शुक्रवार, 29 अगस्त 2014

Why BJP+RSS not acting demonstrably upon the continuing murders of their cadre all over the country?!

Why BJP+RSS not acting decisively,determinedly & demonstrably upon the continuing murders of their cadre all over the country?! Why this hands tied down silence writ large all over?

One more RSS man butchered,now again,in Kerala and one in Bengal and dozens in the entire country since this nationalist government ascended to power. And what's BJP gov't doing?Shame upon BJP!Bigger shame upon RSS who cannot influence BJP gov't to stop sequential murder upon murders of RSS/BJP workers and punish the traitor murderers in the most exemplary way.

This is the way you motivate your ground workers? Who'll answer to the widowed women, orphaned children & destituted parents. The martyrs will never ever get a mention in history.

Is winning elections the remaining agenda?
Is constitution & secularism the newfound mantra of BJP/RSS? If so why not let the rule of law prevail without malice or mercy?
Why do you fear to take any action? To not be seen as witch-hunters or you wish to be seen as holier than thou? Or will the FDIs & economic boom wipe the tears of the families ruined under your leadership? Pusillanimous vacillating cowards!

Power is not an end to the means. Its the means to the end. That is to establish sanAtana dhArmika rAShTra. If you cannot demonstrate you're in power & wield it to the best effect in the best interests of people especially those who form your base, support your ideology and sacrifice themselves for you then that power is nothing but mirage at best and suicide by proxy at worst.

Are you listening? The high & mighty of Sangh Parivar? Or as Sonia said the poison of power has afflicted you?
Crores of people wait for your answers in the form of your visible actions which ought to speak for themselves. Or drown your conscience in the intoxicant of power & throne.
संघ शक्ति कलियुगै! This is sangh shakti? Not even an impotent rage? Not even a whimper?

What're you waiting for? Complete cataclysm and absolute apocalypse? Remember! You're voted into power not for diplomacy or economy but only & only for "Hindu Rashtra" as you invocate everyday in the prayer to the motherland. Go pay heed to it at the very least!

रविवार, 24 अगस्त 2014

These retard traitor-slaves are our opinion makers!

This moron, imbecile, idiot, retard, secular, communist, liberal, traitor, a slave of her jihadi & missionary masters is.... Malini Parthasarathy.
The editor of none other than 'The Hindu',the so called respected intellectual paper which from IAS aspirants to big national opinion-makers read. No wonders country is ruled by people of aforesaid traits. Wow!

Just see her lowly ebbing levels of knowledge,analyses, wisdom and thinking(none of which exist in her cranium actually)..

The only way abrahimism can be successfully tackled

Abrahamics understand only in their own language. Even better if completely annihilated. Japanese,Chinese,Vietnamese histories are testimony to it. Though China somehow stopped short of annihilation. Once an Abrahamic always an Abrahamic until faced with mortal fear of living their lives (not death) as death bestows upon them ghazwaat or martyrdom which they ardently desire. Death should be given but with erasing all traces of their lives as well as deaths.

Only solution is extermination by eliminating as much as ring leaders possible,forcing select top abrahamics to denounce & condemn abrahamism through protracted torture(thus setting examples) and making their laity third class citizens with almost no rights along with clampdown on their birth..overall inducing them to shun abrahamism(practice of abrahamism,which, should become an absolutely unviable option worse than death as well as carrying on with life).

The decay of healthcare and its burden upon doctors.


This is state of affairs of healthcare in US. Only guided by corporate profiteering, insurance and medicolegal bureaucracy.

Its all the same in India.
Everything worst in American healthcare is being copied to the last nefarious  detail and diabolical end in India in the form, structure & functioning of patently greedy as well as perpetually hungry corporate hospitals(yes,all of them). All calumny & every chicanery in the name of "premium state of the art healthcare". Where the doctors suffer,patients suffer while the corporate bosses mint money.
Doctors in India are spending more time on multitudes of paperwork than clinics as filling up papers & tests have been accorded primacy over patients and their treatment; and this corruption is fully supported by government & judiciary leaving the harassed patients & frustrated doctors in lurch.

Remember the old adage emphasized in the link shared: "unhappy doctors make unhappy patients".

शनिवार, 23 अगस्त 2014

Abrahamics fool us by encouraging us to believe in universal brotherhood & equality of religions just to finish us off.

