शनिवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2015

Original AIIMS declining but we're opening newer & more regional AIIMSs which are failures as of now.

LOL! Govt unable to even use the vast & best pool of talent trained at the original AIIMS and can't arrest its apalling downfall but is on a spree of making newer & pathetic copycat AIIMSs of dirty politics & filthy bureaucracy, like the predecessor union govt(s), in various states. जो है उसे तो सुधार लो बचा लो भैय्या!

Original AIIMS declining but we're opening newer & more regional AIIMSs which are spectacular failures,at least as of now. The existing six regional AIIMSs have proven to be not something of great substance anywhere in the shadow of the original but only the dens of nepotism & corruption, with exceptions of course. Instead #PMOIndia #arunjaitley #narendramodi #jpnadda Sirs, kindly save the original AIIMS first: falling down so fast that for instance, the pillar of cancer treatment ie radiation is almost stopped now; in another example, AIIMS does not have till date a Plastic Surgery & Burns deptt. Recruitment at AIIMS is reduced almost to a joke,talent trained at AIIMS recruited much fewer;"papers" are a good excuse for exclusion while "experience" is well almost discretionary and no one cares for talent & skills.

And in the apex medical institute faculty are getting recruited having no experience of either AIIMS or equivalent/comparable institute(PGIMER/SGPGI/JIPMER/TMC/medical colleges of some State Capitals..) & technology. AIIMS alumni forced to work in (i)- other govt institutes where they just cannot use their experience,skills, techniques & knowledge and (ii)- bloodsucking profiteering corporate hospitals. Not to forget & forgive the recruitment scam unearthed but hushed hushed in the new regional AIIMSs.

To remind everyone, the discipline(s) of medicine & allied sciences are not about overreaching compassion for or any democratic equality to all the candidates so that those who could not even become junior/senior resident Drs or scientific trainees there  will but via "connections" join as Faculty & Sr Scientists to teach the newer crop of talent.

None of people at the true helm of affairs want to correct it. Politicians & Babus use their "influence" upon AIIMS to get their patients treated since its the apex & elite institute of medicine but paradoxically on the other hand they exert their "influence" upon AIIMS to get recruited their own candidates who're trained from Dagestan, Moldova, the Carribeans or any third rate Indian medical institute having never seen genuine patient care and some fundamental technology: people who never even applied for an observer status in an advanced institute. No wonder this deep rot is a now a vicious cycle which could be broken not from within but from without using strong moral & decisive authority. But who'll bell the cat? Wouldn't it lead to the unnecessary slaying of the geese which lays golden eggs..?

Footnote: The AIIMS regularly holds seminars/symposia where Indian origin Doctors/Scientists,once rejected here(thanks to whatever reason/excuse by our great system) and now working in the West, from even hitherto unknown or 2nd/3rd rate Western universities, are the honourable guest faculty/speakers at the apex medical institute of India ie bhArata.

बुधवार, 25 फ़रवरी 2015

Employee unfriendly BJP/RSS. The rise of AAP(helped by naxals). Facts untold.

A million faults are there with the traitor chrislamist org Congress. Let's discuss the patriotic Hindu nationalist party/org. To be frank BJP/RSS have never been employee friendly political org. During the "India Shining" it was the great ABV+Shourie leadership which adopted /pushed the corrupt & crony-capitalist friendly practice of PPP, then the regular gov't jobs were abolished/frozen and contract system was put as the role model, preventing the recruitment of youth the retirement age was increased by 3-7 years in almost all departments, and the nail in the coffin was abolishing pensions.

Many people would not like this unpalatable truth that BJP got defeated in 2004 due to the anger of govt employees and the frustrated jobless youth. AAP's success in Delhi is multifactorial and one of the big contributing factors is the discontent & desperation in the jobless yet educated youth as well as the sheer helplessness of the young to middle-age contractual employees(many of them on contract jobs in govt >15years at stretch with heavy exploitation & discrimination on all accounts).

