There's a lot of obvious/subconscious pressure on descendants of sanAtana dhArmika people (also known as Hindus) to conform to or accept monotheism ie worship of so called 'One God'.
Since early youth till this day personally i have been (will use the rigid western terms) a polytheist, then an agnostic, then an atheist, then an agnostic again nowadays, have no problems with animism & can be said to bear an inclination towards pantheism. Increasingly, I feel even better & prouder as a sanAtanI.
All the while I've evolved with better & greater understanding of our faith,religion,spirituality & heritage, yet i remain a tiny dwarf who will need many lives to truly realise the mysteries of existence and higher supernatural being(s), if any.
It really surprises me till no end and makes me feel pity the thinking of all monotheistic people,& such people themselves who have practically no knowledge of anything spiritual, temporal, secular or scientific in world either championing the cause of monotheism or perpetuating guilt-consciousness about non-monotheism.
upanishads summarise this eternal query as 'neti neti' when pursuing the quest of divinity. It means 'not even that, not even that'. Readers are encouraged to read this & explore on their own.
If people think worshipping 'many gods' is wrong or bad then none are greater fools than such people who dogmatically worship 'One God Only'(in whatever form/formless) & justify it(irrespective of religion/faith) without even using a nanogram of their 'God'-gifted brains.
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