Brainwashed Hindus, seculars & HINOs(Hindus in name only) have been blabbering and proclaiming:
"Hindu Muslim Sikh Isaai aapas mein sab bhai bhai,
Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai,
Ishwar Allah Tero Naam,
God is only one and all religions are equal and all the same,
sarva dharma samabhAva,
All religions teach brotherhood, love & equality...Blah blah blah".
None of this "Me too just one like you, please make me one of you.. Whether boo me or shoo, Hinduism will follow your shoe" blabbering has ever had any friendly, conciliatory or placatory effect on the rabid, mechanised, dogmatic abrahamics.

They see us always and will continue to look down upon us only as the most base,fallen,devilish,satanic, pagan kafirs & heathens who need to be either subjugated into absolute submission of Allah/Yahweh/God and whose souls be harvested to be saved(whatever that means!) or who deserve to be killed just for being 'non-believers'. That is till we convert to(accept willingly they say) their abrahamic faith. Until then we will be subjected to brainwash till we loath and hate ourselves eventually readying up for being harvested/converted.

And as that's not happening so quickly we will continue to be bombarded upon by proselytisation, liberalism, free-market, jihad, communism, tabligh, jamaat, hurriyat, terrorism, secularism, subterfuge, secessionists, dalitism, missionaries, democracy, maoism, naxalism, dravidianism and many: all of them many heads of one satanic monster ie self-appointed monotheistic abrahamics.

These monstrosities are not anything new to happen. They were even worse in brutality in past, its just that they keep changing their strategies, tactics & appearances. But the time is nigh for what they call Armageddon or Apocalyptic war or Ghazwa-e-Hind(specifically to be precise) which will be primarily fought between dhArmika people and the Muslims(all of them:jihadis on front & so called moderates backing them up to the hilt). With the Christians & Jews pulling the strings to not get themselves dirtied(as they always do especially since past WW2) and greedily investing their resources to reap the harvest of souls as they've been doing after ruining civilisation after civilizations.

This war will not be just a civil war, it will be even bigger & worse than Kurukshetra; as Kurukshetra was dharmayuddha to a large extent which this oncoming war will be not. We will be fighting(we're even fighting it now on a discreet scale) the satanic,abrahamic,pure evil adharma of behemoth size and of raktabIja prakriti. Iconoclastic monotheism,predominantly Abrahamism is a near perfect machine of infective parasitism which is active for the last 2.5 - 3 millennia and will not stop at any cost or by any measure except for its utter destruction,annihilation & extermination.

But,the greatest question is: are we prepared? Prepared for our existential civilisational crisis/war which most of us will have to face & fight in our lifetimes? Mentally, intellectually, logistically, politically, spiritually?

Taqiyya Muslims demand secularism

Muslims in India cry fanatically for secularism but in UK the Muslims publicly call secularism as fanaticism,reject it and exhort for Shari'a openly. There's an official group with huge mass support in Britain called "Shari'a for UK". Many areas in London are de facto Shari'a zones where even the police dares not enter.

Taqiyya is thy name(in India) and it has been upgraded to jihad in UK. Secular Hindu idiots & HINOs in India  will be fortunate enough to see it soon but will neither realise nor accept it,they might actually justify it in the name of minority rights and their purported persecution by Hindu 'fanatics'!!

Love jihad. Level 2.01


Tara Shahdev an international shooter from Ranchi, fell in love with Ranjit Singh Kohli and had a public ceremony for marriage as per vedic Hindu rituals.
After marriage, lo & behold! Shri Ranjit Singh Kohli turns out to be Janab Rakibul Hasan Khan..! Rest followed the typical pattern of blackmail, harassment, torture, brutality & violence for conversion to religion of purported peace..

शुक्रवार, 22 अगस्त 2014

The carefully crafted civilisational poison called constitution.

A colonial, communist, abrahamic, bureaucratic compendium of oppressive & exploitative rules & laws directly derived/copied from the British "India Act,1935"; just tailor-made to deny the real history as well as the true aspirations of bhAratavarSha and its people is presented to us as 'The Constitution'. Which only deserves to be thrown down, reduced to dust & dumped unceremoniously into some obscure stream.

This hollow plagiarism a.k.a. constitution describes our country as "India is a Union of States" which very clearly & outrightly denies the entire past & history of our great country as well as puts into the minds of its citizens the blatantly wrong and utterly false notion that we all are separate, alien & disparate groups/nationalities just held together by some great rule-book called constitution for which we should be thankful to our foreign-origin savage imperialist rulers.

