बुधवार, 28 अक्टूबर 2015

The beef issue designed to wear you out. Kick them hard!

Compilation of my side of comments on a discussion over WhatsApp with my old college (MBBS) batchmates. A good number of them are worse than dhimmis. I'm not mentioning their names though I directly told them on their faces what they actually are. Our side of the conversation which happened over a couple days is on the significance of our ancient traditions and our responsibility to preserve it. It was triggered by the beef issue I posted a couple of days ago. This's verbatim except the names of the old batchmates being changed. ---

Seculibs are quoting the vEdas as if they've studied them. It's the fools & illiterates who think they've known the vEdas by quoting selectively from mischievous European colonial English translations of the shruti. Some history lessons are due for seculibs who think they have a copyright on history and knowledge. And cherrypicking from mlechcHa translations of smriti is not what is expected to justify beef eating. Do you people think we're idiots who cannot do cut copy paste job..?

BTW internet is replete with the real translations of the vEdas which clearly establish the sabotage done by AnglaprEtas & commies which is taught to us as "history". It's this "education" which has made Hindus nutcase so much that they do not even know who & what they are while this disease has not afflicted the abrahamics. Let me "dare" ask your bosom Muslim friend : would he justify pork eating by any Muslim? He will neither eat it nor justify it. Ask a Muslim is not eating pork his "choice"..? That's why Islam is on ascendancy and Hinduism on decline. Samajhne wale samajh Gaye Jo na samjhe unka YHWH Malik ek.

And the biggest damage to Hinduism been done by HINOs with the Brahmin surnames being the most virulent, lethal & efficacious amongst them who use their "genealogy" to beguile the masses towards mass suicide. Congress, communist parties, "regional/socialist" parties, and BJP too full of such HINOs who're corroding bhArata & sanAtana dharma from within..some actively, some passively and the remaining like Zombies.

And let us make it clear: apart from religious considerations cow slaughter is a grave concern because nowhere in India including the NE cows are reared and/or raised for slaughter. They all are stolen, snatched, smuggled & finally slaughtered eventually leading to the situation where we're now getting adulterated milk owing to its severe scarcity thanks to vanishing cows & increasing demand due to population. This "beef is protein for poor" myth is seculib propaganda. Raising a single cow itself is extremely cost prohibitive, resource guzzling & labour intensive. Whom are these mlechCha yavanas and their seculib slaves trying to fool??!! 100% of beef in India is on account of theft & smuggling of cows.

Vanishing bovine population is also detrimental to our animal husbandry agriculture based & small farms intensive farming type economy. This beef issue is a well orchestrated international plot to slowly kill Indian agriculture by strangulating it with decreasing logarithmically the bovine population. India has the biggest fertile landmass both in absolute area as well as the country's percentage in the entire world..even greater than US. And we've the biggest cattle population in world too.

I'd like to reproduce verbatim from my blog I wrote & published on Thursday, 20 March 2014.

*Agriculture should be the biggest priority for us.* 

""The future doesn't belong to technology but to food.Exploding population,increasing industries make food & farmers most precious and precarious. We should harness,encouraged,protect & promote agriculture which is our biggest yet most neglected strength. We will not eat technology & hardware in future, it would always be only food as we know it. We should not promote industry at the cost of agriculture.

Do we know that USA controls the world for many reasons and one of the biggest but unknown is that its one of the biggest three producers & exporters of raw/processed food. India has the world's largest fertile land(both in area as well as %age). We can control the world & make it dance to our tunes in future. Someone listening..i hope.

Have the EU or USA ever bothered to tell why are they overtly interested in Ukraine..? No they will not. But the fact is Ukraine has the largest fertile land in entire Europe,its fertile land itself alone is bigger than many countries put together..! Ukraine is traditionally called 'the food basket of Eastern Europe'.

And remember, dairy products come under the category of food production of which requires farms,pastures and cows(or other milch cattle including buffaloes which too should be saved as much as cows).""

