Unfortunately that's an old IE/Pagan problem. Even during the Greco-Persian wars as well as the ancient Persian-Hindu wars many respective natives fought for the opponents as loyal individuals. But that was the pre-abrahamic era. With the advent of abrahamism the Europeans, Persians & Turkics adopted respectively distinct identities for themselves. OTOH the Chinese developed a strong and unique Han ethnic identity of their own under their great emperor Chin Shi Huangdi unaffected by any religious doctrine and the Japanese evolved into an insular ethnicity thanks to proto-Mongolian ancestry in a geographically isolated landmass, with the ascent of the imperial house claiming divine descent from God Amaterasu.
Coming back to our ethnic pride/identity we had an approximate idea of "us" vs "them" till the gupta era who unseated the shakas from their strongholds of many centuries and regal positions despite the latter following shaiva saMpradAyas. The identity thing became a bit hazy post decline of the house of harShavardhana then the seers & sages came up with the yajna at arbudaparvata (Mt. Abu) and dhArmika identities were settled afresh; these hutAshana rAjaputras soon took over the reins and thus the reign of bhArata in almost all directions and collaborated to defeat & drive away mlEchChas from Arabia for nearly 350 years. Finally the defenses were breached with the defeat of the great chahamANa prithvirAja and the floodgates were opened for the non-IE & non-pagan third abrahamics. It seems the centuries of presence of Muslims in our country infected & corrupted our neural pathways despite many of our victories over them. For petty gains our kings started marrying(offering our womenfolk to invading usurpers) with them, offering our soldiers to them & ruling on their behalf by the time of Akbar the tyrant. Rest is before us all.
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