Chief economist of World Bank, not head though. Yet salary range remains same in 7 figures, $.
Poverty is glamorised and sanctified: mah garibi, muh garibi, waah garibi narrative institutionalised people staying poor.
To ensure garibi ensues they unleash La Revolución de proletariat
These people are thinktankis, they do everything on purpose.
They want not poverty alleviation but perpetuation. Many parts of the country is bhuktbhogi.
Poverty alleviation in a big country like ours is possible in a couple of generations with manufacturing, infrastructure building, decentralisation of the both above-mentioned, linking agriculture to food processing, not exporting raw materials be it ores or farm produce.
Oureducation is a gift from West whom we try best to copy even after they've left decades ago, our frames of references are all English/Western.
So it's imperative to quote those who gave us education and every other system to civilise the white man's burden.
Then out spake brave Horatius,
The Captain of the Gate:
"To every man upon this earth
Death cometh soon or late.
And how can man die better
Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
And the temples of his Gods, XXVIII" -
Sir Thomas Babington MacAulay, in his book The Lays Of Ancient Rome.
Marx is the most revered thinker for the progressive liberal educated people. He was a European as well a naturalised British, progressive liberal people have a natural reverence for them.
So it's prudent to quote him and not any unwashed desi 'communal reactionary', thus spake Karl Marx:
"History repeats itself, first as tragedy then as farce, those who don't learn from it are condemned to repeat it".
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