बुधवार, 23 सितंबर 2020

Hindu oppression and Brahman repression plus vilification normalised and institutionalised, only to destroy Hinduism.

👆 A snippet from a recent judgement which talks about "apartheid and seggregation" insinuating the Hindu  majority community as the culprits as if we're the whites in South Africa and oppressing the black majority there despite being a white minority, what a travesty of truth!.. How propaganda is institutionalised. 
Salaries of Oxfam NGO officials. There's NGO PIL nexus in the country, one must know. 👇
Salaries of a LW propaganda portal👇
In our country there's a concerted legalised institutionalised schematic narrative against the original natives of the subcontinent, ie the Hindus especially brahmans, their persecution and pogrom are all justified in the name of social justice. 

कुछ का यही काम है, उठते ही झूठ फैलाओ, दो सबसे सरल टारगेट हैं इसके झूठ के- डॉक्टर और हिन्दू, मुख्य रूप से ब्राह्मण क्योंकि यह प्रतिकार नहीं कर सकते। दुस्साहस तो देखो, सरासर मनगढ़ंत घिनौना झूठ गढ़ा जा रहा है! यह एक मीम व्हाट्सैप पर घूम रहा है जो संभवतः किसी क्रिकेट वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड किया गया है। 
अब सच तो सामने रखना ही पड़ेगा जब इतना घृणित कुत्सित हिन्दूद्वेषी ब्राह्मणघाती मनगढ़ंत आरोप लगाये गये हैं! 
टीपू सुल्तान एक-जिहादी गिद्ध था - DailyHunt Lite 👉 यहाँ 
टीपू सुल्तान ने मलाबार पर आक्रमण कर के ब्राह्मण इसीलिये मारे थे कि ब्राह्मण मारने से सीधे धर्म की हानि होती है। इसका किसी स्तन से कोई संबंध नहीं है। यह गारबेज बैग में महिलाओं को लपेटने वाली घटिया सोच का परिणाम है। 

इमरान खान का टीपू सुल्तान से प्यार 👉 यहाँ
The Mapilla Betrayal of Malabar Hindus During the Death-Dance of Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan - 👉 here 

The recurring myth of breast tax doesn’t seem to die down, this time propagated by ‘Scroll’ 👉 here  British era photographs of 19th century showing upper caste women in Kerala including royals brahmin women without their upper garments. 

भारत में सभी आक्रांताओं ने ब्राह्मणों को ही सबसे अधिक मारा और प्रताड़ित शोषित किया क्योंकि उन्हें पता था कि इसी से धर्म को सबसे अधिक क्षति होती है। हमारा एक वर्ग भी उन्हीं आक्रांताओं का भाई बंधु हो गया है।
ब्राह्मणों को मार डालने कुचलने के बाद यह झूठ गढ़ा गया कि ब्राह्मण शोषण करते थे। अरे जब १००० वर्षों से भारत के अधिकांश भूभाग पर हिन्दू शासन ही नहीं है तो ब्राह्मणों ने कहाँ कब कैसे अत्याचार कर लिया!?
सन् ११००-१३५० के बीच उत्तर से दक्षिण सभी स्थानों पर(एक दो अपवाद छोड़ कर) सीधे सीधे अथवा वर्चस्व के रूप में सल्तनत का शासन हो गया। सन् १८०० में मराठा जब तक दृढ़ हो पाते अंग्रेज आ गये। सल्तनत और अंग्रेजों ने हम पर दमन किया।
कैसे घटिया लोगों को इस देश में बढ़ावा दिया जाता है, कोई आश्चर्य नहीं। जबकि सच बताने पर सबका सेकुलरिज्म बुलंद हो जाता है। 

Now coming to the technical inaccuracies in this mene. Untruth had always lots of inaccuracies. 
1- Tipu could not dare to touch peshwas who were militarised, in fact In 1767 Maratha Peshwa Madhavrao defeated both Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan and entered Srirangapatna, the capital of Mysore. 
2- In south India only in the southwestern region corresponding to today's Kerala both genders of all communities didn't cover or tie up the upper torso. Including the royals and brahmins. Peshwas never ruled Kerala. Anyways the fiction of Tipu being worried about uncovered breasts and thus killing brahmins is like the proverbial story of wolf upstream the waterfall killing the lamb who was drinking water downstream accusing the latter of dirtying the water. 

Massacre of Melukote Mandyan Brahmans by Tipu Sultan on Chhoti Dipavaly. 👉 here 
Non militarised Brahmins, as most of them are, were massacred by Tipu Sultan
 👉 here While Peshwa Madhav Rao defeated both Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan as Peshwas were militarised Brahmins, though Maratha/Peshwa rule never extended upto Kerala. So the logic of Tipu killing peshwas for Kerala brahmins allegedly not letting shudra women cover their breasts is patently false at every level, every single word. 

