Seculib Bhodrolok paradox in at least one of many facets is like that of Germany/Scandinavia: not begetting enough progenies yet wish to continue with a particular lifestyle thus not only dependent upon but also demanding more of immigrations. End is nigh. It goes without saying: most immigrants are Muslims, both legal & illegal. Curiously here, Momota Bee & the PMs(equivalents)of Germany/Scandinavia are female & childless.
Now look into this which triggered the comparison of Waste Bengal with the decadent European countries. This happened to an extent in Assam too which is probably irreversible now. In our context we've focussed only on the near/below replacement level fertility rate coupled with an easy-going no-risk-taking and minimal-responsibilities, "liberal/rebel", purposeless, hedonistic & soporific lifestyle. What governments should've and could've done is obviously the bigger parts of this jigsaw puzzle.
Above link is to a highest level report by Assam Governor,1998,illegal infiltrn into Assam: exhaustive, critical & alarming. That was then. Now the Waste Bengal Governor,though not with a report from his office, has raised similar concerns for the state that it's on the path of Assam as illegal infiltrations keep going on unabated and that the demographic changes might become irreversible. History repeats itself,first as a tragedy and later as a farce, and those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.
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