This rAShTra doesn't exist because its an unwieldy union of mutually disagreeing groups/nationalities as the constitution-makers ie Brit autobots would like us to believe. Our rAShtra is the most ancient and greatest civilisation to ever exist on earth and was woefully & ruefully attacked repeatedly and sabotaged by evil barbarian savages interested only in usurping & looting our immense wealth & infinite prosperity; apart from exploiting our inherent nature of tolerance & trustworthiness(derived from dharma) to further their false doctrines, inhuman superstitions & rabid dogmas based on practiced deceit, unexpected violence and incorrigible corruption to all of which though we failed to respond in commensurate & resolute reciprocity.

Though in 1947 after 'independence' & partition it was not possible under those circumstances  to reclaim our ancient but subsequently lost territories from central Asia to SE Asia and of course not even the devil Pakistan, the least rectification our the then leadership & constitution-makers could have done was:
(1) to ensure complete exchange of Hindu & Muslim population on the lines of Christian & Muslims in  East Europe & Turkey(circa 1918)
(2) and, make our constitution reflect as well as inspire us people of our sanAtana dhArmika essence,heritage,geography,philosophy,technology & valour.

None of these two fundamentally warranted deeds were done and instead we were burdened with a sick cruel joke which only perpetuates & exacerbates the legacy of brown sahibs(long live white sahibs!),institutionalised mediocrity, euro/west centric elitism and carries on as well as deepens the Islamic-European created faultlines of casteism, regionalism, abrahamism(in the name of minorityism). The contribution of then seen as 'elixir of humanity' which ultimately proved to be a lethal toxin ie communism itself is a European construct having been the guiding force behind the constitution; which has only acted as a great catalyst for everything negative and even greater barrier for everything positive about our desha and rAShTra apart from providing faux intellectual narratives.

The constitution vehemently rejects, vociferously negates and ruthlessly crushes the true dharma, great itihAsa, guiding lights of shAstra, egalitarian bhAratIyata: all of which should've been the core of our constitution in first place. And upon that,to rub salts in the wounds we're effectively brainwashed & programmed to think of this civilisational poison which has been amended 100+ times as something 'immutable,sacrosanct & timeless'!

The future doesn't belong to technology but...

The future doesn't belong to technology but to food.Exploding population,increasing industries make food & farmers most precious and precarious. We should harness,encouraged,protect & promote agriculture which is our biggest yet most neglected strength. We will not eat technology & hardware in future, it would always be only food as we know it. We should not promote industry at the cost of agriculture. Do we know that USA controls the world for many reasons and one of the biggest but unknown is that its one of the biggest three producers & exporters of raw/processed food. India has the world's largest fertile land(both in area as well as %age). We can control the world & make it dance to our tunes in future. Someone listening..i hope. P.S.- Do the EU or USA bother to tell why are they overtly interested in Ukraine..? No they will not. But the fact is Ukraine has the largest fertile land in entire Europe,its fertile land itself alone is bigger than many countries put together..! Ukraine is traditionally called 'the food basket of Eastern Europe'.

बुधवार, 20 अगस्त 2014

हम अपनी संतानों हेतु क्या उत्तराधिकार छोड़ जायेंगे?

हमें भूखे रहना सह्य है किंतु पग पग पर अपमानित होते धर्म व क्षण क्षण हताहत होते धार्मिक जनों विशेषकर हमारी महिलाओं के प्रति पतित म्लेच्छों द्वारा अपहरण, बलात्कार तथा पैशाचिक हिंसा के प्रति आँखें मूंद लेना निरा कायरतापूर्ण एवम् पूर्णतः असह्य है।
विकास का मार्ग किस काम का यदि हम लुटेरों डकैतों से सुरक्षा की व्यवस्था नहीं कर के उन्हें ही समान अधिकार व सम्मान देने की बातें करने लग जायें? बिच्छू, मकड़ी, सर्प, लकड़बग्घा, सियार आदि कभी अपनी प्रवृत्ति छोड़ सकते हैं क्या?
जिनका उदय तथा कर्तृत्व ही न्याय व धर्म की समाप्ति अपितु समूल नाश के ही उद्देश्य के साथ हुआ हो वे हमारे भाई/मित्र/सहभागी/सहचर कैसे हुए? विधर्मियों,शत्रुओं एवम् अधर्मियों के आमूलचूल विनाश के बिना अथच काम,अर्थ,धर्म,मोक्ष इति मनुष्यजन्म के यह चारों मूल उद्देश्य तो बारंबार विफलता को ही प्राप्त होंगे!
हमारा वर्तमान व भविष्य का देश क्या ऐसा होना चाहिये या इससे भी भयावह? जो कि प्रवाह देखकर स्पष्टतया प्रतीत होता है! हमारी संतति,तदनुसार उनकी संतति? उन्हें हम इसीलिये इस संसार में ला रहे हैं जहाँ हमारी अकर्मण्यता से उत्तराधिकार में उन्हें अधम नीच म्लेच्छ-यवनों से प्रतिपल सर्वत्र क्या मिलेगा?  भय, आतंक, कायरता, छल, लज्जाजनित निर्लज्जता, हिंसा, यौन शोषण, हत्या, विध्वंस, बलात् मतांतरण, दंगे, सामूहिक हत्याकाण्ड..इत्यादि इत्यादि जिनका सकल फल होगा- अत्यंत लज्जास्पद रूप से अस्तित्व का अंत??