Tipu Sultan was defeated by Kerala royals but he made surprise attacks on villages and massacred thousands of brahmins not sparing women and children. Converted thousands too. His sole aim was to become ghazi, not to cover breasts of kafirs. 
Let it be known, those who abuse brahmans are actually abusing Hinduism, brahmans are an easy excuse as no law prevents abuse of brahmans and brahmans are hardly 3% of the country's population so neither a votebank nor a mob. Genocidal depredations by Hyder Ali and his son Tipu Sultan. The most common and worst targeted were Brahmans. 👉 here 

Cricket website, as mentioned initially,  giving history knowledge.. level of intelligence is reflected in people worshipping a 5th fail actor who's social justice icon. After movies, now cricket gives you knowledge.

BTW all of the references I've shared are from the then contemporary sources, including what Tipu Sultan himself recorded proudly how he massacred thousands and converted more. Pathetic fellows would next share propaganda from SIMI, IM, JEM, LET, JKLF, ULFA, CPIML, ISIS websites. 
It's not about an individual. It's the filthy content people share. Abominable hatred people have for Hindus, especially brahmans, thanks to institutionalised propaganda. The despicable propaganda against Hindus has to be demolished, it cannot be let go unchallenged. You're incorrigible. who'd think of your unfettered lies as the truth if not demolished.

Self styled geniuses think jihadi maniac  Tipu gave people some imaginary rights. Tipu massacred thousands, he didn't give anyone any right. Tipu snatched away people's lives, what to speak of rights, didn't give them any. Only if you read you'd know that even a century after Tipu Sultan was gone the women in Kerala were mostly bare breasted including brahmans and royals. 
See that's the power of falsehood, once a spurious allegation is made it unfortunately sticks if not contested and if the untruth is not destroyed.
That's the modus operandi of anti Hindu gangs. Keep lying.. keep lying.. after sometime people accept lies as truth. Beam meme is exactly that cyclic propaganda. 

Pakistan praises Tipu Sultan on his death anniversary, says he was trained in the art of warfare 👉 here 
Pakistan and these fellows share the same ideology. And biggest cyclic lie, the biggest propaganda used anywhere readymade is that Hindus are bad and amongst them brahamans are evil. No difference between pakistanis and such people in India. This propaganda includes that if invaders slaughtered Hindus it's good and if the Hindus happened to be Brahmans it must be celebrated. That's the narrative now, not even propaganda. 

One should just think.. assuming that what the meme suggests was correct from the invaders PoV... is it justified to kill even one person.. what to speak of thousands butchered! There were many ways to punish even in pre modern era, he simply could've decreed covering breasts. What was the need to slaughter thousands? That's the point. Thousands were purposely slaughtered so it must be justified therein comes atrocity literature.
Atrocity literature is the justification genocides of Hindu natives in the purported name of removing oppression. It's not about Brahmins, it's about Hindus. Brahmins is an easy excuse. Destroy Hinduism citing brahmins in atrocity literature. It's the standard operating protocol. Jihadi terrorists, khalistani terrorists, ULFA, maoists, north east terrorists all use the same module perfected in saltanat and British era. 

If I don't have irrefutable proof I don't share a fact ever, only clearing up the muck thrown by a purposely crafted propaganda. Just a small thing wish to highlight- this country has not seen natives ie Hindus rule major parts of the subcontinent for centuries, so non Hindus ruling the subcontinent for so long has resulted in permanently establishing pure falsehoods against Hindus as purported truths. Now from these concocted truths further untruths are spinned off to destroy Hinduism furthermore which is apparently legitimate as our english laws themselves are direct colonial legacy. All British laws in India were compiled again in 1935 India Act which is the basis of our current system. 👉 here 
For those who think that British went away and we got our own laws.. 👉 here 
 here's a constitutional case from the Supreme Court of India, in 2005, which underlines the India Act 1935 as the foundation upon which the courts function in independent India. This above case is not about Hindu or others. Just to bookmark what's in the foundation of our independent laws. 👉 here 
Supreme Court of India
Jamshed N.Guzdar vs State Of Maharashtra & Ors on 11 January, 2005
Author: S V Patil
Bench: Cji, Shivaraj V. Patil, K.G.Balakrishnan, B.N.Srikrishna]
           CASE NO.:
Appeal (civil) 2452 of 1992

Jamshed N. Guzdar

State of Maharashtra & Ors.

DATE OF JUDGMENT: 11/01/2005

CJI, Shivaraj V. Patil, K.G. Balakrishnan, B.N. Srikrishna] & G.P. Mathur 👉 here

Something interesting..
For you all to do a little search..
Who was Jawahar Lal Nehru's great grandfather? Google search says it was Gangadhar Nehru, the last Kotwal of Mughals in Delhi. Even Delhi Police website says that one Gangadhar Nehru was Delhi's last Kotwal in 1857! But Mughals never appointed any non mughal at such a crucial military police office ever.
Google search-  
Delhi police website says Nehru's ancestor was Kotwal.. 
While contemporary British archives stating Mughal records in the same page say it was Mubarak Shah. 
So that's our how official history is written in India. 

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