मंगलवार, 15 मार्च 2016

Rot is deep & widespread

This HINO seculib has an Army veteran as the spouse. Also, they belong to a *martial race" on our South West.
Its glaringly obvious that the systematic elimination of Hindu activists is not only being condoned but justified as well: ^^ if someone is *political*, read Hindu, he's a vermin and rightly deserves nothing more than pest control as a nuisance ^^.

Recall how mlEchCha IAC campaign stage-managed by imposters & interlopers of the gang spearheaded by apparatchiks & useful idiots Khujli-Ganna schematically tapped into this idea, implanted after a brainwash of three generations, amongst the Chindus & HINOs that everything is wrong about politics and that all politicians are bad and with shameless alacrity Chorniya mafia was covered up thoroughly and lo & behold! the "Hindu Nationalist" party and its top leader instead was on the crosswire of the barrage of firing from the balkanise Endia forces within and without.

To sum up, it shows the rot our country is in.

शुक्रवार, 11 मार्च 2016

Ownership of the female body & seculib rape.

Everyone, please read this idiotic rant ⤵

// Mumbai HC’s decision shows how rape is being legally redefined
| analysis by Advaita Kala |
Hindustan Times //


Entire corpus of multiple volumes of books could be written on this topic but yours truly has limited himself to specifically discuss in brief ideologically an issue raised by femi-fanatics of late with a glaring frequency.

The Secular Liberal or Laisezz Faire or Marxist Feminist notion of women owning(as in Communist/Capitalist parlance, everything has a price) their bodies and thus men being their exploiters perpetual enemies is as old as bra-burning itself. And not surprisingly it's now being championed by many women in the opposite camp of the "Right Wing / Hindu Nationalist" activists. And this philosophy has been successfully imposed upon marriage too.

But from the realistic, dhArmika & to some extent biological PoV the institution of marriage is not about owning or exploiting anybody's bodies. Take it or leave it some hard facts need to be gulped down. Firstly, men can never really feel or understand the pain women undergo howmuchsoever involved, sensitive, caring & sensitised men might be despite/overcoming all the testosterone they have; simply because they cannot be in women's bodies. Secondly, nature has made women to hold, bear, nurture and give birth to the next generations before the women themselves enter menopause, a race against time.

A married monogamous couple does not have the luxury of polygyny/polyandry or the liberty of lack of any responsibility of being unmarried satyr/nymphomaniac. The couple need to unite in as much as conjugation possible ignoring all the notions of ownership of individual bodies or even the presence/absence of the much desired entity of love which leads to a better and more successful marriage without one. If at all anybody owns a body it's the body of the partner too along with one's own. Life partners or married couples cannot betray or relinquish the duty entrusted upon them by nature. Sexual pleasure is extremely important, yes, but cannot preclude procreation. Love & sexual compatibility are the means to a successful marriage and not the endpoints themselves; and a successful marriage primarily means producing lots of progenies,then come other qualitative/quantitative parameters.

But reverse is now the norm and....  Unfortunately that's what exactly happened, first to secular Europeans(Xtians) and now to secular Hindus/HINOs where perversions like clash of sexes, ownership of bodies and licentious secular irresponsibility has destroyed them. Those abrahamics who didn't fall prey to these infections are not exemplars to be eulogised. They're adhArmika rAkShasas who think of women only as commodities, nothing else.

The solution is here with us in our own dhArmika traditions which we fail to see or learn. And no, individual sporadic aberrations cannot be called in to smear an entire population with tar. There're individuals on both sides of the genders who abuse violently(mental and/or physical) the institution of marriage. This rot has of late got kind of societalised too as our Hindu civilisation has degenerated owing to a bevy of factors which need corrections, rectifications & rebuilding. Rather than framing diabolical laws specifically designed to accelerate further degeneration & destruction of Hindu civilisation in the name of laws. Laws but sweepingly suicidal or selectively murderous in their inherent nature purportedly to solve the problems of dowry(& related crimes),  domestic violence and the latest being marital rape. Their aim: to exterminate Hindu civilisation. Their immediate target for the completion of their aim: to destroy the Hindu institution of marriage.