This question is only for Mr C & Mr D:  What's your respective gOtra, pravara, kula & shAkha? (these four at least) Since you quoted freely from the vEdas and have Brahmin sounding surnames. It's not personal. Don't know if Mr D would be able to go beyond gOtra and Mr C would be able to recall at least even gOtra. And please google it or ask your kulapurOhita what's the meaning in these four terms and the significance thereof.

And friends please don Not try to hide behind trying to blame me for "casteism" which I know might be insinuated upon me as that's easier.

Being a brAhmaNa is not a privilege or taboo. It's an onerous responsibility, a great one. That's where the gOtra, pravara, shAkgA, kula system comes in the picture. This system evolved spontaneously as well as per design to preserve, save & perpetuate the shruti, smriti~s, sanAtana dharma and the AryAvartta. Being a brAhmaNa means sacrificing oneself for the aforementioned cause and that's the greatest cause.

A brAhmaNa's duty is to accumulate jnAna to serve the dharma,& dharma encompasses all living beings and the inanimate..the entire universe. I'm ashamed that I've not done anything worthwhile having a Brahmin surname. I'm practically a mlechCha. But now being partially awakened I'm trying my part.

You've mentioned about our batch mates making sacrifices going on with their respective jobs & families, some are even on a fast today. I'm on a fast too and richocheting between patients, job & family. These're base duties for jIvIkOpArjana. Not higher purpose.

Sure. Agree on the fact that everybody's not expected to be "enlightened" as they have their own limitations, trappings and the stages of lives they're in have to be taken into account. The point is we should desist from ridiculing & corroding the very civilization which makes us exist, moreso if we're unaware what we are or where,especially when we're being targeted & attacked relentlessly by our extant civilizational enemies since aeons till date which instead of abating has only increased in ferocity, intensity & frequency.

रविवार, 25 अक्टूबर 2015

Kids nursery for jihad

Pic 1: Shia kids flagellating themselves with knives on Ashura, Muharram.
Pic 2: Sunni kids slaughtering animals under adult supervision on Bakrid ie Iduzzuha ie Big Eid ie Eid Al Adha. The sewaiyan wali Eid is Eid Ul Fitr ie chhoti Eid.

Hindus, HINOs, Seculibs & whatevers, these kids when into their teens & beyond will not hesitate for a fraction of a moment to stab you or decapitate you to death.
This is the abrahamic disease version 2.0 preparing kids to wage jihad since adolescence itself, Sterling the nerves of kids against blood & gore and immunizing them against violence so that when a believer momin kills a non-believer kuffar (including xtians, communists, libtards & seculars) their hands don't tremble and mind does not flinch while remaining utterly heartless.

They learn from early childhood to wound themselves morbidly,even mortally. And they learn to halaal their most beloved animal, more beloved than a brother/son, every year on Eid al Adha; of course a new foal is bought home every year as the preceding year's was halaaled and chewed and eaten up and shat down the drain..!

You, kuffar, you, including atheists / seculars, beware of the believers!!

Why we comment on politics, religion & all.

Let us make it clear.  We do not express our views on politics & national affairs for the heck of it or to corner some personal benefits. Our one and only motive is to pave the path for Hindu Rashtra of Bharatavarsha. No person or government or system is sacrosanct if it's in contravention to and/or in contradiction with the reestablishment of our सनातन पुण्यभूमि आर्ष भारत of the आर्यावर्त्त and we neither believe in nor practice purposeless praise and sycophancy.

One thing about some debate on legislature versus judiciary: we're straddled by adhArmika compendium of anti-Hindu mlechCha rules & laws a legacy of centuries of abrahamic foreign rule. What we actually need is the rule of dharma as upheld by varuNa and as expounded by great riShis munis in dharma shAstras & sUtras with later age Astika jnAnins writing newer smritis rooted in rita to suit the modern times if the need arise.

Women soldiers in active combat/frontline duties. How right? Or wrong...

