रविवार, 26 जुलाई 2015

Radha Rajan's tireless works continue to expose Christianity.

Another brilliant  &well researched article by #RadhaRajan exposing threadbare the Xtian agenda to finish off Hindus and usurp bhArata using the innately Christian tool of secularism and its frontal organisations like various "rights" orgs, Greenpeace, Amnesty, IMF etc. A must read for Hindus & HINOs alike. Those who do give this eye-opener(for those who still live & want to live in some fool's paradise)  a miss are not concerned about their own future , children & subsequent generations for posterity.
Read every word carefully. Even NaMo is not spared from criticism for his flaws in understanding abrahamic virulence though the author is clear that currently only he is the bulwark against the abrahamic infestation . The author has rightly explained that secularism is nothing but absolutely Christian and is its socio-political arm,the other arm being church. And she has coined the perfect term: Generic Church. Read to open your eyes, and minds if possible.


Xtian West is sexually depraved & pervert,especially their elites.

Sexual-abuses,paedophilia, perversions are the hallmark of Xtian West,especially its elite,eg UK:-
Rapes & child-abuse so common in West that even popular comedians like BillCosby & JimmySaville are its patron saints.

Rampant sexism & repressively misogynistic culture prevails in British judiciary: female lawyers & judges all are victimised in UK.

Amazon rainforests are home to ancient civilisation.

Evidences incl pottery & the black soil carrying human history fly into the face of notions that Amazon tribes are primitive hunter-gatherers.
Keulap,pre-Inca city >1500years old,an example of the bustling ancient civilization sprawling the Amazon
Maps of human villages & cities deep inside amazons,even pre-Inca; cleared rainforests show man-made earth http://t.co/WURwseyjy2
At least 80 lakhs(upto 5 crores of people!)estimated deep inside the Amazon rainforests before 1492.
Prw-Columbian, native-Amazonian, pre-Inca era human settlements ~5000 years were a significant factor in the evolution of the rainforests.
Amazon rainforests were agricultural mega-settlements before being wiped out by the genocidal Xtian West invasions & the diseases they inflicted upon the original inhabitants of Amazonia. http://t.co/vKXWSYaOZD

मंगलवार, 21 जुलाई 2015

Illegal population infiltration,Bhodrolok & Europe

Seculib Bhodrolok paradox in at least one of many facets is like that of Germany/Scandinavia: not begetting enough progenies yet wish to continue with a particular lifestyle thus not only dependent upon but also demanding more of immigrations. End is nigh. It goes without saying: most immigrants are Muslims, both legal & illegal. Curiously here, Momota Bee & the PMs(equivalents)of Germany/Scandinavia are female & childless.

Now look into this which triggered the comparison of Waste Bengal with the decadent European countries. This happened to an extent in Assam too which is probably irreversible now. In our context we've focussed only on the near/below replacement level fertility rate coupled with an easy-going no-risk-taking and minimal-responsibilities, "liberal/rebel", purposeless, hedonistic & soporific lifestyle. What governments should've and could've done is obviously the bigger parts of this jigsaw puzzle.

Above link is to a highest level report by Assam Governor,1998,illegal infiltrn into Assam: exhaustive, critical & alarming. That was then. Now the Waste Bengal Governor,though not with a report from his office, has raised similar concerns for the state that it's on the path of Assam as illegal infiltrations keep going on unabated and that the demographic changes might become irreversible. History repeats itself,first as a tragedy and later as a farce, and those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.

The meaning and mandate of 2014 for NaMo/BJP

All the next big three major elections (Bihar-2015, UP-2017, & LokSabha 2019) are absolutely mandatory for BJP to win, no exceptions or middle path, if Hindus need to survive. But are RSS,BJP,NaMo,parivar & team upto the enormous & onerous task including the control of narrative(media & education)? Will economic turnaround timely benefit the loyal citizens or be usurped,looted & ruined by Abrahamic savages? While loyal bhAratIya~s works hard with bleary eyes gleaming with hope, Abrahamics prepare for ghazwa/inquisition in here.

