रविवार, 27 सितंबर 2015

Murderous assault by state on Hindu sant-sadhus.

Posted this on Facebook on 23/09/2015.

My blood is boiling. Was shocked with disbelief watching the Jyotishpeeth Shankaracharya designate Dandin Swami Avimukteshvarananda Saraswati Ji being thrashed mercilessly by secular police.. Cannot express more.. Shaking with unspeakable fury.. And this happened in the PM constituency almost a day ago..! O Hindus do NOT let this unpardonable deed go unpunished!! 


Hindu sant-sadhus incl mahamandaleshvars being thrashed on Varanasi streets by "brave & obedient" secular police. Shame on those whom we elected with absolute majority & made them "rulers" of bhArata while they let Hindu sadhu-sant lathicharged by police. Sadhu-sant incl mahamandaleshvars and even Shankaracharya designate of Jyotishpeeth were brutally lathicharged by police at midnight. Who's responsible?MSY or his newfound dost NM? Shocked, Angry and disgusted to the core!! How dare police wantonly thrash Hindu sadhu-sants chasing them on streets? Dare touch any Muslim?

दण्डिन् स्वामी श्री श्री अविमुक्तेश्वरानन्द सरस्वती जी को पुलिस ने लक्ष्य कर के बुरी तरह पीटा किंतु गुरु जी स्थितप्रज्ञ रहे,दूसरों को बचाते रहे और धर्म के ब्रह्मदण्ड को गिरने नहीं दिया। ऐसे ॠषि मुनि जन से ही धर्म टिका हुआ है। आपको असंख्य शंख साष्टांग प्रणाम। 

Let's pulverise the medical doctors.

As dengue claims lives furthermore the people are clamouring for the lives of doctors..beating them up almost all over the country. But none from the public dares touch the municipal/civic/gov't workers & officials who are actually and factually accountable as well as directly responsible for the dengue epidemic.

How the heck doctors are responsible for dengue?????!!!!!Dengue epidemic has happened because mosquitoes are breeding and biting unbridled. Who's responsible? Doctors..or govt or municipal agencies or the politicians? Dengue is just an example. People know who's the punching bag, the easy target who cannot,in fact can never ever, hit back at them. Why not dare thrash & beat up civic/municipal/govt officials and netalog? "Poor and innocent hapless" people know its consequences and thus their asses don't bolt away from their stables.

Just like when people are shot,knifed or become road traffic accident victims or consume adulterated alcohol to die or any disaster happens and then thrash the doctors but dare not touch the police, municipalities, administration, politicians and their own ilk for these deaths. They know they'll pay for it through their noses with their own blood.And let's be frank, at least in Delhi, our dear BJP cannot escape blame as all the municipal corporations are solely under its dispensation; howmuchsoever they try blaming the rival political parties.

And pause and think: बच्चियाँ मरवाना क्या अल्ट्रासाउण्ड मशीन आने के पश्चात् और वह भी डॅाक्टरों ने आरंभ करवाया??? डॅाक्टरों के पास लिंग निर्धारण व गर्भपात का "अनुरोध" कौन लेकर आता है और उन "भोलेभाले" नागरिकों के लिये किस दण्ड का प्रावधान है जो मूलतः तथा वस्तुतः कन्या हत्या करवाते हैं????

रविवार, 20 सितंबर 2015

Fundamental difference between Abrahamics and us.

Abrahamic dogmas viz Judaism, Christianity, Islam and their subsects, might apparently fight amongst themselves but all of them acknowledge, respect & adhere to their monotheistic calumny and messianic/prophetic mythology considering them as sacrosanct beyond question and immutable. With the internecine fight being only about who's the perfect Abrahamic. Thus they're all united against the goyim/heathens/kuffar and throughout history they've practiced that. 

While on the contrary the different dhArmika/Indic/Iranic religions,except "Hinduism" have a common thread which binds them together and that is rejecting & denouncing the vEda & vaidika dEva~s/dharma. The foremost example being zarthruShTravAda and the latest being Sikhi(ism) interspersed with many extinct and extant religions which attacked the foundations of the perdurable sanAtana dharma and the divine eternal shrauta-smArta mArga with varying ferocity and even contemptuous disgust.
End result is there for everyone to see. No further elaboration required.

The cauldron of Malaysia,an example for Hindus

Malaysia has only 55% Muslims and 35% of its population is not even native to Malayan archipelago. Now Indya can learn from Malaysia as an example worth emulating how to disenfranchise, marginalise & disincentivise the minorities in favour of Bhumiputras. All this is happening in Malaysia flagrantly in the face of world community with Malaysia being championed as a multi-cultural and even a secular nation. If we do not do to abrahamics and anti-Hindus what Malaysia has done to Hindus and non-Malayan non-Muslims the day is not far when we'll become next Malaysia or actually far worse than it.


