शुक्रवार, 9 अक्टूबर 2015

The fake issue and fake outrage to break bhAratavarSha

From an impromptu discussion over WhatsApp, our side, verbatim:

India is rife with blatant lies and seculib propaganda. The truth is that Cow slaughter & beef are banned to varying degrees from stringent to very stringent levels of laws since 1950s in almost all of the states barring half a dozen exceptions,of those only Kerala & Tripura are major ones. Secondly, beef is not any good/cheap source of protein for poor people as the seculibtraitors cry falsely, its still costlier than the costliest daal and even that low price is because cows are not reared & raised for meat but stolen, looted & smuggled(within India & beyond borders). Every year at least 50Lakhs of cows are smuggled/slaughtered, most of them illegally. Since there is almost zero investment in animal husbandry beef "industry" is totally profitable. All the pro-beef falsehood is easily debunked without even bringing in any religious angle, if that has to be taken into account then pro-beef calumny will be vapourised to nothingness but that's not required here. 

As far as Dadri is concerned the state gov'ts FIR as well as status report neither mentions any bovine slaughter nor any murder of a human (remember UP has a secular socialist anti-BJP gov't notorious for anti-Hindu attitude, actions &,crimes). Why then all the seculibs are crying hoarse?? With the ulterior motive to destabilise bhArata over fictional atrocities as is the trait of theirs. Portray the current central regime as an intolerant anti-minorities one which needs international intervention,that's the agenda of seculibtraitors working to the tee upon the script. Fake anti-Christian atrocities and fake anti-Muslim repression. Apropos beef pseudo-issue the entire matter is a state subject nothing to do with the centre. But that's the classic way of death cults of deserts when they're not in a dominant position: fake a narrative, cry victimhood, paint and portray a demon aggressor, howl together to make a congregatory attack-pack, keep gnawing at the benefactors while accusing them of maleficence, and finally when the time is ripe pounce upon that like hungry hyenas. Bovine theft for slaughter is the biggest contributor to the decline in quantity as well as quality of milk in the country. Imagine, 50 lakhs of cows slaughtered every year, of those nearly 25 lakhs are smuggled out to Bangladesh first. Beef is not produced in India out of thin air. This must be kept in mind. Almost all of it are the bovine milch cattle stolen & smuggled for slaughter. 

Seculibs won't dare Jews/Muslims to eat pork as it's prohibited(for whatsoever reason) amongst those two followers, seculibs wouldn't ask the Christians to consume horsemeat of dogmeat(prohibited for these two animals being friends/companions of humans and even as good as humans) but lo and behold! Hindus are communal bigots and intolerant murderous fanatics for urging others to not slaughter cows which are held in the likening of mothers by the Hindus,and heavens fall upon the seculib world if dhimmi,kuffar,heathen,goyim Hindus dare respond to the murderers of cows that too in the language of the assaulters themselves!! Still there's no comparison between pork eating and beef eating as the Jews and Christians consider the animal as well as the goyim/kafir as an unclean disbeliever deserving only hell that only reaffirms the Judaic/Islamic opinion & belief about the idolators and no outrage over a pig killed,in fact all pigs must die if it were possible. In contrast cows having a holy and motherly status amongst Hindus, naturally Hindus will be outraged over cow slaughter and anger is nothing but natural. And economics too now is getting increasingly important as the numbers of cows are dwindling logarithmically.

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