NaMo won elections because the desperate flailing Hindus wanted him to. They did not want BJP exactly but a person who could save the Hindu civilization. And there was a clamour amongst Hindus for him much way before 2014 elections. Modi has been entrusted with the responsibility to save our civilisation,repeat, Hindu civilization. Its not some personal career achievement for NaMo but only the faith posed in him by Hindus,conscious of the undercurrent or not. RSS/BJP/NaMo/Bhakts all are grossly mistaken if they think becoming PM is some political or party or personal success of someone/somebody and that he/they might be doing some favour for Hindus or that Hindus should be enthralled forever just for that.

When history will be written again, but by Hindus ie we'll emerge victorious eventually(a great "if"), after some decades and then again after a couple of centuries only then we will know if NaMo could be really worshipped or not. Till then he and his organisations should prove themselves to be true to the one and only one cause,aim,target,mission,ambition and that is how to save our dying civilization. And this is democracy,as of now, that's why we've given him a huge mandate to enforce our way through the chaos,  conspiracies & calumnies and not to prevaricate, procrastinate or pontificate. They must be aware of the abrahamic (including capitalist,secularist,communist, corporatist, liberal) worldview in which ""Hindoo India (though not declared constitutionally) is a pagan heathen uncivilized country but blessed with abundance of unparalleled resources, human and nature's, forcibly conjured up by evil Hindoos by threading up many disparate competing nations and thus this artificial country must be balkanised and broken up for portions to be shared by the righteous, just & virtuous race(s) & people chosen by one  God in his own image and glory"".

Hindu political leadership which is in the driver's seat of our great country now ought to appreciate the fact that some opportunities are neither created nor do they come on their own rather they've to be seized and if needed hunted down, pronto. And this is is a no-holds-barred and all-knives-out civilisational existential war. Why do we expect the opposition & opponents to be on backfoot even if BJP has absolute majority in all assemblies and Parliament? Then expect an all out in open civil war with bare knuckles and naked fangs as the abrahamics with all our enemies take the issue of survival and existence more seriously than us. Don't expect any smooth sailing without purging the country of the traitors & saboteurs of all kinds which needs to have been done yesterday as tomorrow means they proliferate to innumerable more as treachery,sedition & subterfuge are not only highly virulent & infectious but increasingly pervasive & resilient also. Its exactly like don't do the weeding, ignore pest control and ruin your entire crop alongwith losing on all the labour,money & sentiments invested resulting in the loss of future income and a big question mark furthermore on next crop as well (discounting yet the uncontrollable & beyond influence external elements & factors of weather,sociopolitics,economy, disasters etc..), leading to an unremitting and impossibly unquenchable vicious cycle of self-destruction.

We give 10 years max..NaMo stays or not and whatever he works: it'll tell the direction. Yes, only a decade furthermore. The vectors will be unchangeable after that and could be only undone with a calamitous Mahabharata followed by utter destruction of कुरुवंश(including पाण्डव),most king(dom)s of AryAvartta, यदुवंश, द्वारकापुरी, बलभद्र & कृष्ण yet don't know if Hindus will manage to escape with a victory,howsoever pyrrhic, like the Pandavas managed to have. But that was द्वापर युग, विष्णु अवतार was with धर्म and there were no abrahamics(& its bastards viz capitalism, communism, secularism & corporatism.. to contend with). While our civilisation now in a depleted, decadent, decaying state of being battle-weary, fatally-fatigued, geopolitically-truncated, internally-sabotaged, culturally-compromised, ideologically-challenged, shorn of glory, bereft of unbroken chain of leadership and well almost completely exhausted to extinction having staved off,with partial success, nearly 1300 years of relentless invasions, unending genocidal attacks and incessant wars(within & without) and recalcitrant subterfuges..awaits the Kalki.

