शुक्रवार, 1 अगस्त 2014

The primordial abrahamics: completely untrustworthy.


watch between 6.28 - 6.40. Link via Vilokana Nishta. Thanks a lot.

I'm really shocked how the self appointed "chosen people" of g•d portray that they're the "best friends of Hindus with deep historical ties and shared common goals" but deep inside they spontaneously spew venom mixed with bile against us. The rabbi says India is "Egyptian Darkness". Mr Rabbi, Egyptian darkness?? We gave the Jews asylum for millennia against their persecution by everyone in their native places and earn the satanic title of Egyptian darkness!!

Even the Egyptian darkness is a Talmudic concoction which absolutely falsely accuses the Pharaohs of forcing the Jews into "800 years of slavery".
Shame on you! Many Indians died defending your Mumbai chabad on 26/11 and in the Dharmshala chabad you're indulging in civilizational witchcraft & sorcery against your hosts who naively think of you as civilizational friends! This is how you repay? Thankfully we know that being the primordial abrahamics you can never be trusted howsoever victimhood you claim.

I tell you, Yahweh is is indeed jealous & vindictive as the Torah describes him and
you really then deserve whatever you purport to be your "sufferings".

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