Utter stupidity of our govt to allow women as combat pilots. Women in combat is fraught will all kinds of needless dangers & compromises. And in haste our nationalist govt has decided to make combat pilots out of the current batch of women trainees for other aircrafts. This govt is needlessly trying to build some image for itself on all fronts. No women should be allowed in combat/frontlines at any cost. And please! No useless comparisons with Israel. At the least count we've a minimum of 5 crores of combat quality male youth.

Compromise in combat standards for soldiers and dangers of women being taken PoW/hostage are biggest suicidal drawbacks of this gender equality brouhaha about military. It's politically correct,even fashionable to promote male female equality at all conceivable places but military is where it should be desisted from. The two things I've highlighted are the biggest concerns out of many and these cannot be wished away. Even in Israel females do not cover frontlines and are kept away from active combat duty. The Peshmarga Kurd women fighters we see are good propaganda at best. females being battle prepared is another thing but having females in regular combat formations is different. In exceptional circumstances we cannot ever deny our females to finish off the enemy with or else it would be suicidal folly. Remember! None of the eventually victorious armies(invading, expeditionary or defensive) have been constituted of or led by females in last 150 years ie modern and contemporary times anywhere in world in any war of significance.

And yes, none could argue against our goddesses and female warriors but if discerning people would have noticed we never had any dedicated combatised female warriors' unit, we actually had exceptional individual females commanding the men under most exceptional situations. Females should be used regularly employed in all wings of military except frontline combat and mass recruitment/deployment must be avoided. the shortage of officers in military is an artificial crisis. Also there's a myth being successfully disseminated and entrenched that youth(male) of India are not keen to join military thus creating a severe crunch in officer cadres in all the three wings of military. This is an exact mirror image of the malicious myth that medical doctors do not want to join rural/govt services when the truth is diametrically opposite. In reality there's no dearth of applicants but the anglicised generations of existing seculib officers dismiss them in interviews for want of OLQ ie "officer like qualities" (translated to brown sahibs) and every year hundreds of seats are kept vacant. Plz Google it.

And one has to go through the links below: this debate about women in combat duties is not new and has nothing to do with anyone's personal faith/religion eg mine being Hindu. This is pure & simple biology, warfare & realism. No political correctness or pleasantries about gender equality will win us battles and wars. Even in the US this year 19 female soldiers failed their Rangers course and only two passed it after being granted three attempts with compromised standards still the two who were "successful" were awarded only citations plus badges but no active combat duty as US has not decided to review ban on women in combat. And this review will not be suddenly decided by the executive but after much debate in legislature unlike what has happened in our Endia to score brownie points.




सोमवार, 12 अक्टूबर 2015

Nepal, the Himalayan failure of Modi Sarkar

Nepal,the greatest failure of our ModiSarkar repercussions of which will be felt by Hindu civilization forever, though not irretrievable yet.

1- Nepal recently got a new constitution made. We could not make it pro-Hindu despite unanimous support for Hindu Rashtra cutting across hill natives & people from plains.

2- The new constitution guarantees freedom to missionaries for proselytization.

3- Reorganization of districts are done leading to disempowering of people from plains.

4- The hill natives[lead by Brahmins(Bahun) & Kshatriyas(Chhetri)] despite being Hindus have increasingly got predisposed to China & West.

5- Madhesis who live in the plains and are culturally Avadhi,Bhojpuri & Maithil have been marginalised almost completely. 

7. Nepali women marrying foreigners (read Indians) will not have their children eligible for Nepali citizenship but it is not applicable to Nepali males.

6- Indya responded with economic blockade to the volatile situation in Nepal.

Nepal is only politically a separate country but from civilizational PoV, culturally, historically and religious PoV its bhAratavarSha. 175 Years of British rule in India is the reason Nepal and we are separate. Thankfully the Gorkhali Hindus saved themselves then unlike the mainland Hindus from Abrahamics but now that Sovereign Nepal is much weaker we let them down when they need us the most. By throwing them to wolves. Abrahamics of all hues- missionaries, Islamists, Communists, Free Marketeers. And effectively Nepal will become a joint vassal of China and USA. While Indya was courting the Western damsels the Western dudes slipped away with our dEvI.

