Endian Muslims are taught their own version of history which the Hindus do not know about. This education the Endian momineen get in their madrassahs & homes: "Endia has always been an Islamic state, dar-ul-uloom, a part of global khilafa. Before Islam came this land from Afghanistan to Assam & from Kashmir to Kerala it was all jahiliya. Our great ANCESTORs brought civilisation & knowledge to this kuffar land 1300 years ago. Backstabbing coward Hindoos fractured our country into three and snatched away from us the biggest chunk with firangi help. We've to take the entire dar-ul-uloom back from the coward Hindoos by all possible means,hook or crook."
Footnote: Nowadays the blessed "ancestors" of all Endian Muslims are the Arabs from Saudi Arabia themselves; from the late mughal era till fifteen years ago, the glorious "ancestors" were Persian; through mughal era tracing back till the mamluks the blessed "ancestors" were sometimes Afghans & many a times Turks..and even before that the butshikans were the Quraysh Arabs again...!!!!
N.B.- This is not a work of fiction. No pun intended.
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