As a late adolescent and early youth I was fascinated by advaita, read many books on it including upaniShads from advaita PoV. About 15 years later I realised what my mistake was. Also, even then I was rankled by the mlEchCha terminology "monism" for it. Couple of years ago I started countering that wrongful translation/terminology as it clearly betrayed an abrahamic monotheistic agenda of usurpation and subsuming of one of our greatest(but not "the" greatest) darshanas. Now I've become almost sick of the repetitive use of advaita & vedAnta as proper nouns by Hindus/HINOs ad nauseum. These people for worse do not even know anything about the dhArmika traditions and do never try to find out but gloat in their own kind boastfully, if supposedly know a thing, that how our advaita is monotheistic and we're not backward and that we're just like nice! Fed up of this. Market is flooded with books etc on advaita vedAnta especially from RKM, ChM and on the other hand we see how RKM & ChM etc have been insipiently infestated by xtian idolatry & abrahamic chicanery. They now even worship messiahs in their hallowed precincts with doped-like followers lapping it up like anything: Neo-Vedanta.
Footnote: My mistake was that I pursued advaita without knowing, seeking & performing my own pursuits as sanctioned by dharmashAstras. I'm still a seeker but not of things dictated by mlechChas. And hope some day I'm able to truly fulfill my duties according to my kula, pravara & shAkhA which unfortunately been lost to my family due to many factors beyond our control.
On FB in reply to this post of ours a learned friend posted this--
Our reply to the above note:
"Firstly I should congratulate you for writing such an extensive yet simplified explanation of our sanAtana dharma. The way monism/monotheism are explained deserves kudos. You're a truly enlightened Astika but unfortunately most Hindus are not and that's where the "neo-vedantins", themselves misguided folks, further misguide the laity. Even this has been highlighted in your note. mlechChas have focused on and invested heavily in advaita vEdAnta and that seems not without a reason. But Hindus should better open their eyes & minds.
Yes. I'm aware of the deeds of zarathushtra and his followers. That's why I kind of derive an oblique satisfaction at it being delivered the same fate as it did to Arya dharma. If you notice our article on Zoroastrianism there in too it's emphasised,coincidentally as in your article, that the "mono" thing proved suicidal for the non-abrahamics and Hindus would've to pay a heavy price, they're paying through their noses actually without even realising it. Latest one being, apart from the few glaring examples we cited respectively & separately, the elite guru Sri Sri trying to mediate between the shani temple trust & Abrahamic proxies."
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