शनिवार, 20 फ़रवरी 2016

How to destroy/win a country/civilisation.

This video is in circulation for couple of days on FB in our friend list. We thought to analyse it too. First of all for a firmly rooted Astika sanAtanI Hindu who experienced/witnessed the cold war what the ex-KGB says is nothing surprising but only a corroborative reaffirmation of the truth which has been concealed in the past and the same is being done with the facts even now. This's a wonderful great first hand account of not only what was the Soviet Union but what is brutal, cold, ruthless & calculative ideological warfare(which actually non-communists were doing previously and now too). This interview is of circa Reagan era, the USA learnt from it and employed exactly the same tactics more effectively to destroy the USSR, its nemesis. Hindus/India unfortunately do NOT want to learn at all.

We shall be discussing a recent piece of history where India was victorious. How? Bangladesh war itself was Soviet creation and the entire Mukti Vahini leadership was Soviet trained, Bangabandhu Sk Mujiburrahaman himself was a useful idiot who was assassinated by his own Marxist-Lenient comrades when he grew too big for his wings. And as we personally believe is corroborated again that any revolution/change is never grassroots, it always has to happen from above; either positive or negative, those societies/cultures who do not want to accept/practice it are doomed forever. Many will think this video as an information about communists which it is but only superficially, all power-hungry world-domination ideologies/regimes be it abrahamisms or European colonialists or now the merrycans been doing the same. Communists just perfected the module in no time. Curiously enough despite being a cynic/skeptic Mr Bezmenov somewhere was wrong to presume he chose to defect to the free world. In the last 14 minutes the former KGB agent Mr Yuri Bezmenov explains the four steps to destroy a country:
1- Demoralisation (through Disinformation).
2- Destabilisation.
3- Crisis.
4- "Normalisation".

Which stage are we in now? Fellow Hindus should think over it. Recent example is AAP. You'd be able to mark out that the Soviet tactics are now employed by the merrycans. Actually the foundations of sanAtana dharma run so deep that despite the mlechChas & HINOs we've survived till now. But how long..? We've been weakened too much with lots of erosion. Who knows the next push could precipitate our complete collapse. Is the moot question as the attack & onslaught upon Hindus only intensifies every other second when palpable/noticeable or not.
Only 15% of money, resources & manpower is spent on espionage itself and rest 85%, the real bulk, goes in the aforementioned steps. To begin with the undoing as he recommends and a discerning Hindu already knows there needs to be at least one and preferably two generations of patriotic nationalistic education to be imparted by the ruling regime of the realm. We should not merely hope but pressurise our own govt to impart thus an education and ingrain an environment which would prepare future generations of nationalist leadership as well as masses.

He is but full of love & admiration for India & Hinduism(though he doesn't explicitly mention our "religion" per se) to the extent that he loved India more than Russia and didn't defect to India because Indira gov't had done a treaty with USSR to hand over all soviet defectors back to KGB.
The intellectual & academic useful idiots are called political prostitutes by Mr Bezmenov who informs how they were cultivated by KGB on soviet money & alcohol etc for being readied to disseminate disinformation & hence demoralisation back in their respective countries. In India he vividly remembered Sumitranandan Pant as a political pros, horror to many nationalist Hindus from Hindi belt :) ! He wrote a eulogising Rhapsody to Lenin in sanskritised Hindi. In the pic Kaifi Azmi a known cardholder communist is identifiable too,at least him. He then tells about university professors being trained for subversion, a Delhi university professor seen with Russian wife and in another pic with KGB's master spy Mitrokhin( google Mitrokhin diaries). He also stressed upon the fact that escapism preaching gurus/babas like Mahesh Yogi in pic with him are a good tool for subversion despite themselves not being on any espionage payroll or even being aware of that. Of course there're journalists. The Sikh journalist with him, who's he? Khushwant should look a bit older even way back in 1960s.

All Hindus must listen to what Yuri Abrahamivich Bezmenov says. I could go on writing but would stop here.

Footnote: Not only the adversaries but those who are used in any one of the four steps are executed/assassinated by the next step when their useful idiocy is no longer required and they having been frustrated with not finding the utopia will become dissidents themselves. 

