रविवार, 26 जुलाई 2015

Radha Rajan's tireless works continue to expose Christianity.

Another brilliant  &well researched article by #RadhaRajan exposing threadbare the Xtian agenda to finish off Hindus and usurp bhArata using the innately Christian tool of secularism and its frontal organisations like various "rights" orgs, Greenpeace, Amnesty, IMF etc. A must read for Hindus & HINOs alike. Those who do give this eye-opener(for those who still live & want to live in some fool's paradise)  a miss are not concerned about their own future , children & subsequent generations for posterity.
Read every word carefully. Even NaMo is not spared from criticism for his flaws in understanding abrahamic virulence though the author is clear that currently only he is the bulwark against the abrahamic infestation . The author has rightly explained that secularism is nothing but absolutely Christian and is its socio-political arm,the other arm being church. And she has coined the perfect term: Generic Church. Read to open your eyes, and minds if possible.


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