रविवार, 31 जनवरी 2016

Ancestors of all Endian believers

Endian Muslims are taught their own version of history which the Hindus do not know about. This education the Endian momineen get in their madrassahs & homes: "Endia has always been an Islamic state, dar-ul-uloom, a part of global khilafa. Before Islam came this land from Afghanistan to Assam & from Kashmir to Kerala it was all jahiliya. Our great ANCESTORs brought civilisation & knowledge to this kuffar land 1300 years ago. Backstabbing coward Hindoos fractured our country into three and snatched away from us the biggest chunk with firangi help. We've to take the entire dar-ul-uloom back from the coward Hindoos by all possible means,hook or crook."

Footnote: Nowadays the blessed "ancestors" of all Endian Muslims are the Arabs from Saudi Arabia themselves; from the late mughal era till fifteen years ago, the glorious "ancestors" were Persian; through mughal era tracing back till the mamluks the blessed "ancestors" were sometimes Afghans & many a times Turks..and even before that the butshikans were the Quraysh Arabs again...!!!!

N.B.- This is not a work of fiction. No pun intended.

शनिवार, 23 जनवरी 2016


Telemedicine, Indian patient-doctor relationship:-

A person contacted me over phone referred by a very close acquaintance regarding his father's cancer treatment. He wanted the treatment to be undertaken in a posh corporate hospital only, nevertheless he wanted my opinion(free of cost of course) as he was on a doctor shopping spree. When I saw the documents he had already consulted at least half a dozen doctors in various hospitals. He hadn't brought his father, the patient himself, so I had to be contend with examining only the different examination reports & prescription of doctors. It turned out to be a widespread metastatic cancer with the patient's age being 76 years. I explained him the protocol. He thanked me and mentioned that he'd get the old man treated at a very posh corporate hospital. In the very first interaction of ours the concerned person told me nonchalantly on my face that he has done so much googling for his father's cancer and consulted so many doctors that he himself has become an "oncologist", even his gym-mate is an oncologist, he impressed upon me.

Now that his surgery has been done and chemotherapy started I'm inundated with his phone calls & WhatsApp messages/images to verify how correct the treatment is going on and when to take which drug(especially chemo & post-chemo injectables). I was asked to administer the drugs prescribed by the other doctor nowhere in my radar, bandwidth or spectrum. The concerned son implored me to do so since he wanted to get it done at his home or nearby clinics but all of the physicians refused to do so since they were not the prescribing doctor (and because the drug was a post-chemo haematopoietic modifier which came in a prefilled single use syringe which no one dared to touch).

First of all I would've put the old man on a different protocol as per my knowledge & experience, secondly I'm in no position to dictate or even suggest what drug to give,when & how as the patient is not under my care and the respective drugs have their own safety(or to say adverse effects) profile. Complying with social etiquettes and medical ethics as well as the laws of the land I cannot explain each and every nuance to the patient's son(he anyways has kept his queries limited to telephonic/electronic conversation) Only. Finally I succeeded(probably so) in convincing fellow to consult those  Doctor(s) only under whom he's actually & physically getting his father treated.

Footnote: The patient could die of his old age itself or from his metastatic cancer or because of some adverse effect of chemotherapy or any reaction to the post-chemo drug. Who'll shoulder the blame in such a case that too not being the primary or referral physician? Or even a possible criminal charge? When the son happens to be a man in Khaki....

शुक्रवार, 22 जनवरी 2016

Family or Renunciation?

Over the years my thought process evolved from according the highest status to संन्यास(निवृत्ति) मार्ग to finally realizing the importance of गृहस्थ(प्रवृत्ति) मार्ग and its superiority over the former. Not because of philosophical reasons but the plain fact that our best genepool is abruptly terminated when extremely talented people with high IQ+EQ & multiple skills do not beget progenies and their benefits are lost to the Hindu society both in terms of quantity as well as quality. Our ancient ऋषि/मुनि were not renunciate hermits but virile, libidinous, potent, robust, fertile and fecund people whose progenies we are: reflected till date in our gOtras.

But, dear Hindu,why do you exist on earth? You do not know even ur great-granparents' name & your only aim is "good education plus job" mirage, nothing higher. Worse than animals...!