Now we shall take a look at the local coolies working fastidiously to finish the task entrusted upon them by their abrahamic masters.

Fatal Marxist Mercantile Femifascism, aptly describes the abrahamic monstrous entity. 

And these petty femifascist minions rant & put forth communist ideologies crudely & loudly which are then effectively employed to destroy native cultures with smart sophistication by Free Market Corporatism. How are the native cultures destroyed? Destroy the institution of Marriage(first and foremost). Two faces of this one single seculib abrahamic femifascist monster aka Modernism are Marxism plus Mercantilism. This monster is made up of MacAulayism and fed by Media.
While the primary religious abrahamic monsters is: Messianic Monotheism with Mullah & Missionary jaws & Mitzvah mind.
And the latest weapon in the monster's hand is : "marital rape", after the previous ones inflicted severely grievous enough lacerations & choppings, this's straight to decapitate us.

बुधवार, 9 मार्च 2016

Making of a scientific babu

It's not merely about the quota system but the babuchhap exam patterns/interviews borne out of the babucrazy which focuses more on recruiting officer-babus than real scientific minds even in the scientific streams.
Then there're sifarish, jack, lump sum, recommendation and all.

अलविदा अब हिन्द से इंसाफ़ जन्नत को गया
मसलूख़ के इमदाद को वो तीन बेटे रख गया।
सबसे बड़े रिश्वत अली मझले सिफ़ारिश ख़ान हैं
उनसे छोटे ख़ुशामद बेग़ जिनकी निराली शान है।

A brilliant and sincere person I know did doctoral, post-doctoral SRship and then GoI's research scientistship in the same department at the very same apex(in the domain) institute of India and was the most qualified candidate at the interviews. Yet did not get selected for the only seat in faculty despite nine years of continuous & cumulative experience(extremely rare!) as well as leadership qualities, high level of skills plus competence and knowledge of the domain. Now don't ask who got selected.

Dissent & debate, comrade!

1- Communism deserves death,not debate, just as they do to establish & perpetuate their ideology in practice on ground.
2- All Hindus must see this https://t.co/mYW5OHEjfU  glimpse of seculib behaviour,real intolerance. Extremely courageous & salute worthy of Prof Paranjpe,JNU,to go into the sea of bloodthirsty reds and put forth the right.

The disrespectful,disgusting,boorish & threatening behaviour of seculib commies seen here is actually their SOP,only that dEsha sees it now. Note the intimidating attitude of Kanhaiya, all commies lying thick n fast as usual,& a Muslim proudly declaring himself a violent Salafi wears his Islamic aggression on sleeve & openly flaunts the communist+Islam union. In the end there's the usual "brahaminical atrocities".

Ironically ridiculous as Kanhaiya calls a Chinese guy who unstoppably pontificates(buyoed by cheering mob) Indians on democracy/liberalism. Classical way a communist party debate/meeting is stage managed: invite a single dissenting voice  crush it with "liberal free opinions".

Such a shamelessly shameful yet a wanton act of dare challenging not a professor of English raising his voice against totalitarianism but again a repeat of sedition & treason hideously hidden under the cloak of debate & dissent. Deserves only jail, at the very least. Rest is upto the government of India whether it continues to accept the humiliation of its mere existence if not it sees the aforementioned as a challenge to the might of the state of the Indian republic.

गुरुवार, 3 मार्च 2016

The abrahamic war on Sanskrit, not mere battle.

All of the "Indology" studies have traditionally been staged, orchestrated & directed from the abrahamic West. Post Cold War the HQ is USA. This brazen & wanton distortion of knowledge & history is going on unabated, a highlight from the California state: erase India, Indian Subcontinent, Hinduism.. and replace with non-specific yet motivated jargons from the CIA(or deptt of state, official policy) like South Asia etc.

In our truncated BhAratavarSha there's never been dedicated study of our own history, culture, religion & civilization from our own PoV. Whatever is currently taught here in the Endian universities can be broadly divided into German(19thC), Brit(19th-20th C), Soviet(Cold War) & US(post CW) colonial abrahamic propaganda. We either toe their line(s) or debate/research according to their narrative without even being aware of it. The West has insipiently "established the fact that India/Hindus no longer have saMskrita scholars/experts and the knowledge of the language is saved by the Western experts".

