मंगलवार, 29 दिसंबर 2015

Separate J&K comes into force via our own laws

Congratulations dear Endians! Our honourable J&K HC has ordered the state to fly its own separate flag and deemed unconstitutional the usage of governor and chief minister posts which should be Sadr'I'Riyasat and Prime Minister respectively and that Sadr should be elected by people. All of these were suspended in 1965 by the then Congress govt. Now under BJP govt we will have two regimes, two constitutions with respective flag, insignias and posts in one country.. A great achievement in 5 decades!



Whither India? Whither Hindu Rashtra?

RKM: Jesus & Mary subversion in Hindu orgs.

Height (or ebb!) of Chinduism..!! :-
Christmas Eve 2015~ The corpse and the virgin mom being worshiped with full Hindu rituals at
Belur Math, Ramakrishna Mission, Kolkata, Media Gallery
~ Christmas is in the official festivals list too of the RKM. 






Also see this link too:- https://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/story.php?story_fbid=10153772697892769&id=656857768&ref=m_notif&notif_t=like

Sw Vivekananda's views were the function of those times as were the views of Sw Dayananda Saraswati. RKM has insipiently become subversive. Why else the excessive emphasis over the years on the dangling zombie..

ISKCON is flagrantly subversive though it's not explicit. It has monotheisticised & abrahamicised entire dvaita darshana. Gradually the foundations of dharma are being eroded via the apparently dhArmika orgs themselves and the lay followers would never even know. RKM is now the new ISKCON. What a downfall from being a monastic order established by Sw Vivekananda himself!

But it was bound to happen. I was in Kolkata for eight years and have observed them closely. Their main drawback is personality cult worship instead of the shruti, smritis & devas, and conforming to the mlechCha ideals. When an organization recruits westernised HINOs saturated or frustrated or discontented with their lives but "highly qualified" in "modern education" & "highly successful in professional careers" this's what you get. There's no replacement for the traditional shrauta-smArta and the paraMparA of sUtra & sampradAya of the sanAtana dharma.

Disgusting to say the least. And even more revolting that they cannot stand genuine questions. Not surprising that the mullahs & commies regularly thrash them up. Hindus should not look up to them as examples or saviours. All these are prim & propah HINOs who know all about neo-vedantism,& thus are self proclaimed experts on Hinduism.

मंगलवार, 22 दिसंबर 2015

Rape Jihad at JNU

The sordid saga of the seculib JNU faculty raping & brutalising Bangladeshi Hindu student and hushing up the ugly sequence.

Note that the rapist jihadi did his MA, MPhil & PhD all in Islamic studies from JNU's social "science" deptt and got recruited as Assistant Professor in JNU's Social pseudoscience deptt itself, that too in this era of heavy unemployment where much better and qualified scholars are suffering joblessness.

If it were not for the doctors of JNU who referred the traumatized raped student to higher authorities while standing their ground this grave matter would never even have seen the light of day.

Plz go through all the screenshots.

Couple of thoughts on Gandhianism

This paradox of independent thinkers professing gandhism and being called gandhian. And yes, on the ground its pinnacle is an RSS man becoming the country's PM. But I did not understand where some say this wouldn't have been possible without Gandhism. Or probably they imply that non-confrontational and escapist policies of Sangh suited Indian Democratic polity well and eventually one day the perseverance paid off as the mlechCha party declined on itself letting Hindu-Gandhian party win some day. In the long run but we lost our thinking and fighting capacities thanks to Gandhianism and let our country be ripe for balkanisation, & worse than 1947 in less than 70 years.

But why there's was no retaliation against the Nehruvian govt committing wanton atrocities upon the nationalist Hindus post Gandhi-assassination..? It can be argued that the Congress administration was only the British one but in name and thus was ruthlessly employed against Hindu nationalists in the aftermath of 1948 or that the people were not against the Indian government,even blindly followed it, while it went all out against Hindutva forces in the name of upholding the law(mlechCha one) which lay Hindus neither cared about nor protested much.

Useless, ineffective & toothless amendments to Juvenile laws

No use of the fresh amendments to the existing juvenile justice law.
(1)- Only significant thing is that a person in the age-group 16-18 is to be tried under juvenile justice board which can refer such person to be tried under regular courts, but its the prerogative of the JJ Board so as to whom it'll deem so fit.
(2)- JJ Board comprises of three people two of whom are non-magistrates and are not any kind of judicial officers but are "social workers"(eulogy for seculib NGO gang) with only a graduation degree who're appointed politically for all practical purposes. The existing JJ members are ConG/Commie/Seculib anti-Hindu appointees who're next to impossible to dislodge given the state of affairs of the current dispensation and who'll recommend, recruit, appoint and perpetuate #IdeaOfEndia cabal only in such crucial system which they cannot afford to lose if they want to have vice like grip over this country to balkanise & destroy it.