मंगलवार, 19 अगस्त 2014

Government universities being used for sabotage, subterfuge & digestion of dharma by Christianity

Madras university is a taxpayers funded full & proper government institute.
And see this. They've instituted a chair in Christian propaganda based on daring utter lies,fabricated myths presented as scholarly studies, indulging in open digestion of dharma (including upaniShads) falsely, publicly, blatantly and unashamedly.

This preta unmAda of shavasAdhakas needs to be exterminated. It has already destroyed the fabric to large extent of southern states especially Tamil Nadu and the entire country is sitting on the keg of gunpowder.

The abrahamic death cults of corpse-worshippers, in this case the zombies of cross need to be sent where they belong.

http://ncsages.org/chairs_in_the_universities/3rd_endowed_seminar_on_dr_savarirayan_jesudason http://ncsages.org/chairs_in_the_universities http://ncsages.org/chairs_in_the_universities

सोमवार, 18 अगस्त 2014

'vasudhaiva kutumbakam',the naivety against which we were warned but....

'vasudhaiva kutumbakam' is mentioned in panchatantra & later in hitopadesha as a pejorative phrase for those who're too naive to think that all are good and equal.

In the panchatantra - 5.3.37, which is a collection of animal fables,the verse is uttered from the mouth of a declared fool who is killed by his naivety, suggesting it as a symbol of impracticality.

The hitopadesha - 1.3.71 goes a step further, and not once but twice demonstrates its usage by sub-versionists, as well as tendency of the gullible to fall for it.

None of our shAstra, any shruti or smriti recommends or espouses 'vasudhaiva kutumbakam'. It was only mentioned as a teaching guide to young kids especially the future rulers to identify & escape from sweet entrapments of 'equality of all' and 'universal brotherhood',all of which are tools of the cunning & deceivers.

viShNusharman (the author of panchatantra)  had warned us about the then present and forthcoming future  evil ideologies. Sadly we dhArmika people have got entrapped in the very snare about which our ancestors warned us,the very naivety against which we're warned. In fact we idiotically promote the condemned jargon 'vasudhaiva kutumbakam': never to be a reality.

viSNugupta(kautilya/chANakya) is another and more famous but a bit less ignored guru. For convenience even if all the great dhArmika literature is ignored but the both viShNu~s, if read and followed by dhArmika people especially our leaders & cogs in the system; our people, desha & rAShTra would find & attain only greater and greater successes & glories.

Why should anyone believe in the myths of constitution??

First of all we should not start with the implanted notion that the constitution is sacrosanct. Its a rehash of Brit (mostly) laws of the draconian British imperialist colonial vintage done by people trained under British tyranny.
Yet in the constitution assembly debates, secularism and socialism(eulogy for communism in India) were denied entry into the constitution by most of the constitution assembly members including Dr Ambedkar as these two were clearly identified as alien ideologies detrimental to bhAratavarSha.
And these members wanted uniform civil code too.

This happened only because the aforementioned pioneers were rooted to some extent in our culture ,dharma & heritage despite being products of British education.
Only one man was the exception to the general consensus and he was none other than the poisonous snake Nehru.

Nehru could not succeed in introducing secularism & socialism into constitution but was successful in preventing uniform civil code from being implemented though it was enshrined as one of the fundamental guiding principles of constitution.

Now cut to 1975. Indira imposed emergency upon the country flouting all provisions of constitution. As later on emergency was declared illegal by courts too after Indira was rejected by people in 1977. During this illegal emergency, Indira enacted 42nd amendment of constitution which amongst other significant authoritarian changes introduced 'secularism & socialism' in the constitution. Since then the illegally & unconstitutionally imposed myths of secularism & socialism continue not just unabated as being enshrined in constitution since inception but in fact the myth of secularism has turned into one of the 'fundamental truth of India's democracy'. And nobody has dared challenged it.

