This has been going on in my mind for last couple of months.Some articles I read shook my mind out of secular slavery on this particular topic three months ago.
Now I am trying to put all those thoughts together. Some are not new,some might seem surprising even shocking but are need of the times and should be practiced in future if we do not want to end up in museums or paleontology labs.
1. dhArmika people ought to produce as much children as they can. Forget 'good' upbringing or providing for future which anyways would by ruined & snatched away by Abrahamics if we do not have numbers.
2. Hindus should not do female foeticide. Muslims or christians never do it as they're not stupid like Hindus to programme their own civilizational suicide.
3. sanAtanIs should marry to have more than one wife if they can afford. Forget communist secular nonsense which is nothing but a tool to systematically reduce our numbers.
4. Preferably Abrahamic females should be taken for this (3) & reverted to our dharma as this will not just reduce the pool of marriageable women available to their own brethren it will bolster our own population too quadratically.
Yes, population is the key to survival. The abrahamics in India especially Muslims have been succeeding largely because of this.
Throw in trash bin the feminist & secular pretentions as neither they're successful with death-cults in India nor they've been actually ever applied to them even a bit.
We're losing the civilizational war before it has been taken & raised to full theatre scale. We can not fight, forget even winning, this war on the emasculating, infertilising, borrowed, implanted & false ideals or laws which have failed spectacularly in the West itself from where they originated.
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