सोमवार, 27 जून 2016

Our PM's first interview, six points transpired

1) Highly regrettable that the PM did NOT give his 1st interview to the state channel DD. PM himself legitimising MSM pimps.

2) The entire interview seemed a carefully tread exercise in political correctness(no witch-hunt)& populism(black money).

3) No proper insight in internal security concerns or foresight in foreign & neighbourhood policies could transpire out of PM.
3a) Confusion & hesitance,nay even pusillanimity,towards Pakistan;
3b) China policy wasn't broached;
3c) US-centricism obvious.

4) Needlessly extolled the virtues of a slimy mole like R3 to the extent of almost speaking of reinstating him,very apologetic!

5)PM apparently was quite uneasy & angry with DrSwamy and it was quite obvious but it sent all the wrong signals everywhere.

6)PM's interview could neither inspire nor embolden the core Hindus. He's going  the ABV way,he knows it,& that's the worry.

Here's the full transcript of the interview http://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-news-india/pm-modis-interview-with-arnab-goswami-full-transcript-2879832/

मंगलवार, 21 जून 2016

Stage managed saint(s) for sinister schematic subterfuge

MKGandhi was AnnaHazare of his times, though definitely more successful. Those were not the times of media, colonial India was under alien occupation, WW1 was raging on endlessly...yet out of nowhere a "revolutionary saint" appears in Bombay, thousands wait for him enthusiastically and cheering frantically: all stage managed. Was MKG ever pushed out of a train coach in a tonguetwister of a nondescript town called Pietermaritzburg..? Which none can ever confirm or corroborate.

Known fact that Gandi willingly served Brits in the Boer war for which he was rewarded with land(though barren)where he made some Ashram. How could a man supposedly fighting the mighty Brits be a beneficiary of Brit largesse & benevolence in brutal South Africa?! Brits who did NOT even spare the Dutch kids & pregnant women were having MKG eat out of their hands in SA & India. Phew!! The greatest sabotage ever effects of which still make the truncated India suffer after exactly a century and even more decades to come.

Tagore dynasty was an old beneficiary of the Brits & their dependable native help,RNT a continuation. Dwarkanath was a close friend of RRMRoy. DwNT's son Devendra started crypto-Xtian Brahmo with RRMR. Ravindra was the most impactful and "illustrious" son of DevNT. RNT's ancestors had a history of being British collaborators for at least three preceding generations,that's why it's a dynasty in itself. The dynasty whose evil and longlasting deleterious impact upon bhAratavarSha is never even broached.

The Tagores were the biggest beneficiary of British largesse who awarded them with incalculable swathes of land forcibly snatched away & usurped from poor as well as big landholders who fought Brit mlEchChas. Freed from the worries of earning livelihood the Tagores indulged in "spiritualism,culture,philosophy" which was nothing but a full-time job of sabotage & subversion at the behest of satanic Brit mlEchChas. The Nobel ought to be viewed in that light only.

We denounce in absolute terms the entire "Bengal revolution/renaissance" along with the mlEchChadAsa collaborators viz RRMR, KCS, Tagores and their ilk. The fake renaissance was the biggest negativity to infect and affect the sanAtana Hindu/bhAratIya psyche which most of us do not even know/realise yet it's all pervasive even to this date and will continue to do so for many more generations to come. The product(s) of the revolution are the millions of  Macaulayputras, sepoys & intellectuazis who even now, visible or not, formidably occupy each and every pedestal & echelon of the Indian system since their birth in the colonial era. And continue to influence, modify & shape our past, present and future the exact way their white abrahamic masters want: ie the insipient murder of Hindu civilisation.

See here

The virus of abrahamism works in many ways. The preferred mode of the second abrahamics, when they cannot conquer the stronger & more resilient pagans, is insidious subversion through "progressivism, modernism, liberalism & secularism". Deracination, degradation, decadence & deterioration of the target population takes some time but is finally effective and permanent if no radical counter-measures are initiated. But the anglosphere has build so many and efficacious mechanisms, not excluding outright military war, to sustain their corrosion machinery that the reversal is easier said than done even after the leading branch of AnglaprEtas have left long ago.

Fortunate to visit a shaktipITha in tRliMgadEsha

Was in Andhra(united) region last week. Extremely fortunate & blessed to have visited Jogulamba & Balabrahmeshvara temples in Alampur and Ranganathaswamy temple in Nellore and of course Srivari Tirupati at Tirumala. I was on some official visit yet squeezed out enough time to lay prostrate at the divine feet of the शक्ति (सती), शिव, विष्णु,& विष्णु again respectively. 

Jogulamba temple is a शक्तिपीठ in त्रिलिंगदेश where the  upper alveolus(jaw) of सती fell. The देवी has विग्रह with वीभत्स look: almost nude,old,gauche,frail,yet fierce large eyes,& a huge hairbun with one each of lizard,scorpion,bat,& skull therein. She's seen as गृह चण्डी, these symbols show the signs of decay of a house: first enter the lizards, then is the appearance of scorpions. If bats enter a house it's the third step which finally will lead to skulls in the house (Deaths in that house). If we worship #जोगुलाम्बा देवी she'll cancel all the negatives caused by aforesaid signs. She is also worshiped to relieve vAstu doshas.

Alampur is a small town/village with a single dusty road to reach from Kurnool. It has a significant  third abrahamic population as well and disgustingly a chunk of the old temple complex is occupied by sullas who're using it as a mosque+dargah. Revolting abomination! But a recurring pattern like elsewhere in भारतवर्ष polluted & infested by the satanic monogodists.

Coming back to the Jogulamba temple, we were extremely fortunate to reach there just when आरती started and it was so overwhelming I cried. This's her naked avtar where she sits on a corpse with her tongue stretched outside, an avtar of fierce goddess that grants सिद्धि in योग & hence called Jogulamba. This word is a changed form of Yogula Amma in Telugu: Mother of Yogis. She's considered a hard to please deity. Not hard to please but hard to worship deity,it's her उग्र रूप,with twin shaktis चण्डी & मुण्डी idols of which are at the nearby Balabrahmeshvara shiva temple now.

The temple complex is on the banks of तुंगभद्रा,made >1500 YBP in चालुक्य reign. It was destroyed by evil Bahmanis 700YBP,& restored 11YBP. The स्तुति & आरती were in proper संस्कृत with all the rituals plus offerings in place and order,done by two priests in perfect tandem assisted by devoted helps. The aroma emanating from offerings, camphor, lamps & incense, the sounds of gongs, bells, conchs, chanting & devotees all made for an hoary and divine experience. I was transported back 1500 years and simply overwhelmed I couldn't hold back my tears of joy from streaming out.

Scholarly scientific subversion of sanAtana history.

First of all Iran is not middle east. Secondly, when farming started there it was definitely not what's it now. This whole exercise is a part of greater diabolique to make Iran permanently in WestAsia severing it from its own past ie Indo-Iranian or Indic/Aryan/Eastern non-abrahamic sanAtana past. Our Scriptures clearly mention that it was the King pRthu(पृथु) who first tilled the earth & started agriculture. In fact the earth is called pRthvI(पृथ्वी) after him only.

Ancient Iran was called Parthava in Old Persian(^~of Prithu^: later on- Pahlava,MiddlePersian; & Parthia,Greek/Latin). ^Iran^ itself is a cognate of Aryan. Correlate and the jigsaw puzzle solves itself just like that. West/Anglosphere through its abrahamic eyes and prejudiced scholars have always tried to make look the Levant older than the oldest but face many stumbling blocks. Levant, ie coastal West Asia proper, as its the semitic abrahamic progenitor heartland. So appropriation & digestion a good strategy.

In agriculture first include Iran in West Asia,rest is dominoes. Explains the valid Qn why no interaction over millennia btwn two original farmers separated by less than 1500 KMs..! The emphasis of this paper is on the "fertile crescent & middle east" with Iran as its ^integral part since time immemorial^. Ancient Iran already been severed away from Indosphere by abrahamic anglosphere,this'll concretise it furthermore.

