बुधवार, 26 मार्च 2014
#Hindu Raashtra
#ModiSarkar or #BJPRule will not suffice. We need #HinduRashtra ASAP or there will be no trace left of India for our progenies to even live.
Hindu Raashtra India Bhaaratavarsha
Don't know why people,even Hindus themselves,are taken aback whenever they hear of #HinduRaashtra .. Only a true #HinduRaashtra is a genuine and permanent solution to the woes suffered by India #Bhaaratavarsha. No need to worry about so called secularism, as long as India remains #HinduRaashtra , #PanthaNirapekshataa will remain there. So called secularism is toxicly harmful, we do not need that; seen & suffered enough of that hell.
I reiterate: we need a true #HinduRaashtra forever.
#JayaSanaatanaDharma #JayaBhaaratavarsha
मंगलवार, 25 मार्च 2014
How our history was changed
We are taught in schools and colleges about our own history, traditions, religion and culture in very disparaging terms amounting to denouncement and shaming rather than any genuine criticism.
Let me give an example in current history. We were taught in our class two, yes, 2nd standard social studies book that "Gandhi ko ek Hindu dharmandh ne mar dala". Now can someone tell me what's the need of adding Hindu and dharmandh upon that to Gandhi murder? I, as a child 6-7 years old asked my parents and teachers too about 'Hindu dharmandh' but no one gave me a satisfying answer. It riled me then as a small child that something is wrong with that phrase when i did not even know the meaning of 'dharmandh'..!
Now lets move to medieval and early modern history. Its replete with all kinds of negative and unspeakable things against Dharma in general and Braahmanas in particular. Yes, there were serious aberrations but only Hinduism is a religion in the entire world which is abused for aberrations its followers may practice even though it has no sanction for in the actual sacred texts.
Braahmanas/priestly class were/are criticised heavily and the references are those of: Al-Biruni, Barani, Firishta, AbulFazl, Jordanus, Francis Xavier, De Nobili etc who were representatives of invading rulers at best and themselves cunning,fanatic & cruel ghazis/missionaries at worst; obviously they will demonise the biggest obstacles to their path which was,is and will remain so. And its happening even now. Britishers and communist historians later on found it very convenient to propagate the fabricated lies and biased untruths to their own advantage.
Let me put, for explanation sake, this implausible but converse way: suppose i am a zealot dogmatic fanatic Hindu missionary aided by a conquering army to Arabia/Europe..we have defeated their sultans and kings but are having only partial success in converting those people to my faith..who will be my enemy number one? The defeated sultan/king or the conquered masses or the mullah/bishop who preaches and holds real authority over their faith and people? Obviously it will be the mullah/bishop who needs to be demonised and discredited using state machinery so that their faith is weakened and their religion is broken down and thus paving an easy path for my faith to be accepted by their masses as a new hope or at least to be seen in a favourable way.
This is what has happened in India Bhaaratavarsha for more than last 1000 years and its still happening:under the Nehru dynasty,that we are being taught history and social studies written only by foreign invaders ie ghazis,missionaries and communists.
Dr Akhilesh Mishra. 26/03/2014
Re-election a panacea!! Kejri says.
I have been observing elections for nearly 2.5 decades; for the 1st time a 'PM candidate' offering re-election in an year as a panacea!!!!!! Yes, that's Kejriwal. He repeatedly said so in Varanasi on 25/03/2014
वयोवृद्ध भाजपा नेता अब तो मोह माया त्यागें!
मात्र सोशल मीडिया पर ही नहीं , लाखों ऐसे राष्ट्रवादी कार्यकर्त्ता/नेता हैं जिन्होंने भाजपा/संघ के भीतर या बाहर रहकर दल और देश की अतुलनीय सेवा की है किन्तु बदले में कभी कुछ नहीं माँगा भले ही अपेक्षा रखी हो या नहीं। वो भी एक उद्देश्य हेतु - भारतवर्ष एवं सनातन धर्म की रक्षा एवं उन्नति।
Now or never, do or die 2014, to save Bhaaratavarsha.
We should not be sympathetic or apologetic to the so called BJP senior leaders as they failed spectacularly shameful in 2004 & 2009.Elections happen only every 5 years!!
If we trust the old guard then we will have to suffer unmitigated disaster of humongous dimensions into an ever downward spiral, not a mere another congressi govt for two or three more terms.
Its a now or never and do or die election to reshape the destiny of India Bhaaratavarsha in positive and upward direction.
For barbarian Semitic faiths Hinduism is 'slavery'
Muslims and christians are butchering each other in Africa(muslims doing more butchery) and elsewhere at mass scale horrifyingly. Yet both the barbarian faiths have joined hands to 'eliminate slavery from India'(read it as eliminate Hinduism from India).
Both the mlechchha faiths are regretful of not converting India to their cruel backward faiths inspite of violent, concerted, deceitful and inhuman efforts for >1300 years.
Charlatan conmen or Shankaracharyas??
Remove and kick out those apostles of Hindu religion who have never defended the Dharma and just enjoyed power in and out of their their maths and ashrams.
India Bhaaratavarsha and Sanaatana Dharma has been descending into deeper and deepest of abysses yet these dharmachaaryas remained mute spectators, in fact conniving partners with anti-India politicians even in unpardonable crimes against Dharma.
