रविवार, 20 दिसंबर 2015

Historian sepoys galore

The BJP has always had an intellectual deficit: Sanjay Subrahmanyam -


He's the son of the noted strategic analyst K Subramanyam and the brother of the current Foreign Secretary of India, S Jaishankar. Yet one can notice his vituperative, virulent and vitriolic anti-Hindu, anti-Modi stance. He at an early age received full professorship at UK, chaired various Indology seats in UK & now USA; is married to a French leftist historian. His trails reflect his anti-Hinduness, he's an adopted child of the mlechCha anglosphere deep state.

He's been interviewed by SagarikaGhose a notorious & rabid anti-Hindu crypto Xtian for the TOI_let paper, a subversive insipient anti-Hindu outlet, a gutter which today published an op-ed trash by Aakar Ahmed Patel(he hides Ahmed fastidiously) that the Peshwa Bajirao was a Maratha chieftain nothing to do with Hindus..! Coming back to this Sanjay fella: in his interview he has choicest of abuses thrown at Hindus and has the galls to call himself a thinker and intellectual. This is a classic meme repeated ad nauseum best exemplified by Amartya Sen et al who married into western elite and benefitting from them dare preach us.

Even Modi govt has hired Panagariya as econ advisor who's one such crypto Xtian married to a western elite and adopted by the mlechcHa anglosphere deep state. But yes this Sanjay is partially right about BJP/RSS not promoting true intellectuals, he means leftist corporatist seculibs and we mean real Hindutvawadis like SRG, RSG, KE et al(list is long but never utilised).

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