शुक्रवार, 26 जून 2015

Natural selection within species-al-Islam

Beheadings of rivals(AlQaeda etc)by ISIL/ISIS.
#‎NaturalSelection of the best within the species-al-Islam. All "fitnas"(internecine/civil wars) since 632AD have only strengthened Islam with further more virulent strain emerging and taking over it whenever the faith of Allah has slackened or deviated from the path as enshrined in Quran.

Time for the more effective Islamic ruler. Recall Aurangzeb after Shahjahan, the disintegration of Bahmanids then reuniting of the five sultanates to decisively defeat Vijayanagara. Even in central Asian Islamic khanates the Muslim rulers which were not jihadis or were inclined backwards to turko-mongol paganism were assassinated/butchered. Best example Ulugh Beg, grandson of Timur the Lame. And of course the great fitnas in Caliphate after Muhammad.

All these only have given rise to much stronger & invigorated Islam thus time and again reinstating and maintaining at peak its inherent  aggression, savagery, dogma, bigotry, hatefulness, depravity, cruelty, apathy, violence & genocidal Geo-dominance.


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