रविवार, 6 सितंबर 2015

What's the significance of military to a civilisation.

First things first:
(1) Soldiering is not a job, both ArmedForces(AFs) as well as Central Paramilitary Forces(CPMFs) ie Central Armed Police Forces ie Gendarmerie,
(2)- AFs (except the quasi-dual-command CoastGuard) are a Brit legacy while all of the CPMFs (except the dual-command AssamRifles,circa1890s, & the CRPF,1939) were formed much late after partition, well post 1962(humiliating debacle) & 1965 wars. Brits(not always wrong) rightly knew that soldiers should not be just kept content but deserve special privileges for an onerous task which entails incomparable sacrifices. Our seculib democratic nehruvian republic wanted the AFs to be disbanded completely while wanted to keep CPMFs only to supplement the state polices: thus all the pay/perks of the AFs were gradually withdrawn/diminished whilst the CPMFs were deliberately not given anything "special" comparable to the AFs from the very outset.

Whatever might be said/debated the undeniable fact remains that soldiering (AFs/CPMFs) must be heavily compensated exceeding other services as the very existence of any state/civilisation is dependent finally & critically upon its military(& paramilitary/gendarmerie). Be it the Nanda empire & its successor Mauryas or the much later Guptas or the great Mongols or even the non-imperialist mercantile Novgorod Republic of the Hansa League or the Tsars or colonial Brits or USA or the Soviets or Communist China or modern Turkey or Ottoman Turkey or the Imperial Japan or Manchu China or even our contemporary states of Israel or France or Mexico or Chile... Those who ignore this do this at their own peril and in fact do not deserve to exist as a state/civilisation.

शुक्रवार, 4 सितंबर 2015

Hindus need high TFR and it does not mean poverty.

It's only in the mind. Having less babies is in part indirectly enforced upon Hindus by the state and the rest is our own construct. Having more babies does not mean poverty. Mormons in US have the highest TFR as well as the one of the highest socioeconomic indices. Ultra-Orthodox Jews straightaway demand the state to fund their children's upbringing while secular Jews earn their own livelihood in Israel. Amish & Memonites in Americas have a decent HDI and a very high TFR. Poverty has got nothing to do with high TFR or lack of education. And all these groups mentioned here are fastidiously adherent to their faith(s).

Its the ignorance, complacence, aloofness & selfishness which has crept into Hindus which makes us suicidally think that having a large family will make us poor and disinterested in Hinduism. Small family norm is such a big failure that countries like Russia, China, Iran & Japan are staring into demographic implosion barely able to revert back. And its a seculib myth that India cannot sustain a large population. Many highly developed countries with respective populations in multiples of crores and population densities comparable to or much way higher than bhArata's exist and thrive in much better way than us: Japan, Netherlands, Taiwan, Germany, Italy, UK, Singapore. The question is not numbers but how to manage the numbers.

In Goa Hindus produced so many children that in a century it became a Hindu majority state from being a Xtian majority one! In Kerala idiot Hindus not producing enough kids are now below 50% for the first time in history in the state while Muslims/Xtians in baby boom mode haven't got any poorer. In J&K the KPs were not producing enough kids ever since Maharaja Gulab Singh's days consequences of which they suffered after 150 years. In Waste Bengal & Assam Muslim childbirth is still a bigger contributor than illegal infiltration. Manipur Hindus not producing enough kids while hill tribal Xtians have a better TFR. And in civilizational existential war who'll fight for our existence if not our youth? No beating about bushes here.

Fully agree with employing conversions as a major strategy but worldover throughout history conversions have succeeded with institutionalised back up and state/theocracy support supplemented with violent bullying, mass murders, ethnic cleansing & genocides which happens even in our NE where paradoxically the secular state abets & encourages these systematically suppressing the Hindus & native religions. While child-bearing & procreating takes only social/individual awareness and is easily done without much state/organised support. This is the simple modus operandi employed by all the "minority" groups to become majority and it has never failed on itself. As exemplified above. We've never deemed as unimportant the strategy of conversions to Hinduism. Emphasis is on procreation as an easier, smoother, timetested and steadily incremental method to increase our numbers.

