मंगलवार, 29 दिसंबर 2015

RKM: Jesus & Mary subversion in Hindu orgs.

Height (or ebb!) of Chinduism..!! :-
Christmas Eve 2015~ The corpse and the virgin mom being worshiped with full Hindu rituals at
Belur Math, Ramakrishna Mission, Kolkata, Media Gallery
~ Christmas is in the official festivals list too of the RKM. 






Also see this link too:- https://m.facebook.com/?_rdr#!/story.php?story_fbid=10153772697892769&id=656857768&ref=m_notif&notif_t=like

Sw Vivekananda's views were the function of those times as were the views of Sw Dayananda Saraswati. RKM has insipiently become subversive. Why else the excessive emphasis over the years on the dangling zombie..

ISKCON is flagrantly subversive though it's not explicit. It has monotheisticised & abrahamicised entire dvaita darshana. Gradually the foundations of dharma are being eroded via the apparently dhArmika orgs themselves and the lay followers would never even know. RKM is now the new ISKCON. What a downfall from being a monastic order established by Sw Vivekananda himself!

But it was bound to happen. I was in Kolkata for eight years and have observed them closely. Their main drawback is personality cult worship instead of the shruti, smritis & devas, and conforming to the mlechCha ideals. When an organization recruits westernised HINOs saturated or frustrated or discontented with their lives but "highly qualified" in "modern education" & "highly successful in professional careers" this's what you get. There's no replacement for the traditional shrauta-smArta and the paraMparA of sUtra & sampradAya of the sanAtana dharma.

Disgusting to say the least. And even more revolting that they cannot stand genuine questions. Not surprising that the mullahs & commies regularly thrash them up. Hindus should not look up to them as examples or saviours. All these are prim & propah HINOs who know all about neo-vedantism,& thus are self proclaimed experts on Hinduism.

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