मित्र वरुण >> American Dalits in their Ambedkarite chaitya butchered by evil brahminical casteist bigot.
Anil Kumar Shukla >> Go on spreading some more words of hatred against Brahmins you privileged bigot....!!!
मित्र वरुण >> Americans(white & black both) claim that dalits are the blacks of India and that the dalits are a separate race exploited by Brahmins who are white Aryan invaders. Next context is that in America you cannot go into churches of other denominations as well as ethnicities.
Even Roman Catholic churche(s) (for example) are divided along ethnic/racial lines. Italians have separate churches than Mexicans, Irish have separate churches than French. Even amongst Lutheran sub-denomination of Protestants the Germans go to their own churches and Scandinavians go to theirs. List is endless.
Coming back to the original topic: blacks do not have cultural ethnicity of their own but have only a racial identity with slave background. They've largely Protestant or Catholic churches which are the spin-offs of their slave ancestors segregated churches within the larger Christian denominations.
Blacks cannot even enter any white church except probably as undesirable onlookers/guests. Of course the whites find it beneath their dignity to even think of entering a black church except when they want to commit massacres.
[Sir plz understand the sarcasm ;) ]
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