A million faults are there with the traitor chrislamist org Congress. Let's discuss the patriotic Hindu nationalist party/org. To be frank BJP/RSS have never been employee friendly political org. During the "India Shining" it was the great ABV+Shourie leadership which adopted /pushed the corrupt & crony-capitalist friendly practice of PPP, then the regular gov't jobs were abolished/frozen and contract system was put as the role model, preventing the recruitment of youth the retirement age was increased by 3-7 years in almost all departments, and the nail in the coffin was abolishing pensions.
Many people would not like this unpalatable truth that BJP got defeated in 2004 due to the anger of govt employees and the frustrated jobless youth. AAP's success in Delhi is multifactorial and one of the big contributing factors is the discontent & desperation in the jobless yet educated youth as well as the sheer helplessness of the young to middle-age contractual employees(many of them on contract jobs in govt >15years at stretch with heavy exploitation & discrimination on all accounts).
In the recent Delhi polls almost all contractual employees in AIIMS/Safdarjung/RML/MAMC/GTB voted for AAP as its the only non-BJP non-Congress political option. But on ground they're members, knowingly or unknowingly, of CPIML's trade union IFTU which is the only organization caring/fighting for the rights of the poor hapless & desperate contractual employees, thousands of them.
Achchhe din have not come to them. Action as well as perception both matter. And here's a microcosm of how naxalism/maoism breeds. See the posters pasted on the walls of AIIMS.
I'm merely showing the mirror to my gov't. Nationalism doesn't feed hungry mouths. We're not facing an external alien invasion that everyone will jump to a party's "nationalist" cause just because it purportedly claims to be the sole champion of nationalism.
Big corporate luncheons & gala dinners or international diplomatic wizardry or auction of some suit or even an urgent land acquisition ordinance/bill is nothing to those who are not sure whether the next day they'll be hired or fired. Ask those who stare every moment in the dark future with bitter disappointment & sighing pain left with fending off bitter uncertain future, burdened with expectations of ageing parents & growing children, lacking own roof; and of course striving hard to manage morsels with meagre & ever dwindling money to feed the naturally hungry mouths in the family who cannot be even told what torment is being faced by the educated un/under-employed.
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