"@narendramodi: Delighted at securing the release of Indian Jesuit priest Father Alexis Prem Kumar from captivity in Afghanistan."
Our PM tweeted moments ago.Probably he's singed by Black Hussein Obama's relentless preaching and chiding so is exuberantly showing off that he has managed the release of a Christian evangelist from Afghanistan after many months.
Of course Mr PM cannot snatch away Fr Alexis's "divine and constitutional right to proselytize in India & convert heathen Hindus to Christianity". Which the Jesuit will embark upon with gusto & fanfare to make clear to his masters that his religious rights are not being trampled with in the "increasingly intolerant" India, so shocking to the dead durAtmA otherwise.
And isn't it more than suspicious that the satanic Taliban would keep a Christian missionary hale & hearty for many many months & for what in return & gain? Monsters cannot be satiated with our own flesh, they need to be slayed to extinction but we pretend to ourselves that keeping a monster well fed with our flesh & blood instead of our foes' will save us from extinction at the hands of those very monsters..!
The Christian proselytizer should've been culled by the Muslim jihadis. Why should we pay the price and/or fight their battles at our cost and to our detriment so that we repeat all the Himalayan blunders of Nehru to throw our civilisation at the throes of Thanatos??
1- What was the 'classified' deal with Taliban(in all probabilities facilitated by US & Paki secret agencies) which secured the Christian saboteur's release & safe transit to bhArata?
2- The preta corpse-worshipper sorcerer of the death-cult will use to the hilt his sojourn in Afghanistan as the miracle of mahApreta Yeshua Ben Pandhera.
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