सोमवार, 30 मार्च 2015

The Hindu existential war is here & needs cold decisions with urgent actions.

The "everlasting" & great Roman(Byzantine)Empire lost most of its territories,except a tiny region concentric to Constantinople,to Islam in mere 04years(634-638). The,non-Arab Zoroastrian,mighty & great Persian empire was militarily+politically vanquished,in toto,by Islam in mere 18 years(633-651).
All the US sponsored "coloured springs",in the ArabicSpeakingWorld,to violent coup +/- CivilWar effected within a span of mere 2-3 years.

Above are some real examples from distant and immediate histories so as to how actually great(& really eternal in their times,at least) empires/civilisations crumble like a cookie and go into oblivion in a jiffy when they are faced with an enemy rooted in some motivated faith/religion. Accept it or not, we Hindus are fighting a civilisational existential war thrust upon us by the vile+relentless abrahamics. In this civilisational existential war we Hindus cannot throw our lots with some EconomicMiracle/EaseOfBusiness/Elections/Constitution.

The essence is:
The war for our very survival itself is here & needs cold decisions with urgent actions. Nothing will save us Hindus in this Civilisational Existential War if do not recognize it & accept it with resolve to fight. For our victory in Hindu Civilisation's Existential War ,to come with huge sacrifices,needs urgency in anti-abrahamic & pro-Hindu strategies,now. As the sayings go:first things first & शुभस्य शीघ्रं,we Astika~s of the sanAtana dharma must realise our priorities first for our शुभं.

गुरुवार, 26 मार्च 2015

Are "Gay Rights" that important..?


Whatever the Gay lobbies say or even some of our own Hindu thinkers that homosexuality per se is not against Hinduism,  we're happy that India officially voted against Gay-rights/benefits in the UN though we happened to be on the losing side.

#Seculibtraitors who always lick jihadi soles are not surprisingly criticizing bhArata to have voted with the likes of Saudi Arabia & Pakistan as this might snatch away their "rights to individual freedom" in this case(to have unbridled homosexual fornication). What some people might do in their privacy is ignorable but incentivising and,worse, institutionalising homosexuality is definitely not acceptable.

Everything is not black and white. Yes we know our ancestors stayed half nude(incl females with their breasts exposed) before the Islamic hordes forced them to cover themselves up. And we know that ours is the land of kAmasUtra & kokashAstra. Yet we're not sure if homosexuality was given primacy or respect in Hindu civilisation.

But this is definitely cast in concrete that the international gay lobby is leftist(and paradoxically funded by the West & Sheikhs to destabilize others) and avowedly anti-Hindu and anti-India which desperately wants our country to fall down the abyss of confusion, hedonism, anarchy & self-destruction.

शुक्रवार, 20 मार्च 2015

Three steps without which we Hindus cannot save our existence.

Not easy to summarise in short, but on the issue to save our existence, two domestic fronts need to be opened:
1) Start with Sonia Antonia Maino. Yes Sonia,the honeytrap,arrest her. There're enough indirect/direct evidencesfor last 4 decades on various counts leading to her and she needs to be behind bars,yesterday. Rest of her team(s) will fall in line.
2)a. Blanket ban on all proselytizing/conversions.
2)b. Release free all the Hindu temples from govt stranglehold.

This huge mandate wasn't for "swachCh bhArata or sabka sath" etc which surreptitiously cropped up from nowhere and now dominate the political discourse post elections. NM will meet the fate of ABV n 2019 if this IndiaShining2 continues.

Hindus need a calm headed cold leader who'll hold sentimental Hindus cohesively. NM is that leader. But of course we cannot dictate him. "Ignore Sonia" strategy in 1999-2004 made her even more stronger & hungrier for power. This time she'll become fiercely desperate as Raul is not succeeding till now. She's graduated from being a seductress bargirl to the biggest Mafia and the most evil henchwoman of abrahamic forces in the realm of bhAratavarSha.

Sonia is an Abrahamic front. Abrahamism has never been tackled by ignoring as it leads to neglect of the festering infestation which deserves strict measures of quarantine & fumigation. Never in history has any abrahamic force been controlled or subjugated by parleys & forgiveness but only with ruthless stamping out & extermination.