रविवार, 20 दिसंबर 2015

Some thoughts shared recently..

[1]- Power sharing with the voters,constituency,supporters & party workers is a prerequisite for any party coming into the seat of power in a democracy or else the party and the cause it purportedly espouses both fail spectacularly.
Cf 2004. And yes, from the actions & results thereof do not reflect that our current gov't in the centre is effectively pro-Hindu, forget Hindu one.

[2]- The national conference of police DGs & IGs in Kachchh was a disgrace in itself as almost all the times the participants were in civil suits instead of khaki uniforms including the DGs & IGs of the paramilitary forces who too barring exceptions(only as IG,never ever DG) are always IPS babus. And these police babus who do not reflect basic discipline, decorum & dignity in an apex conference with the PM & HM of the country have the temerity to compare themselves to the military. And even more apalling is that neither PMO nor HMO insisted upon the police dress code..!

[3]- Though we like him for his views on Pakistan and Islamic terror his views on Islam per se and Mohammed are very respectful. He's a born Sunni but a Shi'a by belief and an old communist hand so we must use his views suiting our own narrative and not fall to kitman..We've to cultivate such abrahamics to suit our own needs not getting preyed on by trojans, saboteurs and subversionists, if any. An Abrahamic who does not denounce the unholy dogmata and the psychotic messiahs ought to be handled with caution.

[4]- It's only because of decentralisation via caste and pride in one's own caste (not the exclusivity & rigidity introduced by Abrahamic rulers & constitution) that sanAtana dharma survived a millennium of incessant multidimensional relentless genocidal Abrahamic attacks. If not for caste Hinduism would have vanished like Zoroastrianism, Tengriism, Manicheanism, Nestorianism and many strains and populations of pre-Christian pagans, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism & aboriginals.

Historian sepoys galore

The BJP has always had an intellectual deficit: Sanjay Subrahmanyam -


He's the son of the noted strategic analyst K Subramanyam and the brother of the current Foreign Secretary of India, S Jaishankar. Yet one can notice his vituperative, virulent and vitriolic anti-Hindu, anti-Modi stance. He at an early age received full professorship at UK, chaired various Indology seats in UK & now USA; is married to a French leftist historian. His trails reflect his anti-Hinduness, he's an adopted child of the mlechCha anglosphere deep state.

He's been interviewed by SagarikaGhose a notorious & rabid anti-Hindu crypto Xtian for the TOI_let paper, a subversive insipient anti-Hindu outlet, a gutter which today published an op-ed trash by Aakar Ahmed Patel(he hides Ahmed fastidiously) that the Peshwa Bajirao was a Maratha chieftain nothing to do with Hindus..! Coming back to this Sanjay fella: in his interview he has choicest of abuses thrown at Hindus and has the galls to call himself a thinker and intellectual. This is a classic meme repeated ad nauseum best exemplified by Amartya Sen et al who married into western elite and benefitting from them dare preach us.

Even Modi govt has hired Panagariya as econ advisor who's one such crypto Xtian married to a western elite and adopted by the mlechcHa anglosphere deep state. But yes this Sanjay is partially right about BJP/RSS not promoting true intellectuals, he means leftist corporatist seculibs and we mean real Hindutvawadis like SRG, RSG, KE et al(list is long but never utilised).

शुक्रवार, 18 दिसंबर 2015

The past of childhood

As kids we used to climb upon the trees and hand upside down from the branches; chase dragonflies & butterflies, jump on to sand from height;  wade through rivulets searching for stones with colours; play under the blazing sun forgetting food & water; wander amidst the woods, make bows and arrows out of wild bamboos; test our marksmanship, with salivating mouths, upon unripe fruits hanging high up the trees(mostly aam, imli and ber); race with friends on our legs as well as the legs pushing the bicycle pedals; follow the train whistling from its coal-engine and we wondering how it'll be fun to enjoy the train-ride on the last open decked cabin.... :)

Sadly our kids will probably never enjoy these pure moments of bliss as the world has changed..everything has changed.... :(

बुधवार, 16 दिसंबर 2015

War we lost after winning.

16December,1971,hard-earned, bravely fought,well-deserved,& glorious victory turned a humungous wasted opportunity. Post WW2 it was the biggest surrender of any military in world,a country was severed into two, we had nearly a lakh Paki PoWs and thousands of sqKMs in West Pak, entire East Pak was under our control but......... Rest is history which wronged the future. It's not said wrong that wars are won not on the battlefields but at the negotiations table.

Put an end to the Delhi charade

In Delhi BJP got 35% votes, AAP got 55%, majority of Delhiites love Comrade Arvindovich Naxalov Kejrisky. Slander is the first & quintessential weapon of the apparatchik revolutionaries against the bourgeoisie which Kejrisky been using.

