As we've always insisted BJP/RSS are grossly incompetent and utterly naive imbeciles when it comes to handling political aspect of administration. We've always insisted that unless and until BJP/RSS officially recruits/appoints/anoints own cadres/supporters/voters in govt/constitutional posts and kicks out unceremoniously the secular/abrahamic/traitorous appointees the national discourse will never change for good and the Hindu nationalist cause will never be served.
To rub salt into the wounds the BJP/RSS whenever comes to power works against the interests of govt employees many times over again.
This is one the major reasons BJP never gets reelected in central govt whosoever be the leader at helm or whether alone or in a coalition.
मात्र उपरोक्त स्थिति ही नहीं राष्ट्रीय राजधानी में लगभग सभी महत्त्वपूर्ण सरकारी/अर्धसरकारी पदों पर सेकुलरवादी/अब्रह्मिक पिट्ठू फन मारे कुंडली जमाये हैं। उन्हें हटाने का क्या? अब एक साल हो चला है किंतु राष्ट्रवादी विचारधारा का कोई प्रतिनिधित्व ही नहीं हैं।यह वस्तुस्थिति धरातल से बता रहे हैं कोई सुनीसुनाई हवा नहीं। आपको नहीं समझना हो तो भक्ति की धूनी जमाइये। हम स्वयं सरकार या संसद अथवा दल में पीठासीन नहीं किंतु इसका तात्पर्य यह नहीं कि अपनी ही सरकार को चेताया नहीं जाये।
Nobody asking to quick fix centuries old problems. The issue raised here is what is the SOP or MO of the Hindu nationalist gov't to tackle the problem. One cannot fight the enemies by relying upon their appointees, plain & simple. And anyways, to win a war and not just a few battles(winning election was a battle) you've to have your own ideological brothers in arms at all points & places. Period.
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