Footnote 2- Mind control is the biggest weapon against your adversaries, even as big as a country/civilisation.

Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length) - YouTube


शुक्रवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2016

Who's the useful idiot...? Mirror from Iran.

Who proved to be the useful idiot?
One who coined & practiced the term or ended up being one?

Commies like only buggery. Either ways. And they like it till their end. In Iran they with the Soviet help were trying to overthrow Shah calling him a Western stooge leading an oppressive regime. But their influence was limited to the urban areas only, that too in the region around the Caspian only. In the rest of the Iranian empire and the rural areas the Shia jihadis, yes, Shia, not Sunni, you heard it right, Shia jihadis  were the leading rebels. The commies thought they were giving the Shah a good assfokk but that wasn't enough to remove him so they joined hands with the jihadis,nothing unusual about it. The revolution was successful and the Ayatollah returned from France where he enjoyed seven star facilities as a political asylum seeker.

Don't understand why Shah Aryamihir, Reza Pahlavi-II didn't get the grand mullah killed before he escaped Iran or any assassination attempt was made on the turban-beard or were they unsuccessful. Coming to 1979, the Iranian revolution was successful and by 1980 all the commies were assfokked by the Shia jihadis till the former died of enjoying the buggery. Those who were lucky/smart/fighter enough escaped Iran, mostly to US & Aus by circuitous routes and started leading the lives as would regular citizens of the two capitalist countries live. Last heard as this write up gets posted they were busy reviving the first monotheistic faith in world ie Zoroastrianism pining & yearning with undying love of their land of the Aryans.

One more instance of Dhimmi apoptosis

Abject cowardly surrender of our govt on the appointment of Bassi as CIC. Recall how UPA2 brazenly went ahead with Thomas for CVC & fought till the SC. Twenty months ago we warned that its a naively suicidal to let ConG be represented in the panel for CIC & CVC when they've lost LOP status. Now see what Kharge said objecting to Bassi that the CP Delhi had a bad & controversial trackrecord especially handling the JNU issue & subsequent fallout in Delhi..! Our govt meekly accepted it and will now cite constitutional/legal obligations.
Who'll save the Hindus from themselves..??


गुरुवार, 11 फ़रवरी 2016

Jihadi/Jinnah Naxal University

In any sane,normal & regular country JNU,HCU, OU, AMU, JU, JMI, MU, FTII, XLRI et al would've been shut down and even demolished long ago with their faculty as well as students rotting in jails and/or be executed for subterfuge,treachery and sedition. There're more than enough laws even in our copied & borrowed one lawbook.

Pertinently & poignantly enough, our honourable highest seat of law is very much concerned about 50% of population ie females(cf places of Hindu worship). That makes but less than 38% of India. How about the high pedestal worrying about the 100% by doing something on the rampant & flagrant anti-national, secessionist, treacherous, seditious, illegal & anti-constitution activities running amok in the name of liberalism, secularism (inserted illegally & unconstitutionally in the constitution itself), dissent & FOE/FOS..that too from the nooks & corners of the national capital itself at a stone's throw away from the hallowed precincts of the honourable SC itself, again! Only if the country remains intact could the hapless Hindu women be given any equality, there will be no egalitarianism in a balkanised Endia. Just look at the terrorist states of Pak & BD.

Will Saudi Barbaria, United Barbarian Emirates,& the United States of Armies(Inc.) attack/invade us if Endia govt dares act against jihadi/seculibs here? If the GoI doesn't exterminate traitors now aforesaid might happen soon as abrahamics go beyond control; mere excuse,a fabricated one, will do.
But as we always insist BJP is a retarded party. It is dithering & vacillating with pusillanimity when offered on a platter an enviable opportunity to start cleansing of Endia to at least make it India if not BhArata.How seculib gang would react shouldn't preclude the gov't action against treachery, secession & sedition, that too in the capital itself frank, open & spitting in gov't mouth! There's nothing called ideal situation. Recall how PVNR ji rescued the country from brink of fragmentation(I'm not talking of economy) despite never having majority in LS or RS for 5 years. Rather than elaborating I'd give a hint.. Recall how elections in Panjab were organised after 6 years of Prez rule..how much was voting %..and how the terror issue was handled from Delhi itself..including reinducting retd IPS as DG with more than full powers.

