शुक्रवार, 26 जून 2015

Menage de trois in West Asia. Israel-USA-KSA...and..

Two good articles which dare to discuss the ugly bond between Israel & Saudi Arabia.
Though claiming neutrality the authors still betray their American Christian leanings and yet fail to mention the menage de trois of Israel-USA-KSA.

Coming back to the Israel-KSA adulterous affair three things are of significance:
१) No one is permanent enemy in geopolitics as till 1990s Iran and Israel were very chummy & pally and that relation braved through Shah,Revolution and Iran-Iraq war.
२) Israel either had something to do with 911 complicit with KSA or Israel hid a lot from US even when it independently came to know  a lot about it.
३) ISIS is a bastard of Israel & Saudis with USA being the matchmaker as well as the surrogate and Turkey & Qatar chipping in as midwife & nanny.

Those who are confused and/or do not know should find that "Wahhabi" Islam & "Ultra-Orthodox" Judaism are almost the same except for difference in names. Add to it the various Baptists & "born again" Christianity and Zionist Christianity of the US. All of these together want to redraw world's borders starting with West Asia in a savage zeal to fulfill their respective abrahamic "prophesies & eschatology".



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