शुक्रवार, 5 मई 2017

Shameless surrender of India at UNHCR

Appears like a ConUPA's deification of judiciary,media & civil society(NGOs).. It's our BJP govt's report to UNHCR, surrender, prostrating and grovelling before an incompetent impotent body used as a geopolitics syndicate. Our BJP regime speaks HMV in UPR3India. Glorifies NGOs aka civil society, resolutely promotes RTE, humiliates the country w this official submission to UNHCR UPR3India at Geneva: https://t.co/zxu1o088G7 BJP GOI: pellet guns controversial, Hindu RW behind beef murders, communal violence bill for minorities. BJP's Govt of India crawling on belly at UNHCR headed by Saudi Barbaria & led by West.