Here's the smart & subtle subversion published in no less than the Nature => http://www.nature.com/news/farming-invented-twice-in-middle-east-genomes-study-reveals-1.20119?WT.mc_id=TWT_NatureNews

शनिवार, 18 जून 2016

The fight against the fulminant ferocious fatality humanity has forgotten

Smallpox not only been eradicated but has also slipped and faded away from the public memory/consciousness, people now not realise what we've achieved & conquered, almost completely forgotten now. The round scar on the upper arm is classic for the smallpox vaccination. People in their late 30s &above have it. Smallpox was an incredibly devastating disease in human history, used to sweep through populations periodically,& kill 35% of the infected. And a large % of survivors were left terribly scarred, even blinded. It devastated the Americas,& one of the reasons that the Aztecs as well as Incas were conquered by the second abrahamic barbarians from Europe.

It's greatly remarkable that forty years ago when those were not so modern times,no great technology,electricity or cold chains everywhere,& no means of communications/transport like now; yet the doctors,nurses & health workers went to the globe's remotest part & vaccinated all. We eradicated Smallpox forty years ago yet struggle today with TB & malaria which even not need vaccination but hygiene & sanitation, alas! PraNAma/salute to all those scientists, doctors,nurses,technicians, health workers and even the bureaucrats & politicians involved,esp the WHO,in the programme to eradicate one of the greatest scourges of humanity: http://www.who.int/features/2010/smallpox/en/ .

But many millennia before the West even "discovered" vaccination, we Hindus were already doing it: http://www.indianscience.org/dyk/t_dy_Q14.shtml .Smallpox vaccination was practiced widespread by Hindus in the Indian subcontinent well into ~1800s. Brits banned it as inhuman,rest is history. This banning in colonial India by Brits of the vaccination of smallpox as "inhuman & barbaric" wreaked havoc on us for ~150 years. The British ban on smallpox-vaccination by Hindus led to not only mortality & morbidity in terms of multi-millions of people but also it+ led to the loss of knowledge mastered by Hindus over millennia against this lethal disease. Now mlEchChas get the credit for eradication!

मंगलवार, 19 अप्रैल 2016

RTE, our schematic destruction

India education system was already destructive, to make it even more virulently anti-Hindu and lethal the ConG UPA govt of Soniya Gandi with the Communist & regional parties' support came up with RTE(Right To Education) in 2005 to ring the death knell for Hinduism and to expedite balkanise Endia & abrahamise Endia projects. Most Hindus do not even know about it.

Not unexpectedly the Supreme Court too upheld & justified this draconian discriminatorily devastating law. Now the abrahamics are so much at ease with this weapon being used against Hindus that even any review of it brings cries of persecution, atrocity literature is already being written worldover in the abrahamosphere. Those Hindus who knew about the satanic RTE expected the BJP govt to repeal it as one of its first great steps to retrieve our civilisation but two years have went past and both our beloved leader as well as her handpicked education minister have shown the least or non-existent concern/attention towards this murderous issue.

Oops! We should've said HRD minister(Raju Gandi abolished Education ministry in 1985 and gave us HRD ministry by clubbing it with youth affairs & sports plus a gamut of many departments) we have minorities ministry(created by Soniya Gandi's ConG UP/NAC) but no education ministry as yet. This post is just a primer. Friends are encouraged to be inquisitive on their own and be shocked to realise how we Hindus are being readied for slaughter in the impending civil war without even having an inkling about it. Though it seems futile still we implore & beseech our own government in the office at the Raisina Hills to do fulfill its duties and live up to its pre-poll manifesto.

मंगलवार, 15 मार्च 2016

Rot is deep & widespread

This HINO seculib has an Army veteran as the spouse. Also, they belong to a *martial race" on our South West.
Its glaringly obvious that the systematic elimination of Hindu activists is not only being condoned but justified as well: ^^ if someone is *political*, read Hindu, he's a vermin and rightly deserves nothing more than pest control as a nuisance ^^.

Recall how mlEchCha IAC campaign stage-managed by imposters & interlopers of the gang spearheaded by apparatchiks & useful idiots Khujli-Ganna schematically tapped into this idea, implanted after a brainwash of three generations, amongst the Chindus & HINOs that everything is wrong about politics and that all politicians are bad and with shameless alacrity Chorniya mafia was covered up thoroughly and lo & behold! the "Hindu Nationalist" party and its top leader instead was on the crosswire of the barrage of firing from the balkanise Endia forces within and without.

To sum up, it shows the rot our country is in.

शुक्रवार, 11 मार्च 2016

Ownership of the female body & seculib rape.

Everyone, please read this idiotic rant ⤵

// Mumbai HC’s decision shows how rape is being legally redefined
| analysis by Advaita Kala |
Hindustan Times //


Entire corpus of multiple volumes of books could be written on this topic but yours truly has limited himself to specifically discuss in brief ideologically an issue raised by femi-fanatics of late with a glaring frequency.

The Secular Liberal or Laisezz Faire or Marxist Feminist notion of women owning(as in Communist/Capitalist parlance, everything has a price) their bodies and thus men being their exploiters perpetual enemies is as old as bra-burning itself. And not surprisingly it's now being championed by many women in the opposite camp of the "Right Wing / Hindu Nationalist" activists. And this philosophy has been successfully imposed upon marriage too.

But from the realistic, dhArmika & to some extent biological PoV the institution of marriage is not about owning or exploiting anybody's bodies. Take it or leave it some hard facts need to be gulped down. Firstly, men can never really feel or understand the pain women undergo howmuchsoever involved, sensitive, caring & sensitised men might be despite/overcoming all the testosterone they have; simply because they cannot be in women's bodies. Secondly, nature has made women to hold, bear, nurture and give birth to the next generations before the women themselves enter menopause, a race against time.

A married monogamous couple does not have the luxury of polygyny/polyandry or the liberty of lack of any responsibility of being unmarried satyr/nymphomaniac. The couple need to unite in as much as conjugation possible ignoring all the notions of ownership of individual bodies or even the presence/absence of the much desired entity of love which leads to a better and more successful marriage without one. If at all anybody owns a body it's the body of the partner too along with one's own. Life partners or married couples cannot betray or relinquish the duty entrusted upon them by nature. Sexual pleasure is extremely important, yes, but cannot preclude procreation. Love & sexual compatibility are the means to a successful marriage and not the endpoints themselves; and a successful marriage primarily means producing lots of progenies,then come other qualitative/quantitative parameters.

But reverse is now the norm and....  Unfortunately that's what exactly happened, first to secular Europeans(Xtians) and now to secular Hindus/HINOs where perversions like clash of sexes, ownership of bodies and licentious secular irresponsibility has destroyed them. Those abrahamics who didn't fall prey to these infections are not exemplars to be eulogised. They're adhArmika rAkShasas who think of women only as commodities, nothing else.

The solution is here with us in our own dhArmika traditions which we fail to see or learn. And no, individual sporadic aberrations cannot be called in to smear an entire population with tar. There're individuals on both sides of the genders who abuse violently(mental and/or physical) the institution of marriage. This rot has of late got kind of societalised too as our Hindu civilisation has degenerated owing to a bevy of factors which need corrections, rectifications & rebuilding. Rather than framing diabolical laws specifically designed to accelerate further degeneration & destruction of Hindu civilisation in the name of laws. Laws but sweepingly suicidal or selectively murderous in their inherent nature purportedly to solve the problems of dowry(& related crimes),  domestic violence and the latest being marital rape. Their aim: to exterminate Hindu civilisation. Their immediate target for the completion of their aim: to destroy the Hindu institution of marriage.

Now we shall take a look at the local coolies working fastidiously to finish the task entrusted upon them by their abrahamic masters.

Fatal Marxist Mercantile Femifascism, aptly describes the abrahamic monstrous entity. 