Major civilisations died out or got defeated by invaders/monotheism not because they were technologically/militarily weaker/laggards but because they were not producing enough kids and were indulging in hedonism and self-indulgence. Roman empire is the biggest and most stark example of such a great self-made tragedy. When they were invaded by barbarians and inundated with christians the Romans just couldn't match up in numbers and to worsen, hasten and catalyse their demise the bulk of Roman system now comprised of non-Roman origin people who were serving the legions as well as tilling the lands. It cannot be overemphasised that all methods & strategies ought to be employed to increase our numerical strength and foremost and most reliable of them is making more babies. We would be happier if Hindu laity is encouraged either ways to get in the act : procreation and conversions, and take up the cudgels to save our existence as a civilization.

गुरुवार, 3 सितंबर 2015

pranAma to a truly great karmayOgin, our contemporary dadhIchi.

Many Hindus, even those active on SM,do not know yet about a great karmayOgi of our times who singlehandedly created an intellectual platform to counter the anti-Hindu pseudo-intellectual and viciously powerful adhArmika forces. Having sacrificed almost everything he left his "job"/"business" and put his entire amount of personal savings and family life into raising the now superstrong edifice which greatly provides an effective bulwark against our enemies and has taken the fight into the abrahamic territory itself raising heckles and creating panic in our enemies' camps. Our intellectual warriors now with greater force and better results avail of this rock solid firmament that is #IndiaFacts and our venerable karmayOgin is shrI #SandeepBalakrishna of Bengaluru.  Once again we applause his yeoman's service to Hindutva and his exemplary, inspirational and superhuman efforts to save dharma and rAShTra braving the fire of abrahamics, we salute him and wish the very best in his endeavour and that may he enjoy a long, healthy & successful life. We're with him.

May his Himalayan enterprise #IndiaFacts grow by leaps & bounds with our help and help destroy our enemies forever. He is on Facebook and Twitter as well. May indra's mighty vajra be with him and all such Hindu efforts. We Hindus should be eternally thankful to such mahAtmans who like r^iShi dadhIchi dedicate their lives for dharma. Names of such nAyakas will be written boldly in gold when we Hindus write our own history and that'll only happen when we annihilate as well as exterminate forever our enemies. And to achieve this Pyrrhic victory victory we too need to make sacrifices like Sandeep ji and his ilk and if needed attain vIragati too. Lets join our minds and hold our hands together chanting in resonant unison our vaidika mantra to return to the harmonious, synergistic, glorious and victorious ways of prakr^iti and the dEvas:
संगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं संवोमनांसि जानताम्।
देवाभागं यथापूर्वे संजानानां उपासते॥

मंगलवार, 1 सितंबर 2015

Who destroyed our forests & wildlife?

Foreign invaders and alien rulers have been the biggest cause and reason behind the huge unsalvageable loss of flora and fauna in bhAratavarSha. Abrahamic dogma of not recognising ancestors, not believing in children being continuation of own life and rejecting reincarnation thus knowing about only one life which in turn is in the hands of some mono-god makes the abrahamics zealot exploitators of nature as theirs is the only one life they know before and beyond which they neither have any accountability nor any responsibility. And we are witness to wanton destruction of our nature and ecosystem.

Here are two contemporary paintings.

1- Rhinoceroses were abundantly found till Afghanistan but were hunted down till extinction. Babur hunting rhinos around Khyber pass.
2- Jahangir with his entourage hunting down plethora of species: Rhinos, Antelopes, Lions, Leopards, Birds..

Why our angst..

Most Hindus and all HINOs who happen to be on FB in our friend list might not like our approach, angst and attitude. Cannot help it as all those arise out of the helplessness & frustration originating from our own deracination and uprooting from dharma, samAja, saMskriti and rAShTra and thus suffering the multifarious innumerable consequences thereof which Hindus almost never realise/acknowledge. But we retain somehow the insight which keeps sparking and enables us to see, feel and realise the otherwise avoidable/extinguishable yet impending doom and forthcoming apocalypse which our Hindu race might face and suffer if we do not introspect, learn, do course correction and set out to defend our truly great civilisation: in all territories, from all directions, fighting tooth & nail, with all our resources and at all costs for the very sake and existence of our children and their children till posterity, at the very least. Victory is the only option and the civilisational existential war will neither be initiated by us nor be precipitated by our deeds but will be thrusted upon us as it has happened umpteen times in past. But this one will be absolutely different. It'll be complete annihilation: either us or them, because the prEta & pishAchas of various mlechCha yavana lineages have joined forces with explicit intent of our extermination. Those Hindus who understand, accept and realise this only can be helpful in lending a helping hand to save their progenies and future.