रविवार, 24 अगस्त 2014

The decay of healthcare and its burden upon doctors.


This is state of affairs of healthcare in US. Only guided by corporate profiteering, insurance and medicolegal bureaucracy.

Its all the same in India.
Everything worst in American healthcare is being copied to the last nefarious  detail and diabolical end in India in the form, structure & functioning of patently greedy as well as perpetually hungry corporate hospitals(yes,all of them). All calumny & every chicanery in the name of "premium state of the art healthcare". Where the doctors suffer,patients suffer while the corporate bosses mint money.
Doctors in India are spending more time on multitudes of paperwork than clinics as filling up papers & tests have been accorded primacy over patients and their treatment; and this corruption is fully supported by government & judiciary leaving the harassed patients & frustrated doctors in lurch.

Remember the old adage emphasized in the link shared: "unhappy doctors make unhappy patients".

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