Now time is nigh to put an end to this dangerous and lethal charade. In a democracy the public does not have any say now. Only the centre has, per constitution, if centre exercises its rights Delhi can be saved and thus the country.
Put an end to the Delhi charade, now! Or repent later.

Arabia, Vatican,UK & Americas for their moolnivasis & dalits.

All the AngloSaxons must be driven out of England and English be disbanded as a language in the UK. The Welsh and Gaelic people being moolniwasis be handed over the power and the foreigner invader Saxons & Normans must pay for their sins. Above all christianity and its clergy be thrown out of the holy britain who killed the native Bretons who no longer are found in Britannia after whom the isles are named; christianity does not belong to even Europe, forget the isolated far off British isles!
Britain for original inhabitants alone! Please support our move. We support the moolnivasi dalits, adivasis & dravidians against the evil Aryans Hindus.

Likewise the Arabs and Islam be driven out of Saudi Arabia as both are not native to that country. Islam is a judaic yahwehism alien to the Bedouins who were arabised with the advent of Islam. Clear all the original lands of the usurper invading foreigners. Americas deserve a clean state and Italy must be returned back to the natives of the peninsula and the Vatican deserves to be packed off to the West Asian desert where it belongs. These are historical facts which can not be ever denied and ought to be supported and translated into action , more so if anyone supports the moolnivasis of Endia against the brahmanical tyranny of the Aryan foreigners.

रविवार, 13 दिसंबर 2015

Two things about the Parliament attack anniversary

Today's the 14th anniversary of the jihadi attack on the Endian parliament. Two things about it:

(1)- That day hundreds of secular leaders were inside who were targets of the ghazi fidayeen terrorists. Still all the politicians cutting across ideology strive hard to preserve, defend and save the dogmatic superstitious fanatic savage  barbaric genocidal abrahamisms aka secularism in the name of what they eulogise as the Temple of Democracy ie the Parliament.

(2)- Even before NSG, Army and other security reinforcements could arrive the exceptionally valorous CRPF jawans with their WW2 vintage ordinary SLRs  dispatched the heavily armed terrorists to jahannum in less than 15 minutes and not a single terrorist could even enter the main building ( the Parliament Watch & Ward personnel & Delhi Police chipped in to bravely assist in the operation).
Amongst innumerable many it's singularly one of the greatest achievements of the CRPF along with the resolute & successful defence of the Sardar post in Kachchh,Guj, in 1965 war(one CRPF company against a full mechanised infantry brigade of Paki army) none of which ever come into public information domain or get retained in our memory.

Our gratitude and infinite respects to the hutAtmA soldiers and the soldiers who came out alive and victorious. No respects for the secular, subversive and treacherous leaders protecting whom the great soldiers sacrificed their lives.

Footnote:- Today hardly a dozen sitting MPs offered their respects at the "Temple of Democracy". And the country's Home Minister today went to Mumbai personally confer Padma Vibhushan upon an abrahamic celebrity. 

शनिवार, 12 दिसंबर 2015

Progress, from "development" to the civil war.

Bills to be passed in Parliament..for Hindu Rashtra or Endia? How'll we become a great nation by employing the suicidal gandism to embrace the sinner yet "hate" the sin? Sin is abstract yes, but manifests through humans only. Without exterminating the human hosts and vehicles Sin(ie corruption, anti-Hinduism, treachery..) can never be exterminated. Plague is not attacked by attacking the microbe Yersinia Pestis but by killing the vehicles(fleas) and the hosts (rats & mice). Small pox was not eradicated from the world by attacking the Variola virus but by not letting it have a human host.

RS could be easily obviated by calling a joint session of parliament but that needs either brains or guts and don't what our gov't lacks out of these two. Anyways all the "development/vikas" will be razed to dirt and vapourised when abrahamics become aggressive enough. Ask those who fled what's now Pak/Bdesh as well as our still very own Kashmir..! Such development/Vikas is only a hogwash. And we do not believe this gov't is following Shri Krishna as he did to Shishupal.

Democracy, secularism and liberalism are abrahamic Trojans. Look what they made of Europe. And Even the Americans are now the unwitting victims. We quoted Eur+US because they've a history as well as trait of being ruthless & aggressive themselves. With almost all of the countries in Eur being declared Christian states per respective constitutions and the US too. Dhimmi Secular Endia stands no chance against the abrahamics, especially Muslims. When Abrahamic Christians are unable to tackle Islam what the hell secular liberal Hindu/HINO dodos will do???!!! Democracy, liberalism, secularism, our constitution all are anti-Hindu adhArmika abrahamic western concepts employed per design in akhaNda bhAratavarSha to truncate it to India, circa partition, and then balkanise it into Endia.