If emergency was illegal & unconstitutional how then the 42nd amendment (which introduced secularism) made under emergency stands legal & constitutional by any means??!!

No constitutional expert will say anything on secularism now except to obfuscate & confuse the laity & masses. No legal text book or law curriculum dares to question the very existence of absolutely illegal and utterly unconstitutional 42nd amendment which was one giant leap to ruin India ie bhAratavarSha.

We're not students of law or so called experts in constitution but we definitely are not ignorant imbecile idiots happy to believe in any of the myths of constitution.

Secularism as well as socialism arose in Europe as a response to and/or selfish wily machinations subject to their internal strifes and power-mongering unique only to them; with their circumstances,rules and goals totally inapplicable to us and absolutely disastrous for our existence.

शुक्रवार, 15 अगस्त 2014

Idiocy of non Arab muslims.

Idiot non-Arabs think that by getting themselves infected with Arabian plague they'll become good Muslims. The Sunni Kurds gave Islam one of its greatest emperor Saladin who won Jerusalem & crushed the Christian Crusades,and gifted to Islam his great Ayubid dynasty(Sunni Kurds) yet the Arabs have always committed genocides of Kurds periodically & grandly for being non-Muslims.

Dr Akhilesh Mishra.

शनिवार, 9 अगस्त 2014

The vilest in cunning. Now The poodle of US

The extinction of Yazidis.

But this SUNDAY TELEGRAPH which is making politically correct headlines is from that ugly imperialist & colonialist country which fanned Arab nationalism to the hilt and, post WorldWar1, artificially created Iraq,Syria,Jordan & Palestine (and post WW2 it created Israel out of Palestine..!) apart from installing the Wahhabi Sauds as the royal ruling house in the biggest country in Arabian peninsula.
And recently of course post 2001 they were the best poodle for USA citing WMD under Saddam to remove him and 'restore democracy'(whatever that means...) All those events have led to this 'Al Baghdadi Caliphate' & genocide after genocide reminiscent of 7th century Mohammad's deeds.

P.S.-Still the Yazidis not mentioned in headlines by name.

शुक्रवार, 8 अगस्त 2014

How far or near is ISIS "..of West Asia somewhere in the middle east"?

Do most of dhArmika people(most of them HINOs actually) even know that the unprecedented bloody ISIS Iraqi civil war in "somewhere far off in the middle-east" is only TWO countries(Pakistan & Iran) away from bhAratavarSha and if we consider akhanda bhAratavarSha ie the Indian subcontinent its only ONE country(Iran) away..!

"Who cares ain't it? Communal Hindu, huh!"

P.S.- Not discounting the fact that we're sandwiched east & west between two Islamic jihadi countries(P&B) with population of 18-20 crores each while we've at least 20 crores of them inside us(officially) with 3.5 crores of illegal Bangladeshi Muslims that makes a grand total of 61.5 crores of jihadis waiting for khilafat-e-rashida. And of course to our north west and straight north the countries are the five '-stans' & the Muslim Uighur Sinkiang/Xinjiang region of China...!!

Easy to say but nevertheless inevitably urgent need of the times: the solution.

Solution to the civilisational crisis faced by us:

First of all we've to acknowledge & accept that we're facing existential threat from abrahamics especially Islam & Christianity.

Then we've to absolutely stop pandering to the 'needs' & demands of abrahamics disregarding even quelling without emotions any opposition from any quarter.

bhAratavarSha be declared a sanAtana dhArmika rAShTra.

We've to allocate funds & energetically start dhArmika training & education with compulsory martial training to all sanAtanIs.

Our brethren must be encouraged & helped with all resources to have more & more children.

Abrahamic institutions of all kinds must be made outlawed, closed, confiscated & redistributed to dhArmika institutions.

No abrahamic must be permitted to have more than one child of any sex.

All abrahamics must be disenfranchised.
No abrahamic must be allowed to have any weapon. Not even licensed ones.

Abrahamics ought not be given key & senior posts & commands.

Abrahamic dogmas themselves must be declared illegal as pure hate-speech threatening peace & humanity.

Of course, each and above of the aforementioned mandatory steps & even more need to be done to save ourselves lest we become the next Yazidis and in recent history those Hindus who were left behind in what was made to be Pakistan & Bangladesh.

P.S.- Seculars can take a hike for pilgrimage to Jerusalem & Mecca-Medina to not return back here while preaching & spreading secularism there. You'll sure be awarded with halaal, gospel or kosher decapitation preceded by public lashing & stoning.