We're actually happy that steps have been taken against evangelism & terrorism. But a lot needs to be done,the backlog is long and our enemies are advancing fast,they've lost only elections but the civilisational existential war is upon us. Pardon the "impatience" but our concerns are not unwarranted as Hindus are running against time. There're no easy solutions though as leading a country anyday anytime is a dynamically tough job. Our job is to convey our concerns and suggestions in the fair hope that they reach where they're intended to and listened to be acted upon. Hope NM is on the right & correct though double edged path.

Don't know what's this all about "Hot Hindus". There'll always be a spectrum of Hindus. There's another end of it which abrahamic gang have consistently taken advantage of. Let's do our part and let our leader listen to all but act on his own wisdom in the best interests of dharma & rAShTra taking lessons from history.

सोमवार, 16 मार्च 2015

The genocide of at least 6million Indians by Brits in a single famine alone,1876-78.

The great Indian famine,1876-1878, caused purely by genocidal barbarous mlechcHa British policies apocalyptically affected at least 6 Crores people and 60Lakhs of them died(Brit data that was,real figures much way higher). Total population of akhaNDa bhAratavarsha (including what are now Pakistan & Bangladesh as well as Myanmar & Sri Lanka) was hardly 25 Crores then(cf Census 1872). That translates into >25% of Indians directly hit by the famine then ie 35 Crores in terms of today's Indian population and 3.5 Crores people dead; one just shivers and shudders with shock,anger,disgust and vengeance at the mere thought of it!

We then produced more food grains than ever but were "exporting" it to UK & World and these exports peaked during famine. See the pictures attached here. The last pic shows a contemporary painting of Madras port during the famine glut with lakhs of gunny-bags lined up for export.

Hitler purportedly killed 60Lakh "enemies" in his entire rule and is the "biggest ever villain". OK? What about the mlechCha Brits? Who officially killed 60Lakhs in just couple of years in just one instance, uncountable if the total deaths tallied during their 175 year rule here. At least half a dozen pan-India famines occurred under the satanic Brit Raj,in 1940s too just before the bloody and diabolical partition.

Could be easily picturised that uncountable crores of bhAratIya were killed by the mlechcHa Brits due to their acts,deeds and policies which were aimed only at looting & exploiting this land of golden treasures whilst abusing us like mere expendable slaves undeserving any ruth or mercy befitting even any lowly creature. And yes, Brit means not just English but all the Scots,Welsh and Irish gentlemen who were here together only to hungrily and greedily participate in the orgy of wanton lust and insatiable urge to plunder and murder.

We've kept in focus here only one famine. Not taking into account the savage acts of physical violence and gruesome cruelty by Brits which have been consigned to crypts of history but took with them many lakhs of lives of our ancestors who didn't even get symbolic last rites as living beings.

P.S. Those who wish to cry dumb apologist that the Brits brought railways to develop us should go read their cotton policy and industrial needs of 19th century Britain.

Readers are encouraged to google this famine and think.

रविवार, 15 मार्च 2015

Assam, a mirror to our apocalyptic future if we do not wake up now..!

Our bhAratIya languages/cultures too,apart from religion/faith, need safeguards from the genocidal abrahamic/Western cultural aggressions & invasions. The issue of Assam here is deliberately being confabulated by abrahamicising(islamicising to be specific in the garb of secularism) its long standing exclusively dhArmika identity.

The biggest defining identity of a culture/society in bhArata is not ethnic stock(Colonial hangover) but language and culture. Assamese,Bengali,Maithili & Oriya are branches from the same stem of prAkrita. Ahom-Tai just adopted it. And religion is mandatory in ascertaining a culture. 
A Muslim Bengali-speaker can never be an Assamese hosowever justified by putrid arguments. Though Bengali and Assamese are sister languages and cultures the question of Assamese identity would not have arisen if not for the heavy Muslim infiltration from Bangladesh. There's a hell lot of difference between Bengali Muslim and Bengali Hindu or else there wouldn't have been partition just like Punjabi speaking Muslims kicked out same language speaking Hindu/Sikhs.

Nothing is static: anthropology,religion or language and thus culture. They evolve. Anthropology,but, has never been the cornerstone of defining identity in bhArata. Its always been language and religion. This anthropology nonsense has been used to its hilt in NE and South India especially TN to divide and balkanise bhAratavarsha. Idiotic arguments by colonial stooges who want to divide bhArata don't deserve merit. Just because someone has a surname Gogoi he can claim that Assamese history starts with only immigrants from SE Asia 700 years ago(which though true is exaggerated to appropriate the entire past). LOL! Anthropology(turned into pseudoscience by colonials abrahamics) alone is scientific and very scientific that linguistics and religion have no role in defining a culture??!! Get lost you Abrahamic stooges. Only vested interest is of yours who want Assam to be usurped by abrahamics and divided between Muslims and Christians. Traitors.

