Topic of halal Vs Jhatka.
HINO 'friend'- till date Halal or Jhatka has never been a big issue for any Hindu...... It may have been for other religion but not us. Do u want it to be a big issue for us tomorrow onwards. Will my being a insider or follower of my religion be decided with this.....
Yours truly- I'm amazed how Hindus have forsaken jhatka in just one and a half generation actually. It's not even about veg or non veg. BTW halal certifying has been extended to non meat products as well ranging from food to cosmetics which is run & controlled by people who aren't beyond reproach and the money goes to extremely questionable entities. Tragic that relatively ahimsaka people comfortably eschew jhatka and chew on the opposite. What's one's identity if one throws away the fundamentals of one's culture, religion? Learn something from muslims. Most HINOs admire muslims for being so faithful to their beliefs & practices but mock/jettison own religion at the drop of hat.
HF- I will go with either halal or jhatka without slightest thought..... And still will be hindu on the other side of it..... My way of life and faith doesn't change with this..... And yes pls don't define anyone's hindusim for him.... It can be practiced at many levels.... No one needs to follow a prescription.
YT- Mock ekadashi, mangal vrata and many other customs but praise roze. Cool? Femlibs are even worse, they cry hoarse about oppression in Hinduism so rebel against families exploiting the very liberty given to them but become mum when faced with non Hindu people and endorse every practice of theirs as their faith which must be respected.
As much as Hindus have become HINOs they've become more escapist, hedonist & fake pacifists.
HF- Culture is not a fixed thing...its not static.... It always changes with time. And Hindus don't appease anyone.... Every where opportunist politicians take advantage to fuel sentiments..... No one follows the way of life as it was 5000 years ago.
YT- Our ancestors gave their everything, even lives so that all of us retain the आर्ष आर्य civilisation and carry it forward which is reflected still now in our culture religion and tradition but we've ruined it in the name of appeasement in just two three generations which we fastidiously adhered to for centuries against all odds. Worst is forgetting the trifurcation and the reasons behind it of country which resulted in the loss of people, territory and sacred geography.
HF- I have my definition and don't need hints everyday from u to check whether iam hindi or not..... Hinduism has no definition hence u can't define it..... U can practice it at any level of ur comfort...... But I completely agree.. I don't follow or agree with the secularism which was preached to us for 20 years before 2014.
YT- What's your definition of Hinduism? Trying to follow शास्त्र, धर्मसम्मत परंपरा, धार्मिक लोकाचार or not doing so?
I've no definition of my own, though we live in kaliyuga and it's extremely difficult to practice shAstras verbatim they only are the cornerstone of our most ancient and extant civilisation.
Newer commentaries on ancient ArSha shAstras have been written periodically till 200 years ago per dEsha, kAla, sthAna. मिताक्षरा in North, दायभाग in East and निर्णयसिन्धु in south for example are fundamental commentaries/precis used by us till overruled by Nehru in parliament via Hindu code bills.
Most wrong concept is that Hinduism has no definition.
HF- So? Let me believe what i believe in and let me be comfortable in my Hindu skin... Whatever it may be.
YT- Hinduism has clear cut definitions, per ancient स्मृति as explained in the latter three medieval compendiums followed and practiced by us till now even if you're not aware of it. Our inheritance laws, for example, are a remnant of extant definition eliminated per law as late as 2005 & 2011. The condescension for own traditions but taking pride in "no definition Hinduism". That's a classic Hindu trait, patience, that's why we still are Hindus. Those who didn't have it, no longer remain Hindus.
The trait which has crept in almost all of us. We're HINOs more than Hindus, me including.
Alcohol has no place in our traditions, those wearing our colours & markings should at least stay away from it.
Drinking alcohol is amongst पञ्च महापाप 👇
In another group..
Reactive/political Hindu: Another problem with us to be, to act too logical and sensitive,
It doesn't augurs well, in face of jaahil adversaries.
Yours truly- We're "jaahil", they're smart with a centuries long plan(s).
R/P H- Now they seem to be smart, with their tenacious plan of ruling the world with their primitive ideology, and the appear to succeeding in their attempt.
YT- We neither study our own religion nor theirs. We're at best reactive quasi-political entities. If we'd study our own religion we'd find every answer in it. How to rule, how society should function every answer is there in the sacred manusmriti, then there are many other sacred texts solely dedicated to statecraft viz विदुरनीतिः, पञ्चतंत्र..
That's why we're worse than "jaahil". We assault our own foundation only because our enemies tell us do so.
We're of course taught by vidharmi mlEchChas that our own sacred religion and everything associated with it are bad/evil. Our biggest strengths are attacked the most: Sanskrit, shAstras especially manusmriti, varNa/jAti, brahmins. Don't everybody see a clear pattern?? It's obvious in our face! We instead of rejecting it and counter-attack them surrender without question and parrot their allegations ad nauseum.
N.B.- in their cult jaahil means one who's a kaafir without knowledge of their one true monogod.
So it fits us anyways.
P.S.- Things which help us rule, right, survive and rule again now in last 7000 years cannot be wrong. Vidharmi mlEchChas know what those things are that's why they attack those. Sickening secularism and stupefying socialism are hardly 70 years nascent in comparison to our chronology yet have inflicted so much damage which we fail to understand.
R/P H- I wish there were more Vedic schools.
YT- 6 years our own Govt sitting on Swami Ramdev's Vaidika Board proposal. Swami Ramdev is only a reformist Arya Samaji turned Desi Corporate and even such a non traditionalist is not being given a chance, what to say of a proper vaidika curriculum. वैदिक पाठशाला are run under temples but almost all of the big temples which do it are unfortunately closing them down because the sarkar runs and controls them for decades.
ना नौ मन तेल होगा ना राधा नाचेगी।
P.S.- HINO horror: they discover that Hinduism is more orthodox & rigid than i$l@m, they cannot just believe it so start mistrusting it and abuse those who merely point out the shAstras, as HINO faith in the "no rules religion" perpetuated by the colonial system is shaken to disbelief.