Religious leaders or even political leaders cannot be expected to understand the nuances of modern lifestyles or societal changes.
We've to decide whether we want a Hindu society or not? If we go full throttle to smriti based law we'd reach at least to our great grandparents generation's traditionalism if we try to accomodate modern things by fine-tuning we'd then reach in rayta nationalism.
See how islam behaves, despite all the money and modernity they implement only sharia and demand full compliance. It's irrelevant if there's individual deviation in the elite or laity.
Every religious or political Hindu leader is not genius or त्रिकालदर्शी, and both set of leadership would not much care about nuances of modernity because a based visionary religious leader would go only by shAstras while a successful popular political leader would be interested in exploiting democracy for his own glory or party's power.
Grandparents generation in terms of practice of religion, traditions even if we reach would be an achievement I clearly said.
Of course Sharia wouldn't reach every bedroom or prayer mat. I know ho elite have their leeway or laity gets relaxations I mentioned that. Once you've a theocracy many problems of democracy and modernity pertaining to nation-state are automatically taken care of. Only periodic hounding of a cross section of society is enough to keep the folks in check.
If Hindus don't aim for a Hindu theocracy there's no other way of deliverance.
Top down approach needs push from above for the cleansing below. If grassroots workers don't get backup and power from above they always fail. That's why Karapatri ji Maharaj couldn't succeed despite the unequivocal support of almost all the Sadhu Samaj, because he didn't have the power of the executive. A mediocre like Zahruddin succeeded because he was the head of gobt.
This bilateral approach we've to take: move religious leaders towards politics, Puri Shankaracharya ji is explicit while move politicians towards religion, Yogi Ji already there. Both fluxes would make the proles fall in line gradually. It'd take a decade or two. Meanwhile all uniformed services and babucracy must be made rooted into dharmic cause which is tricky though.
For goraksha movement all Hindu denominations congregated together in 1960s. If we've a common cause again, our saMpradAya s would join hands again but we lack political leadership. Here we've future hope in AS or Yogi Ji as the party might become more strident by then. But our enemies must've thought of all chess moves too.
Commies captured power after a 3 decades long civil war in China. Civil war gave them the political leadership. We missed the bus in 47.
Right now our political leadership is dhulmul and not hardcore as the Hans because we lack a similar crucible. No country has achieved a long and stable political system whether military or theocratic or democratic without a huge strife. There our leadership fails because they're hamsters running in a colonial wheel.