Will NaMo be the divine saviour Kalki or the eventual failure Julian? Kalki might be a fanciful foregone conclusion, hope NaMo proves himself and succeeds where Julian failed, at least. And to remind one and all, whether Hindus want it or not, whether Hindus will be prepared for it or not, soon our civilisation will be facing onslaughts and attacks from all sides,a civil war compounded with multi-nation regional war, which might in all probabilities snowball into the next world-war as everyone in world claims a share in the Hindoo Indian pie. And this war,unimaginably worse than the last world war where we escaped direct involvement and sufferings, will prove to be a cataclysmic one: beyond epic proportions but beneath subhuman values with no rules of engagements or any notions of justice or some claims of civility, just completely denuded, shorn of all pretences, ethics and morality whatsoever. Will our civilisation even emerge gasping alive out of it??

मित्र वरुण

सोमवार, 13 जुलाई 2015

"AIT/AMT" and our existence

Our kind are probably minority amongst current Hindus. We firmly believe that our ancestors were natives of what is now truncated bhArata as well as those who came from Northwest of what's now Afghanistan,before as well as during Sindhu Saraswati Civilization and they were the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-Europeans who dwelled & thrived in AryAvartta bhAratavarSha(akhaNDa) which itself is the southern part of jaMbUdvIpa. There're many evidences to it (excluding 19th century white racist supremacist propaganda of course). We ought to understand that we Hindus are the last extant thriving branch of pagan Heathen Indo-Europeans whom the abrahamics have not been able to finish off (religiously & culturally) yet.

People have to understand that the true Hindu who adheres to shAstra~s,goes by the archaeo-astronomy as well as analyses the latest genetic & linguistic studies will never ever say that Arya~s are only indigenous to what we know now as India which is mere truncated bhArata. Our veda~s & purANa~s mention of the lands which are not today part & parcel of Indya ie India ie Bharat and are spread across Turkey to Caucasus to Caspians to Steppes to Tarim basin to Afghanistan to Iran to Iraq.. What is there to be ashamed/afraid of? Our ancient ancestors migrated once. And do not our recent forefathers migrated from some state to a distant state? If Hindus delink themselves from Indo-Europeans it'll not only be gravely harmful to us but also will extinguish any sparks of pagan revival of Europe & its migrants to other continents.

Having oscillated between "AIT"/OIT for long have now settled here since last two springs. Let us be in clear about "AIT". First of all there was not any outright invasion per se for the sake of it(in contrast to the much later abrahamic waves) by superior yet purportedly savage nomadic tribal aliens upon some hapless & clueless civilisation of megalopolises. Better it be called AMT, Aryan Migration Theory. It was more of an intra-empire spread of the reign & rule of the ancient Arya~s who naturally had wars as well as assimilations with the bordering people while on the same time the core/nucleus of the Arya declined with time and islands of their civilisation remained in areas which we cannot even imagine to be devabhUmi once. Best example which could be cited here in this spread with simultaneous decline with left behind functional islands is the Mittani Aryan Superstate(Indo-Aryan with vaidika system and NOT the Indo-Iranic one) which thrived 3500-4000 years ago in now what we know as the ISIS territory now!

We're right about the caution though in rarely raising this sensitive & "controversial" topic. That's why we do not much delve into that ancient part of history. For masses its anyways of not much use as they're yet to be enlightened and terra firma for such intellectual churnings is virtually non existent amongst the laity. There has been a spate of very good & exhaustive academic exercises especially in Archaeology & Genetics which throw newer lights upon the civilisational & genetic dispersal of humans before 2000 years well into before recorded antiquity. We must avail of the knowledge and think in the wake of our past which has been the reflection of the ancient and ever relevant vaidika sUkti कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्.

