गुरुवार, 28 मई 2015

The knee-high boots of sUrya dEvatA and their message.

sUrya upAsanA gained prominence again in bhArata after the brAhmanisation of the maga/shaka Iranics. maga~s ie shaka purohita~s were known in West Asia as Magi. shakadvIpa/shakastan/Sistan(now SE Iran & SW Afg) was the abode of the shaka~s ,they being forced to migrate southward from central Asia by hUNa/tuShAra.

The boots of sUrya in his icons are the essentials of the shaka, though Iranic but not Persian per se. Iranics ie the bhraShTa Arya viz shaka(Scythian), kuShANa/tuShAra/tukhAra(Tocharians), pArthiva/pahlava/pallava(Parthians & progenitor Persians). "Thakur" itself is a cognate of tukhAra.

shAkaladvIpIya brAhmaNa~s found in East UP & West Bihar direct descendants of the maga~s of shaka~s.

sUrya ShaShThI ie Chhath is an extant ritual worship of the sUrya devatA w vaidika as well as shaka roots. Chhath festival not surprisingly spread over a region in+around where shAkaladvIpIya Br are concentrated.

The Islamic invasions of our West,now in Iran,Afgh & Pak, forced the then spreadout shaka~s/maga~s to migrate further east.

maga/shaka found favours & livelihood in kAshmIra too,they amalgamated well & resurgence of sUrya worship ensued.

N.B.- Once again, take note of the high boots worn by sUryadEva.

Footnote 1: Some saMskr^ita words in Persian rooted in and routed via Avestan(first cousin on vaidika saMskr^ita) through ancient Persian-

AryAnAm -- Aeranam -- Iran,

yajna -- yasna -- Jashn,

suratrANa -- Sultan,

sUrya-Asana -- Khurasan,

shAsa -- Shah,

shAsanushAsa -- Shahanshah,

yama-kShiti - Jamshid,

kShatrapa -- Satrap,

sakhAmaNi -- Hakhmani,

sUrya-kShiti -- Khurshid,

kuru -- Kayrush - Cyrus,

sushravA -- Khusro,

asura -- Ahura..

Footnote 2: The anti-Hindu saboteurs and subversionists would diabolically contend that there's nothing called Hindu and even the Sun worship has come from outside into the ragtag fold called Hinduism but its to be noted that our bhraShTa Arya cousins maintained the worship of one of the prime vaidika Gods. And even when we insidiously came to forget it, it was revived through the then extant knowledge and practices of our own co-ethnics whom we now out of unfortunate ignorance consider rank outsiders. Knowledge is very important to help our culture, country and civilisation survive,and knowledge of history is the most important of it. And that knowledge should not come from the abrahamics, colonialists, invaders, marxists and marketeers. Its we who should be seeking and disseminating the right and correct knowledge.

P.S.- Unfortunately all the Iranics who were outside or at the periphery of the larger Indo-Aryan (vaidika, later demonym Hindu) sphere succumbed surprisingly quite easily to the ekarAkshasavAdin marUnmatta savage barbarians. This shows the inherent strength and inbuilt safety mechanisms of our strand of the Arya~s vis a vis the Iranic strand. Not surprisingly the earlier branched-off Indo-European strand succumbed to the previous version of dangling-corpse ekarAkShasavAda too.

सोमवार, 25 मई 2015

चक्र एवम् गदा chakra & mace

हम भगवान विष्णु की जो छवि देखते हैं उसमें उनके अनिंद्य सौंदर्य पर ही ध्यान देते हैं किंतु उस चक्र को आभूषण मात्र ही देखते हैं जो वस्तुतः शत्रुओं को छिन्न भिन्न कर देता है एवम् चल जाये तो रक्तपात कर के ही लौटता है; तथा उस गदा को तो हम विस्मृत ही कर देते हैं जो धधकते वीर्य व क्रूर दुस्साहस से ही प्रयुक्त होता है नीच धर्मद्रोहियों को कुचल कुचल कर मृदा में विलीन कर देने हेतु। शार्ङ्ग व पाञ्चजन्य की चर्चा अभी शेष रखूंगा।

Whenever we look at the image of Almighty viShNu we are merely enchanted with his ethereal beauty completely ignoring the chakra as some ornament which actually slashes to countless bits the enemies and if is put to flight returns only after shedding blood; and we really forget the mace which could be used only with fiery machismo and brute aggression to hit & smash the dharmadrohin~s well into the earth to death. Leaving now shArnga and pANchajanya for later discussion.

शनिवार, 23 मई 2015

Victorian Britain's affair with Islam affected their India policy, till date

Victorian and Edwardian Britain was heavily and favourably disposed towards Islam. Starting probably in awe of the Ottomans the Brits found a lot of merits in Islam & ummah.

Take note,in pics 4 & 5, of the fact that the Brit aristocracy was pretty much smitten by the Islamic bug with much ardour from the Pom buggers. From teenage girls to commanders of armies, though totalling only a few hundreds, anglosaxons were converts to Islam and were living as an integral and respectable cogs within the cream of the British society and their royal institution.

Churchill was one of its epitomes to the extent that he used to frequently dress himself and his friends in Arab/Muslim dresses and themes. Churchill is alleged to have contemplated converting to Islam even. He did not probably because of his easy virtues with men and love for pork, smoking and drinking.

About their politics and strategies we know how they leveraged the Muslims in bhArata against the Hindus much before Syed Ahmed Khan, through the Muslim League, bloody genocidal partition, into the decades of aftermath and the current day Pakistan as well.


Why they did so or continue to do so, some answers could be traced here.

रविवार, 17 मई 2015

How HINOs are the enemies within.