गुरुवार, 21 जनवरी 2016

What's expected of our party & leader

Via which constitution/parliament did the Brit mlechChas make anti-Hindu Endian laws which still govern us? Clue for BJP & PM..
Now coming to BJP's lame excuses about lack of majority in RS or frequent disruptions of LS. For every effing thing you need not run to the parliament. Even under this mlechCha Al-Kitab-E-Fiqh you can work wonders for Hindus or the "market/corporate/economy"(so dear to our dear party..).

Just issue a government order via the cabinet. When cannot rely upon that further issue another GO. Then use the ordinance, once, twice, then in a different version. Frustrate the traitors. But why play per mlechcHa agenda & weep like crybabies..!!?? Chindus, HINOs & chatutards must note that CBI is neither constitutional nor statutory and not even any government order from the union cabinet was issued for its inception. It's an offspring of a noting in the ministry of home affairs dated 01 April decades ago (even the date is so ironic..!). BJP does NOT know how to get work done. Period.

Yes, and that's extremely worrying. Hindus put everything in one basket and it might well turn out to be a basket case. Taking everything to the Parliament may well be a ruse to....well..something are better left unsaid. From the day he started campaign for 2014 LS in Bengal our dear leader has till date steered clear of even criticising Mumtaz Bibi thus destroying the morale & the edifice of BJP/RSS in the province as well as squelching the hopes & plans of whatever Hindus(not HINOs) left there. It cannot be a mere coincidence over two long years.संघ परिवार के लगभग सभी आनुषांगिक संगठन तो संघर्ष व बलिदान का अनुकरणीय प्रतिमान हैं  किंतु भाजपा का क्या जब वह सत्तासीन हो जाती है! कम से कम तब तो वह प्रतिशोध तो ले सकती थी/है..राजदण्ड से?

Howmuchsoever kafirs criticise/ridicule it & comfort themselves the fact remains that as a political ideology the genocidal second abrahamism is highly successful and will of course finish off itself but not before consuming the rest unless & until it's exterminated before it devours all others, in fact all the abrahamism need be annihilated and for that we need to face them all and take the fight to their sides. About akhaNDa bhArata the thing is that present day Endian Chindus & HINOs think of Af/Pak/BD/SL/Nep/Burma as some distant galaxies..including BJP supporters. If one attempts for something he/she might get less than it..law of probability. If we strive only for this truncated bhArata aka Endia we'll be left with crumbs.. Thus the need for the "irredentist lebensraum" akhaNDa bhArata.

Let everyone be clear that our dear leader was brought into the seat of power with a brute majority by us to CHANGE the abrahamic colonial communist-by-day capitalist-in-night seculib Endian demonocrazy system and NOT become a part of it and definitely NOT to peddle the L.S.D. of economy toadstool to the beguiled masses but to save the most ancient yet the last extant truly human civilization.

End to the Endian colonial edifice! 
End to the genocidal memetic death cults! 
End to seculibism! 
End to the apparatchiks! 
End to laissez faire! 
End to the apologists! 
End to the anti-Hindus!
Annihilation of adharma! 
Annihilation of mlechChas!
Victory to us Hindus! 
Victory to our akhaNDa bhArata!
Victory to sanAtana dharma!
Victory of dharma!

On the HCU faux-dalit Endian outrage

सीधी बात! जो हिन्दू नहीं वह दलित/पिछड़ा नहीं; जो हिन्दू विरोधी है वह दलित/पिछड़ा विरोधी है। सभी अब्रह्मिक अहिन्दू और हिन्दू-विरोधी हैं और जो कोई भी हिन्दू नाम वाला हिन्दू विरोधी है वह हिन्दुओं का शत्रु है तथा अब्रह्मिक के साथ ही है। नकल की किताब किंतु यह सरल सी बात समझने में पूर्णतया विफल है जो धिम्मी नहीं समझते।

All ambedkarite orgs are fronts of Islamists and Marxists with joint collaboration which never comes out in public. After the demise of the USSR the parentless rudderless communists were coopted by capitalist West(led by USA+UK via CIA+MI6) and funded by the jihadi-petrodollars, this happened worldwide which even most commies do not know about. The sole mission being destabilizing existing/potential enemies of mlechCha west and making them vassals or destroying them if non-compliant. These orgs organise/attend seminars/tours/protests and publish pamphlets/placards as well as "serious" literature in "reputed" journals alongside a regular glut of foreign/international tours & exchange programmes which is impossible to even dare contemplate by us "Evil Yindoos".

