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●*Anonymous- would like to know what u meant by ur comment: lady with multiple partners?
which lady u were mentioning. being a hindu... if i would have to talk abt mary .... i would not talk like this. there is sense of respect for women in our religion...
the way i saw many nationalists these days.
u guys are proving that u are no better than islamists.
*मित्र वरुण- Please read about Yeshua Ben Pandhera, the Jewish canonical description of Jesus and the account of his birth which is described thus. This has nothing to do with demeaning womanhood. Facts as represented in the abrahamic Scriptures themselves.
●*Anonymous- yes... they will start mentioning mahabharat n mistreat kunti and droupadi. Is that gud enough to talk like that? anyways... why should i feel bad abt all the women in the world.
*मित्र वरुण- They've been doing that but we never retaliated.
●*Anonymous- i think i should feel happy that my hindu bros are respecting us hindu women that is enough isn't it! yeah... end of the day ...what u dis....u have followed them.
*मित्र वरुण- Anyways my point was not her chastity per se but to dismiss the purported divine origin of the fraudster.
●*Anonymous- did mary claimed any godhood? Wasn't she just a woman?
*मित्र वरुण- shaThe shaTham samAcharet.
*मित्र वरुण- It was she who told Joseph that the holy spirit visited her. Yes.
●*Anonymous- i didn't know that. still... aren't many of us name our kids by god's name.
*मित्र वरुण- Godhood was of course bestowed upon her by church for obvious reasons.
●*Anonymous- saying that we dreamt of so n so god n we got this kid kinda stuff. this thing is always disturbing.
*मित्र वरुण- In Hindu theology & history people accept that ,eg., kuntI had one time relation with a God each. We do not cover it up but respect her for that. In fact she, draupadI & ahalya are one of the reverred paNchakaMnyA.
●*Anonymous- my question to u is very simple.i have faced it in different grps. How can we question them when we start talking abt women like this?
either we should give up talking abt women at all.
*मित्र वरुण- That's not simple to answer but sure we can criticise their clergy & church etc who not only abused the women but hid it and the ugliness by deifying them.
●*Anonymous- we have duryodhana who ripped of dignity from droupadi... he said same thing abt her............... aren't we same race.
*मित्र वरुण- Women or men, none can escape historical scrutiny. Men are subjected to even worse examination. While Muhammad is rightly called a sex pervert , Jesus is justifiably called a maniac with sexual immaturity/dysfunction.
●*Anonymous- u sound right there...
may be i can't appreciate when any one abt a mother
even if it is mother of jesus or mother of prophet neither i prefer to talk abt any such issues abt men too.
*मित्र वरुण- There's no comparison between draupadI and Mary by any means at all. Duryodhana did it with ill motive and was punished in his lifetime along with being reviled till date because draupadI's acts were on the orders & blessings of her elders and sanctified by tradition & shAstra which were defiled by duryodhana.
●*Anonymous- issue is not abt their chastity at all. i simply felt bad when i read that one of my friend's can talk disrespectfully abt a woman. this i am not being a feminist nazi here.
*मित्र वरुण- Yes. The issue is she was neither a virgin nor was truthful to her spouse and for such crimes their holy Scriptures recommend death by stoning. That's the faultline we never exploit.