And this jihadi http://swarajyamag.com/author/mohamedzeeshan/ works for the supposedly Hindu-nationalist magazine SwarajyaMarg. Anyways we never subscribe to that predominantly dhimmi pile of opinions, agenda actually, being peddled as Hindu-nationalism: bloody chutiyas!

The girl is proven right: chutiya HINOs slapped hard by this jihadi, but they'll blame the lady of being "communal and hurting the sensibilities of a minority fellow and damaging the peaceful secular fabric of the country...blah blah..boo hoo..".

The retarded deracinated HINOs chutiyas who go with Hindu sounding names must notice that how a purportedly secular, modern, regular & moderate Muslim instantly rejects any reform of Islam. But bloody chutiyas will remain bloody chutiyas forever as they're so very proud of their bloody chutiyapa.

The problem with the bloody chutiyapa, genetic(mutation) and/or congenital(infective), amongst HINOs(Hindus in name only) is that it'll not only kill the bloody carriers but those Hindus too who are unaffected and uninfected yet and who unfortunately share the very same genetic & environmental pool(s).

शनिवार, 16 मई 2015

ekarAkShasavAdin savages who were Arya once.

Whether the Arya/IE people came into bhAratavarSha from outside or went outside from here, we feel no brotherhood or any affinity at all with the adhArmika mlechCha/yavana ekarAkShasavAdin~s who claim to have or may even actually possess Arya/IE ancestry/lineage yet are adherents of vetAla/preta/pishAcha mArga~s and surreptitiously/blatantly promote white-racism.

We prefer the virtuous strength, seek the blissful grace and revel in the protective company of our dark races who have steadfastedly adhered to the dharma, as upheld by mitra-varuNa, against all odds and fighting those very descendants of bhraShTa-Arya/IE turned raktabIja-rAkShasa~s who invaded jaMbUdwIpa and ruined us and our bhAratavarSha to infect us with their own infection of psychotic, maniacal, demoniac, savage, dogmatic, barbarous & genocidal pishAcha/preta mArga~s.

Soon will the mighty vajra of Indra crush them to smithereens and the jwAlA of agni burn them to ashes.

गुरुवार, 7 मई 2015

Unnecessary and dangerous(to the society) vilification of doctors.

Doctors are not Gods, absolutely. Doctors are not saints, definitely. They're people just like you and me, us. They're professionals doing their job and earning according to their competence/talent/worth/smartness/instinct just like in any other profession. Yes, daaktary is just another profession. It comes under consumer act, service tax, professional tax and of course all other taxes/cess/licences/fees charged by the govt.

And what's being bloody peddled as "commission/dalali/cut" is the rightful profit which the concerned doctor has all rights to earn. Daaktary is not any sannyas. Those who want doctors to be beggars and destitutes, may they actually end up being patients of the purported villainous criminal doctors they always make wild & blind allegations of.

And yes, there are a few rare & exceptional wrongful doctors who dare venture into wishful wrongdoings/criminal acts and that's only a reflection of the society they come from. If proven guilty such doctors deserve punishment. But the police and judiciary themselves are not above question. How dare they charge and judge doctors? And lesser said about the prostitutes(media) is better: those who openly and shamelessly sell people's lives, society and country to all hues of criminals and terrorists. Nothing more and nothing less.

It takes at least 12 years (theoretically so, but in reality it takes anywhere from 15 to 20 years) after high school to become a sub-specialist(super-specialist), people must know and remember that its tougher and more painful than any other subject/stream to get trained in. And it comes at a great cost(material & mental). Medical colleges (at least govt ones) are serious medical science training institutes, neither any effing bloody corporate/crime management syndicates/cartels nor some divine haridwar ka ashram or prayagraj ka akhada (no pun intended).

P.S. - This post is not applicable to the owners/managers of corporate hospitals.

रविवार, 3 मई 2015

Is economy really some magic wand which could save our civilization?

With law&order deteriorating every other day especially non-BJP ruled states leading in anti-Hindu violence apart from all other crimes at an unprecedented scale in a highly organised way with political & state patronage, how'll economy alone grow..? And how'll it lead, on its own alone, to the growth of the country beset with bloody internal strifes on a nationwide scale..? Even a class five student will tell its impossible without setting the house itself in order first. Remember that non-BJP ruled states still form the majority.

Remember, only if there is fear(and that too mortal one) of Hindus in the hearts of the enemies plus the law and order stays smooth,economy will improve on its own. Not vice versa. This is a puerile myth that economic revival alone is some magic wand which'll revive the nation & country on its own which is pure nonsense and a vile motivated propaganda antecedents of which arouse deep suspicions and grave concerns.

No nation/state/country ever in history has ever been successful/powerful enough to last through ages which has focused only on economy and ignored the core ideology of self-identification and the fundamentally immutable role of religion in arriving at self-identity and culture. The best(or tragic) examples being the great Novgorod Republic(distinct or as a part of the Hansa League) & great Mongol empire, former being almost a pure economy based super-state while the latter being a highly advanced economy & probably the mightiest ever military based super-state. Both failed with leaving almost no trace behind only because they practiced secularism, purported equality & misplaced meritocracy ignoring race, loyalty, ethnicity, culture, kinship & above all, their own/native religion. And why forget the once immortal & seemingly eternal ideology-driven USSR?

NarendraModi, Arun Shourie/Jaitley, party/parivar, economy, reforms, personalities, agenda are insignificant & irrelevant if they do not aim for and contribute to our survival as the original extant civilisation which is hanging precariously on the precipice at oblivion. We need only One thing: pure Hindutva and it wiping out all the mlechCha, yavana, rAkShasa, pishAcha & preta adhArmika enemies. Only that'll save our civilization, dharma & rAShTra and thus our existence with survival thereof.