Coming to recent fluxes, mahAguru mAnasataraMgiNI said that Modi Ji instead of praising Islam, should've/could've said that central Asia and we shared a common Hindu/Buddhist past and even before that their steppes was home to the Arya~s whose traditions & religion we practice till date to a large extent. To which we say- but we lack this sense of history and that too arises from a big hiatus of a few centuries in our own traditional Hindu education system which is worsening every other day. History is being "created" & rewritten everyday by the abrahamic mlechcHas which being in academic echelons we do not even see and those in the popular domain like cinema we see but fail to notice. Amongst innumerable examples the most glaring one is the much popular widely seen movie series "300" which successfully usurps the Indo-European pagan Greeks as the "Us, White West" fighting till death for "God,humanity,independence,equality & democracy" and painting black the Indo-Iranic Persians as the "Them, Devil, invading,marauding,savage,heathen barbarians"which is absolute falsehood as both were from the same spectrum of a common civilisation and in that era there was no such demarcation of any such kind. Wars were then fought not over some religion or salvation or ideology but expansion of empires for greater glory & more resources which all rival kingdoms & empires resorted to which in turn were multi-"racial", meta-ethnic with many "religions"/faiths sharing common gods & theologies, and mercenaries(from even "rivals") were employed in abundance by either sides;all these very very unlike as depicted in Hollywood, the biggest abrahamic propaganda machinery.

Yes. We support "AIT" too if its alleged so. We do not see the Arya~s as some "race" as propagated by western "Indologists" but as a continuum of the proto-vaidika people who were our ancestors and who share a common historical bond with the pre-Abrahamic pagan heathen civilizations those who have been now wrongly usurped by the abrahamics as their own "white" ones to which the desert-cultists have no claim whatsoever of any kind. We are the last extant, and somehow lingering on, branch of the proto-vaidikas who are yet unconquered, though badly truncated & grossly severed, by the relentless dogmatic homogenising genocidal waves of abrahamism and subterfuge by abrahamics. In a cruel reversal of times the white supremacist mlechcHas are now more happy with OIT than AIT as the former negates our claim to the Indo-European history & heritage. Also, archaeological, astronomical, linguistic & genetic all factors put together definitely indicate clearly that our ancestral genes 05-75% come from the belly of Eurasia. Our purANa~s, veda~s all indicate a shifting reference from north to south and west to east. To cite a few examples: the mEru parvata, the most revered mountain of ancient Arya~s, is in the centre of jaMbUdvIpa to the south of which lies himAlaya and further south is bhAratavarSha; amongst rivers later on, the reference gradually shifts from the saptasiNdhu to paNchanadya and then to gaMgA & yamunA.

For many of our generation and the younger ones even Pakistan is an alien country,not even a neighbour,and Afghanistan,Iran & Tajikistan are some another universe but these were fully or in part once our vaidika/Hindu bhAratavarsha. Now as Indyans even kAshmIra, kAmarUpa, kerala & kirAtadesha stand deleted from our minds. If this goes on unabated a day might be nigh when Indya will be limited to what's now Himachal to Vidarbha and Saurashtra to Dandakaranya only with the rest of Indya having become foreign countries we will then espouse that Kashi, Prayag, Gaya, Kamakhya & Gangasagar being Islamic cities while Madurai, Rameshwaram, Tirupati, Gokarna & Tiruvantapuram being Christian cities are thus foreign and alien while Shipra is the river in Ujjain where vaidika civilisation originated! We'll not let this happen but is a bleak possibility.

How many of us are aware that our many tIrtha~s & holy sites mentioned in even the later shAstra~s are totally out of bounds for us? Which lay wasted & scattered in what we call now the foreign lands of other countries- Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Pakistan & Bangladesh! Somehow we're still accessing kailAsa+mAnasarovara but for how long? Even mA sItA's birthplace is not in Indya! Loss of geography has become loss of history as well as loss of culture & religion,to explain in simple English. We are shrinking not only in political geography but also in cultural & geo-political psychology which renders us weaker & progressively defenceless facing the civilisational existential threat. We lose claim to jaMbUdvIpa we lose our future in bhArata. Ponder O Hindus, and think to act to save thy future and thereof your current existence! No history, no future, no existence. How can we become vishwaguru when we're content,nay delirious, within the truncated & further disintegrating bhArata? And of course not even think of laying claims to our puNyabhUmi AryAvartta akhaNDa bhAratavarSha, what to say of the entire jaMbUdvIpa or vishwa beyond!

रविवार, 12 जुलाई 2015

Not real doctors..