It'll have rippling effect on Bhutan too. Regional culture wise almost entire Uttarakhand and half of Himachal is like Nepali Hill geography & demography. Lower Nepal is like UP & Bihar. Nepal going to hyenas is disastrous for the already truncated bhArata. Nepal is not on a distant planet. Why's then China interested in Nepal? Why's Nepal always interested in Bhutan even though they don't even share borders? One should modify neighbors to suit our own country's interests. Basics of geopolitics. If you do not do so others will and to your detriment. Also this is chANakya's doctrine too. Anyways Nepal is bhAratavarSha.

रविवार, 11 अक्टूबर 2015

Cacophonic chorus of seculibs, real intent.

Suicidally naïve of our Govt to think that the cacophonic anti-Modi / anti-Sangh / anti-Hindu chorus by seculibs will ebb down, it's unmistakably the prelude to the balkanisation efforts to break down bhArata once again by putting up faux aggrieved parties & sham victims while demonising our elected leader to justify attacks on our bhArata by Abrahamics led by the evil axis of USA+KSA(with their vassals+minions) funded & powered by Bishops, Shaykhs, Corporates, Rabbis & Comrades. The engine of this war machine against kuffar/heathens/goyims is no longer centred in Vatican alone or Brittania,it's co-HQ is now Uncle Sam for decades.

Church,Jewery,Ummah,Free-Market and the Proletariat all have a common agenda: finish off the original bulwark, the ultimate citadel and the last true bastion of the pagans & heathens (India),long overdue. Danger clear & present, if Hindus wish to see. As far as Modi ji being feted+celebrated in the leucosphere/anglosphere is concerned, it's their exercise to re-enter bhArata via FDI like the East India Companies did in past. BTW, which FDI made USSR or USA world's superpowers?  Abrahamics are using a forked approach to sabotage & conquer our country: create violence+unrest and simultaneously try taking over us via economy & corporates.

The penal/legal/judicial system of Indya. For whom??

India derives the legal structures from British Common Law just the same way as USA: use the Adversarial System,the party with "best" lawyer wins.  Other European countries use the Inquisitorial System in which all parties try to ascertain the facts of the case in depth, & it's harder to weasel out of convictions by gaming the system in countries which strive for justice & not mere legality. In Indian penal/legal/judicial system, its an accepted axiom that the party which registers FIR/complaint first is considered the "aggrieved" one from the very outset while the real picture more often than not is entirely different as those who know how to exploit the law are largely the smart first "complainants".

The penal/legal/judicial system in India. For whom? Is justice dispensed? Make no mistake, penal procedures or legality or judicial system is not the translation of justice. While our "law is blind" hence justice-is-denied penal system spares the real lawbreakers punishing instead those who actually fear the law & abide by it, yet,  those ignorant and/or fearful of the dreaded procedures as well as fearing needless infamy/stigma plus legal/judicial quagmire avoid going to police/courts itself! Systemised instances of false motivated charges made by individuals & state organs to implicate, prosecute, harass, persecute & victimise "targets" is now a standard practice institutionalised by individual powerbrokers & the state itself too:unspoken cancerous corruption which nobody dares touch even with a bargepole!!

"Our" punitive "justice" system is mastered, monopolised, misgoverned, milked  and mined by a microscopic mighty "elite" with overlapping loci of vested interests. Unwittingly or consciously if any individual, or even some group, dares challenge the might of this incestuous elite then he/she invariably stands persecuted by being prosecuted by the powerful arms of the verily aforementioned vengeful protozoan elite. The elite, a vestige of invading colonizing aliens thriving on the natives, if seen as one: the seemingly immortal meta-creature having a nucleus to govern & monitor and a cytoplasm which gobbles up the adversaries/commoners to kill and digest or to recruit & co-opt them and turn them into its functional units and defences themselves.