In the recent Delhi polls almost all contractual employees in AIIMS/Safdarjung/RML/MAMC/GTB voted for AAP as its the only non-BJP non-Congress political option. But on ground they're members, knowingly or unknowingly, of CPIML's trade union IFTU which is the only organization caring/fighting for the rights of the poor hapless & desperate contractual employees, thousands of them.

Achchhe din have not come to them. Action as well as perception both matter. And here's a microcosm of how naxalism/maoism breeds. See the posters pasted on the walls of AIIMS.
I'm merely showing the mirror to my gov't. Nationalism doesn't feed hungry mouths. We're not facing an external alien invasion that everyone will jump to a party's "nationalist" cause just because it purportedly claims to be the sole champion of nationalism.

Big corporate luncheons & gala dinners or international diplomatic wizardry or auction of some suit or even an urgent land acquisition ordinance/bill is nothing to those who are not sure whether the next  day they'll be hired or fired. Ask those who stare every moment in the dark future with bitter disappointment & sighing pain left with fending off bitter uncertain future, burdened with expectations of ageing parents & growing children, lacking own roof; and of course striving hard to manage morsels with meagre & ever dwindling money to feed the naturally hungry mouths in the family who cannot be even told what torment is being faced by the educated un/under-employed.

सोमवार, 23 फ़रवरी 2015

Feeding the unmatta rAkShasa our own flesh & blood

"@narendramodi: Delighted at securing the release of Indian Jesuit priest Father Alexis Prem Kumar from captivity in Afghanistan." 

Our PM tweeted moments ago.Probably he's singed by Black Hussein Obama's relentless preaching and chiding so is exuberantly showing off that he has managed the release of a Christian evangelist from Afghanistan after many months.

Of course Mr PM cannot snatch away Fr Alexis's "divine and constitutional right to proselytize in India & convert heathen Hindus to Christianity". Which the Jesuit will embark upon with gusto & fanfare to make clear to his masters that his religious rights are not being trampled with in the "increasingly intolerant" India, so shocking to the dead durAtmA otherwise. 

And isn't it more than suspicious that the satanic Taliban would keep a Christian missionary hale & hearty for many many months & for what in return & gain? Monsters cannot be satiated with our own flesh, they need to be slayed to extinction but we pretend to ourselves that keeping a monster well fed with our flesh & blood instead of our foes' will save us from extinction at the hands of those very monsters..! 

The Christian proselytizer should've been culled by the Muslim jihadis. Why should we pay the price and/or fight their battles at our cost and to our detriment so that we repeat all the Himalayan blunders of Nehru to throw our civilisation at the throes of Thanatos??

1- What was the 'classified' deal with Taliban(in all probabilities facilitated by US & Paki secret agencies) which secured the Christian saboteur's release & safe transit to bhArata?
2- The preta corpse-worshipper sorcerer of the death-cult will use to the hilt his sojourn in Afghanistan as the miracle of mahApreta Yeshua Ben Pandhera.

शुक्रवार, 13 फ़रवरी 2015

Foolish belief of Hindus that rAjya & dharma are separate.

Despite intellectual fightback from Hindus,the colonial narrative has got instilled into avg Hindu that politics is separate from dharma.
The abrahamic controlled/owned media(print/elctronic) works hard to reinforce into Hindus the myth of politics being opposite of dharma.

Since the dawn of civilisation, our R^iShi~s, muni~s & great ancestors,till 175 years ago,practiced rAjya & dharma as one & inseparable.
The last potent force of political dharma were the great mahraTTa~s & the Sikhs till both were completely vanquished by the Angla~preta. The Angla~preta went far ahead of the mahAmadin pishAchas in dis-empowering & brainwashing the Hindus about the oneness of rAjya+dharma.

Before the demise of the Angla~shavasAdhaka power in world,the pandemic of another abrahamic virus called communism engulfed the world. And this virulent abrahamic neocon virus called communism infected and corrupted the motherboard of existing & future tantra of bhArata. Thus we see this abrahamic neocon virus of communism cohabiting adulterously w capitalism & spawning liberalism+secularism w gay abandon.

