Sun worship amongst Hindu masses has by and large disappeared from bhArata. It is not ritually extant except for the annual सूर्य षष्ठी ie छठ पूजा (the sixth day post Deepavaly) only in the regions of Bihar & Eastern Uttar Pradesh. It's extremely curious to a discerning person interested in History. I'd try to be extremely brief about it.
The Iranics who escaped the relentless & genocidal Islamic invasions in the shakadvIpa शकद्वीप comprising of Shakasthana(Sistan), Makaran(Baluchistan), Setumanta(Helmand,Afgh) came to settle eventually in regions around Ganga, Saryu & Kosi. They're called शाकद्वीपीय in this region of BhArata. They were steadfast Sun-worshippers and in the region they settled Sun-worship percolated deep down amongst masses which no further Abrahamic devilry could completely erase.Also, षष्ठी is the Goddess of war, the better half of कुमार(स्कंद/कार्तिकेय), that explains for छठी मैया legend. Many people ask:"if Chhath,Surya Shashthi,is the worship of Sun who's chhathi maiya?".Goddess Shashthi,God Kumar's consort is chhathi maiya.
We ought to give credit to the women folk of Poorvanchal & Bihar who taking all the insurmountable odds in their stride uphold dharma by joyfully adhering to and steadfastly completing the most arduous and difficult vrata in world. We bow to thee.
Oh my Poorvanchal how unfortunate that you are the most negative region now in my puNyabhUmi bhArata..! Why?
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