British vintage semi-literate,clever by half constabulary,& compromised corrupt Inspector-raj make FIRs & chargesheets, supervised by British era officer cadre, which always without exception form the ground upon which cases,most of them flawed+fabricated, are fought for years in the purposely tardy British legacy called the honourable judiciary/courts: going on and on, stretching and drawing on without any conclusion for decades(average)!! Inflicting heavy mental,social,financial & physical trauma upon the real victims of crimes while actual criminals roam about with impunity,free & unafraid,perpetrating even more heinous crimes upon hapless citizens.

But who benefits from this convoluted tortuous never-ending maze of "justice"? Which almost no one actually gets..
How is it meant to serve when it actually rules & lords us over? Why's that all others in govt/system ought to take decisions affecting lives in mere moments to weeks but judiciary..years? Who judges the judges? Who'll prosecute the prosecutors? Who'll police the police? How to administrate over the administrators? Who'll regulate the regulators? How'll law be not made an ass by the lawmakers? Who'll rein in those who abuse the reins? And last but not the least, who'll persecute the persecutors? Think. And who will act,rather, bell the cat??? The answers have to be looked within. Within our people, traditions, past, history, heritage, civilisation and sanAtana dharma.

Footnote: Indyan constitution assembly was predominantly made up of lawyers. Lawyers who were trained in the exploitative imperialist abrahamic,western,British laws by the colonial masters. Somehow in this Indya,one can avail of almost any service (health, technology, sanitation..even administration related) via govt; except lawyers, to fight for the commoners. The only govt lawyers are public prosecutors or solicitors/advocates on govt payrolls fencing & jousting for the ubiquitous super-organism called the government or in common parlance, the system. Or simply, the elite.

शुक्रवार, 9 अक्टूबर 2015

The fake issue and fake outrage to break bhAratavarSha

From an impromptu discussion over WhatsApp, our side, verbatim:

India is rife with blatant lies and seculib propaganda. The truth is that Cow slaughter & beef are banned to varying degrees from stringent to very stringent levels of laws since 1950s in almost all of the states barring half a dozen exceptions,of those only Kerala & Tripura are major ones. Secondly, beef is not any good/cheap source of protein for poor people as the seculibtraitors cry falsely, its still costlier than the costliest daal and even that low price is because cows are not reared & raised for meat but stolen, looted & smuggled(within India & beyond borders). Every year at least 50Lakhs of cows are smuggled/slaughtered, most of them illegally. Since there is almost zero investment in animal husbandry beef "industry" is totally profitable. All the pro-beef falsehood is easily debunked without even bringing in any religious angle, if that has to be taken into account then pro-beef calumny will be vapourised to nothingness but that's not required here. 

As far as Dadri is concerned the state gov'ts FIR as well as status report neither mentions any bovine slaughter nor any murder of a human (remember UP has a secular socialist anti-BJP gov't notorious for anti-Hindu attitude, actions &,crimes). Why then all the seculibs are crying hoarse?? With the ulterior motive to destabilise bhArata over fictional atrocities as is the trait of theirs. Portray the current central regime as an intolerant anti-minorities one which needs international intervention,that's the agenda of seculibtraitors working to the tee upon the script. Fake anti-Christian atrocities and fake anti-Muslim repression. Apropos beef pseudo-issue the entire matter is a state subject nothing to do with the centre. But that's the classic way of death cults of deserts when they're not in a dominant position: fake a narrative, cry victimhood, paint and portray a demon aggressor, howl together to make a congregatory attack-pack, keep gnawing at the benefactors while accusing them of maleficence, and finally when the time is ripe pounce upon that like hungry hyenas. Bovine theft for slaughter is the biggest contributor to the decline in quantity as well as quality of milk in the country. Imagine, 50 lakhs of cows slaughtered every year, of those nearly 25 lakhs are smuggled out to Bangladesh first. Beef is not produced in India out of thin air. This must be kept in mind. Almost all of it are the bovine milch cattle stolen & smuggled for slaughter. 

