Our kind are probably minority amongst current Hindus. We firmly believe that our ancestors were natives of what is now truncated bhArata as well as those who came from Northwest of what's now Afghanistan,before as well as during Sindhu Saraswati Civilization and they were the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-Europeans who dwelled & thrived in AryAvartta bhAratavarSha(akhaNDa) which itself is the southern part of jaMbUdvIpa. There're many evidences to it (excluding 19th century white racist supremacist propaganda of course). We ought to understand that we Hindus are the last extant thriving branch of pagan Heathen Indo-Europeans whom the abrahamics have not been able to finish off (religiously & culturally) yet.
People have to understand that the true Hindu who adheres to shAstra~s,goes by the archaeo-astronomy as well as analyses the latest genetic & linguistic studies will never ever say that Arya~s are only indigenous to what we know now as India which is mere truncated bhArata. Our veda~s & purANa~s mention of the lands which are not today part & parcel of Indya ie India ie Bharat and are spread across Turkey to Caucasus to Caspians to Steppes to Tarim basin to Afghanistan to Iran to Iraq.. What is there to be ashamed/afraid of? Our ancient ancestors migrated once. And do not our recent forefathers migrated from some state to a distant state? If Hindus delink themselves from Indo-Europeans it'll not only be gravely harmful to us but also will extinguish any sparks of pagan revival of Europe & its migrants to other continents.
Having oscillated between "AIT"/OIT for long have now settled here since last two springs. Let us be in clear about "AIT". First of all there was not any outright invasion per se for the sake of it(in contrast to the much later abrahamic waves) by superior yet purportedly savage nomadic tribal aliens upon some hapless & clueless civilisation of megalopolises. Better it be called AMT, Aryan Migration Theory. It was more of an intra-empire spread of the reign & rule of the ancient Arya~s who naturally had wars as well as assimilations with the bordering people while on the same time the core/nucleus of the Arya declined with time and islands of their civilisation remained in areas which we cannot even imagine to be devabhUmi once. Best example which could be cited here in this spread with simultaneous decline with left behind functional islands is the Mittani Aryan Superstate(Indo-Aryan with vaidika system and NOT the Indo-Iranic one) which thrived 3500-4000 years ago in now what we know as the ISIS territory now!
We're right about the caution though in rarely raising this sensitive & "controversial" topic. That's why we do not much delve into that ancient part of history. For masses its anyways of not much use as they're yet to be enlightened and terra firma for such intellectual churnings is virtually non existent amongst the laity. There has been a spate of very good & exhaustive academic exercises especially in Archaeology & Genetics which throw newer lights upon the civilisational & genetic dispersal of humans before 2000 years well into before recorded antiquity. We must avail of the knowledge and think in the wake of our past which has been the reflection of the ancient and ever relevant vaidika sUkti कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम्.
Coming to recent fluxes, mahAguru mAnasataraMgiNI said that Modi Ji instead of praising Islam, should've/could've said that central Asia and we shared a common Hindu/Buddhist past and even before that their steppes was home to the Arya~s whose traditions & religion we practice till date to a large extent. To which we say- but we lack this sense of history and that too arises from a big hiatus of a few centuries in our own traditional Hindu education system which is worsening every other day. History is being "created" & rewritten everyday by the abrahamic mlechcHas which being in academic echelons we do not even see and those in the popular domain like cinema we see but fail to notice. Amongst innumerable examples the most glaring one is the much popular widely seen movie series "300" which successfully usurps the Indo-European pagan Greeks as the "Us, White West" fighting till death for "God,humanity,independence,equality & democracy" and painting black the Indo-Iranic Persians as the "Them, Devil, invading,marauding,savage,heathen barbarians"which is absolute falsehood as both were from the same spectrum of a common civilisation and in that era there was no such demarcation of any such kind. Wars were then fought not over some religion or salvation or ideology but expansion of empires for greater glory & more resources which all rival kingdoms & empires resorted to which in turn were multi-"racial", meta-ethnic with many "religions"/faiths sharing common gods & theologies, and mercenaries(from even "rivals") were employed in abundance by either sides;all these very very unlike as depicted in Hollywood, the biggest abrahamic propaganda machinery.
Yes. We support "AIT" too if its alleged so. We do not see the Arya~s as some "race" as propagated by western "Indologists" but as a continuum of the proto-vaidika people who were our ancestors and who share a common historical bond with the pre-Abrahamic pagan heathen civilizations those who have been now wrongly usurped by the abrahamics as their own "white" ones to which the desert-cultists have no claim whatsoever of any kind. We are the last extant, and somehow lingering on, branch of the proto-vaidikas who are yet unconquered, though badly truncated & grossly severed, by the relentless dogmatic homogenising genocidal waves of abrahamism and subterfuge by abrahamics. In a cruel reversal of times the white supremacist mlechcHas are now more happy with OIT than AIT as the former negates our claim to the Indo-European history & heritage. Also, archaeological, astronomical, linguistic & genetic all factors put together definitely indicate clearly that our ancestral genes 05-75% come from the belly of Eurasia. Our purANa~s, veda~s all indicate a shifting reference from north to south and west to east. To cite a few examples: the mEru parvata, the most revered mountain of ancient Arya~s, is in the centre of jaMbUdvIpa to the south of which lies himAlaya and further south is bhAratavarSha; amongst rivers later on, the reference gradually shifts from the saptasiNdhu to paNchanadya and then to gaMgA & yamunA.
For many of our generation and the younger ones even Pakistan is an alien country,not even a neighbour,and Afghanistan,Iran & Tajikistan are some another universe but these were fully or in part once our vaidika/Hindu bhAratavarsha. Now as Indyans even kAshmIra, kAmarUpa, kerala & kirAtadesha stand deleted from our minds. If this goes on unabated a day might be nigh when Indya will be limited to what's now Himachal to Vidarbha and Saurashtra to Dandakaranya only with the rest of Indya having become foreign countries we will then espouse that Kashi, Prayag, Gaya, Kamakhya & Gangasagar being Islamic cities while Madurai, Rameshwaram, Tirupati, Gokarna & Tiruvantapuram being Christian cities are thus foreign and alien while Shipra is the river in Ujjain where vaidika civilisation originated! We'll not let this happen but is a bleak possibility.
How many of us are aware that our many tIrtha~s & holy sites mentioned in even the later shAstra~s are totally out of bounds for us? Which lay wasted & scattered in what we call now the foreign lands of other countries- Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Pakistan & Bangladesh! Somehow we're still accessing kailAsa+mAnasarovara but for how long? Even mA sItA's birthplace is not in Indya! Loss of geography has become loss of history as well as loss of culture & religion,to explain in simple English. We are shrinking not only in political geography but also in cultural & geo-political psychology which renders us weaker & progressively defenceless facing the civilisational existential threat. We lose claim to jaMbUdvIpa we lose our future in bhArata. Ponder O Hindus, and think to act to save thy future and thereof your current existence! No history, no future, no existence. How can we become vishwaguru when we're content,nay delirious, within the truncated & further disintegrating bhArata? And of course not even think of laying claims to our puNyabhUmi AryAvartta akhaNDa bhAratavarSha, what to say of the entire jaMbUdvIpa or vishwa beyond!
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