बुधवार, 16 जुलाई 2014

How good friend is Israel of ours?

When I was much younger I used to blindly support Israel especially it as our best friend. But no support should be blind as it should be. Gradually I came to know hitherto lesser publicised knowledge about Judaism ie Jewish religion. And since then it dawned upon me that the fountainhead of the evil cult of Semitic monotheism is that very precursor of all abrahamic cults.
What Israel is doing is worth to emulate but they're doing it for their own safety & existence. We shouldn't go gaga over that! Even if Israel is our friend we should always be looking over our shoulders to ensure no one is on our heels.
We too are heathen pagans for them and better we keep this in our mind.
Many would not be aware of the parabolic racism they've been institutionalising in India.
They've successfully brainwashed over last 6 decades thousands of ethnic Mizo & Manipuri tribals that they're one of the 'lost 12 tribes of ancient Israel' called Bene Menashe and lured them into emigrating to Israel as is their policy.

I would be asked what's wrong with that. The wrong is that this baseless propaganda has made last two generations of tribals in Mizoram,Manipur & Nagaland believe in a fictional myth of their ancient judeo-christian(abrahamic) heritage. Which actually never existed but nonetheless has fostered bitter anti-India insurgency with terrorism based on a separate identity and fuelled with the money of pro-Zionism proselytising American churches, activity of whom is an open secret. Not to mention this decades long insurgency has given access to communist China and now of course Pakis too in our neglected neverland of northeast, another open secret.

And this was just about the NE. In J&K too they've been active on the same abrahamic racist lines though not with much success apart from other parts of our country. Their extremely special interest in our aforesaid geostrategic areas is not beyond reproach. And is/are someone else behind them? But none in the authorities seems to be concerned.

Be strong O dhArmikas for only the strong one who can hurt is feared..



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