N.B.- The steps suggested are just a tiny & mild fraction of only a few of the StandardOperatingProtocols & ModusOperandi of the alien, cruel, violent, brutal, cunning, treacherous, invading, proselytising, barbarian, deceiving, savage, genocidal maniacs who've now dominated us successfully & ruthlessly though not yet absolutely but on the verge of it.

गुरुवार, 7 अगस्त 2014

The rooster & the goat are fed well to fatten up before.......

More than a decade ago, I was an intern ie Rotatory House Physician. Then, for last two years something was intriguing my mind (ever since the clinical postings of 4th & 5th year of medical course) which I chose to ignore as excessive analysis of something innocuous. But after regular duties of couple of months including the long tough nights it was obvious to me and I couldn't prevent myself from asking a super-senior in whom I could confide, given the petrifying totalitarian Stalinist Stasi of atmosphere in the then deepest-red medical college of communist capital of India ie Calcutta.

I asked him: "Dada why's that most of our patients are Muslims?" Those weren't the days of easy insurance, third party payment, eager to please(& befool you too..well!) big private/corporate hospitals. Almost all the people came to government hospitals moreso in an increasingly backwards state of West Bengal.
He wryly remarked: "You know Okhilesh, aowar kaantree espesaaly thees state eez 'of da mooshlims,baai da mooshlims aynd phor da mooshlims',thees you beel phaaind bhyerebhar you go een India not just here,dayt's da beetar trooth aynd bettar you ayksept eet aynd settal uyith eet".

That was one of my many lessons in secularism I learnt in the bastion of Marxism-Leninism. This was a lesson how Muslims are cornering most of the benefits provided by our system. Later I worked for an year at Ranchi, did my specialisation from Jaipur working for three years, was JrConsultant in Mumbai for a while then toiled in AIIMS as Sr Resident for three years..the scenario is literally almost all the same,one single minority community usurping all benefits in health sector. Even in Medanta where I worked as an At.Consultant, the Muslims are ubiquitously largest block as patients though not Indian but from middle east,central Asia and Africa.

We work hard demanding days and long tough nights sweating and suffering for whom? Ourselves? No. Our families? No,can't even see them properly any given day. Our society? No. Our country? No,at least not when we had openly quisling treacherous governments. Our dharma or even our religion? No,not at all! Then for whom do we work so much earning increasingly difficult & higher qualifications? For whom? Our 'bosses' of course and the real bosses whom we do not even know: the 'minorities' especially Muslims.

We just work harder,toiling mindlessly & without any purpose, eschewing our own lives & duties to ourselves & our kind running after dangling carrots of 'education & jobs' thinking that we're earning good enough to have decent lives and for our child(no children of course!), then full stop. We don't even know and realize why do we exist. What after we've satisfyingly seen the face of our grandchild? What next? No. We do not know. We're the drones in an apiary who exist in countless numbers working hardest to make big amounts of delicious honey which will only be taken away by the farmer and we'll be put onto a new apiary unit to manufacture honey till we die without even realizing why we worked hard,why we made honey and who takes the honey!!

Last year the government openly publicized that it spent ₹18,600,000,000,000 on minority welfare. This is just the visibly proclaimed one,not including indirect benefits through multiple other channels.  Such a huge amount of money! From where? From our own pockets. The tax payers money. Do the Muslims pay taxes? How many of them? Sachar committee et al will never tell you telling only that how the Muslims badly need our money. Do not forget the last PM's statement about the Muslims having the 'first right' on India's all resources. Even the new nationalist government has announced a spate of benefits for the minorities especially Muslims.

Muslims who just exist like parasites to eat , breed, not work, use host's resources, overpopulate , dominate and eliminate the host then repeat the cycle either elsewhere or upon their own better off ones. Muslims are not just using but openly & aggressively demanding more and more benefits from our system and the system is hardpressing us into their service directly and/or indirectly with them executing their plans with perfection & zeal while we mentally-dormant purposeless drone-bees working harder than ever before  forsaking everything ours to meet their spiralling & never ending needs.
And yes they're enjoying & relishing every bit including giving full focus to increasing their families burden of whom from birth to death will be born by us including at our hospitals running on our sweat, our blood and our monies.
And its in the interest of Muslims to keep us deluded that we're 'prosperous & powerful' so that they can reenact & repeat 1947 & 1971 displacing,slaughtering & kicking out the Hindus,crores of them, except for their wealth & women which obviously becomes Islamic property a chunk of which is renamed as 'waqf'.