And these petty femifascist minions rant & put forth communist ideologies crudely & loudly which are then effectively employed to destroy native cultures with smart sophistication by Free Market Corporatism. How are the native cultures destroyed? Destroy the institution of Marriage(first and foremost). Two faces of this one single seculib abrahamic femifascist monster aka Modernism are Marxism plus Mercantilism. This monster is made up of MacAulayism and fed by Media.
While the primary religious abrahamic monsters is: Messianic Monotheism with Mullah & Missionary jaws & Mitzvah mind.
And the latest weapon in the monster's hand is : "marital rape", after the previous ones inflicted severely grievous enough lacerations & choppings, this's straight to decapitate us.

बुधवार, 9 मार्च 2016

Making of a scientific babu

It's not merely about the quota system but the babuchhap exam patterns/interviews borne out of the babucrazy which focuses more on recruiting officer-babus than real scientific minds even in the scientific streams.
Then there're sifarish, jack, lump sum, recommendation and all.

अलविदा अब हिन्द से इंसाफ़ जन्नत को गया
मसलूख़ के इमदाद को वो तीन बेटे रख गया।
सबसे बड़े रिश्वत अली मझले सिफ़ारिश ख़ान हैं
उनसे छोटे ख़ुशामद बेग़ जिनकी निराली शान है।

A brilliant and sincere person I know did doctoral, post-doctoral SRship and then GoI's research scientistship in the same department at the very same apex(in the domain) institute of India and was the most qualified candidate at the interviews. Yet did not get selected for the only seat in faculty despite nine years of continuous & cumulative experience(extremely rare!) as well as leadership qualities, high level of skills plus competence and knowledge of the domain. Now don't ask who got selected.

Dissent & debate, comrade!

1- Communism deserves death,not debate, just as they do to establish & perpetuate their ideology in practice on ground.
2- All Hindus must see this https://t.co/mYW5OHEjfU  glimpse of seculib behaviour,real intolerance. Extremely courageous & salute worthy of Prof Paranjpe,JNU,to go into the sea of bloodthirsty reds and put forth the right.

The disrespectful,disgusting,boorish & threatening behaviour of seculib commies seen here is actually their SOP,only that dEsha sees it now. Note the intimidating attitude of Kanhaiya, all commies lying thick n fast as usual,& a Muslim proudly declaring himself a violent Salafi wears his Islamic aggression on sleeve & openly flaunts the communist+Islam union. In the end there's the usual "brahaminical atrocities".

Ironically ridiculous as Kanhaiya calls a Chinese guy who unstoppably pontificates(buyoed by cheering mob) Indians on democracy/liberalism. Classical way a communist party debate/meeting is stage managed: invite a single dissenting voice  crush it with "liberal free opinions".

Such a shamelessly shameful yet a wanton act of dare challenging not a professor of English raising his voice against totalitarianism but again a repeat of sedition & treason hideously hidden under the cloak of debate & dissent. Deserves only jail, at the very least. Rest is upto the government of India whether it continues to accept the humiliation of its mere existence if not it sees the aforementioned as a challenge to the might of the state of the Indian republic.

गुरुवार, 3 मार्च 2016

The abrahamic war on Sanskrit, not mere battle.

All of the "Indology" studies have traditionally been staged, orchestrated & directed from the abrahamic West. Post Cold War the HQ is USA. This brazen & wanton distortion of knowledge & history is going on unabated, a highlight from the California state: erase India, Indian Subcontinent, Hinduism.. and replace with non-specific yet motivated jargons from the CIA(or deptt of state, official policy) like South Asia etc.

In our truncated BhAratavarSha there's never been dedicated study of our own history, culture, religion & civilization from our own PoV. Whatever is currently taught here in the Endian universities can be broadly divided into German(19thC), Brit(19th-20th C), Soviet(Cold War) & US(post CW) colonial abrahamic propaganda. We either toe their line(s) or debate/research according to their narrative without even being aware of it. The West has insipiently "established the fact that India/Hindus no longer have saMskrita scholars/experts and the knowledge of the language is saved by the Western experts".

Now almost all the Indians/HINOs/Chindus believe in this and those who don't know the dEvabhAShA at all believe in the propaganda even more. No surprises a mlechCha is now being hailed by dharmadrOhins as the foremost exponent of saMskrita. This should not be seen in isolation. Refer to "Indology". that's where from our side the roles of the gov't & billionaires come in just as it's happening in the mlechCha world. Individual efforts would prove ineffective eventually.

Our dharmAchAryas of all saMprdAyas ought to come together on a single common platform and start our side of fight in this war imposed upon us by the evil, devilish satanic abrahamics led by the corpse-cultists of anglosphere. This is where we need open & wholehearted support of the राज्य and the भामाशाह~s. But I fear our gov't might take a clue from the sepoy NRNM instead & start supplicating to the mlechChas in this regard..and those with deep pockets who could & should play the role of benefactors are either HINOs or Chindus.

बुधवार, 2 मार्च 2016

Ishrat plot,the greatest conspiracy post 1947.

It's very obvious to any person with a decent understanding of psychology that the ever dependable ruthless & soullessConG slave Chidambaram dares Modi gov't to take action against him on Ishrat case. Does our dear leader's gov't has the guts to incarcerate him and his owner(s)??!! Been asking GoI to punish Sonia gang in face of all the evidences in the Ishrat case,& MSM+seculib gang complicit with ConG ought to be guillotined too.

Now take a look at this news headline =>
"SC moved to initiate contempt against Chidambaram in Ishrat Jahan case =>
The SC should've taken suo moto congnisance itself. Why wait for petition/complaint?Afraid of Chorniya? This's probably the gravest anti-national treasonous conspiracy ever since 1947 in India, to say the least. And an ordinary citizen who filed a PIL with the SC in this regard has beaten the Indian state in initiating punitive(hope so) action against the international mafiosi which masqueraded as the legitimate government of India from 2004-2014.

As we've always maintained it's Chorniya who's behind almost everything wrong in India since 2004.. https://twitter.com/Shakra_Kulish/status/704989107664003073

Chorniya did not want to merely harass/defame the CM of a very significant province but actually eliminate ie to kill & finish off the leader(with his close team) who the mafia rightly assessed could be the future PM. This's not about BJP or ConG or any individual politicians but the national security issue of utmost gravity having international connexions which only real retards or treasonous traitors could afford to ignore.

Meanwhile in the Indian public space the mlechCha honeytrap Chorniya's treacherous crimes continue to be whitewashed by her pets+slaves in media & politics, look at a highly reputed presstitute's tweet posted alongside. Stands exposed is the brutally cold, diabolically vengeful & calculatingly vicious nature of the international abrahamic xtian mafiosi which calmly exploited & abused the government machinery at the highest level including the bureaucracy, intelligence agencies and politicians to hatch this sinister plot with brazen alacrity. For what? To take over the Indian republic enjoying unchallenged & uninhibited impunity to destroy & exterminate the Hindu civilisation and sanAtana dharma followed by smooth yet bloodied balkanisation of whatever remains of our already truncated BhAratavarSha ie India. This is the last unconquered territory for all abrahamics stated explicitly by the genocidal religion of love as well as the genocidal religion of peace. Simply google "ghazwa e Hind" & what the Vatican wants to conquer in the third millennium of the hanging corpse, also do google goyim & the noahide laws. But everything's not on Google, observe & analyse the local, regional, national & global happenings on a regular basis too. Keep your eyes, ears & mind open.

And one observation about the dalit issue. Guj IPS officers DG Vanzara & R Pandian,tortured by Mafiosi on Ishrat case,are dalits: most of us are unawares. Seculibs trumpet their slaves only as dalits.
It cannot escape anybody's notice that all parties certify Muslims as patriots,yet simultaneously defend as well as justify jihad & terrorists for their sureshot votebank; only one thing could be right.

Last but not the least hear is the truth about terrorist jihadi Ishrat which was never published by any MSM despite repeated efforts by the great documentary maker @mmpandit Ji since 2014,he published it on vimeo and only now he has dared published it on the YouTube. => https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g7kkrRAoZYM

शनिवार, 20 फ़रवरी 2016

How to destroy/win a country/civilisation.