Ayurveda/Siddha Homeopathy,Unani-Tibbiya practitioners should NOT be granted/awarded MD(Doctor of Medicine) degrees as this obviously creates confusions in the minds of unsuspecting populace regarding modern medicine and that these disciplines themselves deride & denigrate modern medicine as "Allopathy"(the Other Practice ie not the real practice!) so these AYUSH practitioners should have their own "masters"/"doctoral" degrees with respective terminologies.

They should not be jumping the bandwagon of modern medicine and do something real good in and for their own stream using their true identities and desisting from quackery possible impersonation. Prior to their "MD",the "speciality" degree, the AYUSH practitioners have to take their respective BAMS, BHMS, BUMS degrees which they not highlight or even hide from the people by omitting it from their name-plates etc while boldly highlighting only "MD" thus fooling the patients,in particular,& public at large to think of these self-styled doctors as "actual & real" MDs who've "obviously" done MBBS! Yes, its rampant. And of course they illegally & unethically go on to prescribe "medicines"("Allopathic") for which they're neither trained/qualified nor are permitted by any law of the land and definitely not sanctioned/sanctified by any moral/ethical/religious/spiritual code whatsoever.

With the greatest respect we admire Swami Ramdev who actually has studied real Ayurveda in a gurukula system and practices genuine Ayurveda even though he criticises the shortcomings(some real, some exaggerated, some unfounded) of modern medicine. 

It's Swami Ramdev who has actually revived the Ayurveda tradition of bhArata singlehandedly and not these fake doctors who waste our taxpayers money only.  A doctor is a doctor. An AyurvedAchArya is an AyurvedAchArya. We do not pretend to be AyurvedAchAryas because we neither have studied Ayurveda nor have any training in it. We do NOT cheat ignorant people by claiming to be experts of what we have zero idea/concept/understanding. And it should be only that way. Patients do benefit from Ayurveda/siddha and some from Unani probably while Homeopathy is under doubts only.

Whenever need arises its always good for the patients that they consult pAtaNjali Ashrama rather than these unreal doctors. Its duty of the patients too alongwith the govt(which is in sleep mode) to check & verify whether the "doctor" who's offering them complete or miracle cure without the side-effects(of the "Harmful Allopathy") is actually a true and real doctor or not!
And beware! These are not real doctors, albeit with real degrees: quota & donation beneficiaries including.

शनिवार, 11 जुलाई 2015

Dhimmi apologist of Islam masquerading as scientific & cultural rationalists

Our response on Twitter to a fellow Hindu who retweeted a link to tweets by Nassim Nichols Taleb, some Lebanese Greek orthodox xtian dhimmi (Idea of India & Aman Kee Asha kinda) who was advocating a grand union of Mediterranean states on the grounds that south European xtian countries in the Mediterranean are almost the same as the West Asian Muslim countries of Mediterranean in terms of culture & food etc and thus Greece etc should severe their ties with Germanic Europe with whom they've nothing in common.
Recall that the Pan-Arab movement was initiated by Arab xtians who openly espoused the meme of Arab & Islamic superiority. Baath party was one such significant byproduct of pan-Arab movement. And its not any different matter that Arab Muslims slaughtered Arab xtians as soon as they came to power in various Arab states.

This Nichols Taleb himself is a US citizen living in the security & comforts of that country but is advocating genocidal catastrophe in the Mediterranean.

Coming back to the retweet.. https://twitter.com/colbair/status/619611727097917440 
the response to it was instantaneous thus brief :-

Yes interesting,high on sentimentalism & low on realism with wanton cherry-picking of half-truths & facts. He conveniently misses the point how Assyrian(xtian) & Armenian(xtian) genocides happened in Levant & Turkey.

He omits the fact that entire Muslim/Xtian populations wr exchanged btwn Turkey/Eur after Ottomans dissolved. He conveniently ignores that the Greek military ceremonial uniform kilt has  400 pleats to never forget 400years of Turkish rule.

He avoids the reality  that Turkey sits on > 1/3th of Cyprus illegally. And that Lebanon got islamicised v rapidly. The list is endless,& schism between xtian & Islamic Mediterranean is even deeper than that btwn India & Pak.