Seculibs won't dare Jews/Muslims to eat pork as it's prohibited(for whatsoever reason) amongst those two followers, seculibs wouldn't ask the Christians to consume horsemeat of dogmeat(prohibited for these two animals being friends/companions of humans and even as good as humans) but lo and behold! Hindus are communal bigots and intolerant murderous fanatics for urging others to not slaughter cows which are held in the likening of mothers by the Hindus,and heavens fall upon the seculib world if dhimmi,kuffar,heathen,goyim Hindus dare respond to the murderers of cows that too in the language of the assaulters themselves!! Still there's no comparison between pork eating and beef eating as the Jews and Christians consider the animal as well as the goyim/kafir as an unclean disbeliever deserving only hell that only reaffirms the Judaic/Islamic opinion & belief about the idolators and no outrage over a pig killed,in fact all pigs must die if it were possible. In contrast cows having a holy and motherly status amongst Hindus, naturally Hindus will be outraged over cow slaughter and anger is nothing but natural. And economics too now is getting increasingly important as the numbers of cows are dwindling logarithmically.

रविवार, 4 अक्टूबर 2015

Spiritual and philosophical singularity versus multiplicity.

What I tried to write engaged in a twitter discussion is produced here verbatim. Seek apologies for inaccuracies as I'm yet lacking in true knowledge and am a mere seeker.


Why myth? How do we know its not truth? Why not use the term legend instead? Questions from an Astika learner.
Extrapolating nEti nEti has conversely lead me from singularity back to the multiplicity of original vaidika dEva~s.  From philosophical PoV I was an advaitin till a few months ago when writings by MT Guru triggered the involution. Since I'm not a scholar of Sanskrit, I desist mostly from such related discussions as the more I read the more ignorant I find myself..
https://t.co/m2OTn3qM7o In this context and for me one of the truly enlightening articles by Guru @blog_supplement.

We ought to have different prisms or else we would cease to have different devatA~s & saMpradAya~s. That's the Astika strength. Don't know how to express: Suddenly then it dawned upon me that the world is real,& the nature based dEvatA~s true & eternal. The biggest trigger was the article(tracing its link) by MT Guru where effects of DMT on spiritual experience is discussed and the rigvEda is quoted where Indra slays a thousand yati~s on counsel of riShi(bhrigu?) as they were an ill effect upon masses. Di Methyl Tryptamine (DMT) , a naturally occurring psychedelic hallucinogen found in human neurons too(via mutation). Earlier I rejected everything except advaita. Now I accept both pUrva & uttara mImAmsA as true.

Like dual nature of light: Corpuscular particle Photon is true & so is the wave nature of light. Some things could be better explained by ray optics while others by wave optics. advaita & dvaita both are relevant. In real life the dual nature of light is best exploited for good in Radiation Oncology: photons from radioisotopes and megavoltage light(beyond UV)from linear accelerators, both are used to create Compton effect in cancer cells finally resulting in linear energy transfer to the cancer cells causing intracellular ionisation,& thus DNA damage, apoptosis and tumoricidal effect.

Therefore we Astika~s / Hindus need the weaponry of both dvaita & advaita rooted in shruti to exterminate abrahamism. Sometimes I envision dvaita & advaita as the dual+complementary,not contradictory,aspects of vedAnta darshana,IMHO.
"Legend" is not condescending or even impolite as "myth".

National language issue.

My side of words from a discussion on WhatsApp with old college classmates. I've stringed them together verbatim. I'm no expert in linguistics so plz pardon my technical inaccuracies as these were written with the flow of quick responses as they occur in such group discussions. Instantaneous outpourings at the spur of the moments of discussion so naturally they lack scholarly depth, apologies. 