This video is in circulation for couple of days on FB in our friend list. We thought to analyse it too. First of all for a firmly rooted Astika sanAtanI Hindu who experienced/witnessed the cold war what the ex-KGB says is nothing surprising but only a corroborative reaffirmation of the truth which has been concealed in the past and the same is being done with the facts even now. This's a wonderful great first hand account of not only what was the Soviet Union but what is brutal, cold, ruthless & calculative ideological warfare(which actually non-communists were doing previously and now too). This interview is of circa Reagan era, the USA learnt from it and employed exactly the same tactics more effectively to destroy the USSR, its nemesis. Hindus/India unfortunately do NOT want to learn at all.

We shall be discussing a recent piece of history where India was victorious. How? Bangladesh war itself was Soviet creation and the entire Mukti Vahini leadership was Soviet trained, Bangabandhu Sk Mujiburrahaman himself was a useful idiot who was assassinated by his own Marxist-Lenient comrades when he grew too big for his wings. And as we personally believe is corroborated again that any revolution/change is never grassroots, it always has to happen from above; either positive or negative, those societies/cultures who do not want to accept/practice it are doomed forever. Many will think this video as an information about communists which it is but only superficially, all power-hungry world-domination ideologies/regimes be it abrahamisms or European colonialists or now the merrycans been doing the same. Communists just perfected the module in no time. Curiously enough despite being a cynic/skeptic Mr Bezmenov somewhere was wrong to presume he chose to defect to the free world. In the last 14 minutes the former KGB agent Mr Yuri Bezmenov explains the four steps to destroy a country:
1- Demoralisation (through Disinformation).
2- Destabilisation.
3- Crisis.
4- "Normalisation".

Which stage are we in now? Fellow Hindus should think over it. Recent example is AAP. You'd be able to mark out that the Soviet tactics are now employed by the merrycans. Actually the foundations of sanAtana dharma run so deep that despite the mlechChas & HINOs we've survived till now. But how long..? We've been weakened too much with lots of erosion. Who knows the next push could precipitate our complete collapse. Is the moot question as the attack & onslaught upon Hindus only intensifies every other second when palpable/noticeable or not.
Only 15% of money, resources & manpower is spent on espionage itself and rest 85%, the real bulk, goes in the aforementioned steps. To begin with the undoing as he recommends and a discerning Hindu already knows there needs to be at least one and preferably two generations of patriotic nationalistic education to be imparted by the ruling regime of the realm. We should not merely hope but pressurise our own govt to impart thus an education and ingrain an environment which would prepare future generations of nationalist leadership as well as masses.

He is but full of love & admiration for India & Hinduism(though he doesn't explicitly mention our "religion" per se) to the extent that he loved India more than Russia and didn't defect to India because Indira gov't had done a treaty with USSR to hand over all soviet defectors back to KGB.
The intellectual & academic useful idiots are called political prostitutes by Mr Bezmenov who informs how they were cultivated by KGB on soviet money & alcohol etc for being readied to disseminate disinformation & hence demoralisation back in their respective countries. In India he vividly remembered Sumitranandan Pant as a political pros, horror to many nationalist Hindus from Hindi belt :) ! He wrote a eulogising Rhapsody to Lenin in sanskritised Hindi. In the pic Kaifi Azmi a known cardholder communist is identifiable too,at least him. He then tells about university professors being trained for subversion, a Delhi university professor seen with Russian wife and in another pic with KGB's master spy Mitrokhin( google Mitrokhin diaries). He also stressed upon the fact that escapism preaching gurus/babas like Mahesh Yogi in pic with him are a good tool for subversion despite themselves not being on any espionage payroll or even being aware of that. Of course there're journalists. The Sikh journalist with him, who's he? Khushwant should look a bit older even way back in 1960s.

All Hindus must listen to what Yuri Abrahamivich Bezmenov says. I could go on writing but would stop here.

Footnote: Not only the adversaries but those who are used in any one of the four steps are executed/assassinated by the next step when their useful idiocy is no longer required and they having been frustrated with not finding the utopia will become dissidents themselves. 

Footnote 2- Mind control is the biggest weapon against your adversaries, even as big as a country/civilisation.

Former KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov Explains How to Brainwash a Nation (Full Length) - YouTube


शुक्रवार, 19 फ़रवरी 2016

Who's the useful idiot...? Mirror from Iran.

Who proved to be the useful idiot?
One who coined & practiced the term or ended up being one?

Commies like only buggery. Either ways. And they like it till their end. In Iran they with the Soviet help were trying to overthrow Shah calling him a Western stooge leading an oppressive regime. But their influence was limited to the urban areas only, that too in the region around the Caspian only. In the rest of the Iranian empire and the rural areas the Shia jihadis, yes, Shia, not Sunni, you heard it right, Shia jihadis  were the leading rebels. The commies thought they were giving the Shah a good assfokk but that wasn't enough to remove him so they joined hands with the jihadis,nothing unusual about it. The revolution was successful and the Ayatollah returned from France where he enjoyed seven star facilities as a political asylum seeker.

Don't understand why Shah Aryamihir, Reza Pahlavi-II didn't get the grand mullah killed before he escaped Iran or any assassination attempt was made on the turban-beard or were they unsuccessful. Coming to 1979, the Iranian revolution was successful and by 1980 all the commies were assfokked by the Shia jihadis till the former died of enjoying the buggery. Those who were lucky/smart/fighter enough escaped Iran, mostly to US & Aus by circuitous routes and started leading the lives as would regular citizens of the two capitalist countries live. Last heard as this write up gets posted they were busy reviving the first monotheistic faith in world ie Zoroastrianism pining & yearning with undying love of their land of the Aryans.

One more instance of Dhimmi apoptosis

Abject cowardly surrender of our govt on the appointment of Bassi as CIC. Recall how UPA2 brazenly went ahead with Thomas for CVC & fought till the SC. Twenty months ago we warned that its a naively suicidal to let ConG be represented in the panel for CIC & CVC when they've lost LOP status. Now see what Kharge said objecting to Bassi that the CP Delhi had a bad & controversial trackrecord especially handling the JNU issue & subsequent fallout in Delhi..! Our govt meekly accepted it and will now cite constitutional/legal obligations.
Who'll save the Hindus from themselves..??


गुरुवार, 11 फ़रवरी 2016

Jihadi/Jinnah Naxal University

In any sane,normal & regular country JNU,HCU, OU, AMU, JU, JMI, MU, FTII, XLRI et al would've been shut down and even demolished long ago with their faculty as well as students rotting in jails and/or be executed for subterfuge,treachery and sedition. There're more than enough laws even in our copied & borrowed one lawbook.

Pertinently & poignantly enough, our honourable highest seat of law is very much concerned about 50% of population ie females(cf places of Hindu worship). That makes but less than 38% of India. How about the high pedestal worrying about the 100% by doing something on the rampant & flagrant anti-national, secessionist, treacherous, seditious, illegal & anti-constitution activities running amok in the name of liberalism, secularism (inserted illegally & unconstitutionally in the constitution itself), dissent & FOE/FOS..that too from the nooks & corners of the national capital itself at a stone's throw away from the hallowed precincts of the honourable SC itself, again! Only if the country remains intact could the hapless Hindu women be given any equality, there will be no egalitarianism in a balkanised Endia. Just look at the terrorist states of Pak & BD.

Will Saudi Barbaria, United Barbarian Emirates,& the United States of Armies(Inc.) attack/invade us if Endia govt dares act against jihadi/seculibs here? If the GoI doesn't exterminate traitors now aforesaid might happen soon as abrahamics go beyond control; mere excuse,a fabricated one, will do.
But as we always insist BJP is a retarded party. It is dithering & vacillating with pusillanimity when offered on a platter an enviable opportunity to start cleansing of Endia to at least make it India if not BhArata.How seculib gang would react shouldn't preclude the gov't action against treachery, secession & sedition, that too in the capital itself frank, open & spitting in gov't mouth! There's nothing called ideal situation. Recall how PVNR ji rescued the country from brink of fragmentation(I'm not talking of economy) despite never having majority in LS or RS for 5 years. Rather than elaborating I'd give a hint.. Recall how elections in Panjab were organised after 6 years of Prez rule..how much was voting %..and how the terror issue was handled from Delhi itself..including reinducting retd IPS as DG with more than full powers.

