Our bhAratIya languages/cultures too,apart from religion/faith, need safeguards from the genocidal abrahamic/Western cultural aggressions & invasions. The issue of Assam here is deliberately being confabulated by abrahamicising(islamicising to be specific in the garb of secularism) its long standing exclusively dhArmika identity.
The biggest defining identity of a culture/society in bhArata is not ethnic stock(Colonial hangover) but language and culture. Assamese,Bengali,Maithili & Oriya are branches from the same stem of prAkrita. Ahom-Tai just adopted it. And religion is mandatory in ascertaining a culture.
A Muslim Bengali-speaker can never be an Assamese hosowever justified by putrid arguments. Though Bengali and Assamese are sister languages and cultures the question of Assamese identity would not have arisen if not for the heavy Muslim infiltration from Bangladesh. There's a hell lot of difference between Bengali Muslim and Bengali Hindu or else there wouldn't have been partition just like Punjabi speaking Muslims kicked out same language speaking Hindu/Sikhs.
Nothing is static: anthropology,religion or language and thus culture. They evolve. Anthropology,but, has never been the cornerstone of defining identity in bhArata. Its always been language and religion. This anthropology nonsense has been used to its hilt in NE and South India especially TN to divide and balkanise bhAratavarsha. Idiotic arguments by colonial stooges who want to divide bhArata don't deserve merit. Just because someone has a surname Gogoi he can claim that Assamese history starts with only immigrants from SE Asia 700 years ago(which though true is exaggerated to appropriate the entire past). LOL! Anthropology(turned into pseudoscience by colonials abrahamics) alone is scientific and very scientific that linguistics and religion have no role in defining a culture??!! Get lost you Abrahamic stooges. Only vested interest is of yours who want Assam to be usurped by abrahamics and divided between Muslims and Christians. Traitors.
And no discussion is possible when the Axomiya themselves can not accept the fact that Maithili,Assamese,Bengali & Oriya are sister languages. British agents and Macaulayites are those who say that Assamese is separate. This was the reason their anti-Bangladeshi movement turned into anti-India terrorist separatism and now they idiotically want to cohabit with Bangladeshi Muslims & christianised hordes calling them Assamese. Shame!!
Bengali and Assamese being sister languages doesn't translate into Bengali Muslims be accepted as Assamese. Bengali Muslims are enemies of even Bengali Hindus. Bengali & Assamese sister relation doesn't automatically or necessarily translate into Bengali hegemony, Orissa & Eastern Bihar(mithila) almost never felt so or grew out of those sentiments/phase with time.
Assamese leadership under the influence of colonial Abrahamic masters cheated the common Assamese people by equating Bengali Muslim infiltration with purported Bengali(Hindu) hegemony and directed it against our common shared bhAratIya identity.
Don't know whether to cry or laugh on this.. "NE was never part of bhArata as per archaeological dept. go ask them".."around 1920 gandhiji came to asam first"!! And how did you come to have sanskrita names of people & places??Aryan invasion?? Phew!! Pity you as how even Hindus could be brainwashed into being enemies of their own rAShTra. Not so hard to understand but can't help the cowards who behave like dodos at best, ostriches when normal and snakes at their worst of course. There'll be never a shockingly first or disgustingly unique Abrahamic-slave Assamese who pretends to be a true Axomiya. We can only sympathise with them because they and their quisling leadership got sold out to anti-Axom, anti-dharma & anti-bhArata forces and now have no option but to happily accept the slaughter of theirs by the abrahamics.
While our strategy should aim for exterminating our civilizational enemies we're confabulating to self that peaceful coexistence is way out. Only when we realise absolutely that we can never coexist with those who seek our extermination can we fight for our survival & attempt to finish them off or else we're doomed forever.
Assam is the perfect example of what the entire bhAratavarsha could be facing in very near future if Hindus keep themselves trapped in self induced deep slumber.
Go through this link to see the post and comments thereof to know how anti dharma and anti bhArata have the Hindus themselves of Assam have become thanks to persistent abrahamic onslaught on all fronts.---
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