Footnote: Though not a positive figure in toto, Indira ought to be credited with to storm the then Khalistani HQ,though military tactics were not all right. When will JNU meet the same fate?

A revisit:- An article written four months ago,a slightly unconventional take on the Jihadi Naxal University: 
// JNU, long live the "revolution", comrade! //

सोमवार, 8 फ़रवरी 2016

Hindu mercenaries?

Unfortunately that's an old IE/Pagan problem. Even during the Greco-Persian wars as well as the ancient Persian-Hindu wars many respective natives fought for the opponents as loyal individuals. But that was the pre-abrahamic era. With the advent of abrahamism the Europeans, Persians & Turkics adopted respectively distinct identities for themselves. OTOH the Chinese developed a strong and unique Han ethnic identity of their own under their great emperor Chin Shi Huangdi unaffected by any religious doctrine and the Japanese evolved into an insular ethnicity thanks to proto-Mongolian ancestry in a geographically isolated landmass, with the ascent of the imperial house claiming divine descent from God Amaterasu.

Coming back to our ethnic pride/identity we had an approximate idea of  "us" vs "them" till the gupta era who unseated the shakas from their strongholds of many centuries and regal positions despite the latter following shaiva saMpradAyas. The identity thing became a bit hazy post decline of the house of harShavardhana then the seers & sages came up with the yajna at arbudaparvata (Mt. Abu) and dhArmika identities were settled afresh; these hutAshana rAjaputras soon took over the reins and thus the reign of bhArata in almost all directions and collaborated to defeat & drive away mlEchChas from Arabia for nearly 350 years. Finally the defenses were breached with the defeat of the great chahamANa prithvirAja and the floodgates were opened for the non-IE & non-pagan third abrahamics. It seems the centuries of presence of Muslims in our country infected & corrupted our neural pathways despite many of our victories over them. For petty gains our kings started marrying(offering our womenfolk to invading usurpers) with them, offering our soldiers to them & ruling on their behalf by the time of Akbar the tyrant. Rest is before us all.

रविवार, 7 फ़रवरी 2016

Neo-Vedanta anyone?

As a late adolescent and early youth I was fascinated by advaita, read many books on it including upaniShads from advaita PoV. About 15 years later I realised what my mistake was. Also, even then I was rankled by the mlEchCha terminology "monism" for it. Couple of years ago I started countering that wrongful translation/terminology as it clearly betrayed an abrahamic monotheistic agenda of usurpation and subsuming of one of our greatest(but not "the" greatest) darshanas. Now I've become almost sick of the repetitive use of advaita & vedAnta as proper nouns by Hindus/HINOs ad nauseum. These people for worse do not even know anything about the dhArmika traditions and do never try to find out but gloat in their own kind boastfully, if supposedly know a thing, that how our advaita is monotheistic and we're not backward and that we're just like them..how nice! Fed up of this. Market is flooded with books etc on advaita vedAnta especially from RKM, ChM and on the other hand we see how RKM & ChM etc have been insipiently infestated by xtian idolatry & abrahamic chicanery. They now even worship messiahs in their hallowed precincts with doped-like followers lapping it up like anything: Neo-Vedanta.

Footnote: My mistake was that I pursued advaita without knowing, seeking & performing my own pursuits as sanctioned by dharmashAstras. I'm still a seeker but not of things dictated by mlechChas. And hope some day I'm able to truly fulfill my duties according to my kula, pravara & shAkhA which unfortunately been lost to my family due to many factors beyond our control.