And no discussion is possible when the Axomiya themselves can not accept the fact that Maithili,Assamese,Bengali & Oriya are sister languages. British agents and Macaulayites are those who say that Assamese is separate. This was the reason their anti-Bangladeshi movement turned into anti-India terrorist separatism and now they idiotically want to cohabit with Bangladeshi Muslims & christianised hordes calling them Assamese. Shame!!

Bengali and Assamese being sister languages doesn't translate into Bengali Muslims be accepted as Assamese. Bengali Muslims are enemies of even Bengali Hindus. Bengali & Assamese sister relation doesn't automatically or necessarily translate into Bengali hegemony, Orissa & Eastern Bihar(mithila) almost never felt so or grew out of those sentiments/phase with time.
Assamese leadership under the influence of colonial Abrahamic masters cheated the common Assamese people by equating Bengali Muslim infiltration with purported Bengali(Hindu) hegemony and directed it against our common shared bhAratIya identity.
Don't know whether to cry or laugh on this.. "NE was never part of bhArata as per archaeological dept. go ask them".."around 1920 gandhiji came to asam first"!! And how did you come to have sanskrita names of people & places??Aryan invasion?? Phew!! Pity you as how even Hindus could be brainwashed into being enemies of their own rAShTra. Not so hard to understand but can't help the cowards who behave like dodos at best, ostriches when normal and snakes at their worst of course. There'll be never a shockingly first or disgustingly unique Abrahamic-slave Assamese who pretends to be a true Axomiya. We can only sympathise with them because they and their quisling leadership got sold out to anti-Axom, anti-dharma & anti-bhArata forces and now have no option but to happily accept the slaughter of theirs by the abrahamics.

While our strategy should aim for exterminating our civilizational enemies we're confabulating to self that peaceful coexistence is way out. Only when we realise absolutely that we can never coexist with those who seek our extermination can we fight for our survival & attempt to finish them off or else we're doomed forever.
Assam is the perfect example of what the entire bhAratavarsha could be facing in very near future if Hindus keep themselves trapped in self induced deep slumber.

Go through this link to see the post and comments thereof to know how anti dharma and anti bhArata have the Hindus themselves of Assam have become thanks to persistent abrahamic onslaught on all fronts.---


शनिवार, 14 मार्च 2015

Can abrahamic female icons/divinities be (not) subjected to scrutiny or criticised or exposed?

<<<<< Conversation over a social site >>>>>

●*Anonymous- would like to know what u meant by ur comment: lady with multiple partners?
which lady u were mentioning. being a hindu... if i would have to talk abt mary .... i would not talk like this. there is sense of respect for women in our religion...
the way i saw many nationalists these days.
u guys are proving that u are no better than islamists.

*मित्र वरुण- Please read about Yeshua Ben Pandhera, the Jewish canonical description of Jesus and the account of his birth which is described thus. This has nothing to do with demeaning womanhood. Facts as represented in the abrahamic Scriptures themselves.

●*Anonymous- yes... they will start mentioning mahabharat n mistreat kunti and droupadi. Is that gud enough to talk like that? anyways... why should i feel bad abt all the women in the world.

*मित्र वरुण- They've been doing that but we never retaliated.

●*Anonymous- i think i should feel happy that my hindu bros are respecting us hindu women that is enough isn't it! yeah... end of the day ...what u dis....u have followed them.

*मित्र वरुण- Anyways my point was not her chastity per se but to dismiss the purported divine origin of the fraudster.

●*Anonymous- did mary claimed any godhood? Wasn't she just a woman?

*मित्र वरुण- shaThe shaTham samAcharet.
*मित्र वरुण- It was she who told Joseph that the holy spirit visited her. Yes.

●*Anonymous- i didn't know that. still... aren't many of us name our kids by god's name.

*मित्र वरुण- Godhood was of course bestowed upon her by church for obvious reasons.

●*Anonymous- saying that we dreamt of so n so god n we got this kid kinda stuff. this thing is always disturbing.

*मित्र वरुण- In Hindu theology & history people accept that ,eg., kuntI had one time relation with a God each. We do not cover it up but respect her for that. In fact she, draupadI & ahalya are one of the reverred paNchakaMnyA.

