रविवार, 11 अक्टूबर 2015

Cacophonic chorus of seculibs, real intent.

Suicidally naïve of our Govt to think that the cacophonic anti-Modi / anti-Sangh / anti-Hindu chorus by seculibs will ebb down, it's unmistakably the prelude to the balkanisation efforts to break down bhArata once again by putting up faux aggrieved parties & sham victims while demonising our elected leader to justify attacks on our bhArata by Abrahamics led by the evil axis of USA+KSA(with their vassals+minions) funded & powered by Bishops, Shaykhs, Corporates, Rabbis & Comrades. The engine of this war machine against kuffar/heathens/goyims is no longer centred in Vatican alone or Brittania,it's co-HQ is now Uncle Sam for decades.

Church,Jewery,Ummah,Free-Market and the Proletariat all have a common agenda: finish off the original bulwark, the ultimate citadel and the last true bastion of the pagans & heathens (India),long overdue. Danger clear & present, if Hindus wish to see. As far as Modi ji being feted+celebrated in the leucosphere/anglosphere is concerned, it's their exercise to re-enter bhArata via FDI like the East India Companies did in past. BTW, which FDI made USSR or USA world's superpowers?  Abrahamics are using a forked approach to sabotage & conquer our country: create violence+unrest and simultaneously try taking over us via economy & corporates.

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