On FB in reply to this post of ours a learned friend posted this--


Our reply to the above note:
"Firstly I should congratulate you for writing such an extensive yet simplified explanation of our sanAtana dharma. The way monism/monotheism are explained deserves kudos. You're a truly enlightened Astika but unfortunately most Hindus are not and that's where the "neo-vedantins", themselves misguided folks, further misguide the laity. Even this has been highlighted in your note. mlechChas have focused on and invested heavily in advaita vEdAnta and that seems not without a reason. But Hindus should better open their eyes & minds.
Yes. I'm aware of the deeds of zarathushtra and his followers. That's why I kind of derive an oblique satisfaction at it being delivered the same fate as it did to Arya dharma. If you notice our article on Zoroastrianism there in too it's emphasised,coincidentally as in your article, that the  "mono" thing proved suicidal for the non-abrahamics and Hindus would've to pay a heavy price, they're paying through their noses actually without even realising it. Latest one being, apart from the few glaring examples we cited respectively & separately, the elite guru Sri Sri trying to mediate between the shani temple trust & Abrahamic proxies."

शुक्रवार, 5 फ़रवरी 2016

Integrating AyurvEda & modern medicine.

I was corrected by my better half here(in reference to the last article posted yesterday on medicine & patient care).

Presently in our country there's a real dearth of wise, intelligent, knowledgeable, intellectual, competent, articulate, visionary, dedicated, smart, laborious and efficacious enough clinicians on both sides(AyurvEda & modern medicine) to actually, harmoniously, positively & fructifyingly integrate these two systems. And of course, they need to not only themselves be in powerful administrative posts but need the canopy & strength of a strong-willed government's blessings as well as proper funding too without any of which everything will be nullified into oblivion.

A near impossible task. Though not totally impossible.

गुरुवार, 4 फ़रवरी 2016

Who's an oncologist,& whose oncologist?

See this headline: "India has just 2,000 oncologists for 10 million patients" - Times of India


This's an overtly erroneous, partially misleading and only partially correct article. In fact this skewed hackneyed article deliberately demeans & hides away the real oncologists ie Radiation(Clinical) Oncologists & Surgical Oncologists. The so called 2000 oncologists this article claims to be hardly available in India are not proper oncologists but general physicians only who wrongly claim to be oncologists. Barely 300 of them have any training/degree in any kind of oncology if we strictly go by their claim. This article mentions in passing reference that ""surgeons & radiotherapists"" too are required during cancer treatment which nothing short of glaringly negative twist of information as if one "great" man is doing everything and others are there merely to help him at his beck & call. When the real picture is starkly different.

The "medical" oncologists which are the much eulogised doctors in this article by ToI are nothing but glorified general physicians doubling up as "oncologists". Around 96% cancers are solid tumours where they are NOT required at all while the 4% remaining cancers ie the haematogenous malignancies are managed by haematologists. Also, the childhood cancers which could be in both solid/blood categories are treated by paediatricians. This market driven "medical" oncology is a relatively new phenomenon in India which has actually shifted the focus from real oncology to largely non-mandatory yet fancy, extremely costly and American copycat free market laissez-faire corporatism which more often than not ruins the patients' families socioeconomically without providing much succour to the actual patients who keep oscillating between  hospitals & their much distant homes. World over this American trend of throttling down the throats corporatist mercantilism in medicine has ruined as well as overburdened governments & countries needlessly.

In last many decades not more than a couple of chemotherapy drugs have successfully evolved,not even half a dozen, which could replace the original chemotherapy drugs. Yet we're inundated, rather bombarded with news and prescriptions of "newer generation" chemotherapy every three months or half yearly wherein all of such drugs have either failed spectacularly or just whimpered away scurryingly and most of them are/were promoted by not so scrupulous means. Patients are many a times needlessly treated with painful  invasive procedures & highly toxic costly drugs just because "International data" says so. Chemotherapy is important but Neither the supreme Nor the sole modality. It's given only as an adjuvant/concomitant drug except for some blood cancers( <2% of all cancers). Such Chemotherapy has been a good tool in the hands of the real oncologists and not those foisted upon the world by the mercantile corporatist profiteers giving false hopes to patients & their families while sucking them dry of their hard-earned & money saved with great difficulty. This coerces governments misleadingly to make public health plans which are hollow and directionless passing the burden to the patients themselves.