Footnote: Though not a positive figure in toto, Indira ought to be credited with to storm the then Khalistani HQ,though military tactics were not all right. When will JNU meet the same fate?

A revisit:- An article written four months ago,a slightly unconventional take on the Jihadi Naxal University: 
// JNU, long live the "revolution", comrade! //

सोमवार, 8 फ़रवरी 2016

Hindu mercenaries?

Unfortunately that's an old IE/Pagan problem. Even during the Greco-Persian wars as well as the ancient Persian-Hindu wars many respective natives fought for the opponents as loyal individuals. But that was the pre-abrahamic era. With the advent of abrahamism the Europeans, Persians & Turkics adopted respectively distinct identities for themselves. OTOH the Chinese developed a strong and unique Han ethnic identity of their own under their great emperor Chin Shi Huangdi unaffected by any religious doctrine and the Japanese evolved into an insular ethnicity thanks to proto-Mongolian ancestry in a geographically isolated landmass, with the ascent of the imperial house claiming divine descent from God Amaterasu.

Coming back to our ethnic pride/identity we had an approximate idea of  "us" vs "them" till the gupta era who unseated the shakas from their strongholds of many centuries and regal positions despite the latter following shaiva saMpradAyas. The identity thing became a bit hazy post decline of the house of harShavardhana then the seers & sages came up with the yajna at arbudaparvata (Mt. Abu) and dhArmika identities were settled afresh; these hutAshana rAjaputras soon took over the reins and thus the reign of bhArata in almost all directions and collaborated to defeat & drive away mlEchChas from Arabia for nearly 350 years. Finally the defenses were breached with the defeat of the great chahamANa prithvirAja and the floodgates were opened for the non-IE & non-pagan third abrahamics. It seems the centuries of presence of Muslims in our country infected & corrupted our neural pathways despite many of our victories over them. For petty gains our kings started marrying(offering our womenfolk to invading usurpers) with them, offering our soldiers to them & ruling on their behalf by the time of Akbar the tyrant. Rest is before us all.

रविवार, 7 फ़रवरी 2016

Neo-Vedanta anyone?

As a late adolescent and early youth I was fascinated by advaita, read many books on it including upaniShads from advaita PoV. About 15 years later I realised what my mistake was. Also, even then I was rankled by the mlEchCha terminology "monism" for it. Couple of years ago I started countering that wrongful translation/terminology as it clearly betrayed an abrahamic monotheistic agenda of usurpation and subsuming of one of our greatest(but not "the" greatest) darshanas. Now I've become almost sick of the repetitive use of advaita & vedAnta as proper nouns by Hindus/HINOs ad nauseum. These people for worse do not even know anything about the dhArmika traditions and do never try to find out but gloat in their own kind boastfully, if supposedly know a thing, that how our advaita is monotheistic and we're not backward and that we're just like them..how nice! Fed up of this. Market is flooded with books etc on advaita vedAnta especially from RKM, ChM and on the other hand we see how RKM & ChM etc have been insipiently infestated by xtian idolatry & abrahamic chicanery. They now even worship messiahs in their hallowed precincts with doped-like followers lapping it up like anything: Neo-Vedanta.

Footnote: My mistake was that I pursued advaita without knowing, seeking & performing my own pursuits as sanctioned by dharmashAstras. I'm still a seeker but not of things dictated by mlechChas. And hope some day I'm able to truly fulfill my duties according to my kula, pravara & shAkhA which unfortunately been lost to my family due to many factors beyond our control.

On FB in reply to this post of ours a learned friend posted this--


Our reply to the above note:
"Firstly I should congratulate you for writing such an extensive yet simplified explanation of our sanAtana dharma. The way monism/monotheism are explained deserves kudos. You're a truly enlightened Astika but unfortunately most Hindus are not and that's where the "neo-vedantins", themselves misguided folks, further misguide the laity. Even this has been highlighted in your note. mlechChas have focused on and invested heavily in advaita vEdAnta and that seems not without a reason. But Hindus should better open their eyes & minds.
Yes. I'm aware of the deeds of zarathushtra and his followers. That's why I kind of derive an oblique satisfaction at it being delivered the same fate as it did to Arya dharma. If you notice our article on Zoroastrianism there in too it's emphasised,coincidentally as in your article, that the  "mono" thing proved suicidal for the non-abrahamics and Hindus would've to pay a heavy price, they're paying through their noses actually without even realising it. Latest one being, apart from the few glaring examples we cited respectively & separately, the elite guru Sri Sri trying to mediate between the shani temple trust & Abrahamic proxies."

शुक्रवार, 5 फ़रवरी 2016

Integrating AyurvEda & modern medicine.

I was corrected by my better half here(in reference to the last article posted yesterday on medicine & patient care).

Presently in our country there's a real dearth of wise, intelligent, knowledgeable, intellectual, competent, articulate, visionary, dedicated, smart, laborious and efficacious enough clinicians on both sides(AyurvEda & modern medicine) to actually, harmoniously, positively & fructifyingly integrate these two systems. And of course, they need to not only themselves be in powerful administrative posts but need the canopy & strength of a strong-willed government's blessings as well as proper funding too without any of which everything will be nullified into oblivion.

A near impossible task. Though not totally impossible.

गुरुवार, 4 फ़रवरी 2016

Who's an oncologist,& whose oncologist?

See this headline: "India has just 2,000 oncologists for 10 million patients" - Times of India


This's an overtly erroneous, partially misleading and only partially correct article. In fact this skewed hackneyed article deliberately demeans & hides away the real oncologists ie Radiation(Clinical) Oncologists & Surgical Oncologists. The so called 2000 oncologists this article claims to be hardly available in India are not proper oncologists but general physicians only who wrongly claim to be oncologists. Barely 300 of them have any training/degree in any kind of oncology if we strictly go by their claim. This article mentions in passing reference that ""surgeons & radiotherapists"" too are required during cancer treatment which nothing short of glaringly negative twist of information as if one "great" man is doing everything and others are there merely to help him at his beck & call. When the real picture is starkly different.

The "medical" oncologists which are the much eulogised doctors in this article by ToI are nothing but glorified general physicians doubling up as "oncologists". Around 96% cancers are solid tumours where they are NOT required at all while the 4% remaining cancers ie the haematogenous malignancies are managed by haematologists. Also, the childhood cancers which could be in both solid/blood categories are treated by paediatricians. This market driven "medical" oncology is a relatively new phenomenon in India which has actually shifted the focus from real oncology to largely non-mandatory yet fancy, extremely costly and American copycat free market laissez-faire corporatism which more often than not ruins the patients' families socioeconomically without providing much succour to the actual patients who keep oscillating between  hospitals & their much distant homes. World over this American trend of throttling down the throats corporatist mercantilism in medicine has ruined as well as overburdened governments & countries needlessly.

In last many decades not more than a couple of chemotherapy drugs have successfully evolved,not even half a dozen, which could replace the original chemotherapy drugs. Yet we're inundated, rather bombarded with news and prescriptions of "newer generation" chemotherapy every three months or half yearly wherein all of such drugs have either failed spectacularly or just whimpered away scurryingly and most of them are/were promoted by not so scrupulous means. Patients are many a times needlessly treated with painful  invasive procedures & highly toxic costly drugs just because "International data" says so. Chemotherapy is important but Neither the supreme Nor the sole modality. It's given only as an adjuvant/concomitant drug except for some blood cancers( <2% of all cancers). Such Chemotherapy has been a good tool in the hands of the real oncologists and not those foisted upon the world by the mercantile corporatist profiteers giving false hopes to patients & their families while sucking them dry of their hard-earned & money saved with great difficulty. This coerces governments misleadingly to make public health plans which are hollow and directionless passing the burden to the patients themselves.

