Via which constitution/parliament did the Brit mlechChas make anti-Hindu Endian laws which still govern us? Clue for BJP & PM..
Now coming to BJP's lame excuses about lack of majority in RS or frequent disruptions of LS. For every effing thing you need not run to the parliament. Even under this mlechCha Al-Kitab-E-Fiqh you can work wonders for Hindus or the "market/corporate/economy"(so dear to our dear party..).
Just issue a government order via the cabinet. When cannot rely upon that further issue another GO. Then use the ordinance, once, twice, then in a different version. Frustrate the traitors. But why play per mlechcHa agenda & weep like crybabies..!!?? Chindus, HINOs & chatutards must note that CBI is neither constitutional nor statutory and not even any government order from the union cabinet was issued for its inception. It's an offspring of a noting in the ministry of home affairs dated 01 April decades ago (even the date is so ironic..!). BJP does NOT know how to get work done. Period.
Yes, and that's extremely worrying. Hindus put everything in one basket and it might well turn out to be a basket case. Taking everything to the Parliament may well be a ruse to....well..something are better left unsaid. From the day he started campaign for 2014 LS in Bengal our dear leader has till date steered clear of even criticising Mumtaz Bibi thus destroying the morale & the edifice of BJP/RSS in the province as well as squelching the hopes & plans of whatever Hindus(not HINOs) left there. It cannot be a mere coincidence over two long years.संघ परिवार के लगभग सभी आनुषांगिक संगठन तो संघर्ष व बलिदान का अनुकरणीय प्रतिमान हैं किंतु भाजपा का क्या जब वह सत्तासीन हो जाती है! कम से कम तब तो वह प्रतिशोध तो ले सकती थी/है..राजदण्ड से?
Howmuchsoever kafirs criticise/ridicule it & comfort themselves the fact remains that as a political ideology the genocidal second abrahamism is highly successful and will of course finish off itself but not before consuming the rest unless & until it's exterminated before it devours all others, in fact all the abrahamism need be annihilated and for that we need to face them all and take the fight to their sides. About akhaNDa bhArata the thing is that present day Endian Chindus & HINOs think of Af/Pak/BD/SL/Nep/Burma as some distant galaxies..including BJP supporters. If one attempts for something he/she might get less than of probability. If we strive only for this truncated bhArata aka Endia we'll be left with crumbs.. Thus the need for the "irredentist lebensraum" akhaNDa bhArata.
Let everyone be clear that our dear leader was brought into the seat of power with a brute majority by us to CHANGE the abrahamic colonial communist-by-day capitalist-in-night seculib Endian demonocrazy system and NOT become a part of it and definitely NOT to peddle the L.S.D. of economy toadstool to the beguiled masses but to save the most ancient yet the last extant truly human civilization.
End to the Endian colonial edifice!
End to the genocidal memetic death cults!
End to seculibism!
End to the apparatchiks!
End to laissez faire!
End to the apologists!
End to the anti-Hindus!
Annihilation of adharma!
Annihilation of mlechChas!
Victory to us Hindus!
Victory to our akhaNDa bhArata!
Victory to sanAtana dharma!
Victory of dharma!
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