गुरुवार, 11 फ़रवरी 2016

Jihadi/Jinnah Naxal University

In any sane,normal & regular country JNU,HCU, OU, AMU, JU, JMI, MU, FTII, XLRI et al would've been shut down and even demolished long ago with their faculty as well as students rotting in jails and/or be executed for subterfuge,treachery and sedition. There're more than enough laws even in our copied & borrowed one lawbook.

Pertinently & poignantly enough, our honourable highest seat of law is very much concerned about 50% of population ie females(cf places of Hindu worship). That makes but less than 38% of India. How about the high pedestal worrying about the 100% by doing something on the rampant & flagrant anti-national, secessionist, treacherous, seditious, illegal & anti-constitution activities running amok in the name of liberalism, secularism (inserted illegally & unconstitutionally in the constitution itself), dissent & FOE/FOS..that too from the nooks & corners of the national capital itself at a stone's throw away from the hallowed precincts of the honourable SC itself, again! Only if the country remains intact could the hapless Hindu women be given any equality, there will be no egalitarianism in a balkanised Endia. Just look at the terrorist states of Pak & BD.

Will Saudi Barbaria, United Barbarian Emirates,& the United States of Armies(Inc.) attack/invade us if Endia govt dares act against jihadi/seculibs here? If the GoI doesn't exterminate traitors now aforesaid might happen soon as abrahamics go beyond control; mere excuse,a fabricated one, will do.
But as we always insist BJP is a retarded party. It is dithering & vacillating with pusillanimity when offered on a platter an enviable opportunity to start cleansing of Endia to at least make it India if not BhArata.How seculib gang would react shouldn't preclude the gov't action against treachery, secession & sedition, that too in the capital itself frank, open & spitting in gov't mouth! There's nothing called ideal situation. Recall how PVNR ji rescued the country from brink of fragmentation(I'm not talking of economy) despite never having majority in LS or RS for 5 years. Rather than elaborating I'd give a hint.. Recall how elections in Panjab were organised after 6 years of Prez rule..how much was voting %..and how the terror issue was handled from Delhi itself..including reinducting retd IPS as DG with more than full powers.

Footnote: Though not a positive figure in toto, Indira ought to be credited with to storm the then Khalistani HQ,though military tactics were not all right. When will JNU meet the same fate?

A revisit:- An article written four months ago,a slightly unconventional take on the Jihadi Naxal University: 
// JNU, long live the "revolution", comrade! //

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