Diabolically & deliberately demeaning, underestimating, undervaluing and ignoring the real oncologists ie surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, haematological-oncologists & paediatric-oncologists has nefarious multidimensional adverse effects upon the patients, people, society, governments & countries for the sole pursuit of the global multi-trillion dollars profiteering, more so in the ill-informed, badly organized  & misgoverned "developing & third" world. Interestingly & significantly the European countries(west & east block both), Canada, Russia(& some CIS countries) along with Japan have steadfastly kept away dollar guided oncology & self styled oncologists from their patient care system and have the best results in world in terms of patient survival, quality of life and disease free survival. Without surgeon no tumour could be removed and there's a dictum that 50% of cancers need to be irradiated(this percentage rises to above 80 in our country given the late presentation of cancer cases). To be blunt most "medical" oncologists are afraid to even touch a tumour, forget evaluating it, as they've as a thumbrule never done during their entire training itself!  The World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as India's National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) guidelines strictly stipulate that a cancer treatment centre cannot be started without radiation therapy set up, Radiation Oncologists, operation theatre & cancer Surgeons.

Who's the oncologist? It's not a mere rhetorical question but has trillion dollars quagmire involving people's lives. money, resources, sentiments, running of public healthcare system, governments & of course, our taxpayers money. Last but not the least it concerns the geopolitical things as well. Big pharma companies are known to even effect regime changes & foment civil wars in the third world. No one is beyond reproach, black sheep could be anywhere and they need be chastised/punished or weeded out, but those are rare sporadic individuals; they are not the norm. The real concern is the normative, sinister, heartless, ulterior, ideological, stupefying & universalising profit driven power-hungry greed called corporate healthcare,also manifesting in India as medical tourism which sadly is promoted by government(s) here!!

Footnote: Association of Radiation Oncologists of India(AROI, estd. 1973) alone has over 2500 qualified life-members. Then apart from AROI there're the respective associations of qualified surgical oncologists, haematological-oncologists & paediatric-oncologists with a possible total membership of nearly 3000. While this article claims erroneously, hope not purposely, that there're are not even 2000 "oncologists" in India. Corporate oncologists..?

Footnote 2: Clinical trials and studies have many conflicts of interests which are seldom shown and the medical/scientific journals too have funding from sources which directly/indirectly influence "data".

Indian medical sector is getting exponentially corporatised, not only in oncology but all disciplines. Today medicine is about investigations, reports & packages. Paradoxically govt hospitals, at least medical colleges, are not afflicted that much because the older generation has not retired yet. But the below 34 years age generation of doctors(from MBBS to post doctoral training level) are programmed like autobots. Soon they'll be the leading doctors. The 35-42 age group doctors like yours truly who got trained during the flux of change or at the cusp of "old vs new"   show traits of both at individual levels within the spectrum. But ours is a minuscule cohort just like any junction point is small. The last Mohicans. Soon we'll be swarmed over by new generation doctors trained in mlEchCha ethos.

Preventive medicine is in curriculum , even MD degree and full fledged departments are there, but practically sidelined all over the country or to put it in right words it has become a salary generating NGO feeding department only. As a doctor trained in western medicine I advocate integrating AyurvEda with it but not segregating them or making them contradictory. Ayurveda itself was the modern medicine but was lost to us thanks to repeated invasions, destruction, abrahamic rule & colonialism. In our country the dominant discourse & practice is to posit AyurvEda against modern medicine, even the current govt promotes it. My patients ask a lot of questions pertaining to food & daily habits. I always recommend vegetarian diet & yOga under some expert(preferably) and seasonal fruits+vegetables. I prescribe only that much drugs+investigations which are minimum requirement to treat the diseases. Many patients actually complain I do not write much tablets/goliyan/syrups for their strength..and why I scold them when they ask themselves for investigations like CT scans etc..

And then there's "evidence based medicine"(EBM). Will write about it later in detail, for now one thing only: EBM should be used as a good guideline but it's being quoted & followed blindly like some abrahamic kitab with ferociously aggressive zealotry instead of applying it to respective peoples & patients tailored as per their multifactorial backgrounds. And why not? Most of the EBM guidelines come from the West after all while thanks to many intrinsic reasons owing to our own shortcomings we do not contribute anything significant to the dynamically updated international guidelines on EBM: slavish mindset, quotas with their multitude of ramifications, lack of funding for research, lack of stable jobs to pursue medicine and scientific research count amongst those significant many drawbacks on our side.

रविवार, 31 जनवरी 2016

Ancestors of all Endian believers

Endian Muslims are taught their own version of history which the Hindus do not know about. This education the Endian momineen get in their madrassahs & homes: "Endia has always been an Islamic state, dar-ul-uloom, a part of global khilafa. Before Islam came this land from Afghanistan to Assam & from Kashmir to Kerala it was all jahiliya. Our great ANCESTORs brought civilisation & knowledge to this kuffar land 1300 years ago. Backstabbing coward Hindoos fractured our country into three and snatched away from us the biggest chunk with firangi help. We've to take the entire dar-ul-uloom back from the coward Hindoos by all possible means,hook or crook."

Footnote: Nowadays the blessed "ancestors" of all Endian Muslims are the Arabs from Saudi Arabia themselves; from the late mughal era till fifteen years ago, the glorious "ancestors" were Persian; through mughal era tracing back till the mamluks the blessed "ancestors" were sometimes Afghans & many a times Turks..and even before that the butshikans were the Quraysh Arabs again...!!!!

N.B.- This is not a work of fiction. No pun intended.

शनिवार, 23 जनवरी 2016


Telemedicine, Indian patient-doctor relationship:-

A person contacted me over phone referred by a very close acquaintance regarding his father's cancer treatment. He wanted the treatment to be undertaken in a posh corporate hospital only, nevertheless he wanted my opinion(free of cost of course) as he was on a doctor shopping spree. When I saw the documents he had already consulted at least half a dozen doctors in various hospitals. He hadn't brought his father, the patient himself, so I had to be contend with examining only the different examination reports & prescription of doctors. It turned out to be a widespread metastatic cancer with the patient's age being 76 years. I explained him the protocol. He thanked me and mentioned that he'd get the old man treated at a very posh corporate hospital. In the very first interaction of ours the concerned person told me nonchalantly on my face that he has done so much googling for his father's cancer and consulted so many doctors that he himself has become an "oncologist", even his gym-mate is an oncologist, he impressed upon me.

Now that his surgery has been done and chemotherapy started I'm inundated with his phone calls & WhatsApp messages/images to verify how correct the treatment is going on and when to take which drug(especially chemo & post-chemo injectables). I was asked to administer the drugs prescribed by the other doctor nowhere in my radar, bandwidth or spectrum. The concerned son implored me to do so since he wanted to get it done at his home or nearby clinics but all of the physicians refused to do so since they were not the prescribing doctor (and because the drug was a post-chemo haematopoietic modifier which came in a prefilled single use syringe which no one dared to touch).

First of all I would've put the old man on a different protocol as per my knowledge & experience, secondly I'm in no position to dictate or even suggest what drug to give,when & how as the patient is not under my care and the respective drugs have their own safety(or to say adverse effects) profile. Complying with social etiquettes and medical ethics as well as the laws of the land I cannot explain each and every nuance to the patient's son(he anyways has kept his queries limited to telephonic/electronic conversation) Only. Finally I succeeded(probably so) in convincing fellow to consult those  Doctor(s) only under whom he's actually & physically getting his father treated.

Footnote: The patient could die of his old age itself or from his metastatic cancer or because of some adverse effect of chemotherapy or any reaction to the post-chemo drug. Who'll shoulder the blame in such a case that too not being the primary or referral physician? Or even a possible criminal charge? When the son happens to be a man in Khaki....

शुक्रवार, 22 जनवरी 2016

Family or Renunciation?

Over the years my thought process evolved from according the highest status to संन्यास(निवृत्ति) मार्ग to finally realizing the importance of गृहस्थ(प्रवृत्ति) मार्ग and its superiority over the former. Not because of philosophical reasons but the plain fact that our best genepool is abruptly terminated when extremely talented people with high IQ+EQ & multiple skills do not beget progenies and their benefits are lost to the Hindu society both in terms of quantity as well as quality. Our ancient ऋषि/मुनि were not renunciate hermits but virile, libidinous, potent, robust, fertile and fecund people whose progenies we are: reflected till date in our gOtras.