Let us be frank. Mandate-2014 was not for some purported development or swachchhata abhiyan or jandhan yojana or foreign-liaisons or sabka sath sabka vikas.. though they're all secondarily important they suddenly popped up post elections! Whence the janAdesha of the watershed elections was for Hindu government ruling bhAratavarSha from the siMhAsana in Delhi and rescuing the Hindu civilisation. Hindu consolidation made BJP victorious not any secular vote bank or minorities. And to remind one and all Hindu system of government includes development, fairness and justice, not as it's portrayed to be the opposite. From recent history through the times till the dawn of human civilisation Hindu model of governance and rule has always proven to be the very best bringing overall prosperity and enduring progress with universal public satisfaction and happiness.

If Hindu civilisation was not brimming with wealth and prosperity what the phock for did the abrahamics mlechcHa yavana hordes, spending all their might & resources, invade and infiltrate us for? Please read this word by word. All Hindus know that Hindu model includes development. In last 18 months our gov't failed in decimating anti-Hindu forces which again exploited the faultlines as well as created newer ones and thus defeating whatever Hindu party we have in as diverse states as Delhi and Bihar.

We need some history reading. Read proper history of the princely states of Baroda, Travancore, Bikaner, Alwar, Coch Behar, Mysore..till 1947 and how they fared vis a vis the directly Brit ruled India. No need to go back aeons ago as we might be susceptible to react. Is it all irrelevant today!!!??? And we talk of Hindu Rashtra????????? Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it again as the history repeats itself, first as a tragedy and then again as a farce. We do not see much difference between a mlechCha yavana democracy, member of commonwealth, any different from the Brit rule. This is not independence. Google this: Scholarly studies & data- Since 1000 AD till 18th century India contributed 50% to 20% of world GDP.Everything is practical in politics & strategy. Just need a doer. It's not theory. It's more than practical. We need to unblock our minds. We're just afraid of the chaos which will precede the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra.

This's NOT any other Islamic assertion/aggression occurring simultaneously all over the country but outright demand for sharia laws (including blasphemy) in Endia. Anyways civil war is nigh but if this assertion of the momineen is not nipped in the bud very ruthlessly then the civil war will be expedited. While Hindus debate secularism liberalism Momineen are preparing for the ghazwa from within, the cataclysmic civil war Hindus want to avoid/escape but nonetheless would be forced to face and fight. And in the event of the next civil war which will be worse than 1947 and would happen nearly a century after it in our lifetimes we need the military veterans to chip in with their knowledge and experience from now itself to help save dharma and rAShTra.

बुधवार, 9 दिसंबर 2015

The anti-Hindu scheme of gold-monetisation

PM Modi's pet scheme - Gold monetization which targets to "use for people welfare all the thousands of tonnes of gold lying idle in Hindu temples".

This's the worst, and in frankness, the most anti-Hindu deed so far by our BJP gov't. Why?

First of all the temples are Hindus only in name. They're "owned" & managed by government which is secular and socialist driven by the foreign anti-dharma constitution. It's making fool of people that temples are doing it voluntarily, govt system asking govt system for voluntary monetisation..! The donations in gold ornaments are strictly for Hindu deities and Hindu purposes not any gov't or its scheme.

Modi ji is not gov't, even if he stays on that'll be for 10 years max(being hopelessly optimistic) by then it'll become a sarkari system. Once sarkari no further comments when non-BJP anti-Hindus will be in govt at the centre(they're already there in provinces). A sarkari scheme is never closed in Endia. Even this "Hindu Nationalist" party's gov't before coming into power was bitter critic of Aadhar, MNREGs, minority scholarships/schemes, hajj subsidy..and many more, but to the dismay of core Hindus the Modi government not only persisted with all these detrimental schemes but also multiplied their reach. Discerning Hindu will understand, cannot explain further. And remember the gold is for dharma and should be used only with the consent of donors by dhArmika authorities under Hindu Rashtra, till then we've ought not let it fall in seculib hands.

Summary of gold monetization scheme, factual: the jewellery will be taken by gov't, smelted, converted to biscuits/bricks, the new effective weight will be calculated and the price accordingly will be printed on a piece of paper which the donor will keep. ConG govt will come, or any seculib/socialist one, and the proud owner can wipe his/her nose with the piece of worthless paper.

Footnote: A simple google search will reveal that revenue from Hindu temples is not only pilfered, siphoned of by corrupt sarkari system but shamelessly used for funding "minorities schemes" including hajj. Also, the top officials of most temple boards are abrahamics.

Footnote again: And as our very own "all intelligent, workaholic and honest Hindu nationalist gov't" embarks upon monetising the "idle" gold read what happened to Libyan gold. We're not goon into distant past but into very much contemporary times. Here:




There's a good shepherd and he's herding the cattle to the "utopia" from where they'll never come back.
Or the Pied piper of Hamlin..? Who are the rats then, for whom? Who wants them drowned in the sea?