Wake up the sleeping nation! Wake up from your slumber howsoever sweet dreams you're watching as real. Life is here. But on the verge of death lest you break the shackles of mental slavery. The war for survival is already on. Just that it hasn't already reached and being fought in the confines of our own homes, but its not long before the swift & lethal scimitars of abrahamics especially Muslims reaches your neck and you're found lethargically unprepared,weaponless,defenceless,having your dear ones as hostages and you pleading to them for the kindness & mercy which shall never come.
And remember that the proud colourful rooster and the happy springy goat are fed well to fatten up good before being halaaled to be cooked with ceremonial gusto.

jaya sanAtana dharma!
jaya bhAratavarSha!

बुधवार, 6 अगस्त 2014

Polygamy for dhArmika people.

This has been going on in my mind for last couple of months.Some articles I read shook my mind out of secular slavery on this particular topic three months ago.

Now I am trying to put all those thoughts together. Some are not new,some might seem surprising even shocking but are need of the times and should be practiced in future if we do not want to end up in museums or paleontology labs.

1. dhArmika people ought to produce as much children as they can. Forget 'good' upbringing or providing for future which anyways would by ruined & snatched away by Abrahamics if we do not have numbers.

2. Hindus should not do female foeticide. Muslims or christians never do it as they're not stupid like Hindus to programme their own civilizational suicide.

3. sanAtanIs should marry to have more than one wife if they can afford. Forget communist secular nonsense which is nothing but a tool to systematically reduce our numbers.

4. Preferably Abrahamic females should be taken for this (3) & reverted to our dharma as this will not just reduce the pool of marriageable women available to their own brethren it will bolster our own population too quadratically.

Yes, population is the key to survival. The abrahamics in India especially Muslims have been succeeding largely because of this.
Throw in trash bin the feminist & secular pretentions as neither they're successful with death-cults in India nor they've been actually ever applied to them even a bit.

We're losing the civilizational war before it has been taken & raised to full theatre scale. We can not fight, forget even winning, this war on the emasculating, infertilising, borrowed, implanted & false ideals or laws which have failed spectacularly in the West itself from where they originated.

सोमवार, 4 अगस्त 2014

The SOP of secular HINOs(Hindus in name only)

Idiot HINOs(Hindus in name only) readied on "democratic, liberal & secular Macaulayite education" think they're very intelligent, erudite, intellectual and smart.

They spout the gandian-zahruvian nonsense effusively that all religions are same, all human beings are same, there's only one God, all paths lead to that one god..blah blah blah..!

When the crimes of Abrahamics are pointed out these seculibtards say smoothly & glibly that for the wrongs of individuals entire community/religion cannot be blamed, after all religion teaches all humans love & peace..!

But when the excesses & crimes of Abrahamics become too excessively obvious to be ignored the seculibtards start crying hoarsely: "religion is bad, its responsible for all inhuman deeds and wars, see how communal Hindus treat poor Muslims & Christians..!"!

Now in the latest reference: the abduction, gangrape & forced conversion of a Hindu lady by Muslim clergy in Meerut, UP is an umpteen repeat testimony to the fact that what we think as heinous dastardly crime(even though most HINOs would turn a blind eye to it) is actually perfectly normal,most natural & rewardingly spiritual for the Abrahamics as sanctified by their 'holy book(s)'.

Therein lies the fundamental difference which the imbecile brainwashed seculibtard HINOs do not even know at all but sputter the noxious & poisonous  #MullahMissionaryMarxist gibberish so very effortlessly,unashamedly & proudly.

शनिवार, 2 अगस्त 2014

"The idea of India, democracy & its secular fabric."

Teaching Koran,Hadis in Malaysia,Indonesia & India (forget the Saudis for a while) as well as teaching Bible etc in S.Korea,Scandinavia & again,India (forget the Italians for a while too) are of course very natural & most normal(for the seculars). Why not? Of course, its their right!

But we ought  not teach veda, rAmAyaNa, gitA, & mahAbhArata (whatever,huh!) in India..How dare we even think of it? Why the hell on earth?? Aren't the people troubled enough??

"Controversial! Communal! Destroys the secular fabric of India! Against democracy! Destroys the idea of India!"

Yes, it destroys secularism because secularism is so successfully destroying this country,so nothing should destroy secularism.
Yes, its against democracy because democracy is such a good cloaked dagger stabbing stealthily in the back and now even in the chest of this nation with alacrity.
Yes, it destroys the idea of India because its the idea of bhAratavarSha; thus India, the good slave to many lords must not be freed.

One last stand by the enemies of dhArmika rAShTra.