Now almost all the Indians/HINOs/Chindus believe in this and those who don't know the dEvabhAShA at all believe in the propaganda even more. No surprises a mlechCha is now being hailed by dharmadrOhins as the foremost exponent of saMskrita. This should not be seen in isolation. Refer to "Indology". that's where from our side the roles of the gov't & billionaires come in just as it's happening in the mlechCha world. Individual efforts would prove ineffective eventually.

Our dharmAchAryas of all saMprdAyas ought to come together on a single common platform and start our side of fight in this war imposed upon us by the evil, devilish satanic abrahamics led by the corpse-cultists of anglosphere. This is where we need open & wholehearted support of the राज्य and the भामाशाह~s. But I fear our gov't might take a clue from the sepoy NRNM instead & start supplicating to the mlechChas in this regard..and those with deep pockets who could & should play the role of benefactors are either HINOs or Chindus.

बुधवार, 2 मार्च 2016

Ishrat plot,the greatest conspiracy post 1947.

It's very obvious to any person with a decent understanding of psychology that the ever dependable ruthless & soullessConG slave Chidambaram dares Modi gov't to take action against him on Ishrat case. Does our dear leader's gov't has the guts to incarcerate him and his owner(s)??!! Been asking GoI to punish Sonia gang in face of all the evidences in the Ishrat case,& MSM+seculib gang complicit with ConG ought to be guillotined too.

Now take a look at this news headline =>
"SC moved to initiate contempt against Chidambaram in Ishrat Jahan case =>
The SC should've taken suo moto congnisance itself. Why wait for petition/complaint?Afraid of Chorniya? This's probably the gravest anti-national treasonous conspiracy ever since 1947 in India, to say the least. And an ordinary citizen who filed a PIL with the SC in this regard has beaten the Indian state in initiating punitive(hope so) action against the international mafiosi which masqueraded as the legitimate government of India from 2004-2014.

As we've always maintained it's Chorniya who's behind almost everything wrong in India since 2004.. https://twitter.com/Shakra_Kulish/status/704989107664003073

Chorniya did not want to merely harass/defame the CM of a very significant province but actually eliminate ie to kill & finish off the leader(with his close team) who the mafia rightly assessed could be the future PM. This's not about BJP or ConG or any individual politicians but the national security issue of utmost gravity having international connexions which only real retards or treasonous traitors could afford to ignore.

Meanwhile in the Indian public space the mlechCha honeytrap Chorniya's treacherous crimes continue to be whitewashed by her pets+slaves in media & politics, look at a highly reputed presstitute's tweet posted alongside. Stands exposed is the brutally cold, diabolically vengeful & calculatingly vicious nature of the international abrahamic xtian mafiosi which calmly exploited & abused the government machinery at the highest level including the bureaucracy, intelligence agencies and politicians to hatch this sinister plot with brazen alacrity. For what? To take over the Indian republic enjoying unchallenged & uninhibited impunity to destroy & exterminate the Hindu civilisation and sanAtana dharma followed by smooth yet bloodied balkanisation of whatever remains of our already truncated BhAratavarSha ie India. This is the last unconquered territory for all abrahamics stated explicitly by the genocidal religion of love as well as the genocidal religion of peace. Simply google "ghazwa e Hind" & what the Vatican wants to conquer in the third millennium of the hanging corpse, also do google goyim & the noahide laws. But everything's not on Google, observe & analyse the local, regional, national & global happenings on a regular basis too. Keep your eyes, ears & mind open.

And one observation about the dalit issue. Guj IPS officers DG Vanzara & R Pandian,tortured by Mafiosi on Ishrat case,are dalits: most of us are unawares. Seculibs trumpet their slaves only as dalits.
It cannot escape anybody's notice that all parties certify Muslims as patriots,yet simultaneously defend as well as justify jihad & terrorists for their sureshot votebank; only one thing could be right.

Last but not the least hear is the truth about terrorist jihadi Ishrat which was never published by any MSM despite repeated efforts by the great documentary maker @mmpandit Ji since 2014,he published it on vimeo and only now he has dared published it on the YouTube. => https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g7kkrRAoZYM