And of course it need not be overemphasized that these anti-Hindu colonial capitalist communist conmen occupy nearly all the significant positions/posts in the Endian system be it babucrazy or judiciary or academia or entertainment whatsoever.

On a parallel note, the Key to "dalit" emancipation is to stop calling them dalit,& replace Endian colonial abrahamic education system with Hindu one to begin with. Rest will follow...though easier said than done, but without which we'll keep getting pulverised by mlechChas within & without. Seculibs never tell the Chindus, HINOs & Dalits that abrahamisms never had female or "dalit" as messiah/prophet/pope/rabbi/imam, even our own Jainism/Buddhism/sikhism too don't fare any fair, and for that matter neither capitalism nor communism have any place for women or serfs or the proletariat.

Communists killed the student in Hyderabad university by exploiting him for their dirty murderous politics where they halaal "Dalits" to smear Hinduism with their blood. Hindu leadership always on defensive squanders a godsend opportunity to implicate & expose the abrahamic seculib gang when all the incriminating facts & evidences are against the anti-Hindu traitors. What's the use of himself being part of central government with independent charge and his own Dalit status..!? Commies exploit "dalits" & turn them into Hindu hating street fighters with no real cause while the dalits get ignominy & death in return.

And not unexpected, given BJP's increasingly evident dhimmitude, yet shocking capitulation of the union government in revoking the suspension of the four naxals who were synonymous with terror in the university of Hyderabad. It's of course done by the university but everyone knows at whose behest(those who wanted to convey a pro-Dalit image). This will only concretise BJP's image as the vile wrongdoers which will be further exploited by the seculibs to thrash Hindus down.

The anti-Hindus are not illogical. Deliberately they've turned logic on its head to suit their narrative and Hindu leadership idiotically remains defensive. Also, if RSS et al were actually butchering people then none would've dared call the Hindu orgs as violent but the Sanghis never even protested/retaliated the butchery of their own cadre. Hindus suffering the consequences of their own leadership's naiveté, apathy, cowardice, pusillanimity, dithering and thus shameful suicidal failure.

रविवार, 17 जनवरी 2016

Shari'a; Vote for BJP; Dissonant Schizoid Republic.

RBI ‘clears deck’ for Islamic banking in India :-


Present banking system was not good (or bad) enough to have Sharia banking now... Islamic takeover of Endian financial system & economy,all grand plans of PMO to fail eventually and Hindus doomed furthermore.


This is for hardcore BJP lovers:
BSP did an internal organisational overhaul in UP ahead of next year's assembly elections. They divided the province into 14 regions and one leader each with old experience was made to assess individual region and submit the report like it was done 6 months ago. To their own surprise which they reassessed it again it was found that 6 months ago their fight was to be with BJP in all 10 regions and with SP in 4 but now the assessment shows BSP in fight only with SP in all 14 regions. BJP is facing severe loss of confidence in all the rural areas while the urban voters are disillusioned.
Urban voters in the state would not vote BJP because of TINA and rural voters will not antagonise the dabangs twice & again..

Whether already a big presence or not BJP is set for being routed down in the upcoming elections in WB, TN, Assam, Odisha, & UP. All these plus already lost Bihar contribute majority of seats to RS. BJP will never have majority in RS and anyways they will lose LS in 2019. Even if they win somehow mustering a minority coalition in LS they'll again crib about RS. Currently a landslide majority in LS not giving enough courage to BJP to implement even the Indian nationalist objectives forget the Hindu civilisational cause. Concerned Hindus cannot and would not vote or expect anything from seculars but hesitant to vote dhimmified econ RW party again. Caught between the Devil & the deep sea.

Summary: Hindus are phocked. In this seculib demonocrazy.

Footnote: Who said anyone of us going to vote Con etc? We're warning BJP. Simple. Anyways BJP has dishonoured the popular Hindu mandate to the extent of wasting it down the secular cesspool. This RW thing itself is suicidal. See where BJP has plummeted down to. We need Hindu party. Enough of this RW etc.