Right now there's no national language of India. Both English and Hindi are official languages of India. Three language formula is mandated all over the country. The third language is where Hindi or English are not the primary language. This's best exemplified in Railways. But this's within India.. At international fora any country needs an identity. That's where a language which could represent us is required.
Apabhramsha derived from Prakrita was link language all over the country before and after Islamic invasions..so much that the foreign invaders when beset with a link language problem chose to sprinkle apabhramsha with Arabic,Turkic,Persian words in their hordus(military camps, turko-mongol word from which the current English word hordes comes), this hordu became synonymous with a link language for the Islamic rulers and was desified on pronunciation to Urdu. That's why deep in south the Muslims still use a variant of Urdu called dakkhani and in fact in Telangana its the second language. This underscores the history of apabhramsha which the alien invaders started calling Hindi(of Hind) as they called all Indians as Hindus. Thus the history of Hindi is ancient and only the name has changed.

There're cousins of apabhramsha derived from prakrit and those are all languages in northern India. Structurally Tamil is not derived from prAkrita but is heavily influenced by it. We should never equate Hindi alone with nationalism. And no regional language suffers because of Hindi. Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam & Gujarati best examples.. their language and culture thrives despite they being proficient in Hindi. Hindi is primarily spoken in Raj,UP,MP,CG,Bih,Jh,HP,Har & UK. Very strictly speaking from technical PoV, Hindi is not the primary language of any state, it has always been and continues to be a link language. But I wrote that to simplfy things in current context for an audience which cannot go into too much of depth (in that WhatsApp group). And all regional languages have their local dialects apart from standard register, Bengali in Purulia is different from that in Koch Behar even incomprehensible to respective natives that doesn't stop Bengali from being a state language. Telugu in Khammam is starkly different from that in Kadappah or Prakasham or Srikakulam. So this Haryanvi being a separate language from Hindi etc argument is futile.

English is, most unfortunately, de facto our default language because of our colonial and subsequent seculib history. It should have been made redundant long ago. South Korea is an economic and technology giant..minimal English used..i gave its example as till 70s it was an underdeveloped country. Japan, a colossus already..and China the new world superpower both do not use any European language. Hindi is a link language already despite no real efforts from govts post 1960s. Still, IMHO SaMskrita should be our national, official and technical language which will nourish and strengthen all our regional languages. In ancient bhArata till Brits came there was a greatly successful language structure: SaMskrita in governance & education, ApabhraMsha for inter-region communication and then respective regional languages. Kannada, Telugu, Nepali, Manipuri, Malayam all developed because of this. In fact before the country's modernization almost all Indians were multilinguals. I firmly believe in multilingual bhArata with saMskrita as our "The Language".

English is the reason behind not Indian ascendancy but our gradual corrosion and ruin cloaked in progressive modernization. Remember, all the West Asian, Central Asian and European invaders came to loot us because we were the richest country in world with the best technology and we were the number one economy in terms of world's GDP for over two millenia neck to neck with China not because of any mlechcHa language. Till 1700s even after seven centuries of perpetual war with invaders and many genocides, loots & plunders India was contributing 25% of world's GDP.

Frankly speaking I'm proud of the Bengali I learnt and proud that my knowledge of Hindi is clear and Intact and that I can read and understand Assamese while can't read but understand a bit of Odiya, Gujarati & Panjabi..Marathi, Konkani & Nepali easily readable and I can understand some of them too. Not because any genius but because they're all the same!  Except the four "Dravidian" languages all of the languages from Goa to Gujarat to Panjab to UP to Bengal to Manipur are prAkrita sisters or cousins and if we try a bit hard are mutually intelligible. Tamil is mutually intelligible with Malayalam and there's only superficial difference between Telugu and Kannada. Marathi, Konkani and Kannada share a lot while Telugu and Odiya have a lot in common. No Indian language is isolated or exclusive. Kashmiri is a dArada language derived from saMskrita parallel to prAkrita but with shAradA script. Kashmiri ie Koshur is a cousin of languages in what are now Pakistan and Afghanistan which unfortunately are now dissociated from bhArata thanks to change in "faith".