Democracy,in bhAratavarSha itself,is a sick ominous mongrel bastard born out of lusty incestuous orgies between abrahamism,communism,capitalism & seculibism.

Our side of the war,where to start?

Better we fight this civilizational existential war in all its dimensions else we'll become worse than Yezidis.
The toughest task in this war is to have fighting numbers which can come only from a surplus of hindu progenies. The war is ongoing & never even paused,this has to b realised by the Hindu  leadership:Start w history reflux,yesterday. Next step be disincentivising & preferably disenfranchising the minorities,pronto. Hindus must realise "us vs them" which is hardwired into the programming of the abrahamics and all their mongrels & bastards viz capitalists,communists,seculars & liberals et al.

Civilisational blunder by Dilli to let the Trojan(AAP) in.

Dilli voters have done the same civilisational blunder which was done in 1950 to let the dynasty ascend to power,Kerala voters let the commies rule them in 1957 & the Bhodrolok did in 1974 to make the Red take over WB. #HistoryRevisited #Dilli2015.

"एक मौका और"- too many a few,led to civilizational blunders which cannot be seen by most in present tense. Dilli voters have let Trojan enter in. In 2015 its indeed surprising that corrupt #NaxalJihadiEvangelist party AAP continues to enamour people when it has thoroughly exposed itself from 2012 to 2014.

If "highly educated" people think that choosing political ideology is inferior to onion-shopping then one can only bemoan the fate of the people & country.  Poor to Rich nobody's willing to make even minor sacrifices for the country. What to say of the middle class which wastes anything from 2000₹ to 25000₹ on a weekend in malls & on movies but wants 300₹ sliced off their monthly bijli pani bills(which will actually not happen with this AAP govt too)! Just because someone kept shouting selectively "corruption! corruption!" he was feted as a messenger of God! Nauseating, repulsive, putrid & revolting:to say the least.

This actually shows how successful alien invaders and colonial powers are that the products of their education think of parachuted pawns as their messiah without checking for their antecedents & actions but only blindly acquiescing to the alien agenda.
Amongst #MacAulayputras its peer pressure and/or mass psychosis which makes them think that politics is not cool but AAP is supercool.
2009-2012 was the phase when fake but effective revolutions sponsored by USA+KSA toppled one govt after another. "Coloured revolutions" or Arab Springs. Even Ukraine became its victim last year. Started with Egypt,then Tunisia, then Libya: stable govts in a volatile region toppled by capital city based "revolutions". Syrian revolution didn't succeed so it was escalated to Civil War and ISIS. In bhArata IAC was such an attempt,it failed spectacularly with a series of whimpers in 2012. The masters realised the inherent strength of our country so they changed the mode of subterfuge and soon IAC got a new identity:AAP. Rest is before us....
"Fool me once,the shame is on you but fool me twice and shame is on me" .. This old adage is applicable to AAP supporters which they'll obviously not accept.
.."History repeats itself and those who do not learn from it are condemned to repeat it.".
But well AAP is the holy communion offering the eucharist! Or its Indian version of aab-i-zam zam. This simile also lets us recall that almost all of the Xtian & Muslim votes in Delhi went to AAP while dumb edutard  as well as imbecile but "all wise pillar of democracy" jhuggiwallahs(most of them Hindus in name only) who've been kept poor for decades for exactly such political crisis,both such HINOs voted for AAP for puerile, selfish, transient & petty gains.

#Edutards with Hindu names can be explained thus: The capsule of the memetic virus of secularism & liberalism(now morphologically known as AAP) has ligand which can only bind to a specific receptor on the surface of the glia,the receptor is not intrinsic to brain and itself is a result of prior infection by another memetic virus named MacAulay. A few subjects develop antibodies to MacAulay and thus have a boon of being immune to the memetic virus(es) of secularism & liberalism as well.

All voters of any seculib party are urged to do tell their children and grandchildren about their stellar contributions in making the future revisit 1947 or worse. I hope & would be the happiest person to be proven wrong about such prophecies but I prefer to be a sceptic,critic,pessimistic doubter on such an issue where Hindus have not been on the winning side of civilizational war for very very long.