Pitiably horrifying state of affairs. The head does NOT know where's the heart and where're both the hands while both the hands do NOT know about each other.

Defence ministry has objected to External Affairs ministry allowing the Pakistani investigation team coming into Pathankot air base. Home Ministry nowhere in picture and PMO silent.


And last but not the least, on OROP:
Shame upon those who knowingly humiliate & willfully keep in servitude those who defend the country.

शनिवार, 9 जनवरी 2016

Today's India and China of 19th century. Apocalyptic?

Compiling here our comments in a group discussion on WA. Apologies for any grammatical errors, typos & minor inaccuracies(but no wrong info per se) in history telling..they're there. Tried explaining an extremely huge topic in a few comments with my limited knowledge & recall. The essence & spirit must be understood.....

Notice the unending crowd and what the placards say...Chindus & HINOs would experience soon that Endia too will have its own Dungan jihad(China, 19th C). But this time around the jihadis might win if Hindus do not become like Hans.
Muslims are repeatedly testing us. Dry run. Recee. Warm up. Match Practice. Drill.
Let us explain a bit: Chirkut Hindus = Chindus,  HINO = Hindu in name only.  Most seculibs fall in the aforementioned categories.
We must know that in China the Hans killed 1.2Crores of Muslims over the 30 years of Dungan jihad to ultimately defeat them. Hans too suffered nearly equal casualties but were saved by superior number in population. Are Hindus, Chindus & HINOs ready for it..? China at the time was ruled by the great Manchus(who incidentally were not Hans themselves but were quite sinicised by then) who employed their own Hunnic/Mongol/Jurchen pragmatic ruthlessness and the Han Legalism/Statism to quell the Dungan jihad as well as the near simultaneous Taiping rebellion(equally grave to Dungan in magnitude and impact) coming out victorious in both. Sadly we lack all those attributes.

Our old friends and acquintances would recall that we've been warning of an abrahamic inflicted civil war not later than 2050 and by 2030-35 if successive regimes fail us. But the civil war is inevitable and will happen in our own lifetimes. Our children and grandchildren will've to fight the war. Are we preparing them? No. And don't expect any govt/kanstitusan, all dhimmi machinery/manual to save the heathen kuffar. With due respects even the military will not save us as it's a heavily secular colonial legacy which had been disempowered insidiously per design.China ever since ~250 BCE practices the fundamental philosophy of Statism/Legalism as employed first by their first universally accepted ethnic Chinese (Han) emperor Chin Shi Huangdi who received the philosophy from Lord Shang & Han Feixi both of whom were near contemporaries of our viShNugupta chANakya and probably developed the theory of statism/legalism independently. In this theory like chANakyanIti the state & its laws reign supreme not any individual,not even the emperor. The state could exist and function only if the laws are feared and complied with, the laws in turn must be devised only to strengthen & perpetuate the state. Chin Shi Huangdi thus burned Confucian books & killed the philosophers as they promoted needless spiritualism & softness. China always maintained since then the iron fist and velvet glove policy of the Chinese state having statism/legalism as the hard core and Confucianism & Buddhism as soft outer cloak. Communist party just doing the same. Now coming to ethnicities in China: it has thousands of them but since Chin Shi Huangdi all others have to be sinicised ie chinesified. Shi Huangdi was from the Chin dynasty. The name China comes from that. Their origins are from near the Han river basin/delta so they are called Hans too. Chin=Han=Chinese, a simplified equation.