Diabolically & deliberately demeaning, underestimating, undervaluing and ignoring the real oncologists ie surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, haematological-oncologists & paediatric-oncologists has nefarious multidimensional adverse effects upon the patients, people, society, governments & countries for the sole pursuit of the global multi-trillion dollars profiteering, more so in the ill-informed, badly organized  & misgoverned "developing & third" world. Interestingly & significantly the European countries(west & east block both), Canada, Russia(& some CIS countries) along with Japan have steadfastly kept away dollar guided oncology & self styled oncologists from their patient care system and have the best results in world in terms of patient survival, quality of life and disease free survival. Without surgeon no tumour could be removed and there's a dictum that 50% of cancers need to be irradiated(this percentage rises to above 80 in our country given the late presentation of cancer cases). To be blunt most "medical" oncologists are afraid to even touch a tumour, forget evaluating it, as they've as a thumbrule never done during their entire training itself!  The World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as India's National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) guidelines strictly stipulate that a cancer treatment centre cannot be started without radiation therapy set up, Radiation Oncologists, operation theatre & cancer Surgeons.

Who's the oncologist? It's not a mere rhetorical question but has trillion dollars quagmire involving people's lives. money, resources, sentiments, running of public healthcare system, governments & of course, our taxpayers money. Last but not the least it concerns the geopolitical things as well. Big pharma companies are known to even effect regime changes & foment civil wars in the third world. No one is beyond reproach, black sheep could be anywhere and they need be chastised/punished or weeded out, but those are rare sporadic individuals; they are not the norm. The real concern is the normative, sinister, heartless, ulterior, ideological, stupefying & universalising profit driven power-hungry greed called corporate healthcare,also manifesting in India as medical tourism which sadly is promoted by government(s) here!!

Footnote: Association of Radiation Oncologists of India(AROI, estd. 1973) alone has over 2500 qualified life-members. Then apart from AROI there're the respective associations of qualified surgical oncologists, haematological-oncologists & paediatric-oncologists with a possible total membership of nearly 3000. While this article claims erroneously, hope not purposely, that there're are not even 2000 "oncologists" in India. Corporate oncologists..?

Footnote 2: Clinical trials and studies have many conflicts of interests which are seldom shown and the medical/scientific journals too have funding from sources which directly/indirectly influence "data".

Indian medical sector is getting exponentially corporatised, not only in oncology but all disciplines. Today medicine is about investigations, reports & packages. Paradoxically govt hospitals, at least medical colleges, are not afflicted that much because the older generation has not retired yet. But the below 34 years age generation of doctors(from MBBS to post doctoral training level) are programmed like autobots. Soon they'll be the leading doctors. The 35-42 age group doctors like yours truly who got trained during the flux of change or at the cusp of "old vs new"   show traits of both at individual levels within the spectrum. But ours is a minuscule cohort just like any junction point is small. The last Mohicans. Soon we'll be swarmed over by new generation doctors trained in mlEchCha ethos.

Preventive medicine is in curriculum , even MD degree and full fledged departments are there, but practically sidelined all over the country or to put it in right words it has become a salary generating NGO feeding department only. As a doctor trained in western medicine I advocate integrating AyurvEda with it but not segregating them or making them contradictory. Ayurveda itself was the modern medicine but was lost to us thanks to repeated invasions, destruction, abrahamic rule & colonialism. In our country the dominant discourse & practice is to posit AyurvEda against modern medicine, even the current govt promotes it. My patients ask a lot of questions pertaining to food & daily habits. I always recommend vegetarian diet & yOga under some expert(preferably) and seasonal fruits+vegetables. I prescribe only that much drugs+investigations which are minimum requirement to treat the diseases. Many patients actually complain I do not write much tablets/goliyan/syrups for their strength..and why I scold them when they ask themselves for investigations like CT scans etc..

And then there's "evidence based medicine"(EBM). Will write about it later in detail, for now one thing only: EBM should be used as a good guideline but it's being quoted & followed blindly like some abrahamic kitab with ferociously aggressive zealotry instead of applying it to respective peoples & patients tailored as per their multifactorial backgrounds. And why not? Most of the EBM guidelines come from the West after all while thanks to many intrinsic reasons owing to our own shortcomings we do not contribute anything significant to the dynamically updated international guidelines on EBM: slavish mindset, quotas with their multitude of ramifications, lack of funding for research, lack of stable jobs to pursue medicine and scientific research count amongst those significant many drawbacks on our side.