शुक्रवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2020

Inter Caste Marriages??

Social Justice Argument: Hindus need to actively shed internal intercaste mistrust actively promote intercaste marriage/ business alliances..
Otherwise we know the consequences.. 

Traditional Hindu: Caste did not go away in Kerala, West Bengal, TN despite decades of communist or "rationalist" rule. In TN and Kerala the caste lobbys are all strong, dominant and assertive and none of them are from the traditional 'forward' castes as we know in North. Yet there're so many caste related incidents there.  We need inter caste harmony & synergy like before. Not rivalry or fighting of colonial vintage and post colonial pedigree. 

SJA: Without marriage there won't be trust built..
Maybe it's my opinion..
Time will decide.. 

TH: Inter caste marriages on their own by youth these days are anyways not much frowned upon. While Institutionalised ICM is more about different filial & social groups, communities and professional guilds than caste per se. 
Seen different communities amongst SCs objecting to ICM amongst their kids as every group is an ecosystem in equilibrium. 

SJA: Then why is so much dissent and mistrust amongst Hindus..?
That means Hindus are utter selfish and opportunists.. 

TH: We were in strife, in fact  still are, for 1300 years. Turbulence has been all around. But after the British colonial rule who proved wily, cunning & ruthless to pit one Hindu group against another along with the destruction of traditional Hindu education system and takeover of temples which took us away from our own self. Even British and Marxist distortians have failed to concoct till date any inter caste revolt or upsurge within  Hindu fold till 19th century. 
We're still up against our enemies, our civilisation overall hasn't settled in since 8th century. Though we've had islands of excellence intermittently in between. 
We're the only civilisation to survive the direct as well as indirect assault and invasion of abrahamism. That's our inherent strength which is contributed much by jAtis themselves as independent subunits. 

SJA: Lalu yadav or any Hindu never support BJP .. Isn't this intercaste revolt..?
If Hinduism is great, it needs to show by its actions that I feel is largely insufficient or inefficient.. 

TH: No. Laloo did no revolt. He is from a powerful caste stronger in finance and muscle than so called forward castes since centuries. His politics was an opportunist attempt to grab power with muslims who themselves claim to have ruled Hindus for centuries and subjugated Hindus. 

SJA: Had the British not invaded Indian subcontinent, we'd have been growing beards and had got circumcised by now..
Already, pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh is gone into the hands of abharamism..
If Hindus still keep denying any intercaste rife prevailing today, then God  save us..

TH: Utterly wrong Bhai. Marathas under Peshwas were controlling mughals since 1700s after Shahjahan's death who lost the 27 years war against them and died in a tent in central India plateau. Till 1803 a century later when British defeated the Marathas the Peshwas had already conquered entire country from Attock in Peshawar to Cuttack. 
It's because of Shivaji Maharaj, Peshwas and the great Marathas that we crushed Islamic moghul sultanates, the British halted the rollback we were doing and encouraged muslims in India. 
Kavi Bhushan says- 

पीरा पयगम्बरा दिगम्बरा दिखाई देत,
सिद्ध की सिधाई गई, रही बात रब की।
कासी हूँ की कला गई मथुरा मसीत भई
शिवाजी न होतो तो सुनति होती सबकी॥
कुम्करण असुर अवतारी औरंगजेब,
कशी प्रयाग में दुहाई फेरी रब की।
तोड़ डाले देवी देव शहर मुहल्लों के,
लाखो मुसलमाँ किये माला तोड़ी सब की॥
भूषण भणत भाग्यो काशीपति विश्वनाथ
और कौन गिनती में भुई गीत भव की।
काशी कर्बला होती मथुरा मदीना होती
शिवाजी न होते तो सुन्नत होती सब की ॥ 
Marathas were fighting on many fronts: Portuguese, Brits, French, Moghuls, Siddis, Nizam..  so one freak victory of British against them at Assaye, Maharashtra, threw the spanner in their works. 
The intercaste rife is sadly the product of Nehruvian estate who expanded the British formulae to the hilt. Maratha armies were led by generals from the shepherd and similar castes. Shivaji Maharaj,  the greatest Hindu King in 1300 years, himself wasn't from a royal blue blooded lineage as was then known. 

SJA: Yes, brits prefferd muslims.. here link 

TH: Churchill was a scumbag who killed pregnant women in South Africa when he was in military and as PM he butchered millions in Bengal by creating artificial famine purposely while shipping millions of quintals of foodgrains to UK. 

SJA (turning around): abrahamic mindset.. Overall, the scenario is everyone is after Hindu.. 

TH: Hinduism is the only non abrahamic religion in their way for millenia. 

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