First of all Iran is not middle east. Secondly, when farming started there it was definitely not what's it now. This whole exercise is a part of greater diabolique to make Iran permanently in WestAsia severing it from its own past ie Indo-Iranian or Indic/Aryan/Eastern non-abrahamic sanAtana past. Our Scriptures clearly mention that it was the King pRthu(पृथु) who first tilled the earth & started agriculture. In fact the earth is called pRthvI(पृथ्वी) after him only.
Ancient Iran was called Parthava in Old Persian(^~of Prithu^: later on- Pahlava,MiddlePersian; & Parthia,Greek/Latin). ^Iran^ itself is a cognate of Aryan. Correlate and the jigsaw puzzle solves itself just like that. West/Anglosphere through its abrahamic eyes and prejudiced scholars have always tried to make look the Levant older than the oldest but face many stumbling blocks. Levant, ie coastal West Asia proper, as its the semitic abrahamic progenitor heartland. So appropriation & digestion a good strategy.
In agriculture first include Iran in West Asia,rest is dominoes. Explains the valid Qn why no interaction over millennia btwn two original farmers separated by less than 1500 KMs..! The emphasis of this paper is on the "fertile crescent & middle east" with Iran as its ^integral part since time immemorial^. Ancient Iran already been severed away from Indosphere by abrahamic anglosphere,this'll concretise it furthermore.
Here's the smart & subtle subversion published in no less than the Nature =>
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