Bills to be passed in Parliament..for Hindu Rashtra or Endia? How'll we become a great nation by employing the suicidal gandism to embrace the sinner yet "hate" the sin? Sin is abstract yes, but manifests through humans only. Without exterminating the human hosts and vehicles Sin(ie corruption, anti-Hinduism, treachery..) can never be exterminated. Plague is not attacked by attacking the microbe Yersinia Pestis but by killing the vehicles(fleas) and the hosts (rats & mice). Small pox was not eradicated from the world by attacking the Variola virus but by not letting it have a human host.
RS could be easily obviated by calling a joint session of parliament but that needs either brains or guts and don't what our gov't lacks out of these two. Anyways all the "development/vikas" will be razed to dirt and vapourised when abrahamics become aggressive enough. Ask those who fled what's now Pak/Bdesh as well as our still very own Kashmir..! Such development/Vikas is only a hogwash. And we do not believe this gov't is following Shri Krishna as he did to Shishupal.
Democracy, secularism and liberalism are abrahamic Trojans. Look what they made of Europe. And Even the Americans are now the unwitting victims. We quoted Eur+US because they've a history as well as trait of being ruthless & aggressive themselves. With almost all of the countries in Eur being declared Christian states per respective constitutions and the US too. Dhimmi Secular Endia stands no chance against the abrahamics, especially Muslims. When Abrahamic Christians are unable to tackle Islam what the hell secular liberal Hindu/HINO dodos will do???!!! Democracy, liberalism, secularism, our constitution all are anti-Hindu adhArmika abrahamic western concepts employed per design in akhaNda bhAratavarSha to truncate it to India, circa partition, and then balkanise it into Endia.
Let us be frank. Mandate-2014 was not for some purported development or swachchhata abhiyan or jandhan yojana or foreign-liaisons or sabka sath sabka vikas.. though they're all secondarily important they suddenly popped up post elections! Whence the janAdesha of the watershed elections was for Hindu government ruling bhAratavarSha from the siMhAsana in Delhi and rescuing the Hindu civilisation. Hindu consolidation made BJP victorious not any secular vote bank or minorities. And to remind one and all Hindu system of government includes development, fairness and justice, not as it's portrayed to be the opposite. From recent history through the times till the dawn of human civilisation Hindu model of governance and rule has always proven to be the very best bringing overall prosperity and enduring progress with universal public satisfaction and happiness.
If Hindu civilisation was not brimming with wealth and prosperity what the phock for did the abrahamics mlechcHa yavana hordes, spending all their might & resources, invade and infiltrate us for? Please read this word by word. All Hindus know that Hindu model includes development. In last 18 months our gov't failed in decimating anti-Hindu forces which again exploited the faultlines as well as created newer ones and thus defeating whatever Hindu party we have in as diverse states as Delhi and Bihar.
We need some history reading. Read proper history of the princely states of Baroda, Travancore, Bikaner, Alwar, Coch Behar, Mysore..till 1947 and how they fared vis a vis the directly Brit ruled India. No need to go back aeons ago as we might be susceptible to react. Is it all irrelevant today!!!??? And we talk of Hindu Rashtra????????? Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it again as the history repeats itself, first as a tragedy and then again as a farce. We do not see much difference between a mlechCha yavana democracy, member of commonwealth, any different from the Brit rule. This is not independence. Google this: Scholarly studies & data- Since 1000 AD till 18th century India contributed 50% to 20% of world GDP.Everything is practical in politics & strategy. Just need a doer. It's not theory. It's more than practical. We need to unblock our minds. We're just afraid of the chaos which will precede the establishment of the Hindu Rashtra.
This's NOT any other Islamic assertion/aggression occurring simultaneously all over the country but outright demand for sharia laws (including blasphemy) in Endia. Anyways civil war is nigh but if this assertion of the momineen is not nipped in the bud very ruthlessly then the civil war will be expedited. While Hindus debate secularism liberalism Momineen are preparing for the ghazwa from within, the cataclysmic civil war Hindus want to avoid/escape but nonetheless would be forced to face and fight. And in the event of the next civil war which will be worse than 1947 and would happen nearly a century after it in our lifetimes we need the military veterans to chip in with their knowledge and experience from now itself to help save dharma and rAShTra.
Well expressed, mitra. You've captured the essential points quite efficaciously here.
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