The major catastrophic tragic historical events we mentioned are >100yearsold. Where's fraternity & love??! Yes, Germanic Europe is dissimilar to Gaelic Europe which is to Iberian & which is to Mediterranean...but despite all Abrahamic bonhomie all the dogmas & denominations are fighting for supremacy in Eur/Medit where the biggest fight is between Islam & Xtianity.

And paradoxically Islam is not fighting the catholic church but Islam(Sunni+Shia) gnawing & chewing up the eastern(orthodox/coptic/Assyrian..)churches of Mediterranean.

So  this apologist @nntaleb seems to be a whitewasher for Islam & disarmer of dhimmi kuffar,like our Indyan seculibs.

Options for a kafir in an Islamic state

In a Muslim state ie Islamic/Sharia one(declared/undeclared) there're plenty of options for mushriqs, munafiqs, murtads & kaffirs:

1. Pay jizya accepting all regular & compulsory insults,abuses,beatings & humiliation to become a dhimmi(applicable only to Xtians/Jews, NOT applicable to those who do not believe in messianic books ie Hindus/Buddhists/Jains/Animists/Sikhs/Seculars/Communists as these go straight to no. 3 & beyond but since there're not much xtians/Jews in Indya so, well...!).

2. Forfeit your property & valuables to waqf(applicability to particular communities same as no. 1).

3. Convert to Islam after crude circumcision/circumfibulation without anaesthesia.

4. Get crudely neutered(removal of testes) plus/minus emasculated(amputation of penis),both without anaesthesia,of course, if a male to become a sex/common slave. For females, become sex/common slave anyways.

5. Get beheaded by halal method.

6. Options 1 & 3.
7. Options 2 & 3.
8. Options 1,2 & 3.
9. Options 1,2,3 & 4.
10. Options 1,2,3,4 and yet 5.

Allah is indeed the most kind, merciful & compassionate.

Islam is the religion of peace. Amin!

बुधवार, 8 जुलाई 2015

How to brainwash future generations..

NCERT textbook for social studies(civics, class 7th),see the pic.

Typical abrahamic communist propaganda & atrocity literature. Preparing for the dictatorship of the proletariat; for the meek to inherit the earth. Those who didn't understand my words I shall explain now. It does not mention why & how public/govt sector healthcare is dysfunctional. Then it discredits whatever private enterprise is there without offering any solutions/corrections. Brands some sections elite & most as exploited. Instigates the "exploited" against "exploiters/elites". Pollute generations,create unrest & spread anarchy. Its actually going on in all spheres in our country and Congress,Communists,Seculars,NeoAmbedkarites & now AAP all follow this model.

If you recall our own school curriculum the Hindus in general & "Upper Castes" in particular especially the Brahmins were painted in black & singled out for demonization which we all believed & probably believe even now as three to five generations been brainwashed whence the truth is that Mullahs, Missionaries, Macaulayites, Marketeers, Marxists & Media fostered,perpetuated & exploited casteism & caste conflict.

Don't believe it? History is written everyday & we do not see it, one glaring example: reservations/quota system which has only deepened the schism & festered the bad blood but is offered as Panacea for all ills.

Now coming back specifically to Drs & healthcare: the solution offered is quackery like degree in purported rural medicine after 12th, AYUSH practitioners being allowed to practice modern medicine in conjunction with the evil propaganda that Drs do not want to work in villages. All political parties exploit this anti-doctor stance for votes.

Who're these "intellectuals" who write our textbooks & academic curriculua? We do not even care. This demonization of Doctors is but only one of the symptoms of the cancer bhArata is facing in the form of orgy played by Abrahamics,communists & secularists. They want total chaos, complete confusion & absolute anarchy. Like hungry hyenas they'll fight amongst each other when they get their spoils. Only we do NOT even wish to look any deeper into the root cause. If this NCERT textbook is corrected,for instance, the hyenas will cry "saffronisation!saffronisation!" and middle class people like us(barring "communal" exceptions) will cry & crib how bad & communal is the govt! Yes! Exactly this is the script. Any correction or rectification of communist crimes(in cahoots with ConG et al), even those of the healthcare issues will be branded as communal saffronisation & crimes of Hindutva forces by the seculibtraitor brigade. Truth is always harsh,bitter & unpalatable when bare naked.