But, dear Hindu,why do you exist on earth? You do not know even ur great-granparents' name & your only aim is "good education plus job" mirage, nothing higher. Worse than animals...!

गुरुवार, 21 जनवरी 2016

What's expected of our party & leader

Via which constitution/parliament did the Brit mlechChas make anti-Hindu Endian laws which still govern us? Clue for BJP & PM..
Now coming to BJP's lame excuses about lack of majority in RS or frequent disruptions of LS. For every effing thing you need not run to the parliament. Even under this mlechCha Al-Kitab-E-Fiqh you can work wonders for Hindus or the "market/corporate/economy"(so dear to our dear party..).

Just issue a government order via the cabinet. When cannot rely upon that further issue another GO. Then use the ordinance, once, twice, then in a different version. Frustrate the traitors. But why play per mlechcHa agenda & weep like crybabies..!!?? Chindus, HINOs & chatutards must note that CBI is neither constitutional nor statutory and not even any government order from the union cabinet was issued for its inception. It's an offspring of a noting in the ministry of home affairs dated 01 April decades ago (even the date is so ironic..!). BJP does NOT know how to get work done. Period.

Yes, and that's extremely worrying. Hindus put everything in one basket and it might well turn out to be a basket case. Taking everything to the Parliament may well be a ruse to....well..something are better left unsaid. From the day he started campaign for 2014 LS in Bengal our dear leader has till date steered clear of even criticising Mumtaz Bibi thus destroying the morale & the edifice of BJP/RSS in the province as well as squelching the hopes & plans of whatever Hindus(not HINOs) left there. It cannot be a mere coincidence over two long years.संघ परिवार के लगभग सभी आनुषांगिक संगठन तो संघर्ष व बलिदान का अनुकरणीय प्रतिमान हैं  किंतु भाजपा का क्या जब वह सत्तासीन हो जाती है! कम से कम तब तो वह प्रतिशोध तो ले सकती थी/है..राजदण्ड से?

Howmuchsoever kafirs criticise/ridicule it & comfort themselves the fact remains that as a political ideology the genocidal second abrahamism is highly successful and will of course finish off itself but not before consuming the rest unless & until it's exterminated before it devours all others, in fact all the abrahamism need be annihilated and for that we need to face them all and take the fight to their sides. About akhaNDa bhArata the thing is that present day Endian Chindus & HINOs think of Af/Pak/BD/SL/Nep/Burma as some distant galaxies..including BJP supporters. If one attempts for something he/she might get less than it..law of probability. If we strive only for this truncated bhArata aka Endia we'll be left with crumbs.. Thus the need for the "irredentist lebensraum" akhaNDa bhArata.

Let everyone be clear that our dear leader was brought into the seat of power with a brute majority by us to CHANGE the abrahamic colonial communist-by-day capitalist-in-night seculib Endian demonocrazy system and NOT become a part of it and definitely NOT to peddle the L.S.D. of economy toadstool to the beguiled masses but to save the most ancient yet the last extant truly human civilization.

End to the Endian colonial edifice! 
End to the genocidal memetic death cults! 
End to seculibism! 
End to the apparatchiks! 
End to laissez faire! 
End to the apologists! 
End to the anti-Hindus!
Annihilation of adharma! 
Annihilation of mlechChas!
Victory to us Hindus! 
Victory to our akhaNDa bhArata!
Victory to sanAtana dharma!
Victory of dharma!

On the HCU faux-dalit Endian outrage

सीधी बात! जो हिन्दू नहीं वह दलित/पिछड़ा नहीं; जो हिन्दू विरोधी है वह दलित/पिछड़ा विरोधी है। सभी अब्रह्मिक अहिन्दू और हिन्दू-विरोधी हैं और जो कोई भी हिन्दू नाम वाला हिन्दू विरोधी है वह हिन्दुओं का शत्रु है तथा अब्रह्मिक के साथ ही है। नकल की किताब किंतु यह सरल सी बात समझने में पूर्णतया विफल है जो धिम्मी नहीं समझते।

All ambedkarite orgs are fronts of Islamists and Marxists with joint collaboration which never comes out in public. After the demise of the USSR the parentless rudderless communists were coopted by capitalist West(led by USA+UK via CIA+MI6) and funded by the jihadi-petrodollars, this happened worldwide which even most commies do not know about. The sole mission being destabilizing existing/potential enemies of mlechCha west and making them vassals or destroying them if non-compliant. These orgs organise/attend seminars/tours/protests and publish pamphlets/placards as well as "serious" literature in "reputed" journals alongside a regular glut of foreign/international tours & exchange programmes which is impossible to even dare contemplate by us "Evil Yindoos".

And of course it need not be overemphasized that these anti-Hindu colonial capitalist communist conmen occupy nearly all the significant positions/posts in the Endian system be it babucrazy or judiciary or academia or entertainment whatsoever.

On a parallel note, the Key to "dalit" emancipation is to stop calling them dalit,& replace Endian colonial abrahamic education system with Hindu one to begin with. Rest will follow...though easier said than done, but without which we'll keep getting pulverised by mlechChas within & without. Seculibs never tell the Chindus, HINOs & Dalits that abrahamisms never had female or "dalit" as messiah/prophet/pope/rabbi/imam, even our own Jainism/Buddhism/sikhism too don't fare any fair, and for that matter neither capitalism nor communism have any place for women or serfs or the proletariat.

Communists killed the student in Hyderabad university by exploiting him for their dirty murderous politics where they halaal "Dalits" to smear Hinduism with their blood. Hindu leadership always on defensive squanders a godsend opportunity to implicate & expose the abrahamic seculib gang when all the incriminating facts & evidences are against the anti-Hindu traitors. What's the use of himself being part of central government with independent charge and his own Dalit status..!? Commies exploit "dalits" & turn them into Hindu hating street fighters with no real cause while the dalits get ignominy & death in return.

And not unexpected, given BJP's increasingly evident dhimmitude, yet shocking capitulation of the union government in revoking the suspension of the four naxals who were synonymous with terror in the university of Hyderabad. It's of course done by the university but everyone knows at whose behest(those who wanted to convey a pro-Dalit image). This will only concretise BJP's image as the vile wrongdoers which will be further exploited by the seculibs to thrash Hindus down.

The anti-Hindus are not illogical. Deliberately they've turned logic on its head to suit their narrative and Hindu leadership idiotically remains defensive. Also, if RSS et al were actually butchering people then none would've dared call the Hindu orgs as violent but the Sanghis never even protested/retaliated the butchery of their own cadre. Hindus suffering the consequences of their own leadership's naiveté, apathy, cowardice, pusillanimity, dithering and thus shameful suicidal failure.

रविवार, 17 जनवरी 2016

Shari'a; Vote for BJP; Dissonant Schizoid Republic.

RBI ‘clears deck’ for Islamic banking in India :-


Present banking system was not good (or bad) enough to have Sharia banking now... Islamic takeover of Endian financial system & economy,all grand plans of PMO to fail eventually and Hindus doomed furthermore.


This is for hardcore BJP lovers:
BSP did an internal organisational overhaul in UP ahead of next year's assembly elections. They divided the province into 14 regions and one leader each with old experience was made to assess individual region and submit the report like it was done 6 months ago. To their own surprise which they reassessed it again it was found that 6 months ago their fight was to be with BJP in all 10 regions and with SP in 4 but now the assessment shows BSP in fight only with SP in all 14 regions. BJP is facing severe loss of confidence in all the rural areas while the urban voters are disillusioned.
Urban voters in the state would not vote BJP because of TINA and rural voters will not antagonise the dabangs twice & again..

