sUrya upAsanA gained prominence again in bhArata after the brAhmanisation of the maga/shaka Iranics. maga~s ie shaka purohita~s were known in West Asia as Magi. shakadvIpa/shakastan/Sistan(now SE Iran & SW Afg) was the abode of the shaka~s ,they being forced to migrate southward from central Asia by hUNa/tuShAra.
The boots of sUrya in his icons are the essentials of the shaka, though Iranic but not Persian per se. Iranics ie the bhraShTa Arya viz shaka(Scythian), kuShANa/tuShAra/tukhAra(Tocharians), pArthiva/pahlava/pallava(Parthians & progenitor Persians). "Thakur" itself is a cognate of tukhAra.
shAkaladvIpIya brAhmaNa~s found in East UP & West Bihar direct descendants of the maga~s of shaka~s.
sUrya ShaShThI ie Chhath is an extant ritual worship of the sUrya devatA w vaidika as well as shaka roots. Chhath festival not surprisingly spread over a region in+around where shAkaladvIpIya Br are concentrated.
The Islamic invasions of our West,now in Iran,Afgh & Pak, forced the then spreadout shaka~s/maga~s to migrate further east.
maga/shaka found favours & livelihood in kAshmIra too,they amalgamated well & resurgence of sUrya worship ensued.
N.B.- Once again, take note of the high boots worn by sUryadEva.
Footnote 1: Some saMskr^ita words in Persian rooted in and routed via Avestan(first cousin on vaidika saMskr^ita) through ancient Persian-
AryAnAm -- Aeranam -- Iran,
yajna -- yasna -- Jashn,
suratrANa -- Sultan,
sUrya-Asana -- Khurasan,
shAsa -- Shah,
shAsanushAsa -- Shahanshah,
yama-kShiti - Jamshid,
kShatrapa -- Satrap,
sakhAmaNi -- Hakhmani,
sUrya-kShiti -- Khurshid,
kuru -- Kayrush - Cyrus,
sushravA -- Khusro,
asura -- Ahura..
Footnote 2: The anti-Hindu saboteurs and subversionists would diabolically contend that there's nothing called Hindu and even the Sun worship has come from outside into the ragtag fold called Hinduism but its to be noted that our bhraShTa Arya cousins maintained the worship of one of the prime vaidika Gods. And even when we insidiously came to forget it, it was revived through the then extant knowledge and practices of our own co-ethnics whom we now out of unfortunate ignorance consider rank outsiders. Knowledge is very important to help our culture, country and civilisation survive,and knowledge of history is the most important of it. And that knowledge should not come from the abrahamics, colonialists, invaders, marxists and marketeers. Its we who should be seeking and disseminating the right and correct knowledge.
P.S.- Unfortunately all the Iranics who were outside or at the periphery of the larger Indo-Aryan (vaidika, later demonym Hindu) sphere succumbed surprisingly quite easily to the ekarAkshasavAdin marUnmatta savage barbarians. This shows the inherent strength and inbuilt safety mechanisms of our strand of the Arya~s vis a vis the Iranic strand. Not surprisingly the earlier branched-off Indo-European strand succumbed to the previous version of dangling-corpse ekarAkShasavAda too.
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