To name specifically, this conman named Swaroopananda who has captured and ruled two two seats of Shankarachaaryas with the help of dynasty congres for almost 30 years never ever opened his mouth on terrorism, islamic and christian communalism, tabhlig and evangelism,proselytisation and conversions, RamSetu, Kashmir, NorthEast, 'Indira is India' India is Bhaaratmata, Sonia is Sitamata, Sonia is Bhaaratmata slogans..is shamelessly trying to decry and denounce the heartfelt popular public sentiments in the name of 'insult to God'! This charlatan deceiver ought to know that he is seated on the spiritual divine throne established by the ever greatest Jagatguru Aadi Shankara himself who devoted and sacrificed 25 out of 32 years of his life to Dharma and Raashtra and whom we all owe our existence to as Hindus and Indians.
Dr Akhilesh Mishra. 25/03/2014
शनिवार, 22 मार्च 2014
Sanaatana/Hindu new year
Yesterday/Today (21/22 March) is vernal equinox, when day and night both are equal in length and heralds the begining of warmer weather and marks the northernmost position of the Sun in the celestial hemisphere or that the midnight sun is at the north pole.
And this is the harbinger of new year as observed by the Aaryan people.
We Indians have made a Lunar-Solar joint calendar which takes into account the variations in planetary movement and this year our New Year ie Chaitra Shukla Pratiprada falls on 31March.
Other people of Aaryan heritage (though not Hindus any longer) ie Iranians and Indo-Iranians viz Parsis, Persians, Afghans, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Yazds and many central asian and caucasus region populations observe NavRoz/Noruz/Nooroz/Nuruz/Nowruz ie New Day on/around 21/22 March itself.
P.S.- Iran is a cognate of the word Aaryan. Afghanistan is also called Ariana ie the country of the Aaryans, even to this day its national airlines is called Ariana.
N.B.- Aarya originally means noble in Sanatana Dharma. Its not any race. Though the western imperialists have until the recent past propounded it as so.
(compiled from various sources)
"हर हर मोदी" का अर्थ
जिन्हे "हर हर मोदी" से आपत्ति है और धर्म शास्त्रों का हवाला दे कर मोदी जी और भाजपा को नीचा दिखने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं वे धर्म शास्त्र जानते ही नहीं।
पहली बात यह कि "हर हर मोदी" कोई धार्मिक नारा नहीं अपितु इसका एक ही स्पष्ट अर्थ है कि हर एक व्यक्ति मोदीमय है। फिर भी यदि मान लिया जाए कि यह कोई धार्मिक नारा है जैसा कि सिकुलरवादी आरोप लगाने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं वे जान लें कि कण कण में जन जन में भगवान् हैं - "सर्वं खल्विदम् ब्रह्म"(सभी कुछ ब्रह्म ही है) एवं "तत्त्वं असि"(तुम भी वही हो)। और अंत में एक व्यवहारिक सनातन सत्य - ईश्वर का सदा मनुष्य या अन्य जीव रूप में अवतार होता है, कभी भी ईश्वर स्वयं धरती पर अपने मूल स्वरुप में प्रकट नहीं होता।
डॉ अखिलेश मिश्र २२/०३/२०१४
गुरुवार, 20 मार्च 2014
Islamists who were looking for 'Ghazwa-I-Hind' are already eulogising #TraitorKejri as the one who will bring 'Caliphate' ie 'the rule of khalifa' to India..
For blinded and brainwashed #AAPTards this doesn't matter as AK sir is always right even if it means bringing islamic rule in India.
#SoniaTheWitch has really produced the best son she never had!
बुधवार, 12 मार्च 2014
शनिवार, 1 मार्च 2014
Political aloofness and apathy by doctors has,instead, cost them heavily
If my educated friends especially medicos are aware of SamajwadiParty+Police's blatant brutality & goondagardi in GSVMC Kanpur, they should be doing great introspection on being politically aloof. Mugging up in libraries, slogging in and out of wards, securing high ranks in exams and plum posts(which actually evades most), saving lives but sacrificing own will still get you thrashing, brutal beatings, gunshots and deaths.
Because you're not politically aware,conscious or active. You do not even vote. Also there's increasing attitude of chilling out etc.
So after decades of competing,slogging & flogging yourself and abandoned by your own seniors you turn into ignorant,haughty, escapist,coward,selfish creatures who put up pretentious & ostentatious masks of all kinds.
Then we/you highly educates, doctors deserve all such consequences & sufferings and in furthermore frequencies and quantities.
Because you're not politically aware,conscious or active. You do not even vote. Also there's increasing attitude of chilling out etc.
So after decades of competing,slogging & flogging yourself and abandoned by your own seniors you turn into ignorant,haughty, escapist,coward,selfish creatures who put up pretentious & ostentatious masks of all kinds.
Then we/you highly educates, doctors deserve all such consequences & sufferings and in furthermore frequencies and quantities.
हमारा उत्तराधिकार व कर्त्तव्य
पूर्वजों ने हमें यह पंथ, धर्म,संस्कृति और देश उत्तराधिकार में दिया
है उनका धन्यवाद और मूल्य हम
असंख्य बार अपने शीश चढ़ा कर भी चुका नहीं सकते।
भारतवर्ष हमारा शरीर और सनातन धर्म हमारी आत्मा।
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)