English is a colonial imposition that's why it's needed internationally. Not because its a great language chosen by world out of love. Koreans, Japanese, Chinese do not hanker after acknowledgement from anglosaxons..in fact these giants make the West follow them. Of course right now all of a sudden Tamil or Hindi or Sanskrit cannot be made our one language overnight. It has to be a gradual overhaul. In fact the constitution assembly was in favour of SaMskrita but Nehru vetoed it adamantly as a PM with his gang of muslim members in the assembly and the Anglo-Indian nominees.

No one is imposing Hindi actually. It's more of a few mongering started in 60s by Dravidian secessionists with active prompting and support from West & Xtian orgs..continues till date. Do we know how many local languages were killed in contemporary Telangana and Seemandhra to impose Telugu when it was AP? Or that how Tulu and other local languages are being currently extinguished by successive govts in Karnataka to make it a proper Kannadiga state. Or how Dravidian secessionists destroyed languages of Nilgiris to make it a great Tamil Nadu. Hypocrisy when oppose "Hindi imposition" when its suggested only as a trilingual formula not any replacement of regional languages. I advocate growth of all languages of bhArata unified together, preferably, with saMskrita as they were before.

JNU, long live the "revolution", comrade!

Yesterday got an opportunity to visit JNU for the very first time. And it was worth it. The moment we entered the cloistered campus it felt we're not in the clustered  megalopolis of Delhi but some resort deep within the  vegetations of hinterland. To our delightful surprise and jealousy it was nothing like any educational campus especially from our experiences limited to crammed up into minuscule space medical colleges/institutes full of squalor, garbage, filth, crowds and crowded concrete buildings where even sunlight forgets entering. Then we had one more reason why the traitor commies do not wanna leave this paradise within the urban hell of Delhi. The secluded & idyllic, almost a heaven, with its own post office, banks, schools for kids, gas agency, markets and cafes apart interspersed in the pretty jungles  spread over kilometres and hundreds of hectares of prime landscape. All this is enjoyed by the commie traitors and saboteurs at the cost of our taxpayers money.

Started in 1969 as a citadel of "communism and proletariat against bourgeoisie and imperialism" by the evil Gandi dynasty it has the tradition of churning out successive generations of anti-Hindu & anti-bhArata comrades who keep lingering on in the campus for at least a decade as students and then the most rabid of them get inducted as the faculty(including STEM streams) keeping the vicious cycle on and on.

Being used to the squalid hospitals we were pretty shocked at the three star washrooms of the convention centre near the school of life sciences, and the auditorium was unbelievably comfortable to say the least with leg space between the seats more than 3.5 feet which we've never ever encountered in any medical institute including AIIMS/PGIMER..! Dictatorship of the proletariat- where the apparatchik & commiserate enjoy the fruits & perks of "revolution" doing no real work except "intellectual" ones countering the "reactionaries" while the serfs & the proletariat sweat it out to make the "revolution" a success.

Coming out into the open from the ergonomically designed building(s) unlike the stuffy, dank, dingy multi-storey dungeons ie hospitals and medical colleges was truly a doubly surreal experience which can be only felt not described. The sounds of birds chirping, the sight of squirells running abound, the smell of wild flowers with leaves fallen on ground..peacocks attempting flight, mongooses moving swiftly within bushes, scores of species of evergreen as well as deciduous trees and green shrubs completing the serene & beautiful canvas with their lush green foliage: at least to us all of this made our hearts and minds filled up with myriads of feelings and thoughts. Romance and retribution being the foremost and of course envy, anger, admiration, bliss, disgust amongst many.

And yes, we spotted enough samples of typical JNU breed- bush on the face, jhola hanging upon the dirty kurta over antifit jeans and a worn out pair of chappals.

Here's a snap of an insignificant tiny corner from JNU. Just imagine its expanse.