Bad Apples or rotten fishes are there in every system but the system has to be rectified. Not that you'll burn the orchard or drain the pond dry. Having worked in different govt & pvt/corp hospitals can vouch that its not about govt's ineptitude in running the hospitals but respective individual leadership in those hospitals. Also, the most poor of our populace naturally throng to govt hospitals which are still very few in numbers & with fewer manpower for which local administration is not exactly to be blamed. This is not a simple problem but linked with mass poverty, lack of education, absence of public transport, political & bureaucratic shortsightedness as well as corruption... list is endless. Once again its to be insisted that individual/local hospitals or doctors not performing properly are still the cases of bad apples & rotten fish which can be sorted out but the malaise is much pervasive at the social,political,bureaucratic & national levels(not necessarily in this order). Requires visionary statesmanship and unprecedented steely resolve at the topmost level. This is not a problem which could be corrected at all by trying whatsoever & howsoever at grassroots.

We appeal to, beseech, urge  & implore @PMOIndia @narendramodi @smritiirani that  NCERT ought to apologise formally in the textbooks themselves for this mistake & delete such falsehood. Kindly do take urgent as well as longterm measures to improve public/govt healthcare w infrastructure. Kindly see this & stop ASAP the poisoning by NCERT of minds of bhArata's future.

बुधवार, 1 जुलाई 2015

Our leader's tweets reflect a lot,his opinion about doctors too.

It'd been better if our dear leader & PM wouldn't have wished on this day. At least it'd have went unnoticed.
This is the bloody importance of doctors in the eyes of our dear leader & PM. Not only he almost forgot the significant day & tweeted about it half-heartedly barely 3 hours from the next day(probably on someone's prompting) but also clubbed the doctors equally with( in a single इतिश्री tweet ) CAs who though hold significance in a materialistic and capitalistic society actually have no genuine role in a society & nation.
(No offences meant to CAs but let truth be spoken)

Those who don't know should be appraised of the fact that RSS/BJP parivar is not only dominated by businessmen but the CAs to wield a lot of clout too in its policy-making. The doctors at worst are used as facade kept away from real inside functioning and have the sole purpose of being of "help(mostly personal) in the times of need" while at best they're shunted to NMO(National Medicos Org) for "humanitarian work & cultural awakening". 

So, no real heartbreaks or surprises here.

P.S.- Our dear leader & PM is though very diligent & prompt about meeting & tweeting about all & sundry including those who study on our bloody taxpayers' money and are serving or going to serve mlechcHa~s & yavana~s with much promise, fervour, loyalty  & passion.

N.B. - This confirms why a leader like JPN is at the helm of affairs of the country's health and that no one should expect any serious improvement in the sick condition of Indya's healthcare.

Produce & manufacture everything yourself, avoid Greek tragedy.

Pravda's scathing & brutal yet perfect & poignant analysis of collapse of Greek economy. It's a must read.
As we always insist a country is bound to doom if it imports everything, does not manufacture or produce anything and upon that spends more than it earns that too after taking loans & debts. We warn that tourism etc are fake economics which though extremely good in generating revenue like bubbles, can vanish in a split second and no one comes to a ruined country howsoever good tourism & hotel industry you might be having.

Not all subsidies are bad. The West gives a lot of subsidies to its farmers & industries. Subsidies are a double edged sword to be used with utmost caution. When used judiciously it helps protect & boost your economy like that of Anglosphere, Ger, Fra, SKorea, Jap. But if used recklessly you've PIIGS crises & the Greek tragedy as well as what we're struggling with right now. Anyways its a simple axiom to follow: produce & manufacture everything yourself, avoid Greek tragedy. And remember the old adage: money saved is money earned. To conclude: तेते पाँव पसारिये जेती लांबी सौर Spread your legs only that much as much you have the bedspread(an old Hindi one).