गुरुवार, 3 मार्च 2016

The abrahamic war on Sanskrit, not mere battle.

All of the "Indology" studies have traditionally been staged, orchestrated & directed from the abrahamic West. Post Cold War the HQ is USA. This brazen & wanton distortion of knowledge & history is going on unabated, a highlight from the California state: erase India, Indian Subcontinent, Hinduism.. and replace with non-specific yet motivated jargons from the CIA(or deptt of state, official policy) like South Asia etc.

In our truncated BhAratavarSha there's never been dedicated study of our own history, culture, religion & civilization from our own PoV. Whatever is currently taught here in the Endian universities can be broadly divided into German(19thC), Brit(19th-20th C), Soviet(Cold War) & US(post CW) colonial abrahamic propaganda. We either toe their line(s) or debate/research according to their narrative without even being aware of it. The West has insipiently "established the fact that India/Hindus no longer have saMskrita scholars/experts and the knowledge of the language is saved by the Western experts".

Now almost all the Indians/HINOs/Chindus believe in this and those who don't know the dEvabhAShA at all believe in the propaganda even more. No surprises a mlechCha is now being hailed by dharmadrOhins as the foremost exponent of saMskrita. This should not be seen in isolation. Refer to "Indology". that's where from our side the roles of the gov't & billionaires come in just as it's happening in the mlechCha world. Individual efforts would prove ineffective eventually.

Our dharmAchAryas of all saMprdAyas ought to come together on a single common platform and start our side of fight in this war imposed upon us by the evil, devilish satanic abrahamics led by the corpse-cultists of anglosphere. This is where we need open & wholehearted support of the राज्य and the भामाशाह~s. But I fear our gov't might take a clue from the sepoy NRNM instead & start supplicating to the mlechChas in this regard..and those with deep pockets who could & should play the role of benefactors are either HINOs or Chindus.

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