Great Kublai Khan, the grandson of the great chakravartin Khan Chingiss (Changez/Genghis Khan) defeated the Hans in late 12th C and became its Huangdi,the heavenly/divine emperor but in his own lifetime he and the mongols(aka Yuan dynasty) became sinicised which happened because Statism/Legalism was deeply entrenched and the great Khan didn't find it necessary to remove it. Eventually they got completely chinesified losing their own strength and got defeated within couple of centuries by Han Chinese Ming dynasty.The Mings once again restored to full glory the Chinese empire as they saw fit. But in 16th C they were defeated by the great Manchus who came from south Siberia & Mongolia via Korea led by the great Commander Nurhaci who again established a non Chinese dynasty in China. They ruled till 1911 and under them the chinese empire grew to the maximum in entire history under direct rule of Beijing(then in Manchuria) and went on to include the southern Chinese Muslims of Yunnan and the western regions of uighuristan/turkestan what we know now as Xinjiang. The Muslims naturally revolted eventually and two major multifocal jihads happened: Dungan jihad was the major one. Simultaneously on Eastern coast the Xtians near Shanghai in Taiping region established their Kingdom of the heavenly prince(Jesus Christ). Both fronts led to wars lasting decades. Thus 1.2 Crores jihadis & 50 Lakhs of crusaders had to be killed by the Hans(ruled by sinicised ie hanified Manchus) who practiced Statism best when required the most. For the Manchus & Hans unfortunately the civil wars, despite their victories over the abrahamics on multiple fronts proved pyrrhic and they within a few decades succumbed to the white supremacist euro-american colonialist imperialism. Later on in 1911 the Manchus were overthrown by Xtian Chinese, with colonial help, led by protestant xtian Dr Sun Yat Sen which led to another civil war and in 1949 the Han statist Chinese supremacist in communist colours once again captured China.

We Hindus are facing genocidal abrahamics on multiple fronts like the 19th C China but do not have the advantages the Chinese had. Remember, the jihadis were to establish the Khilafa in China while the Crusaders had proclaimed Kingdom of Jesus in China with the respective ambition to ultimately take over the entire China even though they would have to fight amongst themselves eventually. Chinese jihad was aided by the Ottoman empire & other Momin powers of then and the Chinese crusaders were abetted by the Xtian Colonial powers; Britain was complicit with both the diabolique to considerable extent, especially in the latter. Now compare with today's Endia ie India ie truncated bhAratavarSha. After Pathankot there should've been nationwide search,siege & destroy manhunt but it didn't happen even after Maldah & Purnea. And regarding the Bengal CM's statement if this's not sedition, insurgency, & waging war against the state then nothing else is. She justifies the violent insurrection at the border town as "people's anger against the border guards of Indian republic and before that she brushed off the entire incident as not being any communal violence. Do we need to awaken our own elected government in the centre and implore it, beseech it to take any action against the anti-national forces..where are we headed to?? Our efforts have to continue..to awaken our dormant Hindu folks. The Chinese comparison is uncannily inevitable in our context.

With due respects we H are sutiyas compared to the sinic H who once realising the significance of a strong perpetual state never relinquished it and even made their conquerors adopt it as well as adapt to the perpetuity of the Han state. But see what happened to what Chanakya did..! Chandragupta Mourya himself bequeathed to his son the empire and became a renunciate muni!! This's the reason the vEda mention indra slaying the yati~s(hermit spiritualists) for they corrupt the human beings with dangerous softness & aloofness. Chandragupta Mourya could have been our own Chin Shi Huangdi immortalising chANakyanIti and the Astika bhAratIya state. No wonders the heathen kuffar Hans are now world superpower while we're looking into oblivion as heathen kuffar. In that context may we dare say to admire the n Koreans too as well as Iran. Like us they do not have any real civilizational friends in world whom they could rely upon and practice aggressive isolationist policies,highly unconventional yet admirable;many great countries including Japan once used it to great success. Though we obviously dislike any version of islam/communism but they know what is good for their existence and they're not wrong.

मंगलवार, 5 जनवरी 2016

RKM are non-Hindu, SC petition

Ramakrishna Mission petitioned the Supreme Court that they follow some "Ramakrishnaism",& are non-Hindu,thus be declared a non-Hindu minority. SC denied the petition in 1986.

Complete judgement of the Supreme Court of India - In-Depth Issues - Publications - Hinduism Today Magazine

These're our great HINO Chindu monasteries and saints.

The caste conundrum

For all practical purposes caste based discriminatory practices are in decline. And as far as elimination of surname is concerned the state of Tamil Nadu succeeded the most in this and is in the mortal grip of abrahamics. Then come Kerala & Bihar who too succeeded in this to a great extent too and it's for everyone to see what's happening there. Interestingly enough most of the extant shUdras & dalits have savarNa origins which were made degenerate in time by extreme ahiMsaka nAstikas viz jainas & bauddhas for their professions which entailed violence like butchers, skinners, tanners, farmers, artisans, miners, soldiers..they were not even allowed to enter the nAstika anti-vEda sanghas. sanAtana dharma provisions for varNa mobility and any jAti could be riShi and/or Ishvara's avatAra while tathAgata himself says only a brAhmaNa could be maitreya. Women were not allowed in bauddha sanghas & shUdras were actively kept out.

