers? Who'll rein in those who abuse the reins? And last but not the least, who'll persecute the persecutors? Think. And who will act,rather, bell the cat??? The answers have to be looked within. Within our people, traditions, past, history, heritage, civilisation and sanAtana dharma.

Footnote: Indyan constitution assembly was predominantly made up of lawyers. Lawyers who were trained in the exploitative imperialist abrahamic,western,British laws by the colonial masters. Somehow in this Indya,one can avail of almost any service (health, technology, sanitation..even administration related) via govt; except lawyers, to fight for the commoners. The only govt lawyers are public prosecutors or solicitors/advocates on govt payrolls fencing & jousting for the ubiquitous super-organism called the government or in common parlance, the system. Or simply, the elite.

शुक्रवार, 9 अक्टूबर 2015

The fake issue and fake outrage to break bhAratavarSha

From an impromptu discussion over WhatsApp, our side, verbatim:

India is rife with blatant lies and seculib propaganda. The truth is that Cow slaughter & beef are banned to varying degrees from stringent to very stringent levels of laws since 1950s in almost all of the states barring half a dozen exceptions,of those only Kerala & Tripura are major ones. Secondly, beef is not any good/cheap source of protein for poor people as the seculibtraitors cry falsely, its still costlier than the costliest daal and even that low price is because cows are not reared & raised for meat but stolen, looted & smuggled(within India & beyond borders). Every year at least 50Lakhs of cows are smuggled/slaughtered, most of them illegally. Since there is almost zero investment in animal husbandry beef "industry" is totally profitable. All the pro-beef falsehood is easily debunked without even bringing in any religious angle, if that has to be taken into account then pro-beef calumny will be vapourised to nothingness but that's not required here. 

As far as Dadri is concerned the state gov'ts FIR as well as status report neither mentions any bovine slaughter nor any murder of a human (remember UP has a secular socialist anti-BJP gov't notorious for anti-Hindu attitude, actions &,crimes). Why then all the seculibs are crying hoarse?? With the ulterior motive to destabilise bhArata over fictional atrocities as is the trait of theirs. Portray the current central regime as an intolerant anti-minorities one which needs international intervention,that's the agenda of seculibtraitors working to the tee upon the script. Fake anti-Christian atrocities and fake anti-Muslim repression. Apropos beef pseudo-issue the entire matter is a state subject nothing to do with the centre. But that's the classic way of death cults of deserts when they're not in a dominant position: fake a narrative, cry victimhood, paint and portray a demon aggressor, howl together to make a congregatory attack-pack, keep gnawing at the benefactors while accusing them of maleficence, and finally when the time is ripe pounce upon that like hungry hyenas. Bovine theft for slaughter is the biggest contributor to the decline in quantity as well as quality of milk in the country. Imagine, 50 lakhs of cows slaughtered every year, of those nearly 25 lakhs are smuggled out to Bangladesh first. Beef is not produced in India out of thin air. This must be kept in mind. Almost all of it are the bovine milch cattle stolen & smuggled for slaughter. 

Seculibs won't dare Jews/Muslims to eat pork as it's prohibited(for whatsoever reason) amongst those two followers, seculibs wouldn't ask the Christians to consume horsemeat of dogmeat(prohibited for these two animals being friends/companions of humans and even as good as humans) but lo and behold! Hindus are communal bigots and intolerant murderous fanatics for urging others to not slaughter cows which are held in the likening of mothers by the Hindus,and heavens fall upon the seculib world if dhimmi,kuffar,heathen,goyim Hindus dare respond to the murderers of cows that too in the language of the assaulters themselves!! Still there's no comparison between pork eating and beef eating as the Jews and Christians consider the animal as well as the goyim/kafir as an unclean disbeliever deserving only hell that only reaffirms the Judaic/Islamic opinion & belief about the idolators and no outrage over a pig killed,in fact all pigs must die if it were possible. In contrast cows having a holy and motherly status amongst Hindus, naturally Hindus will be outraged over cow slaughter and anger is nothing but natural. And economics too now is getting increasingly important as the numbers of cows are dwindling logarithmically.

रविवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2015

Spiritual and philosophical singularity versus multiplicity.

What I tried to write engaged in a twitter discussion is produced here verbatim. Seek apologies for inaccuracies as I'm yet lacking in true knowledge and am a mere seeker.


Why myth? How do we know its not truth? Why not use the term legend instead? Questions from an Astika learner.
Extrapolating nEti nEti has conversely lead me from singularity back to the multiplicity of original vaidika dEva~s.  From philosophical PoV I was an advaitin till a few months ago when writings by MT Guru triggered the involution. Since I'm not a scholar of Sanskrit, I desist mostly from such related discussions as the more I read the more ignorant I find myself..
https://t.co/m2OTn3qM7o In this context and for me one of the truly enlightening articles by Guru @blog_supplement.

We ought to have different prisms or else we would cease to have different devatA~s & saMpradAya~s. That's the Astika strength. Don't know how to express: Suddenly then it dawned upon me that the world is real,& the nature based dEvatA~s true & eternal. The biggest trigger was the article(tracing its link) by MT Guru where effects of DMT on spiritual experience is discussed and the rigvEda is quoted where Indra slays a thousand yati~s on counsel of riShi(bhrigu?) as they were an ill effect upon masses. Di Methyl Tryptamine (DMT) , a naturally occurring psychedelic hallucinogen found in human neurons too(via mutation). Earlier I rejected everything except advaita. Now I accept both pUrva & uttara mImAmsA as true.

Like dual nature of light: Corpuscular particle Photon is true & so is the wave nature of light. Some things could be better explained by ray optics while others by wave optics. advaita & dvaita both are relevant. In real life the dual nature of light is best exploited for good in Radiation Oncology: photons from radioisotopes and megavoltage light(beyond UV)from linear accelerators, both are used to create Compton effect in cancer cells finally resulting in linear energy transfer to the cancer cells causing intracellular ionisation,& thus DNA damage, apoptosis and tumoricidal effect.

Therefore we Astika~s / Hindus need the weaponry of both dvaita & advaita rooted in shruti to exterminate abrahamism. Sometimes I envision dvaita & advaita as the dual+complementary,not contradictory,aspects of vedAnta darshana,IMHO.
"Legend" is not condescending or even impolite as "myth".