Whether already a big presence or not BJP is set for being routed down in the upcoming elections in WB, TN, Assam, Odisha, & UP. All these plus already lost Bihar contribute majority of seats to RS. BJP will never have majority in RS and anyways they will lose LS in 2019. Even if they win somehow mustering a minority coalition in LS they'll again crib about RS. Currently a landslide majority in LS not giving enough courage to BJP to implement even the Indian nationalist objectives forget the Hindu civilisational cause. Concerned Hindus cannot and would not vote or expect anything from seculars but hesitant to vote dhimmified econ RW party again. Caught between the Devil & the deep sea.

Summary: Hindus are phocked. In this seculib demonocrazy.

Footnote: Who said anyone of us going to vote Con etc? We're warning BJP. Simple. Anyways BJP has dishonoured the popular Hindu mandate to the extent of wasting it down the secular cesspool. This RW thing itself is suicidal. See where BJP has plummeted down to. We need Hindu party. Enough of this RW etc.


Pitiably horrifying state of affairs. The head does NOT know where's the heart and where're both the hands while both the hands do NOT know about each other.

Defence ministry has objected to External Affairs ministry allowing the Pakistani investigation team coming into Pathankot air base. Home Ministry nowhere in picture and PMO silent.


And last but not the least, on OROP:
Shame upon those who knowingly humiliate & willfully keep in servitude those who defend the country.

शनिवार, 9 जनवरी 2016

Today's India and China of 19th century. Apocalyptic?

Compiling here our comments in a group discussion on WA. Apologies for any grammatical errors, typos & minor inaccuracies(but no wrong info per se) in history telling..they're there. Tried explaining an extremely huge topic in a few comments with my limited knowledge & recall. The essence & spirit must be understood.....

Notice the unending crowd and what the placards say...Chindus & HINOs would experience soon that Endia too will have its own Dungan jihad(China, 19th C). But this time around the jihadis might win if Hindus do not become like Hans.
Muslims are repeatedly testing us. Dry run. Recee. Warm up. Match Practice. Drill.
Let us explain a bit: Chirkut Hindus = Chindus,  HINO = Hindu in name only.  Most seculibs fall in the aforementioned categories.
We must know that in China the Hans killed 1.2Crores of Muslims over the 30 years of Dungan jihad to ultimately defeat them. Hans too suffered nearly equal casualties but were saved by superior number in population. Are Hindus, Chindus & HINOs ready for it..? China at the time was ruled by the great Manchus(who incidentally were not Hans themselves but were quite sinicised by then) who employed their own Hunnic/Mongol/Jurchen pragmatic ruthlessness and the Han Legalism/Statism to quell the Dungan jihad as well as the near simultaneous Taiping rebellion(equally grave to Dungan in magnitude and impact) coming out victorious in both. Sadly we lack all those attributes.

Our old friends and acquintances would recall that we've been warning of an abrahamic inflicted civil war not later than 2050 and by 2030-35 if successive regimes fail us. But the civil war is inevitable and will happen in our own lifetimes. Our children and grandchildren will've to fight the war. Are we preparing them? No. And don't expect any govt/kanstitusan, all dhimmi machinery/manual to save the heathen kuffar. With due respects even the military will not save us as it's a heavily secular colonial legacy which had been disempowered insidiously per design.China ever since ~250 BCE practices the fundamental philosophy of Statism/Legalism as employed first by their first universally accepted ethnic Chinese (Han) emperor Chin Shi Huangdi who received the philosophy from Lord Shang & Han Feixi both of whom were near contemporaries of our viShNugupta chANakya and probably developed the theory of statism/legalism independently. In this theory like chANakyanIti the state & its laws reign supreme not any individual,not even the emperor. The state could exist and function only if the laws are feared and complied with, the laws in turn must be devised only to strengthen & perpetuate the state. Chin Shi Huangdi thus burned Confucian books & killed the philosophers as they promoted needless spiritualism & softness. China always maintained since then the iron fist and velvet glove policy of the Chinese state having statism/legalism as the hard core and Confucianism & Buddhism as soft outer cloak. Communist party just doing the same. Now coming to ethnicities in China: it has thousands of them but since Chin Shi Huangdi all others have to be sinicised ie chinesified. Shi Huangdi was from the Chin dynasty. The name China comes from that. Their origins are from near the Han river basin/delta so they are called Hans too. Chin=Han=Chinese, a simplified equation.

Great Kublai Khan, the grandson of the great chakravartin Khan Chingiss (Changez/Genghis Khan) defeated the Hans in late 12th C and became its Huangdi,the heavenly/divine emperor but in his own lifetime he and the mongols(aka Yuan dynasty) became sinicised which happened because Statism/Legalism was deeply entrenched and the great Khan didn't find it necessary to remove it. Eventually they got completely chinesified losing their own strength and got defeated within couple of centuries by Han Chinese Ming dynasty.The Mings once again restored to full glory the Chinese empire as they saw fit. But in 16th C they were defeated by the great Manchus who came from south Siberia & Mongolia via Korea led by the great Commander Nurhaci who again established a non Chinese dynasty in China. They ruled till 1911 and under them the chinese empire grew to the maximum in entire history under direct rule of Beijing(then in Manchuria) and went on to include the southern Chinese Muslims of Yunnan and the western regions of uighuristan/turkestan what we know now as Xinjiang. The Muslims naturally revolted eventually and two major multifocal jihads happened: Dungan jihad was the major one. Simultaneously on Eastern coast the Xtians near Shanghai in Taiping region established their Kingdom of the heavenly prince(Jesus Christ). Both fronts led to wars lasting decades. Thus 1.2 Crores jihadis & 50 Lakhs of crusaders had to be killed by the Hans(ruled by sinicised ie hanified Manchus) who practiced Statism best when required the most. For the Manchus & Hans unfortunately the civil wars, despite their victories over the abrahamics on multiple fronts proved pyrrhic and they within a few decades succumbed to the white supremacist euro-american colonialist imperialism. Later on in 1911 the Manchus were overthrown by Xtian Chinese, with colonial help, led by protestant xtian Dr Sun Yat Sen which led to another civil war and in 1949 the Han statist Chinese supremacist in communist colours once again captured China.

We Hindus are facing genocidal abrahamics on multiple fronts like the 19th C China but do not have the advantages the Chinese had. Remember, the jihadis were to establish the Khilafa in China while the Crusaders had proclaimed Kingdom of Jesus in China with the respective ambition to ultimately take over the entire China even though they would have to fight amongst themselves eventually. Chinese jihad was aided by the Ottoman empire & other Momin powers of then and the Chinese crusaders were abetted by the Xtian Colonial powers; Britain was complicit with both the diabolique to considerable extent, especially in the latter. Now compare with today's Endia ie India ie truncated bhAratavarSha. After Pathankot there should've been nationwide search,siege & destroy manhunt but it didn't happen even after Maldah & Purnea. And regarding the Bengal CM's statement if this's not sedition, insurgency, & waging war against the state then nothing else is. She justifies the violent insurrection at the border town as "people's anger against the border guards of Indian republic and before that she brushed off the entire incident as not being any communal violence. Do we need to awaken our own elected government in the centre and implore it, beseech it to take any action against the anti-national forces..where are we headed to?? Our efforts have to continue..to awaken our dormant Hindu folks. The Chinese comparison is uncannily inevitable in our context.

With due respects we H are sutiyas compared to the sinic H who once realising the significance of a strong perpetual state never relinquished it and even made their conquerors adopt it as well as adapt to the perpetuity of the Han state. But see what happened to what Chanakya did..! Chandragupta Mourya himself bequeathed to his son the empire and became a renunciate muni!! This's the reason the vEda mention indra slaying the yati~s(hermit spiritualists) for they corrupt the human beings with dangerous softness & aloofness. Chandragupta Mourya could have been our own Chin Shi Huangdi immortalising chANakyanIti and the Astika bhAratIya state. No wonders the heathen kuffar Hans are now world superpower while we're looking into oblivion as heathen kuffar. In that context may we dare say to admire the n Koreans too as well as Iran. Like us they do not have any real civilizational friends in world whom they could rely upon and practice aggressive isolationist policies,highly unconventional yet admirable;many great countries including Japan once used it to great success. Though we obviously dislike any version of islam/communism but they know what is good for their existence and they're not wrong.