Later on abrahamic invasions & colonialism froze Hindu society from within as well as without as our paraMparAs & saMpradAyas were destroyed and made extinct by large scale genocides and many savarNas were deliberately forced to do menial jobs for the Muslims which segregated those Hindus and made their isolation rigid, but their resolve is to be worshipped that they did not leave dharma even after unimaginable humiliation. Europeans exploited these faultlines further and rigidified existing society via all machinations especially "documenting" the castes which we took further with quotas without even recognising the suicidal ramifications. All these further comcretised castes and casteism. puruSha sUktam has later on in the shlOkas described dharA to be born out of virATa's feet. So is she dalit too..? This is typical selective quoting out of context which MacAulayism did and instigated shUdras for them being born out of virATa's feet. And we gullible Hindus believe it like goats..! Casteism as we see today can only be eliminated by eliminating this evil abrahamic system we proudly yet naïvely practice and trust.

On the other hand the jAtis(not castes, caste is not jAti) were independent FSUs(functional sub units) which closed themselves from within to escape genocidal invasions & colonialism and continued with their own paraMparAs inside their shells for existence sake. Many shUdras retain riShis as gOtras while many savarNas especially Rajputs & Baniyas do not have riShis as gOtras..! Every jAti has a pride in their own ilk and thus we Hindus survived in toto despite great losses against the relentless savage genocidal invasions & repressive persecution we faced. I've been too brief trying to cover such a himAlayan topic so seek pardon for the unintentional errors which might've occurred. But the gist remains same. This pride too was broken down by European colonial supremacist Abrahamic imperialists,especially  Brits with their meticulously executed MacAulayism and subsequently by another supremacist universal poison called Marxism both of which used secularism, liberalism & democracy as the vehicle to corrode & decimate us from within as a country and that continues till date.

In sanAtana dharma it's not that only savarNas will get to rule or become riShis/munis/gurus or attain mokSha. That's a completely wrong and maliciously fabricated propaganda or else we never would've had vEda vyAsa,to begin with, or would've known of jAbAli. And sure we would never have had chANkya making chandragupta the emperor. Could we then have witnessed the great Rajputs? Rajputs who were born out of the sacred fire at arbuda parvata from avarNa tribes outside the chAturvarNya system. Else we would never have had the king suhaladEva who was instrumental behind the coalition which utterly decimated the hordes of ghaznavi. Harihar & Bukkaraya would never have been made kings by shaMkarAchArya vidyAraNya. These are barely the tip of iceberg. Don't forget Hindus that the greatest rescuer of sanAtana dharma was originally a "fourth varNa"(in today's lexicon they'd use much exploited jargon) who was coronated as a kShatriya saMrAT by the vaidika aindrAbhisheka and he more than  justified it; he is the great Shiva Ji Maharaj. I bow to him than ever to even think of licking the feet of fake Brahmin like "Pandit" Nehru or dharma drohin with a Brahmin surname like EMS Namboodiripad, the communist secular messiah..!

शुक्रवार, 1 जनवरी 2016

Did India really get independence from UK..?

Indian Independence:
Transfer of Power Source 6-


This document from the archives of the British library, or at least what they made public,shows clearly that India did not exactly get independence from the UK. This was a transfer of power and only leaving the commonwealth means independence which we haven't done yet.

Also though the Brits feign aloofness their own records mention how they dictated the partition of undivided India and how the fundamentals of the Endian constitution were laid down, which obviously were the replica of the British Raj to rule the natives and exploit the "new" country.

Notable is the then Muslim population share in the various regions of bhArata and how Pakistan(both East & West) was made by acceding to the jihadis, thus carving up akhaNDa bhAratavarSha into at least three pieces, despite showing up the pretence of ambivalent concern and the mlechChas don't even camouflage their bias towards their Abrahamic cousins.

All Hindus ought to be acquainted with this historical fact. What exactly transpired between the Brits and ConG's Gandhi Nehru et al and what were the terms & conditions of the instrument of transfer could not be found by yours truly.