●*Anonymous- my question to u is very simple.i have faced it in different grps. How can we question them when we start talking abt women like this?
either we should give up talking abt women at all.

*मित्र वरुण- That's not simple to answer but sure we can criticise their clergy & church etc who not only abused the women but hid it and the ugliness by deifying them.

●*Anonymous- we have duryodhana who ripped of dignity from droupadi... he said same thing abt her............... aren't we same race.

*मित्र वरुण- Women or men, none can escape historical scrutiny. Men are subjected to even worse examination. While Muhammad is rightly called a sex pervert , Jesus is justifiably called a maniac with sexual immaturity/dysfunction.

●*Anonymous- u sound right there...
may be i can't appreciate when any one abt a mother
even if it is mother of jesus or mother of prophet neither i prefer to talk abt any such issues abt men too.

*मित्र वरुण- There's no comparison between draupadI and Mary by any means at all. Duryodhana did it with ill motive and was punished in his lifetime along with being reviled till date because draupadI's acts were on the orders & blessings of her elders and sanctified by tradition & shAstra which were defiled by duryodhana.

●*Anonymous- issue is not abt their chastity at all. i simply felt bad when i read that one of my friend's can talk disrespectfully abt a woman. this i am not being a feminist nazi here.

*मित्र वरुण- Yes. The issue is she was neither a virgin nor was truthful to her spouse and for such crimes their holy Scriptures recommend death by stoning. That's the faultline we never exploit.

The binding spirit of Hindus and the need of more organizations for dharma & rAShTra.

There's a spirit binding all Hindus of various denominations & philosophies which has held us together in the worst of calamities and let us triumph the insurmountable odds against survival. The spirit is eternal belief in,adherence to and practice of r^ita & dharma seeded as well as nurtured and perpetuated by varuNa in the marrows of our subconscious. We're programmed to the r^ita & dharma for 7000 years or more, thanks to all our pitr despite we being unawares of it now in our consciousness.

All the highly organized & authoritative Xtian/Parsi empires fell to Islam in a jiffy but we never gave up the fight. Christianity conquered most of the globe & humanity but failed against us. From the universal & eternal r^ita dharma stem out various sampradAya & matAntara per vyakti/samAja, sthAna & kAla.  If at all we're looking for the one umbrella its that r^ita dharma as told by shruti,and the rest aligns itself thereof. And its enshrined in our shruti to kill & decimate whosoever and whatsoever distorts r^ita & harms dharma.

All the asura and sura have to follow the path maintained by varuNa, and the deviants deserve to be punished incumbent upon the severity of their transgression. Those who seek to destroy the path of devas & dharma must be utterly destroyed. This vaidika tenet ought to be our credo &fundamental guiding principle and accordingly we must be exceptionally brutal & exceedingly merciless against abject anrta & flagrant adharma. This precludes the need of only one particular organization to lead us if we follow the basics. rAmAyaNa/mahAbhArata are best examples of different people uniting against adharma and so did many Hindu kings against invaders,successfully.

We do not have a history of losing battles but of not consolidating victories and not punishing the mlechCha yavana to their utter destruction. But when Hindu polity was lead by only one megalomaniac/megalith like MKG,JLN,Cong the unwitting Hindu flock was lead to slaughter. Again we might suffer a redux of recent past of betrayal if the only org/party we blindly trust crumbles itself or worse becomes a quisling or actually turns out to be a Manchurian candidate.

In another example the finishing off of Hindu Maha Sabha & similar organizations and them being replaced by one mega organization alone did not turn out to be that great as it turned out to be a giant sloth which acquiesced to the fraud of democracy and secularism to sustain its own existence rather than to fight for its original cause. Its protégé has won recent elections but the cancer has already metastatised. In past we've Peshwa Raghunath Rao who led to Hindu decline owing to his own attributes despite being in an unchallenged position and in a contrasting light the sudden demise of the young & great Bajirao compromised Hindu strength forever.

The size and extent of respective Hindu organizations is immaterial compared to their existence and flourishing itself.  pratihAra, rAShTrakUta, paramAra, chandrAtreya, hoyasala, kAkatIya, vijayanagara, ahom, maharaTTa.. all were minute tiny fringe once. History books as mere books are for university exams at best. History ,but, is reflected in present. Realism, and, is rooted in past.