The anti-dhArmika & rAShTradrohI acts & violence are having a sudden spurt all over bhAratavarSha. Its not a coincidence. Its a well thought over,highly planned, coordinated & rehearsed strategy for the one last unofficial stand to reconquer India for their respective lords after the comprehensive & spectacular defeat of almost all anti-national parties. Because the deeply entrenched forces inimical to us & highly shrewd experienced enemies know that after this new #ModiRaj its now or never for them.

The initial unsure & tentative days of the inexperienced & naive government is the best window-period for them or even better for the foes of rAShTra that this government is perennially unstable,under pressure, working only in the colonial-congi-commie-cutskin-christian reference frame and thus never able to takeover & grip the reins of the reign properly & firmly.

Once the nationalist government is in the driver's seat fully sure,stable,steady as well as in total control & command, the reverse-count starts with the days of all the aforesaid cunning,incorrigible & deathly enemies being scantily numbered.

But the yakShaprashna remains there. Apart from having a good majority in the Lok Sabha, does this Hindu Nationalist government have the willpower,wherewithal and winning-capacity for the way-out of this wily,woeful & wicked whirlpool to lead us into the state of true well-being, wealth & welfare of our own dhArmika rAShTra?

Communist persecution of Christianity+Islam. An untold story & Indian twist.


USSR & PRC, the biggest Communist states in world history have a history of unmitigated relentless persecution of,and secular violence against religions including unimaginable merciless pogroms against christians & muslims.
Yet in India,the secular commie stooges shamelessly let the abrahamics piggyback on them and vice-versa.
Ever thought dear Indians, why?
Most of our Indians(read Hindu) don't even know this facet of Communist history but are effectively brainwashed by Communist version of Indian history & intellectual discourse.

[USSR also known as Communist Russia(1917-1991).
PRC is Communist China(since 1949).]

शुक्रवार, 1 अगस्त 2014

The primordial abrahamics: completely untrustworthy.


watch between 6.28 - 6.40. Link via Vilokana Nishta. Thanks a lot.

I'm really shocked how the self appointed "chosen people" of g•d portray that they're the "best friends of Hindus with deep historical ties and shared common goals" but deep inside they spontaneously spew venom mixed with bile against us. The rabbi says India is "Egyptian Darkness". Mr Rabbi, Egyptian darkness?? We gave the Jews asylum for millennia against their persecution by everyone in their native places and earn the satanic title of Egyptian darkness!!

Even the Egyptian darkness is a Talmudic concoction which absolutely falsely accuses the Pharaohs of forcing the Jews into "800 years of slavery".
Shame on you! Many Indians died defending your Mumbai chabad on 26/11 and in the Dharmshala chabad you're indulging in civilizational witchcraft & sorcery against your hosts who naively think of you as civilizational friends! This is how you repay? Thankfully we know that being the primordial abrahamics you can never be trusted howsoever victimhood you claim.

I tell you, Yahweh is is indeed jealous & vindictive as the Torah describes him and
you really then deserve whatever you purport to be your "sufferings".

"Again Agitation Party" "आओ आंदोलन करें पार्टी"।

"Again Agitation Party".
This motley mob exists only for agitation which keeps them alive. The moment they're the govt they just blame the opposition, resign as govt & start agitating for fresh elections all over again.

"आओ आंदोलन करें पार्टी"।
यह ठग्गू भीड़ मात्र आंदोलन के लिये अस्तित्व में है एवम् उसी पर ही जीवित रहती है। जब ये सरकार बन जाते हैं तो बस विपक्ष पर दोषारोपण कर के, त्यागपत्र देकर फिर नये सिरे से चुनाव कराने के लिये आंदोलन करने लगते हैं।

Vegetarianism is the mainstay of our civilisation.

Vegetarianism is being now seen internationally as some 'new' scientific discovery by the West while its been the mainstay of our civilisation since its early times.

Vegetarianism is though, not a standard or absolute practice amongst the dhArmika people as many communities including brAhmaNa from kAshmIra, vanga, mithila, gokarNa, kAmarUpa etc traditionally partake mutton & fish in their normal diet.

Food is classified as sAttvika, rAjasika & tAmasika and most of the vegetarian products fall under sAttvika excluding a few while meat is classified amongst tAmasika or even rAjasika as per the doctrines.

This takes me back to the 'scientific discovery' by west. Well, science has only corroborated what's proven & practiced for millennia.
Personally, i would prefer not only dhArmika people but also all humans to not consume meat, barring exceptional circumstances. And aquatic/Sea food? Maybe yes, for those in certain geographies.